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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Charlie Freak: Donald Trump & the Greatest Sting Operation of Them All Parts 1 & 2 (Videos)

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by N.Morgan

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Get Ready for it, Tonight, Saturday, September 30th, at 8pm CST, is our Big Show that Reveals how ‘The Donald’ pulled the Shocker of the Century and Fooled the Fake Jew International Bankers into Thinking he was the Greatest Business Man of All Time.

Once Fooled, Trump then got these Cabalistic Bankers to OVER EXTEND on his Capital Investments, and then he brought them to their Knees when he acquired the Taj Majal, and spent a Fortune Making it Over, and Finishing it, so that ‘The Taj’ could Open as the Biggest Money Loser in History, forcing these Bankers and their Banks to their Knees, as Trump had Now become TOO BIG TO FAIL, and as such, these Banking Scum had NO OTHER CHOICE but to Ride Out Trump’s ‘Bad Financial Times’, which NEVER ENDED.

The Result? Trump and the Q Team USED the Canaanites to Fork over their Illegally acquired Money to ‘The White Hats’, who then used these Funds to Build, Acquire and Renovate their BASES of OPERATIONS for the Q Team on the East Coast of America.

Talk about The Apprentice becoming the Master, Trump SOLD his Act as a Raving Ego-Maniac, Libido-Driven, Bankster which the Cabal LOVED, and then used their own Funds to TAKE THEM DOWN…

Game, Set and Match…

Q Team One/Won, Canaanites ZERO…

Watch Part 3 here: Charlie Freak: LIVE ~ Donald Trump & the Greatest Sting Operation of Them All! Part 3 (Video)

Watch Part 4: Charlie Freak: Donald Trump & The Greatest Sting Operation of Them All – Part 4 The Grand Finale! (Video)

Read the rest after video! 

6:00pm PST, 8:00pm CST, 9:00pm EST, 2:00am UK Time, 3:00am SAST, 11:00am Sydney Australia, 1:00pm Wellington NZ

Get Ready for it, Tonight, Saturday, October 7th, at 8pm CST, is Part Two of our Big Show Series that Reveals how ‘The Donald’ pulled the Shocker of the Century and Fooled the Fake Jew International Bankers into Thinking he was the Greatest Business Man of All Time…

Once Fooled, Trump then got these Cabalistic Bankers to OVER EXTEND on his Capital Investments, and then he brought them to their Knees when he acquired the Taj Majal, and spent a Fortune Making it Over, and Finishing it, so that ‘The Taj’ could Open as the Biggest Money Loser in History, forcing these Bankers and their Banks to their Knees, as Trump had Now become TOO BIG TO FAIL, and as such, these Banking Scum had NO OTHER CHOICE but to Ride Out Trump’s ‘Bad Financial Times’, which NEVER ENDED…

The Result? Trump and the Q Team USED the Canaanites to Fork over their Illegally acquired Money to ‘The White Hats’, who then used these Funds to Build, Acquire and Renovate their BASES of OPERATIONS for the Q Team on the East Coast of America…

Talk about The Apprentice becoming the Master, Trump SOLD his Act as a Raving Ego-Maniac, Libido-Driven, Bankster which the Cabal LOVED, and then used their own Funds to TAKE THEM DOWN…

Game, Set and Match…


Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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    Total 28 comments
    • G

      What sting operation? This sting operation talk is just a narrative to deceive the people. If there is such an operation those who are in charge are very incompetent! What really exists is an operation to cull 85 to 90% or more of the people of planet Earth. This is the plan, the Great Reset! So trust the plan, right?

      • feral pa paw

        If you notice , they all pick a new catch phrase to zoom in on every week? Just like the EBS bull shit and the Storm is Coming / Upon Us etc…. This week they are all saying some kind of top secret sting operation is going on. In fact its so top secret that nobody in the World knows about it accept these Turd Hustling Q Cultist. The PLAN is to keep the public docile while the Marxist finish us off. Keep them thinking some imaginary group of White Hats are coming to save their silly asses. While no such thing is happening at all. But the Hopium Addicts won’t wake up until FEMA shows up on their doorsteps to haul them off to the Camps. That’s the PLAN.

        • Jimmy

          But don’t forget,… Derek Jonhson,… FEMA camps “good”,…

        • Gray_Matter

          Catch? Phrase? Zoom in on?

          What the hell is REALLY going on IS summed up in basic childish addition. Which is to say…1 + 1 DOES NOT ADD UP TO WON!

          1). These former United States of America has WASTED OVER $100 BILLION DOLLARS choosing to protect & defend that BS UckRain fag lie about Russia invading ‘their’ nation while at the exact same time…

          This my honest reader/s is THE WORST level of absolute TREASON this nation has ever had forced upon us, BAR NONE. Anyone care to know WHY!?

          Matthew chapter 12 verses 25 thru 28: “And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.” AND…
          II Chronicles chapter 7 verses 14-15-16: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be…

          • Gray_Matter

            Catch? Phrase? Zoom in on?

            What the hell is REALLY going on IS summed up in basic childish addition. Which is to say…1 + 1 DOES NOT ADD UP TO WON!

            ADDENDUM, otherwise to be seen as THE ONLY WAY WE WILL WIN!
            II Chronicles chapter 7 verses 14-15-16: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there for ever: and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.” :idea:

          • Gray_Matter

            Of course, I have bent up human nature that makes mistakes CONTINUALLY. However…

            I submit myself before God, ask Him to lead me to learn His way.
            Even so…here’s one detail I’ve not found any way to move away from.

            “It’s better to die on my feet than live on my knees.”
            Emiliano Zapata


            • Anonymous

              Some twisted demented bible hump with NO grey matter is going to tell us what is going..Infantile bullshit

        • Anonymous

          AIPAC reptilians getting brazen

      • jeremyfeit

        Who blew the Georgia guidestones up n how?
        Does cynicism pay or is your head just up your ass?

      • spirittoo

        I totally agree G … I believe Trump is controlled opposition he is part of the Jesuit faction of the cabal and they didn’t have any problems with their enemy the Rothschild faction to use the corporate media they control to slam Trump so the people would think he is a good guy otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it.

        If Trump and the so called white hats who are really gray hats where for real they would have activated the EBS back in 2020 when the election was stolen.

        But look how the election fraud machine is still in place and Trump talking about running again, means he in on it. The trumpsters think he can walk on water over at real raw news. None of their reports can be confirmed yet there it is a cardinal sin to say so.

        They are using the carrot on the stick to keep the people complacent. Just give the government one more chance and things will bet better is the line they always hand out.

        Trump is dirty and someday it will come out. :cool:

      • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

        My Fellow Americans:

        Despite what the “average” American thinks,.. Trump SUPPORTS the International Terrorists called Israel.

        Israel MASS MURDERED American Servicemen on the USS Liberty,… which seems fine with Trump.

        Israel MASS MURDERED Americans & others on 9/11… which seems fine with Trump.

        Trump MASS MURDERED Americans with Operation Warp Speed – COVID BIO WEAPON,… which seems fine with him….

        And yet,… stupid Americans think he’s going to save Americans???….

        How much freakin dumber can any people get??!!!

        JD – US Marine – Trump IS The Enemy… NOT Your Savior!

        • G

          A president who prides himself of his support for the development of bioweapons and than encouraging the people, even children, to let themselves be injected with these bioweapons is NOT a man of the people, but without a doubt working for those elite criminals who want to destroy the people.
          Trump had the support of countless millions of people, not only in America, but all over the world and his retribution to the people was to betray us and try to kill us all with his “Warp Speed” bioweapon!
          I would prefer to be mistaken, but Trump’s rhetoric and actions condemn him.
          Prove me wrong!

    • BruceWinshipWright

      I stopped listening to Charlie Freak when I caught him telling lies about Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. Charlie Freak is clearly part of Dr. Shiva’s NSOE,

      which means NOT SO OBVIOUS ESTABLISHMENT. Charlie Freak has a lot of very useful information. However, he is also serving the New World

      Order traitors, like RFK, Jr., and Donald John Trump.

      If you want to know the truth about Trump, simply research CRAIG UNGER & MIKE GILL.

      DR. SHIVA AYYADURAI, America’s most brilliant, capable, and honorable political figure, is the ONLY POLITICAL FIGURE TELLING THE TRUTH.

      Charlie Freak should be ashamed of himself for kissing the “rotten” Kennedy ass so deeply.

    • jeremyfeit


    • Jimmy

      But Yeah,… Now that “The Devil” is out-of-the-bag,… he’s got to “take everyone” w/ him,… because they are “looking at him”,… & because “The Devil” hates everyone & everything,…

      • Anonymous

        Kind of just like god who hates all humans,wants us all dead and in hell unless we kiss gods ass just the way god e
        Xpects is to===what’s the difference between god and the devil? Nothing

    • BCLocke

      President Donald D Trump is the President which accepted no money, and the economy was better.
      I Do not buy his clarity on the shot, but he was not the expert which had five decades of medical which is Anothony Fucci.
      Jobs were coming back to the USA, and hopefully saving the children. Commander Thor is a joke on We the People News by Mary
      which said to stay in your homes, since Nazi Germany. More I can say, but Trump is our only hope along with many Patriots like
      Jim Jordan, Marjorie Green, Rand Paul and his dad, maybe Ted Vara Cruz from Texas, and Reporter Kerry Cassidy. There is more, but we need everyone onboard, instead of half-done people like Juan O Savin. Other than that, we don’t know who are the bad guys from the good guys is.
      Amercian Frontline Doctors and others are helping this world.

    • BCLocke

      President Donald D Trump is the President which accepted no money, when in office, and the economy was better.
      I Do not buy his clarity on the shot, but he was not the expert which had five decades of medical which is Anothony Fucci.
      Jobs were coming back to the USA, and hopefully saving the children. Commander Thor is a joke on We the People News by Mary
      which said to stay in your homes, since Nazi Germany. More I can say, but Trump is our only hope along with many Patriots like
      Jim Jordan, Marjorie Green, Rand Paul and his dad, maybe Ted Vara Cruz from Texas, and Reporter Kerry Cassidy. There is more, but we need everyone onboard, instead of half-done people like Juan O Savin. Other than that, we don’t know who are the bad guys from the good guys is.
      Amercian Frontline Doctors and others are helping this world. I love James Bond.

    • leahburchett

      A beautiful marvelous show.

    • jeremyfeit

      Who the hellcan sit through 4 hours of this? U deserve an award!

    • randywaynefricke

      I still say Donald Trump is a time traveler. Tesla? Uncle John Trump? Time traveler.

    • leahburchett

      So the masons are the good guys, who are the evil ones????

    • trumster 79

      this is a Military intelligence worldwide covert sting Operation been operation for a Long time actuall Started Years ago, Trump Has 200 Generals and The teams Behind Him Special forces Many Volunteers whitehats,
      You people do Know What A sting Operation is?Are you to brainwashed. Much Has Been Hapening Behind The scenes. Try Doing A Little Research For The truth.
      In this group There are less Then A Handful That Know the Full Plan.Get Your Heads out of the sand and wakje up. Mass Arrest been made since 2017. Dc Vatican and Crown are Done We are Not Corporation We are The restored Republic since July 2020 Not Told to The public. There Claning up all The elites Cabals Satanics Reptillions That Been doing Evil for Years.
      Saving Thousands of Children That they trafficed Killed Ate Raped Torture for years. Yes There are Tunnels all over

      Isreal has Tunne going ls leading to vatican That There cleaning Out. Getting Rid of Bad Dudes and Fake Mafia.Instead od Saying Nothing going on or Everones Lyinf Do YOUR OWN RESEARCH SEEK THE FACTS AND TRUTH AND VERIFY IT
      This is a SCRIPTED MOVIE to Wake all You Sleepers up To Whats been Gong on. I Myself knew Things were off since The 6o.s My father use to say how corrupt this world was. Then I started Paying attention .Lucifer has been running The World For Years,
      He Had The Bibkle Rewritten Many Times he blackmailed The popes and bishops. Whole story on Thats Research it
      Vatican and crown was raided and seised. Real Pope…

      • US Marine Fighting Tyranny


        Yeah, sure pal,… whatever you say.

        That’s why he supports an International Terrorist Organization called Israel, that MASS MURDERED AMERICANS on the USS Liberty and on 9/11, and continued that on his own initiative with Operation WARP SPEED (8+ million Americans dead just from that).

        That’s why he’s in court on all those nonsense charges,…. it’s all “part of the plan!”


        JD – Shaking My Head At The Sheer Stupidity Of Trumptards…

    • BruceWinshipWright

      Charlie Freak has absolutely lost his mind. He is so gay sounding and acting. He must be wearing a Balerina’s TuTu as he speaks.

      Charlie seems to be so in love with JFK, Junior that he would lie about Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, America’s Greatest man, BY FAR!

      Charlie Freak Sucks.

    • Le Roy

      🔸 A Prayer To The Heart of Reality, Proposed By The Divine World-Teacher, Adi Da Samraj, For Non-Sectarian Use By Humankind🔸
      👐🏻 Beloved, Inmost Heart of every heart,
      do not Let our human hearts be broken
      by our merely mortal suffering here—
      but Make our mortal human hearts break-Free
      to an unconditional love of You,
      that we may, Thus, love all living beings
      with Love’s own True, and Truly broken, Heart. 👐🏻

      🌹All of them are Blessed who practice constant love of the Indivisible Divine Spirit with their totality of heart, and mind, and bodily strength of will [Mark 12:30]—and who, by thus surrendering to the Divine Spirit as Indivisibly One, do also love every other living being as if every other were not other, but only the same as one’s own self. [Mark 12:31]🌹
      — Jesus of Galilee

    • OzzieEd

      Sky dome dude, you have something in common with this poster. You both assume people are sitting around with unlimited download space and all the time in the world for you to prattle on. I would love to watch some of your vids but you censor yourself by putting up your info in a format we genuinely poor people can’t watch.

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