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Judy Byington: Possible BIG Week, White Hat Alliance & CIC Donald Trump,Green Button, Operation Storm, GESARA. Special Intel Report Mon. 4 Dec. 2023 (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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Compiled Mon. 4 Dec. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities”

Ever Get The Feeling We’re In For A Big Week?
Trust The Plan
Of The White Hat Alliance
And Commander In Chief Donald Trump
Green Button
Operation Storm

DISCLOSURE: Current Wartime President and CIC Donald J. Trump – Operation STORM (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential items on hand for your family and to share with others.

Andrea Bocelli, Sarah Brightman – Time To Say Goodbye (HD) – YouTube

Judy Note: Prepare for the challenging days ahead. The strongest people are the ones who are still kind after the World has torn them apart. Be who God wants you to be, not what others want to see. Remember that Heaven is always within reach. We can find our way to the Lord and His higher thoughts and ways by looking at life from a higher perspective.

If you were reading this Update on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.



Rumored Timeline:

  • Mon. 4 Dec. late afternoon: Global Currency Reset liquidity according to posting on Federal Reserve site.
  • First Week in December: Trump will be back according to Bruce’s Military Contact.
  • Mon. 4 Dec. China’s second largest real estate company Evergrande faces Bankruptcy Court.
  • Wed. 6 Dec. China to announce gold-backed Yuan, incentivizing countries across the Globe to abandon trading the US Dollar and switch to the Yuan instead.
  • At some point Project Odin Begins: Starlink EBS Active, X, New Financial System, 10 Day Movie, New Currency Rates effective, Trump Return.
  • Before Christmas Dec. 2023 Med Beds Announced.
  • On Mon. 1 Jan. all gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.
  • Tues. 30 Jan. 2024 deadline for implementation of Protocol 20 by major corporations around the world that have interfaced their networks on the QFS.
  • In three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.
  • 2030 was the deadline the Deep State Cabal planned to have their Digital ID Great Reset of non-asset-backed currency in place. Then they could have power over the Peoples of the World through controlling individual bank accounts, what people can spend and what they can spend it on.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Sat. 2 Dec. Wolverine: Very good news, guys. It looks like people are getting paid. Intel from Malaysia: The paymaster said spendable money will happen on Mon. 4 Dec. The Pentecostal Group is Tier 3, and one of their leaders has been paid and is ready to start distributing money on his platform. Two more leaders from other groups will also start distributing money on their platforms. Someone High Up told me it is definite that we are now closer than ever. We heard some rumors about 20 whales being paid from Columbia, and it looks like Reno started, but I CANNOT get this confirmed. I have huge Historic Bond Holders with huge clients that have up to 30 million boxes and they have not been paid. Contacts I have known have received notifications, and I am sure that person will not lie to me, as to what he will get out of it. That is all I can share. Isaac did come through and say we are close. The US treasury is one of Isaac’s clients. No matter how excited I get, there is no use saying it till “it happens.”
  • Sun. 3 Dec. RV Highlights: Reno started paying the paymasters last night at 12:00pm, they did not say exactly how many they paid, but approximately 20 holders from Colombia, it is the country that is most advanced. Panama expects money for now at night. From Nicaragua they say that everyone will have money deposited in the personal account by this Wednesday of next week. I am waiting for confirmation from Panama, I will continue to inform you.
  • Sun. 3 Dec. RayRen TNT: Last night a IMF Contact said that the window is still open to Mon. 4 Dec.
  • On Sun. night 3 Dec the price of Gold began spiking, hitting $2,108.80 on the KITCO chart as of 7:22 PM eastern US Time. This does not bode well for the U.S. Dollar and it is a signal that the people with REAL money, are going for safe harbor.
  • On Sun. 3 Dec. the website Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System posted the schedule: Mon. 4 Dec. 4:15 pm H.10 Foreign Exchange Rates; H.15 Selected Interest Rates.
  • On Wed. 6 Dec. China plans to announce the gold-backed Yuan to incentivize countries across the Globe to abandon trading the US Dollar and switch to the Yuan instead.
  • This week China is going to float U.S. gold price to $2,500 to break the U.S. Banks.

Global Financial Crisis:

  • China’s second largest real estate company Evergrande faces Bankruptcy Court on Mon. 4 Dec.
  • Sun. 3 Dec. Wolverine: China is going to float U.S. gold price to $2,500 this week to break the U.S. Banks. OPEC countries now hold Renminbi. OPEC did another 1mm bbl production cut on Friday December 1st. China will break the U.S. gold paper contracts. China will break the U.S. Treasury bond market. The Reverse Repo will be drained to ZERO this week! The G-SIB’s will all collapse. ANSWER: ISO 20022 prevents the Fed from ever doing QE again. Basel III. U.S. Treasury bonds no longer serve as the (global reserve asset) collateral that trades oil to value America’s debt. China is now coordinating the float the gold price to $2,500 this week to coincide with the Reverse Repo drain.
  • Feds Issue Warning: Outage at Dozens of Banks, Credit Unions: /survival/2023/12/urgent-outage-at-dozens-of-banks-credit-unions-feds-issue-emergency-warning-patrick-humphrey-news-2792013.html
  • Sat. 2 Dec. Major Banking Crisis Began Fri. Night 1 Dec. /alternative/2023/12/major-banking-crisis-started-last-night-3803654.html
  • Sat. 2 Dec. Citizen’s Bank Collapse. All assets seized.
  • US in Serious Financial Trouble says Legend Who Predicted Lehman Collapse:
  • The second largest bank in Canada TD Bank Group is axing 3% of its workforce, or more than 3,000 jobs, the country’s second-largest bank said on Thursday, becoming the latest Canadian bank to cut employees, after reporting quarterly profit that missed analysts’ expectations.
  • Tucker Carlson on the Cabal’s Great Reset: Tucker Carlson and former presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, discuss why CBDC represents the final nail in the coffin for human freedom. “Once we give up our economic autonomy, we no longer have freedom. This is just the latest effort by those in power who are intent on undermining and taking away our freedoms and liberties. This Central Bank Digital Currency is about government sanctioned surveillance and control. It’s about them being able to keep track of every single thing that we purchase, whether it’s a stick of gum, or an automobile, or anything in between… It gives them the power to decide we don’t want to allow you to purchase certain things, or we may deem it necessary to freeze your overall account.”
  • Sun. 3 Dec. JP Morgan Chase – Explosive Event Incoming:

Timeline of the Restored Republic:

  • August 2019: Trump signs National Quantum Initiative – Executive Order 13885.
  • December 2019: Trump establishes Space Force as a Military Branch.
  • March 27, 2020: Trump signs Executive Order 13912 which Federalizes 1,000,000 National Guard to Active-Duty Status.
  • January 2021: National Guard Troops place fence around Capitol Building (47 US Code 606).
  • January 20, 2021: Commander In Chief Donald Trump receives full grade by Law Constitutional and Military Grade Presidential Inauguration Ceremony.
  • By Aug. 2022 all Army and Military branches have transferred all their communications to Space Force under command of Trump.
  • September 2021: The Quantum US Government was launched.

Sun. 3 Dec. Ariel: The Golden Opportunity @MikeCristo8

Once Iraq ends the dollar auctions.
Once the dollar collapses due to MBS-(Mortgage Backed Securities).
Once Iraq ends dealing with USD after Jan 1st.
Once the Global Gold Fund launches in January.
Once China floats the US Gold Prices.
Once the Reverse Repo is drained.
Once Iraq reinstate their currency.
Once Iraq joins the BRICS Nations.
Once the gold paper contracts breaks with China.
You will see the rise of a new world.
No more inflation.
No more QEs.
No more fiat currency.
No more Gold/Silver manipulation.
No more Bucketing.
No more shadow banking
No more regulatory arbitrage.
No more ghost accounts.
Etc. We will have a Secure & Transparent banking system.

The Black Swan Approaching, Aerial, Benjamin Fulford:

  • The signs are multiplying that the US and Israel are headed for some sort of mega Black Swan event. The result will be that both countries cease to exist in their present format. That is because the Federal Reserve Board -the fountain of power for the Satanists- is on the verge of collapse. If it goes, then everything under it, such as the Unite States of America Corporation, BIS, World Bank, IMF, UN and 90% of the world’s transnational corporations will also collapse and come under new management.
  • US Treasury Bonds are no longer accepted as collateral in the US Oil Trade. The Fed-Reserve in order to offset the consequences of this can no longer do QE (Quantitive Easing) due to Basel 3/ISO-20022.  Why? Because these new policies force all Central Banks to show their books: Blank Checks they cannot cash.
  • They cannot do a reverse repo without draining what is left of the 2.3 trillion in MBS-(Mortgage Backed Securities). Once that happens everything goes to zero – which will lead to the collapse of the fiat USD – which is probably only a week away or so at this point.  This will lead to Iraq reinstating their currency that the BRICS Nations are waiting for. This is why it is so difficult to trade because of the artificial value of the fiat USD that keeps emerging markets struggling to get out of 3rd world status.
  • The last USD auction in Iraq is on December 6th?
  • Iraq will officially end dealing in USD on January 1st.
  • Then we will have: The Gold Standard, New Republic, Law & Order, Common Law, Military Tribunals, Humanitarian Projects, Free Energy, White Hats Blog.
  • There is also financial warfare taking place against the US Corporation. The Chinese have been dumping US Treasuries in an attempt to collapse the FRB and their Washington DC subsidiary. This prompted the KM to retaliate by hacking Chinese bank computer systems. Reuters reported this attack.
  • A Ransomware attack on the industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) disrupted some trades in the U.S. Treasury market on Thursday, the Treasury Department said.
  • The Canadian Intelligence Agency says what really happened was: “The Fed put out a $24 trillion bond for countries to buy to cover the debt- no one bought even a penny. China bought oil futures from IRAN and paid 33 trillion but not in US $ – what does that tell you about the USA in world affairs. They are finished.”
  • You all want to know why the Joe Biden & Xi meeting in California prompted them to clean up the city where no one knew where the homeless people went? Joe Biden was trying to offer China the entire state for collateral given that no one is accepting the fiat USD anymore. What a whack job J. Biden is.
  • Around the same time back in March 2020 when the Federal Reserve was being absorbed by the US Treasury Covid-19 made its debut. Now around the same time that the dollar is positioned to collapse they are trying to introduce another virus in the same month.
  • The death of Henry Kissinger was a marker for all of this to happen as a symbolic gesture for the end of a regime.
  • As the weeks, and months go by we will be seeing them leave the spotlight one by one. The stage is already set for their departure. Remember, their position in this game  is tethers to the fiat system. Once that crashed there will be no use for them anymore. All of them become dead weight. And a major liability. You already see this playing out in Washington with George Santos. Now that he is expelled everyone is in the crosshair. You are watching a live implosion.

On Sun. 3 Dec. United States Central Command (Cent Com) Statement: Iran made four attacks on three separate commercial vessels connected to 14 separate nations, which represented a direct threat to international commerce and maritime security.

  • “Today, there were four attacks against three separate commercial vessels operating in international waters in the southern Red Sea. These three vessels are connected to 14 separate nations. The Arleigh-Burke Class destroyer USS CARNEY responded to the distress calls from the ships and provided assistance.
  • At approximately 9:15 a.m. Sanaa time, the CARNEY detected an anti-ship ballistic missile attack fired from Houthi controlled areas of Yemen toward the M/V UNITY EXPLORER, impacting in the vicinity of the vessel. UNITY EXPLORER is a Bahamas flagged, U.K. owned and operated, bulk cargo ship crewed by sailors from two nations. The CARNEY was conducting a patrol in the Red Sea and detected the attack on the UNITY EXPLORER.
  • At approximately 12 p.m., and while in international waters, CARNEY engaged and shot down a UAV launched from Houthi controlled areas in Yemen. The drone was headed toward CARNEY although its specific target is not clear. We cannot assess at this time whether the Carney was a target of the UAVs. There was no damage to the U.S. vessel or injuries to personnel.
  • In a separate attack at approximately 12:35 p.m., UNITY EXPLORER reported they were struck by a missile fired from Houthi controlled areas in Yemen. CARNEY responded to the distress call. While assisting with the damage assessment, CARNEY detected another inbound UAV, destroying the drone with no damage or injuries on the CARNEY or UNITY EXPLORER. UNITY EXPLORER reports minor damage from the missile strike.
  • At approximately 3:30 p.m. the M/V NUMBER 9 was struck by a missile fired from Houthi controlled areas in Yemen while operating international shipping lanes in the Red Sea. The Panamanian flagged, Bermuda and U.K. owned and operated, bulk carrier reported damage and no casualties.
  • At approximately 4:30 p.m., the M/V SOPHIE II, sent a distress call stating they were struck by a missile. CARNEY again responded to the distress call and reported no significant damage. While en route to render support, CARNEY shot down a UAV headed in its direction. SOPHIE II is a Panamanian flagged bulk carrier, crewed by sailors from eight countries.
  • These attacks represent a direct threat to international commerce and maritime security. They have jeopardized the lives of international crews representing multiple countries around the world. We also have every reason to believe that these attacks, while launched by the Houthis in Yemen, are fully enabled by Iran. The United States will consider all appropriate responses in full coordination with its international allies and partners.”

The Real News for Sun. 3 Dec. 2023:

The Dark Truth About the CIA!

  • Many people think that the CIA is a patriotic organization that protects Americans from danger and informs the President about what’s happening in the world so he can make good decisions. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. “Nobody oversees the CIA. It’s budget is not publicly disclosed. The CIA owns companies and it kills people. That’s a fact.” …Tucker Carlson Fri. 1 Dec. 2023
  • The CIA was created by British Intelligence during WW2, when MI6 came over and taught Americans the ruthless tactics they had been developing for centuries.
  • The truth is that the CIA is a vicious paramilitary mafia that rigs elections, overthrows governments, kills people, and manipulates presidents into doing their bidding. They are the world’s foremost experts in lying, cheating, and stealing from other countries. They sow chaos, degeneracy, corruption, and violence everywhere they go.
  • Uses Terrorists & Criminals as Assassins
  • Blackmails & Bribes Politicians Worldwide
  • Funded By Slavery & Drug-Dealing
  • Uses Authority of the British Crown

Judy Note: What We Think We Know as of Mon. 4 Dec. 2023:

  • The Deep State Cabal Plan is to start wars, riots and unrest among The People; Depopulate third world countries and Indian Nations so they could steal their natural resources; Print and spend without limit the fiat US Dollar so the Global Economy would crash; Depopulate the Planet by poisoning The People and diminishing the Global food supply in order to control the population by regulating who could and could not eat.
  • They would then install Military Law to enforce their Great Reset of non-asset/backed digital currency so these few sick pedophiles could have complete control over The People and our personal bank accounts.
  • Two Congressional hearings have been held on the subject, but no action was taken, no information released to the public and three witnesses at the hearings mysteriously died afterward, the videos of their testimonies disappearing from the Internet.
  • This torture of innocent children program was believed to be still going on even today – protected by “done in the interest of National Security” and funded by billions of US Taxpayer dollars per year in the CIA Black Budget.

Med Beds

  • The Holiday Miracle: Med Beds Set to Be Revealed This December – Get Ready for a Health Revolution! – Gazetteller We’re on the brink of witnessing an unprecedented leap in medical science, an evolution so significant that our current healthcare systems will be rendered antiquated overnight. An individual’s journey, soon to be live-streamed for all to see, will invite us to witness their first step into the facility and the triumphant exit, garbed in clothes of their choosing, courtesy of a replicator post-treatment.
  • Sat. 2 Dec. GESARA and Med Beds: Med Beds and Gesara: The White Hats and the Green Button, Healthcare Revolution & President Trump – Trust the Plan! – American Media Group (
  • When Med Beds are made public, each country will have a central center where you book an appointment for the consultation. Every city will have many medical beds and Tesla chambers capable of healing and repairing DNA along with curing all ailments. Like Age regression, up to 30 years.
  • Med Beds are being set up in specialized Healing Centers first, away from the current health care system. When the med beds and other advanced healing tech is disclosed hospitals, big pharma, etc will be phased out.
  • Med Beds will only be available to specific healing centers and not available to purchase for your own clinic or home.
  • No more Cancer, Autism, Alzheimer, Fibromyalgia (fi·bro·my·al·gi·a) a condition that causes joint pain all over the body, sleep problems, fatigue, and often emotional and mental distress, and many other deficiencies.
  • Like all advanced medical technology there is quite a bit of training needed to safely use it including a substantial amount of knowledge regarding biological, medical & disease.
  • The procedures are free and last anywhere between a few minutes to about 15 hours depending on what your having done.
  • You call your national centre and they will set up the initial consultation with your nearest center, which will involve a medical history, full body exam, etc. 
  • Your information will be entered into a quantum computer. The computer will decide based on urgency and what you are having done as to when you use the bed in a center nearest you.
  • You will be notified of your treatment date, time and place. On the day of your treatment, when you arrive you’ll be asked to change into a gown and given a light sedative then when you get on the bed, a sleeping gas will be released and this gas will keep you asleep for the duration of your treatment. When the treatment is complete you will be moved to the recovery area and seen by medical professionals and counselors depending on what type of procedure you had.

Meet your owners:

  • None of the below of the Massimo clan and the Medici clan, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are key agents. Bloodline is not the correct term but I would refer to them as clan. They created and control the mafia, some members of those families even went to jail for related crimes. The more correct term is ancient Roman families. Some reside in London, China, US, Russia.
  • The 13 illuminati bloodlines is the Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Dupont, though they were all below the real power which is the Medici, Massimo, Pallavicini, Farnese, Bourbon two Sicilies, Torlonia, Collona. Medicine Medici, owners of The Crown and Order of Temple, just as Massimo are owners of Order of Malta and Farnese owners of the Jesuit Order.
  • Pentagon is the HQ of the globalist Department of Offence, modeled on Villa Farnese. The Crown is a Medici enterprise. Global HQ of the Order of the Temple [Knights Templar] since 1185. The symbolism you see today whether in UN/ Hollywood/ Freemasonry is all Nimrod (Sun God),Tammuz, Semiramis worship.

1] WEF is a creation of Von Habsburg & Club of Rome. WHO is a creation of UN/Rockefeller

2] Club of Rome and UN are creations of Rhodes-Milner. Rockefeller is an agent of Rhodes-Milner.

3] Rhodes-Milner is a creation of Order of Malta

4] Order of Malta is a creation of Massimo

1-Prince Ottaviano de Medici

2-Fabrizio Prince Massimo, 7th Prince of Arsoli with his wife Countess Alessandra Malesci-Boccani

3-Juan Carlos of the Bourbon Two Sicilies clan, a branch of Farnese

4-Prince Scipione Borghese and his wife Princess Barbara Massimo

5-Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy the Prince of Venice

6-Princess Fabrizia Ruffo di Calabria and her Spanish husband Don Francesco de Borja-Benjumea

7-Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies the Duke of Castro with his wife Princess Camilla

8-Prince Pedro of Bourbon-Two Sicilies

9-Prince Domenico Crenscenzi-Ottobani-Serlupi

10-Prince Mario Chigi-Albani della Rovere

11-Prince Dominique de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel

12-Prince Carlo Massimo with Princess Giorgia Pacelli

13-Prince Stefano Massimo with his son Prince Tancredi Massimo

14-Prince Sigieri Pallavicini with Prince Moroello Pallavicini

15-Baron David Rene de Rothschild with his wife Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini

16-Prince Prospero Colonna di Paliano

17-Prince Duccio Corsini

18-Prince Charles Bonaparte

19-Prince Lorenzo de Medici

20-Marchese Piero Antinori

21-Prince Donatus von Hessen with his wife Princess Floria von Hessen

22-Max Warburg

23-Prince Max von Baden the Duke of Zahringen

24-Prince Max of Bavaria and Princess Elisabeth of Bavaria

25-Queen Silvia Bernadotte of Sweden with Prince Leopold of Bavaria and Princess Ursula of Bavaria

26-King Carl XVI Gustaf Bernadotte of Sweden with his son Prince Carl Philip Bernadotte the Duke of Varmland

27-Charles Wellesley the Duke of Wellington

28-Prince Franz Wittelsbach

29-Prince Amedeo of Savoy-Aosta the Duke of Aosta

30-Prince Vittorio Emanuel IV of Savoy the Prince of Naples

31-Don Giovanni Torlonia the Prince of Civitella-Cesi

32-King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands

33-Prince Bosio Sforza-Cesarini

34-Carl Anderson is the Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus

35-Prince Louis-Alphonse the Duke of Anjou

36-Prince Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti with Pamela Allvin

37-Prince Domenico Napoleone Orsini(No he is not pepe orsini, pepe is long dead,no he is not the owner of everythin)

38-Princess Francois Sturdza with Prince Francesco Ruspoli and Cintia Vasconcelos Pino

39-King Felipe Bourbon VI the King of Spain

40-Prince Lelio Orsini D’Aragona

David Wilcock:

  • We were inside a massive Storm.
  • The World was testing the EBS in various countries. All were preparing for EVENTS.
  • They will tell you the EBS is for other reasons or blame Putin or Patriots or something other for coming blackouts.
  • Game Theory Operations were in place. It’s very important for the coming EVENTS to happen, including massive protests and riots against the new pandemic/ vaccines/ lockdowns.

Henry Kissinger DEAD at 100.

  • Look up National Security Study Memoranda 200 from 1974, where Henry was Secretary of State under Nixon. It lines out an agenda for thinning of the herd i.e. “Population Control.”
  • This memorandum specifically outlined plans to depopulate various third world countries so that the United States could go and steal their natural resources. He once said…“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.”
  • Henry is listed as an “influence” to Klaus Schwab on his Wikipedia page, he is also Schwab’s REAL life “mentor.” That should tell you ALL you need to know about him.
  • He was also Barack Obama’s shadow, helping give him credibility and thrusting him into the spotlight. Henry said of President-Elect Obama in 2008 “A New World Order can be created, it’s a great opportunity.

Sat. 2 Dec. Tironianae: All of this goes back to the 1871 Act.

  • “By passing the Act of 1871, Congress formed a corporation known as THE UNITED STATES. This corporation, owned by foreign interests, shoved the organic version of the Constitution aside by changing the word ‘for’ to ‘of’ in the title. Let me explain: the original Constitution drafted by the Founding Fathers read: ‘The Constitution for the united states of America.’
  • But the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’ is a corporate constitution, which is absolutely NOT the same document you think it is. First of all, it ended all our rights of sovereignty [sui juris]. So you now have the HOW, how the international bankers got their hands on THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.” End quote. By David Williams.
  • So as an instrument of the international bankers, the UNITED STATES owns you from birth to death. It also holds ownership of all your assets, of your property, even of your children. Think long and hard about all the bills taxes, fines, and licenses you have paid for or purchased. Which is why once we switch over to the Gold Standard we will not be taxed. States are already doing this.
  • Louisiana: In 2013, the laws relaxed even further, with all precious metals, including gold, silver, platinum and palladium in their many forms, becoming tax free regardless of quantity.
  • Arkansas: The purchase, sale, or exchange of any type or form of specie shall not give rise to any tax liability. The law builds on a foundation set in 2021 when Arkansas repealed the sales tax on gold and silver. Taxes on gold and silver raise investment.
  • Mississippi: MERIDIAN, Miss. (WTOK) – Gov. Tate Reeves signed SB 2862 into law last week. It make gold and silver coins and bullion exempt from state sales tax. Mississippi is the 43rd state to enact a law of this nature.
  • You can add 20 more states to this list as it will keep growing.
  • Why are they doing this? Gold and silver have themselves been money for thousands of years and are the most durable forms of money.
  • They also do not suffer from counterparty risk, ensuring their value is relatively immune to the risks of the global financial markets.
  • Guys, everything you wanted to happen is under your nose. Stop looking for everything to debut like some Hollywood blockbuster world premiere that will be saturated over the airwaves for everyone who doesn’t like researching to notice. Because that’s exactly what the “Nothing Is Happening Folks” are doing.
  • We are slowly being pulled away from the Khazarian Rothschilds banking system. We will officially be under the new system once Iraq reinstate their currency on the Forex Market.
  • All the advance technology you are waiting for. All the humanitarian projects you are waiting for. All the disclosure you are waiting for is going to be on the other side of the fiat system. Right now you are only being introduced to it. Which is why you see the Push & Pull I mentioned on the last post.
  • This is why the HSBC is gearing up for the Basel 3 end game. This is why the Ukraine & Israel War is wrapping up. This is why Media  Matters is in the spotlight. This is why over 200 advertisers are leaving X. This is why Seth Rich Laptop is in the news. This is why the J6 case is reaching fever pitch. This is why Iraq is ditching the USD on Jan 1st 2024. You are being prepped & primed. This is why Senator Tommy Tuberville said he expects a 9/11 false flag every other week. Because we are watching the death throes of the Cabal. The media will never tell you Stephen Colbert was arrested when he called in a weeks of shows for medical reasons.
  • Remember that new prison that I mentioned that was built in Guam? Remember you had people vouching for that in the comment section? Remember I told you those 200 new cells were exclusively for the MSM? Guess where Stephen Colbert is right now?


  • The US launched its “shock and awe” attack on Bagdad in 2003 despite worldwide protests against it. Countless undocumented stories of $addam’s atrocities and lies about his WMD’s were used as justification.
  • Follow the money. What was the financial benefit for the illegal invasion? $addam Husse!n decided to sell Iraqi oil using the EU currency, not the US dollar which would have weakened the US dollar and undermined the US economy. That is the unpublicized reason for the brutal elimination of $addam Husse!n. The theft and control of Iraqi oil also played a large role.

Nikola Tesla

  • Tesla revealed that an earthquake which drew police and ambulances to the region of his laboratory at 48 E. Houston St., New York, in 1898, was the result of a machine he was experimenting with at the time which.
  • “I was experimenting with vibrations. I had one of my machines going and I wanted to see if I could get it in tune with the vibration of the building. I put it up notch after notch. There was a peculiar cracking sound. I asked my assistants where did the sound come from. They did not know. I put the machine up a few more notches. There was a louder cracking sound. I knew I was approaching the vibration of the steel building. I pushed the machine a little higher.”Suddenly all the heavy machinery in the place was flying around. I grabbed a hammer and broke the machine. The building would have been about our ears in another few minutes. Outside in the street there was pandemonium. The police and ambulances arrived. I told my assistants to say nothing. We told the police it must have been an earthquake. That’s all they ever knew about it.”
  • Then some shrewd reporter asked Tesla at this point what he would need to destroy the Empire State Building and he replied: “Vibration will do anything. It would only be necessary to step up the vibrations of the machine to fit the natural vibration of the building and the building would come crashing down. That’s why soldiers break step crossing a bridge.”
  • Tesla is the only person which after his death got raided by the FBI, they seized all of his blueprints, they cleaned out his room, closet, and even took his slippers.
  • His inventions have since then been perfected over this time. They had all his blueprints and notes. It would be naive think they did nothing with that information.

Join in the Fight for Our Freedoms and Help Save the Children:

  • See the movie about Child Trafficking “Sound of Freedom”: /crime-all-stars/2023/10/sound-of-freedom-and-the-faces-of-evil-2495274.html
  • Donate to Operation Underground Railroad – They’re Saving The Children End Child Trafficking | Operation Underground Railroad (
  • Donate to help the devastated people of Lahaina Maui whose homes were destroyed, over 200 of their children remain missing and at least 4,500 were displaced because of DEW Attacks by the Cabal who want to make their land into a SMART city. Be Careful Where You Donate: The Kingdom of Akua Foundation’s Malama Lahaina Website was the only official and authorized site solely dedicated to and run by the Hawaiian Native PeoplesMalama Lahaina – Pūpūkahi i Holomua  Donations (
  • Donations were needed to help the Brunson Brothers Save Our Constitution and the Cromars fight the IRS – butyou get COOL Liberty stuff! Donations go to the printing, postage, travel, mailings and service of legal documents to the criminals and courts. See what cool stuff a Miracles donation can get you. Shopping page:
  • Ken Cromar has so appreciated the postcards he’s received and would love more. Plain postcards, pre-stamped, handwritten, complete return address (no address labels or stick-on stamps) Please mail to: Paul K. Cromar # 567164 Davis County Jail P.O. Box 130 Farmington, UT 84025-0130 Donations for Ken’s commissary and communications needs can be sent Venmo to: @Talmage-Cromar OR mailed to: Talmage Cromar 130 W 5300 S Washington Terrace, UT 84405.
  • Urgent need for Help: Apparently there are desperate conditions at the privately owned Daviess/DeKalb Regional Jail: Prisoners are drugged and in desperate need of medical help. Keyna Welenc asked that Readers contact the Daviess/DeKalb Regional Jail, 102 North Meadows Lane, Pattonsburg, Missouri [64670] and demand humanitarian aid for the prisoners.
  • Debra Phillip was one of the prisoners in desperate need. She was arrested at her home at 220 22nd Street, Unionville, MO on charges of child abuse, which could very well be untrue. Debra is 66 years old and has struggled with MS most of her life. She has lost 45 pounds since being arrested on 23 Oct. 2023. Despite multiple cries for help via email, FAX and phone calls, Debra still suffers from severe UTI, severe diarrhea, sores throughout her body. Her left arm and fingers are numb w/ shoulder and back pain. Her cell is extremely cold at night and a hot sauna during the day. She along with multiple other prisoners, are denied toilet paper, warm showers, hot water, edible food and medical attention. Debra Phillip 2023 Case 23AJ-CR00120, 23AJ-JU00013, 23AJ-JU00014 Debra Phillip 2006/2007 Case 07C1-PR00011, 08AJ-MC00015, #19AJ-JU00013, #19AJ-JU00014

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[Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]

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Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.


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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 8 comments
    • The Watcher

      If Henry Kissinger could not be treated with a Med Bed, what chance do we have :?: :???:

      • Icfourfour4

        Henry Kissinger was one of the devils minions why treat him?


        …. THE WATCHER… !!!!!
        ……… WOW.. :) :)

        …………….. TO KICK ROCKS AND FUKK OFF
        …………………… NO MED BEDS FOR HIM

        ……….. WAS INJECTED BACK IN 2020

        ….. POINT BEING.. MAKING *** TRUMP ***




          …. BULLSHIT VIDEOS
          ….. VALID THINKING..
          ……………………… HOSPITALS..





    • The Watcher

      CW is :evil:

    • Anonymous

      Fat ass judy blatherington endless bullshit-this woman is insane

    • Anonymous

      For God’s sake invade Switzerland; invade BIS; detronize it.

    • feral pa paw

      Is the White Hat Alliance the same as the Central Scrutinizer? Just asking.

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