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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Judy Byington: 2nd Round of EBS, NESARA/GESARA, Mass Arrests, the Greatest Sting Op, Get Ready! Special Intel Report for Sunday, 22 Oct 2023 (Video)

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by N.Morgan

(Turn off VPN, as it can block certain videos, like Rumble)

As we know, Judy’s sources request that she doesn’t share Intel on Sundays.. So there’s a very informative week in review.. 

So far we know:

The Great Sting

“No Dream is too Big
No Challenge is too Great
Nothing We Want for Our Future is Beyond Our Reach.”
… President Donald J. Trump

When this breaks, many won’t swallow.
MSM not trusted.
You are the voice.
We are here to help guide.
Future proves past.
You are the calm before and during the Storm.

“The people get it,” President Trump recently said to Tucker Carlsen. “They locked us down. They tried to make us comply. They kicked us off social media. They stole the election from us. They installed an illegitimate President. They arrested our favorite President. But we never gave up. We are UNBREAKABLE. The best is yet to come.”

  • On Sun. 15 Oct. Mel Gibson posted on Telegram that, “Biden is going down tonight (Sun. night 15 Oct.).
  • Last week Roy Brunson predicted as such, “The Supreme Court will make an announcement on our case about massive Voter Fraud in the 2020 Election. If they ruled in favor, Biden and Harris would immediately be removed from office.”
  • The fall of Biden appeared to be timed with activation of the Global Currency Reset. On Sun. 15 Oct. Wolverine posted on Telegram that, “The launch algorithms (to activate the Global Currency Reset RV of the World’s currencies) will be ready tomorrow (Mon. 16 Oct.).”
  • Judy Byington: Israel, It’s Only Just Begun, DEFCON 1, War and Rumors of Wars – It’s GO Time! Special Intel Report For Sun. Oct. 15, 2023 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
  • “In two weeks (around Mon. 23 Oct.) everything would change. The World would soon have no Internet for a while. We are approaching that Timeline. Get Ready for it.” …Q
  • In two weeks Tucker Carlsen said we would be hit by an asteroid: Tucker Carlson: “Oumuamua Will Make DIRECT Impact In 2 Weeks… IT’S NOT STOPPING” | Alternative | Before It’s News (
  • The National Guard has been activated in up to 360 cities across the US due to Antifia and BLM terrorists infecting the country.
  • Sun. 15 Oct. Red Oct. Intel Drop, SGAnon: 
  • There were 800,000 illegal immigrants (mainly military age men) ready to invade Italy and Europe. It’s like a Zombie Apocalypse Movie.
  • An Insider has revealed that the Hamas attack on Israel was an “inside job” by the Globalist Elite working in tandem with the Biden administration and the Israeli government as part of the great master plan for World War Three which has been in the works since the state of Israel was created after World War Two. The terrorists were funded and armed by the Biden administration in the build-up to the attack, and Israeli defense and intelligence services agreed to stand down and look the other way when the attack was launched. According to the official, the Israeli “False Flag” will light the fuse to ignite a “Holy War” that will spiral out of control and lay the groundwork for the Elite to usher in a “One World Government” and One World Religion.
  • Obama made sure laws were passed that allowed legalized propaganda to be used against Americans. H.R. 5736:
  • The Great Sting, Parts 1&2, Charlie Freak: /alternative/2023/10/charlie-freak-live-donald-trump-the-greatest-sting-operation-of-them-all-parts-1-2-videos-3800905.html
  • October Red Intel, Ward, McKay: /prophecy/2023/10/new-charlie-ward-scott-mckay-october-red-intel-the-insiders-club-2545966.html
  • A Military Team headed by Dr. Charlie Ward loaded 650 bars of gold out of a tunnel that ran beneath land and sea from the Vatican to Israel. The gold was taken back to it’s rightful owners at the US Treasury and other countries’ treasuries around the globe. This 1,500 mile long tunnel was lined with records of the history of the World including documents that dated further back than those used to write the Bible.
  • When Trump was US President he invoked the Insurrection Act to protect laws established under the original Constitution. The last line of defense – the Military – was obligated to protect and make sure the Constitution was followed.
  • The New Republic with the original Constitution was invoked on July 4, 2020. Donald Trump was installed as the President, while JFK Jr. was Vice President. U.S. Inc, which was established in 1871, was now defunct and dissolved.

The End Game
Hope Rises As Babylon Falls
#35 Kennedy Started It & #45 Trump Will Finish It
3+5+4+5 = 17
Together We Win
Nothing Will Stop What’s Coming
Huge Bombs Incoming
Digital War
They Are Not Ready For This
We Will Win

Global Currency Reset:

  • On Mon. 16 Oct. in Iraq the Dinar was valued at $1.47 to the USD.
  • Mon. 16 Oct. afternoon MarkZ: A number of banks are ready…even non redeeming ones. They are seeing lots of rates and rate changes with holds on them. They have been prepped and a number of bank presidents…even on smaller banks…. have commented they know it’s coming. They are telling them they have to wait until they get the “go ahead. A certain regional bank president told me that they expect to be able to exchange within this week. The rest of my banking contacts say they are “on notice” and feel it could happen at any time….any hour…or any minute.
  • Mon. 16 Oct. TNT: Any minute, any time of the day between now and Thurs. 19 Oct. is the new window. The electronic cards were turned off in Iraq on Fri. 13 Oct, and the ATM machines that gave dollars were shut off on Sat. 14 Oct. This has made the parallel (black market) exchange rate go higher. Their 3-letter agency contacts are frustrated because they were told the rate change was scheduled for the weekend. Everything is done. They’re just waiting for what time to push it out. Iraq has already started doing things that were supposed to happen after the rate change.
  • Sun. 15 Oct. Evening Wolverine: Marines were preparing to be deployed within 24 hours. They are awaiting House Speaker to give Military Action move. Information on the financial side could start very soon. I’m praying that by Tues. 17 Oct. we should be ready to go. They are really close to get this done. St Germaine is getting ready to release the funds. The launch algorithms were ready to go on Mon. 16 Oct.

The Tier 1 platform is getting ready and will be paying advance payment of $10,000 to all members for the time being until they start releasing all the funds.

Dubai 1 has all been released and Dubai 2 is nearly finished.

Bond teams received some signatures. The remaining groups of each level will be paid in full: Tiers1,2,3,4.

Banks completed the remaining layers of payments overnight Sun. 15 Oct.

The launch algorithms were ready on Mon. 16 Oct.

  • Mon. 16 Oct. Militia Man: Militia Man: “There’s a lot of movement and evidence to suggest Iraq is going international. They pretty much have all the tools they need to do so.  We haven’t seen any payment internationally for projects. We know the 23, 24 and 25 budget has not been spent yet…It’s all very good.”
  • The Iraqi Dinar has revalued and for the past week has been trading on the back screens of the Forex, putting itself in a position for the new exchange rate that was soon to be made public.
  • Iraqi Banks have been telling Iraqi citizens that the Iraqi Dinar Rate has been changing up in value on the back screens of the Forex and the new rate was about to be announced by the Central Bank of Iraq Board of Directors.
  • The Central Bank of Iraq has suspended Western Union service for international money transfer:
  • Iraq has joined BRICS and banned cash withdrawals of US Dollars in Iraq:
  • On Sun. 15 Oct. the IMF and World Bank held their last meeting.

Just When You Think It’s Over, God Almighty Sends You a Miracle
But You Have To Open Your Heart to Receive It.

Pray For The Children
Six Million Enslaved
Please Donate to Operation Underground Railroad – They’re Saving The Children
End Child Trafficking | Operation Underground Railroad (

Judy Note: It is my personal opinion that:

  • Tier 4b (Us, the Internet Group) will be notified of our currency exchange and Zim redemption appointments right after Biden left office – which could easily happen this week.
  • Biden would likely soon be gone as a result of 459 criminal indictments set to be filed against him and his associates. On Tues. 17 Oct. a 634 page report was released that showed Biden and his associates may have committed 140 business crimes, 191 sex crimes and 128 drug crimes. The 634-page report on Hunter Biden’s laptop (
  • Implementation of the Global Currency Reset would likely occur within the above time frame, where Sovereign Nations of the World, including the new USA Republic, would be functioning on their own gold/asset-backed currencies at a 1:1 with each other.
  • Rumor was that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was set to declare that the 2020 Election was invalid due to Election Fraud – a result of the Brunson Petition that claimed Congress refused to investigate 350 formally filed allegations of Election Fraud before certifying the vote.
  • That voter certification should have never taken place because of a more important issue: Way back on Sun. 8 Nov. 2020 an official count by the Military of Watermarked Ballots confirmed that Donald Trump actually won that 2020 Election by an over 80% vote in almost every state. /politics/2020/11/trump-win-validated-by-quantum-blockchain-system-recount-of-votes-3217468.html  Trump Win Validated by Quantum Blockchain System Recount of Votes | Politics | Before It’s News (
  • The White Hats might possibly activate the EBS around Sun. 22 Oct. according to a Q post that said that the Internet would go down at that time.
  • After the EBS was active, it could safely be revealed that Trump was the Commander-in-Chief of the US Military, as well as President of the new USA Republic, with JFK Jr. as his Vice President. (That inauguration took place at Mount Rushmore on 4 July 2021).
  • The fiat US Federal Dollar of the Cabal will be worth nothing and have no place in the future of the World’s economy.
  • It was believed that after Sun. 22 Oct. NESARA/GESARA would activate across the Globe.
  • According to GESARA’s own regulations new elections would be scheduled within the next 120 days after it was announced, but those elections would not be for US Inc. – they would be held across the Globe for positions in the new USA Republic as well as other Sovereign nations that were a part of BRICS.
  • The well known Whistleblower Edward Snowden has been helping the White Hats in their Plan to Save the World.
  • Roughly one half of the over 500,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since 2006 have charged Elites involved in large Banks and running of the Stock Market, with Treason or other serious crimes.
  • Q was hinting of a date that those new Elections would be held by posting an image of a Mickey Mouse Clock with his fingers pointing to 10 and 2 (think mirror).

Rumored Timeline:

  • The 20 or so days of Disclosure was believed to have begun around Sun. 1 Oct.
  • EBS Activation on Sun. 22 Oct? Q says that “After Argentina’s election on Sun. 22 Oct. everything would change. The World would soon have no Internet for a while. We are approaching that Timeline. Get Ready for it.” …Q
  • The Quantum Financial System (QFS) relies on XRPL, or the XRP Ledger, to be a digital highway upon which financial transactions are conducted securely and at warp speed. The Quantum Trinity: XRPL, XRP, and NESARA – The Financial Game Changer – American Media Group (
  • On Oct 24 – Nov 6th the Flare Finance Platform launches, changes everything for the banks and enables smart contracts for the XRPL.
  • Starting in this same fourth week of October Repatriation and Reclamation Allowances would be paid out. The amount of monies paid back will be based on federal taxes paid since the 1940s, interest on mortgages, bank loans, car loans and credit card interest – along with interest earned on those monies over the years. Those 60 and older will be paid in three equal monthly payments for Oct, Nov & Dec. Those 50-60 will get payments over the next 12 months and those younger will be paid out over 15 years, though they have to be employed in order to qualify.
  • Starting sometime in October and continuing for three months Social Security benefits will be significantly higher, topping out at $5,200.
  • Repatriation Allowances for 60 and older will begin the 18th or 25th of Oct. as the beginning of three equal payments over the next three months.
  • Wed. 1 Nov. was the goal to have Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions completed, although that date could vary.
  • On Sun. 19 Nov. XRP gold/asset-backed digital currency would be official.
  • Starting 1 Jan. 2024 the fiat US Dollar will be worthless, all currencies across the Globe will be on par 1:1 with each other, Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments start on a monthly basis.
  • In the next three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.

Freedom Is Never More Than One Generation Away From Extinction
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like when we were free.”

It’s only wise to be prepared for disasters and store at least a month’s worth of cash, water, food and essential items for yourself and to help others.

Judy Note: While the Fake Mainstream Media was focusing everyone’s attention on the False Flag War in Israel, the Canadian Vancouver Club scheduled itself to celebrate Satan’s birthday on Halloween by holding a Satanic Rite on Sat. 28 Oct, starting at midnight (The Occult Calendar calls for the celebration of Halloween from 29 Oct. to 1 Nov, so midnight 28 Oct. would be the beginning of the Satanic holiday).  

The Vancouver Club at 915 West Hastings Street in Vancouver, Canada, was known to promote child trafficking, rape and torture of children according to Kevin Annett, producer of the award winning documentary, “Unrepentant,” 

  • The Vancouver Club’s exclusive membership included several defendants named in two cases now before the West Coast Common Law Court of Justice.  Breaking News, Monday, September 25, 2023 – Murder by Decree 
  • Sources within the Club have informed the Court that a “child swapping” ritual ceremony will occur at the Club during the evening leading to midnight on Saturday, October 28 during its so-called “Horror of Venice Carnival” Halloween event.
  • The general public was urged to protest at the Vancouver Club that evening of Sat. 28 Oct. and prevent harm being done to children.
  • The Court Prosecutor has dispatched operatives to infiltrate the Club’s October 28 Event in order to monitor its activities and perform Citizens’ Arrests against suspected individuals.
  • Write to the Court at:
  • Listen this Sunday October 22 to Here We Stand at 3 pm pacific:

Nuclear Standoff Near Death Civilization Event In Progress

Protect the Children.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Thurs. 19 Oct. Bruce: Currency Sellers have been advised they were no longer able to sell currencies after 11:59 pm Fri. night 20 Oct. Central Daylight time. Once the Currency Sellers stopped being able to sell, Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) would go.

The optimal time we could be notified was Sat. morning 21 Oct.

  • Wed. 18 Oct. MarkZ: “On the Bond side there are some with appointments this Friday (20 Oct.) and they are expecting full funding. There are also a couple appointments for over the weekend. There are still expectations of things paying out overnight tonight. Starting in Asia and Europe and moving our way” …“The petro dollar is done. If anyone is to buy any BRICS nations oil you will have to pay in their currency. They are not accepting the US dollar.”
  • Wed. 18 Wolverine: All operations will be closing by the 20th of October which means you can’t buy any more bonds. They will be shutting down. We are that close, guys. The launch algorithms were ready to go on Mon. 16 Oct. Dubai 1 has been released and Dubai 2 could be finished by now. Banks completed the remaining layers of payments overnight Sun. 15 Oct.
  • Wed. 18 Oct. TNT: The window for the rate change is still open. The word is Thursday going into Friday 19-20 Oct, but it can still be at any minute. It’s the perfect time to change the rate, while the international transactions are shut down to stop the smuggling of US dollars out of the country.
  • Wed. 18 Oct. GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, Protocol QFS 20, and DINAR are components of the New Financial System. Everything Is Related! – American Media Group (
  • The Quantum Financial System (QFS) relies on XRPL, or the XRP Ledger, to be a digital highway upon which financial transactions are conducted securely and at warp speed. The Quantum Trinity: XRPL, XRP, and NESARA – The Financial Game Changer – American Media Group (

The War in Israel Is Exposing the Military Industrial Complex Plan to Rule the World
EBS Activation Pending For The
Q Plan to Save the World

“The Mystery of Israel Solved”
A documentary about the War in Israel and how they plan to start World War III

Judy Note:

  • Sat. 21 Oct. URGENT! MILITARY INTEL: Elon Musk, Trump, and the Secret Power Behind Cheyenne Mountain; Directed Energy Weapons, Global Geopolitics, Military-Industrial Complex, National Defense & General Q Charles Q. Brown Jr. – American Media Group (
  • Fri. 20 Oct. Bombshell! EBS Activation on October 22nd: Biden’s Retirement, Trump’s Return, and the White Hats’ Plan Revealed! – Gazetteller
  • Fri. 20 Oct. /alternative/2023/10/charlie-freak-live-donald-trump-the-greatest-sting-operation-of-them-all-parts-1-2-videos-3800905.html
  • Since 1913 US Taxpayers have been paying taxes on money they earned, taxes on money they spend, and taxes on things they own that they have already paid taxes on with already taxed money – and they are paying those taxes to the Deep State Cabal through the Cabal’s privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS – which charges the US taxpayers interest to use their own monies to pay the Cabal-controlled federal employees.
  • On Thurs. 19 Oct. the Actor Biden gave a speech in the fake Oval Office in Georgia. The Fake News Press reported he addressed the Middle East conflict, asking Congress for $100 billion to send to Israel – which seemed on the surface to be a good idea, except for the fact that Israel was a state created by the Cabal, not the Jewish people, who created the war in the first place and most of the money would be destined to go to Ukraine so it could be funneled back to the politicians who agreed to pass the bill. Biden’s Congress Request: Billion-Dollar Request to Congress. Your Taxpayer Dollars at Work! – American Media Group (
  • In other words, what’s happening in Israel is designed to STOP GESARA.
  • The ‘Revaluation’ of all currencies is HERE. The fleeing Khazarians have lost control of the world financial system. ALL the major ‘Oil-Producing’ countries have joined BRICS+ & they are primarily Arab countries.
  • The Russian Ambassador to UN says Donald Trump is the legitimately elected President of the United States. He was “overthrown with the connivance of Germany, France, Poland with the support of the US. Russia knows that basement Joe didn’t win the 2020 election. It was stolen in the middle of the night by the Democrats using Domination Voting Machines.”
  • Since 2020 we have lived with a worldwide conspiracy to poison the population with untested medicines mandated for use by a corrupt White House, Congress, Media, Universities and the medical profession.
  • We have lawyers and judges acting in concert with a corrupt legal system controlled by the Cabal that was designed to deprive The People of their liberty, property and lives.
  • The devastation of Freedom actually began with the 1913 capture of the Global money supply by thirteen Jewish families and their banks who were fueled by regularly scheduling World Wars.
  • So many things are happening in the US including a Financial Collapse.
  • POTUS will soon come into the picture and resurface 2020 Election Fraud, while Trump will expose the corrupt US legal system.
  • The White Hats were painting a picture and getting information down on U.S. Congressional records, including the corrupt UN Agenda and Obama-Biden funding Iran to bring in extremists to cause chaos in the US (another 9/11 inside job).
  • The Military Alliance was watching and documenting everything. At this moment we had hundreds of Iranian and Al-Qaeda terrorists in Gitmo who were exposing planned attacks in the U.S.
  • The only way to take down the UN, CIA, Rockefeller, Obama, Clintons was through Military Game Theory Operations (letting them play their final cards and then expose the truth after the Events and arrest wars).
  • After the great unrest in the United States (near chaos and civil war), 11.3 military laws of War protocols can settle the chaos within a few days.
  • The U.S. military can be deployed into all cities within a few hours and can within a few days, restore order. Then would come Declass for all to know including massive Arrest Wars – the Ending Storm.
  • After the massive collapse in several countries including Europe, the Military will rise in amazing coups. Even in Israel, the Deep State cannot win the war and in time Netanyahu will step down to be replaced by the good Israeli people government.
  • Fri. 20 Oct. NEW VIDEO • GESARA NESARA & Med Beds: Trust the Journey Towards a Revolutionary Finale – American Media Group (
  • NESARA Surprise: Biden Impeachment, Med Bed Revolution: /alternative/2023/10/nesaras-october-surprise-bidens-impeachment-trial-might-finally-unleash-the-medbeds-revolution-3801323.html

Must Watch Videos:

Charlie Freak: Donald Trump & the Greatest Sting Operation of Them All Parts 1 & 2 (Videos) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

Charlie Freak: LIVE ~ Donald Trump & The Greatest Sting Operation of Them All – Part 4 The Grand Finale! (Video)

Juan O’ Savin: It’s Coming Full Circle – Justice Will Arrive Soon! Buckle Up! (Video)

Situation Update: Where Is The US Headed Biden? US In Two Proxy Wars, Soon To Be Three: Russia, Hamas & Hezbollah – Iran! World Prepares For WW3 Escalation! WW3 Theatre…

Derek Johnson Situation Update Oct 21: “Something Unexpected Is Happening!” – Live Video

Updates for the Week Prior:

Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 20, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 19, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 18, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 17, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 16, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 14, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 13, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official


Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 8 comments
    • The Watcher

      My Social Security did not increase this month :!: Judy FALSE again :!: :mad:

    • feral pa paw

      How cool is this? Just when we thought the blessed holy day of EBS had came and passed. Judy prophesies that we get another round. But let me warn you that the very same lies she has told you 24/7/365 . This too is a blatant lie to keep you on your couches thinking some imaginary group of White Hats are coming to save your silly asses. Which couldn’t be any further from the truth. Believe this bull shit at your own risk.

      • SomeGuy

        I just like reading her headline.

        It gives me a good laugh.

    • Anonymous

      No one is coming to save you. It’s all a damn lie. Solution? Form hunting parties……………identify, locate and exterminate your oppressors. No one else will do it. ALL authorities are corrupt.

    • HypothesisFree

      Dan Bongino NWO Shill/Ignoramous – You Decide!
      - /new-world-order/2023/10/dan-bongino-nwo-shillignoramous-you-decide-13648.html

    • JesusAlready

      Sad to see any one parroting useless Byington blather. Wasting your life away.

    • nurr81

      Flake, trump is just as pedo as Biden

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