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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Juan O' Savin & David Nino Rodriguez: The Biggest Event is Yet to Come - Get Ready! (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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An understated moment with Juan “decompressing” from a week of meetings and lots of dinners with those that are the “inner circle” of President Trump. He was at the Rally today and I also captured the presentation by Roseanne Barr next up.

JUAN again talks again about those that are still with him and those that are not because of so much “backstabbing” and downright evil behavior. It is a quite a moment to think about the loss of friends and associates that were hanging around for the fame and fortune and are now by their own devise “out in the cold”.


We must be by our ACTIONS good friends who are there for each other through these hard times. And those that do honor and commit and have a “great” friendship understand that is what is TRUE and REAL. 

1 John 3:17-19 KJV

17 But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

19 And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him.



Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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    Total 12 comments
    • Anonymous

      Fat ass Blah O Sloberin and punch drunk Numskull Nino are like all those ads on trash BIN of those idiots that glue the beans all over themselves to create drama- they all belong to the same club of loser, clowns, idiots — nothing but bullshit

    • Nobodys Fool

      The reason for the civil war was because Lincoln decided not to allow the resource-rich southern states, who were being unfairly and unconstitutionally plundered by the northern industrialists (the Jewish bankers), to peacefully secede from the union, like they wanted and was 100% within their right to do. He decided instead to deny their right to secede, ignore the matter of CONSENT, and to force the southern states to remain part of the union, against their will. I don’t see how that compares to the current claim of “or else there would have been civil war.” If a majority of Americans voted for Trump, and these generals advised Trump to let the stolen election stand “or else there will be civil war,” I think we need to look very closely at that claim. Because what they effectively did was give the middle finger (and for some, a literal death sentence) to the MAJORITY of the American people who did vote for Trump. What/who gave them that authority and we need to know exactly what their rationale was there for just saying “FU” to the American people? Juan always slides over that very casually as he’s sipping a $500 scotch by the pool chuckling about our upcoming “near death experience.” He claims it was all “gamed out” on supercomputers. Excuse me but last time I checked, we don’t consent to being governed by a computer. I’m willing to hear the full explanation, but my point is we are 100% entitled to DEMAND that explanation. Blindly…

    • HawkBowler

      What is the Trump counter punch?

      Nino says it’s coming. He hears things from Juan off air. He knows but he can’t say.

      Juan has given us the Mithraism inspired concept of Trump the MAGAdor. The hero who kills a bull and saves humanity. The bull is the deep state. Trump is the MAGAdor taking on the charging of the bull. The charges are all of the indictments Trump has faced. Which one will he use to counter punch the deep state bull?

      Notice that Juan has backed off his MAGAdor march a bit. The coming counter punch will not be the sword between the shoulders to the heart deep state kill shot. No, Juan cautions. The bull is going to get even more pissed off after the counter punch.

      • Anonymous

        Bet you can’t wait til Santa Claus comes by your house/ infantile low IQ bullshit -your an idiot hawk blow job

        • HawkBowler

          LOL… your small dik is showing again.

      • trumster 79

        Cgarging of the bull is not about Trumps indictments. Gee Wake up try doing your own Research, Your Showing the World How Stupid and Low IQ,d you Are. its all about This Plan This been Started When President Lincoln was in The President kennedsy was Working on it With the generals. Now President trump is This Been in The Makings Since. Bring down The Cartels Satanics Demacrata Rino,s Judges Lawyers ,This is a Covert Military Inteligence Sting Operation. Try Waking up to reality Its Coming to The End Soon. Be Prepared.
        All of The Rotten Elites wuiill go to Prison Most Of Them are There now. media will Not Tell you. Fake biden will Be gone soon with the rest thats left.
        Learn to read The Codes Comms War andLaw Manuel The Executive orders 13839 13848 are important .Predential War act

        • Anonymous

          Delusional, demented twisted infantile drunk wasted high as a kite dreaming insane crazy brainless… did I leave any of you out dumpster 69 ?

        • HawkBowler

          White Hat Theory:

          A worldwide sting of ages operation has been coming for some time.

          The cabal knows this and prepares decades in advance to meet the challenge. The plan on the part of the cabal is to sacrifice many if not most of their own members in order to reinvent themselves as the good guys who defeated evil while still maintaining control of the planet.

          The white hat military approached Trump cuz he was relatively clean when it comes to elite occult families. Nothing on tape with Trump eating babies.

          Everything goes well in the beginning. The white hats have all of the moves planned for Trump – the EOs he will issue, the foreign trips and deals he will make. The white hats seize assets of Satanic pedophiles around the world putting the deep state on their back heels.

          Losing the 2020 election is not an option for the deep state. By the time the Plandemic starts they know that if Trump is not removed and a radical course change doesn’t happen they will be completely destroyed well before 2024.

          The white hats are prepared for the Stealection, but to their dismay, despite Trump having several options to stay in the white house, he bows out. The white hats refuse to give Biden military control, but they also have Trump under investigation as well now as another deep state asset. The white hats made a pact with Trump years ago, but the cabal made a pact with him even before that.

          Now we have a white hat group that is stuck in Cheyenne Mountain. They don’t have a white knight candidate like they did before with Trump. What do they do now to take down the deep state and restore lawful civilian government?

      • HawkBowler

        Juan: “Somebody let drunkards get behind the wheel and we are stuck in the car with them.”

        Nino: “Ben Fulford says that the military offered to over turn the 2020 election.”

        Juan: “No, that’s not true. Sydney Powell drew up the papers but the military advised him against the Insurrection Act.”

        Fulford didn’t say anything about the Insurrection Act. He said that the military had evidence of cheating and they had the power to put him back in office. The military offered to reinstall Trump but he refused out of concern for his family’s safety.

        107 has argued from the beginning that Trump left the white house to avoid a civil war. Let’s say that’s true. Instead, we have an invasion, economic collapse and world war nuke 3 to look forward to. Everything that Trump accomplished with border security and energy independence was ruined after he left the white house. Whether 107 wants to admit it or not, Trump had the ability to stop what we’re experiencing now. 107 says it himself… we wouldn’t have sent hundreds of billions to fuel a war in Ukraine and the Gaza conflict would most likely not be happening now either.

    • Anonymous

      I will not be drawn into Juan-O-Kennedys line of misdirection. I’m not buying it for a second. He needs to go away and play golf or do what ever the idle rich do these days.

    • bolt

      never ending hell that the light just keeps fading further away and hope drifts away into anger Whoever is the mastermind of this shit show is playing everyone. Spend your life savings to be prepared for this impending doom. I envy the niave who have enjoyed their lives the last 3 to 4 years and didn’t get caught up in this charade. I believe We are the only ones that can save ourselves, nobody’s coming to the rescue of the ordinary Joe. My only question to God is Why. My mom was shot to death by a cop and the world has gone dark, my dad died of a broken heart soon after. No justice the cop got 3 years probation but whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Im tired way past tired of this evil shit hole we live in. Its way past time for God to get off his ass and squash these human trash that he allows to destroy all life, its time he makes right his big mistake, Adam and Eve never should have had to deal with Satan that’s not free will. Breathing chem trail air isn’t free will eating shitty food shitty water. Gods allowed satan way too much leeway. I hold God accountable since he is the source of everything. I would not have a little baby and place him in a room with a book and a rabid pitbull. but if you contrast it God has left us a bible that has been manipulated by the elites and allowed satan to rule this earth. My mom was a ferverent Christian, where was God or a guardian angel or Jesus in her last hour, off doing doing biz in Heaven, sure is…

    • ReflectoMatic

      It’s Friday Nov 10th, Alex Jones today says that General Curtis LeMay murdered JFK because JFK fired him. I’m sick to my stomach about all of it. Juan with that ring is a constant reminder that I still do not have an answer why JFK Jr wanted to be my lover and why the Curtis LeMay family actually succeed in befriending me for several years immediately after the JFK Jr attempt. John put me thru a lifetime of trauma because of how that came about and ended, I didn’t even know who he was till the end, but there was so much other strangeness going on and he was just a part of it, probably as innocent as myself not understanding what was going on. Curtis, grandson of the General, told me his grandfather was a general, but during those years I didn’t know anything about General LeMay except that Curtis grandfather was a General. Why am I placed into this very awkward situation? What could they be doing? I started posting in hopes of finding answers but the comeback has been meager scraps.

      I know about the AEI World Forum, I was there in 1982 at the very first one. It was the collection of people who probably really killed JFK, LeMay was not there, I would have gone totally insane if that name was on the list.

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