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Judy Byington: Red Dawn December, EBS, Buckle UP, Banks Failing, Be Ready! It's Happening NOW! Special Intel Report Sun. 3 Dec 2023 (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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As we know, Judy’s sources request that she doesn’t share Intel on Sundays.. So there’s a very informative week in review.. 

So far we know:

My Fellow Americans,
The Time Has Come.
The Storm Is Upon Us!

Judy Note: Don’t Let Truth Offend You, Let It Change You.


Rumored Timeline:

  • Fri. 1 Dec. on the Q Clock, Charlie Freak: When the countdown completed itself on Q Official today Wed. 29 Nov, it immediately switched to a New Screen, with new wording: 30 Hours Remaining (to Fri. 1 Dec.). It’s Happening. Six O’ Clock is Dangerous. Nothing Stop This!!! Panic.
  • By Sat. 2 Dec. Worldwide Sky Event Green Light Two Days …Q on Wed. 29 Nov. 2023
  • First Week in December: Trump will be back according to a Military Contact.
  • At some point Project Odin Begins: Starlink EBS Active, X, New Financial System, 10 Day Movie, New Currency Rates effective, Trump Return.
  • Before Christmas Dec. 2023 Med Beds Announced: The Holiday Miracle: Med Beds Set to Be Revealed This December – Get Ready for a Health Revolution! – Gazetteller We’re on the brink of witnessing an unprecedented leap in medical science, an evolution so significant that our current healthcare systems will be rendered antiquated overnight. An individual’s journey, soon to be live-streamed for all to see, will invite us to witness their first step into the facility and the triumphant exit, garbed in clothes of their choosing, courtesy of a replicator post-treatment.
  • On Mon. 1 Jan. all gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.
  • In three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.
  • 2030 was the timing goal for the Deep State Cabal to have their Digital ID Great Reset of non-asset-backed currency in place so they could have power over the Peoples of the World through controlling individual bank accounts, what people can spend and what they can spend it on.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Wed. 29 Nov. 2023 Wolverine: Updated information on International Transactions of Securities, Promissory Notes, Cash and Assets. Reno released the funds on Tues. 28 Nov. and were available at midnight Wed. 29 Nov. Payments in Reno began Thurs. 30 Nov. and will continue on Friday 1 Dec. All other platforms will start over the weekend. …It’s exciting times, guys. This is real and not a rumor, or BS. Reno has started. Tomorrow will be opera time and tomorrow is party time.
  • Thurs. 30 Nov. Mike Bara: Bond holders just got calls to verify their bank account information for payment.
  • Thurs. 30 Nov. MarkZ: “Bond people have been told to have all their information updated by 3pm EST Thurs. 30 Nov….The tip from Mike Bara RV was that his bond people told him the RV will arrive by Friday 1 Dec.”
  • Thurs. 30 Nov. Bruce: Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) exchanges were supposed to start on Fri. 1 Dec. Notification to Bond Holders were going out Thurs. night 30 Nov. and they should have access tomorrow on Fri. 1 Dec. Yesterday Wed. 29 Dec. Rates on Dinar and Dong were put out on Redemption Center screens that were terrific and they were even higher today. It is important that you set your appointment through an 800 number and go to a Redemption Center to exchange. The rates at the Redemption Center were much higher (as many as four time higher) than they were at the bank.
  • Wed. 29 Nov. TNT Call: Iraqis were at banks opening accounts and getting electronic cards. The Three letter agencies are still saying the approval has been given and they are working it through the system and it could happen any minute between now and the end of the month Thurs. 30 Nov.
  • Tues. 28 Nov. Bruce: Currency dealers will be changing their currency rates Wed. 28 Nov. night after midnight. A top Wells Fargo Bank source said Tier4b would be exchanging by Thurs. 30 Nov. of this week. Another source said Tier4b would be exchanging on Thurs. 30 Nov. On Wed. 29 Nov. the Sovereigns and Chinese Elders will be paid (starting overnight Tues. into Wed. overnight). Depending on how that goes will determine when Tier4b will be notified to set appointments. Restitution and Reclamation Allowances (in a lump sum payment) and a significant increase in Social Security starts the first week of Dec. for ages 62 and over. NESARA came in on Thanksgiving night 11-23-2023 at 11:11pm.
  • Thurs. 30 Nov. American Patriot on Telegram: QFS: Many of the major corporations around the world have already begun the process of interfacing their networks together on the QFS.  As Protocol 20 continues to test its system with these new technologies connecting to one another, we will witness an explosion of new services available to us on January 30th, 2024 providing the vote to move forward with Protocol 20 is agreed upon.

Global Financial Crisis:

Thurs. 30 Nov. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#, 667-770-1865

Worldwide Sky Event
Green Light
Two Days
…Q on Wed. 29 Nov. 2023

Joe & Hunter Biden’s corruption is so obvious that only a Democrat could refuse to see it.

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential items on hand for your family and to share with others.

“You Raise Me Up To Be More Than I Can Be”
Bing Videos

Judy Note: Important message from Charlie Freak: When the countdown completed itself on Q Official today Wed. 29 Nov, it immediately switched to a New Screen, with new wording:

30 Hours Remaining.
It’s Happening.
Six O’Clock is Dangerous.
Nothing Stop This!!!

Then just a few minutes ago, a Second New Screen:

26 Hours Remaining.
It’s Happening.
Direct Hit Nine. Eight–Again Again.
Look to the Sky.

Colleen and I were called. Everything is in Motion. Events have started that cannot be stopped, even where we are in Mexico. Everything at this point is FLUID.

Stay Calm and Stay Alert. The Germantria for Panic is 43. False is 43. What is coming HAD TO BE THIS WAY for the masses, not for you. Everyone has been considered, especially all of you. You are Safe. It is just a movie. Israel was left for last. All False Narratives are now in play.

Other Than the Cabal’s Central Banks That Were Trying To Function On Non-Asset-Backed Digital Currency So They Could Rule the World
Banks Worldwide Were Shutting Down, or Changing to Services Only
In Preparation For A Global Currency Reset
Nothing Can Stop What is Coming (NCSWC)

Judy Note: A Global Financial Crisis was fast on it’s way, even though the Biden Administration keeps touting the “success” of Bidenomics with it’s declining rate of already inflated prices. Americans are realizing that prices have not, and will not, come down. Consumers see this firsthand in the lack of affordable housing, food and gas. The hard facts are that Banks around the Globe are failing, with some locking up personal accounts, credit and debit cards. Real Estate sales were falling on hard times. Bloomberg reports that the cost-of-living squeeze was robbing Americans of 20% of their income — inflation at a rate not seen in 40 years. “Bidenomics isn’t working. It’s bankrupting America,” says Representative Jim Jordan

If you were reading this Update on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.

Judy Note on What We Think We Know as of Tues. 28 Nov. 2023:

  • The Cabal’s Great Reset was dependent upon a country’s acceptance of Central Bank Digital Currencies. These CBDCs were non-asset-backed digital currencies which were programmable and required a digital ID to function. They will enable faceless, unelected technocrats to not only track every single transaction you make, but also to control every aspect of your life, including where you can travel, how you can travel, what you can buy and whether or not you can even buy anything at all.
  • Although the US Congress has declined the Cabal’s use of CBDCs, the agenda for a cashless society marches forward in Australia, paving the way for the introduction of CBDC. The number of [ATM] machines has more than halved, from almost 14,000 back in 2017 to around 6000 in the middle of 2022.
  • On Fri. 17 Nov, the Green Light was turned on for the Global Currency Reset, two days later on Sun. 19 Nov. the new ISO20022 went live, and the next day on Mon. 20 Nov. all banks not compliant began to close with the Federal Reserve out of business on a rollout that would continue until gold/asset backed currencies were fully on line across the Globe on 1 Jan. 2024.


  • Fri. 17 Nov. midnight the Green Light turned on for the Global Currency Reset.
  • Sun. 19 Nov. at 3pm EST the Global Currency Reset and Global Financial System ISO20022 went live.
  • As of Mon. 20 Nov. US Government Bonds were now worthless, the Federal Reserve literally had no monies, any bank not ISO20022 compliant was out of business, resulting in Banks failures Worldwide.
  • A Q Clock on Telegram put up at 4:50 MST on Sun. 26 Nov. stated: Q, Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming,” with a Clock reading 1 day, 18 hours, 19 min, indicating the GCR could happen Wed. morning 29 Nov.
  • At some point Project Odin Begins: Starlink EBS Active, X, New Financial System, 10 Day Movie, New Currency Rates effective, Trump Return.
  • On Mon. 1 Jan. all gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.
  • In three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Texas Snake: “We cannot have two US currencies at the same time, so how do they cover this situation?  They create a meltdown in banking and the Securities Markets. They suspend trading and access to your funds. Then they announce the return to asset backed currencies and direct you to take your currency to your bank to exchange for the new Treasury backed currency. We foreign currency holders will be exchanging at the same time, so not to panic.”
  • Tues. 28 Nov. Bruce: On Wed. 28 Nov. the new Iraqi Dinar Rate will be printed in the Gazette. Currency dealers will be changing their currency rates Wed. 28 Nov. night after midnight. A top Wells Fargo Bank source said Tier4b would be exchanging either Wed. or Thurs. of this week. Another source said Tier4b would be exchanging on Thurs. 30 Nov. On Wed. 29 Nov. the Sovereigns and Chinese Elders will be paid (starting overnight Tues. into Wed. overnight). Depending on how that goes will determine when Tier4b will be notified to set appointments. One Source said that notification for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will come after midnight Wed. night, early Thurs. morning 30 Nov.
  • Nigeria seeks to join BRICS, G20. Nigeria will seek to become a member of the BRICS group within the next two years as part of a new foreign policy drive to make its voice heard in important global organizations. The country’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yusuf Tuggar, said in an interview that the West African country would join any group that is open as long as the intentions are good, well-meaning and clearly defined. “Nigeria has come of age to decide for itself who her partners should be and where they should be, being multiple aligned is in our best interest,” Tuggar said. Separately, Nigerian President Bola Tinubu, who was invited to attend the G20 summit in India in September, has said he will push to join as a permanent member as well.
  • Mon. 27 Nov. Basel III: The End! Redemption News – Exposing the Quantum Finance Structure (QFS) and GESARA’s New Era – Currency Revaluation and Redemption in a Surveillance State – American Media Group (

Tues. 28 Nov. 2023Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#, 667-770-1865

  • ATMs with the new Dinar rate have been placed at the Iraqi Airports.
  • The new Iraqi Dinar coins are minted and will be made available to citizens on Wed. 28 Nov.
  • On Wed. 28 Nov. the new Iraqi Dinar Rate will be printed in the Gazette.
  • Currency dealers will be changing their currency rates Wed. 28 Nov. night after midnight.
  • A top Wells Fargo Bank source said Tier4b would be exchanging either Wed. or Thurs. of this week.
  • Another source said Tier4b would be exchanging on Thurs. 30 Nov.
  • On Wed. 29 Nov. the Sovereigns and the Chinese Elders will be paid (starting overnight Tues. into Wed. overnight). Depending on how that goes will determine when Tier4b will be notified to set appointments.
  • One Source said that notification for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will come after midnight Wed. night, early Thurs. morning 30 Nov.
  • The Admirals Group exchanges were done, but won’t receive liquidity until Tier4b notification.
  • Restitution and Recreation Allowances (a lump sum payment) and a significant increase in Social Security starts the first week of Dec. for ages 62 and over.
  • NESARA came in on Thanksgiving night 11-23-2023 at 11:11pm.
  • President Trump was planning on coming back in the first week of December.

Global Financial Crisis:

Restored Republic:

Tues. 28 Nov. Gateway Pundit:

  • On Mon. 27 Nov. President Trump’s legal team submitted a motion to compel discovery in the Washington DC case in which he is charged with conspiring to overturn the 2020 Presidential Election. Trump’s attorneys state that the case in Washington DC “reflects little more than partisan advocacy designed to sabotage President Trump’s leading campaign for the 2024 Presidential Election.”
  • On October 26th, 2023, Trump’s legal team submitted a Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) Notice and Objection to Unauthorized Deletions of Classified Information objecting to certain redactions in certain classified discovery items: “…the Special Counsel’s Office argued that “the classified discovery issues” in this case are “limited,” “tangential,” “narrow,” and “incidental” because the charges…do not rely on classified materials.” To which Trump’s counsel responded: “…the government appears to have looked with tunnel vision at limited issues it believed were relevant.” and that “The Indictment in this case adopts classified assessments by the Intelligence Community and others that minimized and at times ignored, efforts by foreign actors to influence and interfere with the 2020 election.
  • “President Trump will offer classified information at trial relating to foreign influence activities that impacted the 2016 and 2020 elections, as well as efforts by his administration to combat those activities.  
  • “President Trump will also present classified information relating to the biased and politicized nature of the intelligence assessments that he and others rejected during the events in question.”
  • Trump’s legal team was placing on the table: At trial (as he has previously stated) Trump will bring the receipts – proof of voter fraud, by means of live-streamed military intelligence video of the entire Nov election day, proving what we already know:
  • 1) Trump won every state, with an 80% majority;
  • 2) there was foreign interference by the CCP, Italy and perhaps Germany (Haspel, in Frankfurt, with computer data of the steal);
  • 3) US government officials at the highest levels inserting “foreign” (D.C.) interference by leading Dem operatives and their Departments and probably a whole lot more.

Must Watch Videos:

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes: Explosive Military Roundtable With Ret. Brigadier General Anthony Tata – The Truth Exposed! (Video)

    Judy Byington: My Fellow Americans, The Time Has Come. The Storm Is Upon Us! …Q Special Intel Report Fri. 1 Dec. 2023 (Video)

    Situation Update: Will A “White Lung Pneumonia” Plandemic Lockdown Finally Trigger The EBS & Military Intervention? 17 Million CV Jab Deaths (That They Know Of)! Tucker! CIA Corruption! – WTPN

    Updates for the Week Prior:

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 1, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 30, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 29, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 28, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 27, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official




    Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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      Total 5 comments
      • MJCS - UK

        Still Waiting on that Sky Event to happen yesterday

        December now I see for the EBS, strange that it’s been coming in October, November and now shock horror it’s December

        Clown people all of you

      • The Watcher

        CW is :evil:

      • feral pa paw

        Judy just makes this bull shit up as she goes. One day its White Hats in full control. Next day it’s frikin red dawn. And another EBS Holy Day . Good grief, a person would have to be completely escaped from reality to believe a word of this crap?

      • Anonymous

        This huge giant fat ass judy blatherington and her insane bullshit never stops- promoted by the CLICK BAIT SLUT , WHORE,N. MORGASS — two freakin retarded ass wipes from hell

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