If Qanon or Trump were legit, they would use the term, "SHADOW GOVERNMENT," because every nation on earth was toppled, their sovereign governance replaced by a slave master 'federal corporation,' which means 'contract corporation,' each of these corporations receiving a 'secret service contract' and all of them are in GROSS BREACH OF CONTRACT as they are supposed to be SERVICE PROVIDERS and instead, THEY HAVE BECOME GENOCIDAL SATAN WORSHIIPING MURDERERS and SACRIFICERS OF BABIES and SACRIFICERS OF INNOCENTS.
If Qanon was legit, Qanon would use the term, SHADOW GOVERNMENT.
If TRUMP was legit, he would do SOMETHING? Rather than playing the DUMB GAME, focusing on CAMPAIGN SPYING while the military is betraying our boys & girls in uniform by giving up their positions to FAKE ISIS which is really just CIA and British MI6 assets, to kill our boys and kills, so that every time a drug shipment is ready for transit, a soldier’s autopsied body is used as the mule, and the flesh stitched up closed over a chest full of drugs. Do you not think it strange that TRUMP could kick ISIS so hard in just a year, but OBAMA allowed them to flourish for 8 years. And yet still Trump allows the sharade to go in, and refuses to bring home our military from Afghanistan so they can keep the poppy plants running, and keep the heroine flowing. Now the cocaine business is flourishing after the CIA has now established new drug king pens to make up for the losses sustained by the capture of EL CHAPO.
This is all just a game, a massive chessboard the size of the earth, and the NEW WORLD ORDER of ROME holds all the carts, so they think, and they did have all the cards, but now The ONE Infinite Creator has returned from his den, and the enemy knows it.
Watch how they tremble. The FAKE ALTERNATIVE MEDIA refuses to say anything about the horrors found in the legal law dictionary of every nation, they have all been perverted for the purpose of slavery, murder, and theft, every; man, women, and child, converted into a THING, a corporation, because inanimate objects cannot be murdered, thus their cannot be a crime, because a THING does not have life, so a CRIME SYNDICATE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT can kill the thing and can kill all the other THINGS, and it matters not, BECAUSE IT IS A THING.
Always remember, THE WEBSTERS DICTIONARY is shit, throw it in the trash, because the CRIME SYNDICATE, NEW WORLD ORDER of ROME, one world government, which owns the United Nations corporation, and which owns the BRICS nations corporation, all these subsidiaries are owned by one parent corporation, THE NEW WORLD ORDER OF ROME, and the dictionary OF defined terms, that they use, is THE LEGAL LAW DICTIONARY, and inside that volume, you will discover that a MAN, is defined as a ‘feudal tenant,’ or a ‘feudal servant,’ or something else convoluted, and when you see the convolution, track it, and you shall find a circle of lies and deceit bent on murder, theft, enslavement and every other retched iniquity, a two tiered FAKE legal system, enslaving the poor (slaves) and letting the rich skate on crimes committed against the slaves.
If Trump and Qanon or any other CEO (President/Prime Minister, bla bla) were legitimately for the people, then they would expose this BEAST as defined by GOD, and the women whom rides the beast, THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, which is just a consolidation of crime families no different than Michael Corlioni from the movie Godfather III, where it actually shows him entering into the powerful circle of crime family consolidation, and guess what folks, THEY SERVE SATAN, and that is whose pulling all the strings behind EVERY NATION ON EARTH, the only reason for WAR IS TO STEAL, there is never a GOOD REASON FOR IT, there is more then enough resources on the earth for everyone, but the whole point of war is to murder innocent MEN AND WOMEN OF FAITH in GOD, ALAH, and the Infinite Creator, these are the targets, as war is no longer necessary for the ILLUMINATI as they already toppled every nation LONG AGO. NOW IT IS JUST A MEANS TO STEAL FROM THE PEOPLE, massive hyper inflation, you name it, everything weaponized against the slaves.
If Qanon or Trump were legit, they would use the term, ‘SHADOW GOVERNMENT.’
RISE UP CHILDREN OF EARTH, CAST OFF YOUR CHAINS, SPREAD THE GOOD WORD OF GOD’S RETURN FROM HIS DEN. SPREAD the good word abroad that now is time to turn to God, to repent, to forgive all, to forgive thyself, but most of all, SCREAM REBELLION FROM EVERY ROOFTOP.
This is The Son of Man
And this is THE WORD OF GOD.
Here is the proof of enslavement and more:
Federal Worker Commits Suicide and Leaves Suicide Note Screaming For Rebellion as Elites Plan To Gas All Federal Prisoners and Murder All Americans By Sending Away The Military Overseas So It Cannot Protect America. SCREAM REBELLION FROM EVERY ROOF TOP FROM WASHINGTON DC TO TIBET, TO BANCOK, TO BOMBAY, TO PERU, TO AFRICA, TO CHINA, TO AUSTRALIA, SCREAM REBELLION!
Trump, Satan’s Slave (better not miss this):
If video goes to wrong place, paste the link into your browser, Google attacking daily.
link for video: https://youtu.be/FCNqfBbFVPA
Written account:
Secret Recording of meeting at Elections Office:
Jonathan Kleck’s websites & link to many JK videos:
God Says, “Since they (Satan’s spawn) want a fight, it shall be a fair fight.”
NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News
Source: http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2019/05/if-qanon-or-trump-were-legit-they-would.html