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By TheDirectHouseofDavid
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Warning! The Euphrates River - The Road to Armageddon - Now Comes the Time of the Crossing!

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The way has already been long prepared..and NOW is the time they will cross

Quotes the Imperial Regent of the Lord, Angelus Domini

You know, at this point, anyone who can’t recognize the fact that we are in the biblical end times, is simply a dullard! 😏

Revelation 16:12 Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great Euphrates River, and it dried up so that the kings from the east could march their armies toward the west without hindrance

Turkey Determined to Push East of Euphrates ‘as Soon as Possible’

Story Here

Turkey to launch east of Euphrates operation “any moment now” – Erdogan 17 DEC 2018

They prepared this some time ago and now is the time for the crossing.

Story Here


A Word of Warning… The Fallen Angels Mentioned In Enoch Are Released During this Time For the Final Battle

Revelations 9 13 14 … 13 The sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and I heard a voice coming from the four horns of the golden altar that is before God. 14 It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” 15 And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. 16 The number of the mounted troops was twice ten thousand times ten thousand. I heard their number.

I confirmed with the Lord’s Imperial Regent, Angelus Domini if this would occur and his reply

Quotes a chilling response


Kelly 12:03 am

So we are about to see the fallen

May I remind people of this or do you still prefer I not bring attention to this

Angelus 12:04 am

You’re about to see their handiwork… But soon you will see much more.

You can remind them.

The Battle of Armageddon will take place in Israel, in the prophesied Valley of Megiddo. It will occur “after” the Great Tribulation Period, at the Second Coming of our Lord whose footsteps are upon the earth now. He returned to set up His Kingdom on earth, to gather his elect, and separate the wheat from the chaff. Now he judges the nations. There are several Bible passages which refer to the same event, but which do not use the term “Armageddon,” including the Supper of the Great God (Revelation 19:17), the Valley of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3:2), the Valley of Decision (Joel 3: 13-14), and the Battle of that Great Day of God Almighty (Revelation 16:14). Revelation chapters 14, 16, 17 and 19 describe Armageddon as a place of great slaughter where troops will be gathered, assembled and pressed together. At Armageddon Christ, RayEl will come in all of His wrath and glory with His army following Him on white horses. One Yeshua, now RayEl as per Revelations is a man of war, judging in righteousness with the sword of His mouth.

Nations will be punished for their sins. He will take authority over the earth and remove the kingdom and reign from the corrupted leader of this world.



Other Evidence

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Other Sources Credits Sources and Credits
 God and his Holy Son
 The Messiah Lord RayEl
The Imperial Regent of the Lord Angelus Domini
The Holy Bible
 Christ Has Returned YouTube
I do not claim ownership of any pictures, videos or story links.
 This is all purely educational and blog Combine logic, signs, prophecies, and follow these headlines to connect it all
Coincidence …no such thing!
The Storm Is Here Are YOU Prepared?
You Know What to Do! Exodus, Go Baja or Mount Zion area to prepare! The Time Is NOW



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    Total 37 comments
    • William S.

      Very little time remains for people to repent. Go to to get started!!

    • EricLogan

      Step after step to prime this Armageddon battle to really explode when the appointed time comes.

    • plsnogod

      This is the funniest stuff I’ve read in ages. Thankyou!

      • wheeties

        some body posted the crime record of these stupid maggots leader—–it had all the details/name, and of arrest and convictions of this guy who calls himself ray and al–it was a rap sheet a mile long–they are nothing but a scam/fraud–have a family member who is with the fbi and there is agents investigating them along with their god coin..what a joke–

        • TheDirectHouseofDavid

          Fake news, half-truths, old news and corrupt system with corrupt people. The world would be a better place with if TRUTH were a way of life for all.

          :arrow: Seen it all. Just about every famous person has this same attack placed upon them. The same thing happened to Christ over 2,000 years ago. Mankind just has not changed. :neutral:

          Oh they think we are BIG enough for the FBI .. ok then so I guess someone knows that this is tangible enough for that attention .. they would not touch just anyone would they. Of course not. We know there are two teams .. it just depends of if they serve Satan or God …We serve God. As if we did not have rights :idea:

          • Andy

            “The world would be a better place with if TRUTH were a way of life for all.”

            the TRUTH? you wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you on the ass :idea:

            - the universe was not created but has always existed in accordance with Universal Natural LAW (first law of thermodynamics)
            - there can be no creator for that which was not created
            - all 1 MILLION + gods are mere inventions of ignorant men (including your particular imaginary friend)
            - no gods are real
            - no God is real
            - ALL holy books are man-made works of fiction borne of ignorance (vedas, bible, quran etc)
            - NO holy men lived (buddha, krishna, jesus etc)

            time to grow out of your fantasy fairy-tales, let go your imaginary friends and mature into an adult who does that which is right, for no reason other than it is right

            • Rockledge

              You can’t possibly know any of this any more than those who think they can use the bible to set times and dates can do so.

              If you knew anything about the laws of thermodynamics, you would also know that one basic part of the 1st law of thermodynamics is that cold is absence of heat , and that heat flows to cold, and that the laws of thermodynamics are irreversible.
              Even basic understanding of electron valence and co-valence implies as much.

              If this is so, why do scientists ignore the fact that the entire universe should all have become the same temperature by now?

              One thing that is a likely certainty is that, if you are wrong, and there is indeed a Supreme Being, and that Supreme Being happens to be the God you reject, boy are you ever fucked. Eternally.

            • Andy


              i KNOW the laws of the universe and i do not set times and dates, because they are nought more than man-made constructs

              i fully comprehend the laws of thermodynamics, the laws of motion, coulombs law, ohms law and a bundle of others you’ve never even heard of

              cold IS NOT the absence of heat – cold is entirely relative – a thermonuclear detonation is “cold” compared to the core of the sun – cold is a relative LACK of thermal energy, not the ‘absence’ thereof (zero thermal energy is simply not possible, as is ‘absolute zero’ impossible)

              ‘heat flows to cold’ correct, but not completely – all ‘potential differences’ work to rebalance – known as osmosis

              “If this is so, why do scientists ignore the fact that the entire universe should all have become the same temperature by now?”
              where do you get such utter rubbish? parroting the ignorance of others? what you claim is simply impossible – care to provide EVIDENCE to the contrary? or will you merely parrot the ignorance of others yet again?

              “One thing that is a likely certainty is that, if you are wrong, and there is indeed a Supreme Being, and that Supreme Being happens to be the God you reject, boy are you ever fucked. Eternally”

              if “i” am wrong? what have I to do with anything? the First Law is UNIVERSAL NATURAL LAW, it is not wrong – man-made fairy-tales and imaginary friends are WRONG

            • Rockledge

              You are wrong, cold has an absolute.
              Also, for you to assume I know nothing of the very basic laws of physicist you mention is
              evidence of how little you know. That you have had a course in electronics hardly makes you a physicist.
              Electronics happens to be among my many interests of study, as well as part of my education, spotting your basic understanding was quite easy.
              That you consider obvious scientific observations as “rubbish” is quite strong evidence that you are just another psuedo- intellectual attempting to prove his atheist religion with science, which is absurd considering the mind of mankind is , at the very peak, limited to being stuck on a ball of dirt with weak attempts to physically travel beyond.
              Atheism is an invented religion with no foundation other than weak conjecture and imagination.

            • Andy

              i am not claiming you do not comprehend the laws of physics, YOU are revealing your ignorance – absolute zero (temp) is not possible, stating otherwise reveals your ignorance

              course in electronics? i am proficient in 2 fields of engineering and expert in 3 more and i learned vastly more before i did the courses, which merely filled in a few blanks and also revealed outright falsehoods (e.g. the analogy that electricity flows much like water through pipes is entirely false, electricity is not a flow of electrons at all)

              scientific observations are not rubbish, the erroneous conclusions resulting from ignorance are utter rubbish

              i’m not an atheist, i’m a REALIST – the reality is the universe was not created and there is no creator – got evidence to the contrary? (and i don’t mean inane theories like expanding universe, background radiation etc which have been proven wrong)

              p.s. stating that atheism is a religion also reveals your profound ignorance – atheism by definition is the REJECTION of religious claims because of a complete and utter lack of evidence substantiating religious claims, nothing more, nothing less

            • Rockledge

              Once again, you prove your skills in critical thinking to be lacking.
              I didn’t say absolute zero was possible, I simply said it has an absolute. An absolute that scientists have assigned a theoretical value to.
              The very fact that it is not likely to ever occur supports the thermodynamic theory that heat moves toward cold and that , if the world were indeed billions of years old, the universe would all be the same temperature.

              Pay better attention.

              Man made science is…. man made. It is at best the weak attempts of a very intellectually limited species to try to explain what God has created in mathematical terminology.

      • TheDirectHouseofDavid

        :idea: That is the best you got?

        • Andy

          the ‘best’ you’ve got is a 2,000 yr old fairy-tale borne of ignorance – the cicker is you actually think it’s REAL

          smh – may as well try to tell a 5 yr old Santa is not real

          “i KNOW he’s real, i saw him at the mall”

          at least the 5 yr old has got that much, he actually saw someone dressed up as Santa – you’ve not even got that, just a 2,000 yr old fairy-tale and a con-man

    • The Holy Prophet

      What is going on with the Kurds is very Biblical except they were called a different name in ancient times. We are on the precipice of the New Kingdom and still people mock in disbelief even though prophecy is unfolding before their very eyes.

      • Andy

        what prophecy? there is no prophecy in the bible – it is no different to Nostradamus and his scribblings

    • Huntsman8 There’s no safer place than by the Christ, RayEl, side during this time.

    • Rabbi Knows Best

      We have all witnessed this for a while now with it drying up. Yes, this is right for the crossing of the armies. Next thing we shall see Israel invaded now that USA have intentions of pulling out of syria. Everything is unfolding as prophecy has stated.

    • Selena Scott

      The writing is on the wall…Repent now Israel or face God’s wrath!

    • Greg

      “You know, at this point, anyone who can’t recognize the fact that we are in the biblical end times, is simply a dullard! 😏” – So true. The writing is on the wall… signs everywhere!!! :!:

    • Fred

      You really got to have your head up your ass if you are not able to recognize that we are without any doubt at the end trail of the Biblical End times. Time to wake the fuck up!!!!

      • Fred

        The Messiah is here.. Christ Lord RayEl

      • Andy

        yeah, wake the fuck up – you actually believe a man-made fairy-tale is real AND you have imaginary friends

    • TheDirectHouseofDavid

      NOW is that time! :cool:

      When Christ ascended to Heaven 2000 years ago, it was at this location, and the angels assured the witnesses that he would return the same way.

      Acts 1:11 And they were saying to them, “Galilean men, why are you standing and gazing into the sky? This Yeshua, who was taken up from you into Heaven shall come in this way, as when you saw him going up into Heaven.”

      Matthew 24:27 For just as lightning goes out from The East and appears unto The West, so will the coming of The Son of Man be.

      When his Holy Spirit descended from the clouds in the Middle East (Jerusalem), it entered our realm with a flash like lightning, and instantly traveled to the West (North America), to join with the Son of Man, RayEl.

    • TheDirectHouseofDavid


    • Gordon

      Matthew 24:26-28
      26 “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

      Rayel is not the one. his agenda is too isolated.

    • Gordon

      This raymond lear has been gaining notoriety as the messiah and going by the name Ray el. The video seeks to confirm his authenticity by a number of signs and wonders. However this is bunk don’t give this guy any credit no matter how hard they try to sell it. In contrast we know the Son of God is Jesus Yeshua and His return will be seen world wide.

    • Andy

      You know, at this point, anyone who can’t recognize the fact that we are in the biblical end times, is simply a dullard!

      anyone who actually believes the man-made fairy-tale known as the bible is anything other than a man-made fairy-tale is an indoctrinated imbecile and is willfully ignorant :eek:

      the bible is a man-made FICTION

      - all powerful god can create an entire infinite universe, but can’t manage to pen a single sentence of his own book?
      - can send his only living son to die for all humanity, yet he can’t manage to pen a single sentence of his own book either?
      - all scriptures were written by ignorant men who didn’t know what gravity, electricity, bacterium & viruses are
      - all scriptures were written in the languages of men
      - all scriptures were written using tools invented by men (pen, paper, ink, etc)
      – the bible was AUTHORED by the pagan roman emperor Constantine at the council of Nicaea in the yr 325ad
      - the bible is replete with thousands of contradictions and factually incorrect info
      - the FACT that neither god nor jesus penned a single sentence of their own book is the very strongest of evidence that neither ever wanted such a book written,,,,

      ,,,, but then, fairy-tale characters can’t write their own fairy-tale now can they

    • Rockledge

      Anyone who assumes to know for certain we are in the end times is a dullard.
      Nobody knows for sure.
      Most certainly birth pangs such as gender confusion and convoluted sexuality, war drums, churches teaching mammon worship and greed and talking more about money than about Jesus, and many of the other evils in modern society is evidence we are, and I assume we are, but I do NOT assume to know for certain.

      Men have been assuming they are in the end times for centuries, and have been mistaken.

      It very well could take decades before Satan has all his ducks in a row ( or thinks he does) to the point where God pulls the switch.
      On the other hand, it could be a matter of years.

      We simply do not, and cannot know. We can assume. And we can prepare, as believers have been doing for centuries.

      • Andy

        there is no god, there is no satan, there is only reality and delusion – prepare all you like, your imaginary friend cannot ‘return’ because he was never here in the first place (delusion)

        try REALITY instead

        time to grow out of your fantasy fairy-tales, let go your imaginary friends and mature into an adult who does that which is right, for no reason other than it is right

        • Rockledge

          Like I say, Pascals wager applies.

          If you are wrong, boy are you fucked.

          If I am wrong, I have lost nothing and in fact gained something you do not have.

          • Andy

            If you are wrong, boy are you fucked.”
            what’s this “I” business? ‘I’ have nothing to do with Universal Natural LAW and that law is not wrong

            ” If I am wrong, I have lost nothing and in fact gained something you do not have.

            you wasted your life on a LIE, i’d say you’ve lost something and you’ve gained nothing as delusion isn’t hope! at best it is false hope

            and i gotta ask, hope for what? that after you die you un-die in some imaginary place? i’m content knowing that when i pass, that’s IT & thanks for the ride

      • Rockledge

        The true irony here is that you cannot prove this any more than Bible thumpers can prove that the Bible is God inspired.
        Your atheist religion is just as unprovable, and perhaps from a scientific standpoint, far more unprovable.
        The difference is, believers have faith, and believe on faith and out of the intelligence of knowing that pissing off God , if God does indeed exist, is probably not wise, and there is likely no better way to piss off God than to tell Him He doesn’t exist.

        Again, Pascals wager.

        Hope is something. Hopelessness is hopeless.

        Do the math, Pythagoras

        • Andy

          prove what? the above FACTS? try countering ONE of them, any one,, just one will do

          atheism is not a religion and you should know better than to claim it is – you make the claim, please provide substantiating evidence

          all powerful, all knowing, omnipresent GOD is LOVE is gonna get pissed huh? you evidently do not understand LOVE (Love ONLY Loves, fear does the rest)

          your GOD must be infantile in order to give a flying fuck what a mere ant thinks – if a bacterium told me i didn’t exist i wouldn’t give a flying fuck and your GOD cares about such inane things huh? got nothing better to do this Sunday?

          Hope is something – FALSE hope is nothing more than self delusion, which you have in spades

          there is nothing more profoundly sad than religious delusion

          • wheeties

            ray al has a rap sheet a mile long–wish i could remember who posted his real name and all the arrests and convictions–i am sure he will do it again so you thieving maggots don’t get very far—any law enforcement will check out a complaint filed by a citizen–its their job and the fbi is no exception….you guys are a fraud and i am sure you will disappear very soon you lying crooks

          • wheeties

            here is a fact about your bullshett bible—>people have been saying the same crap over and over since the beginning of time and always attributing to god when god had nothing,zero to do with that garbage–——–>the bible,the book of wrath and judgement,satan’s best work—god has no wrath nor judgement–only stupid,foolish,petty,immature humans have wrath,judgement,guided by their unholy god,the devil–god knows who,what we are–you think god puts you on this planet with his divine love and then decides to destroy you because you dont adhere to some nonsense written and practiced by some insane old dudes!!!? the bible is the word of men,not god–god would not touch any of that insane crap with a billion mile long pole–all that bible humper bull shett is for agents of satan–god is love and jesus said salvation is for all,even a one second old “baby”–no hail marys or forgiveness needed—if jesus was here today he would be hanging out with the ungodly and sinful,immoral lost souls–jesus knows the self righteous,with their huge maniacal egos that you find at most churches are beyond help-they will only see the light when they cross to the other side
fools,jackasses these die hard bible humpers

    • Greybeard

      you don’t even know what “the Day” is let alone fulfill it !!!!!!!1

      and ya still got nothing!!!11

    • beLIEve

      The video linked may well be of interest to those following the tale of the FAKE “joo” khazars



      @ 3:07 The Greater Israel Project…..also known as ……The Oden Yinon Plan.

      * * *

      The FAKE “joo$” appear to have NO HISTORICAL LINK to………Israel……..aka………Is Ray EL :wink:

      So, why are THEY so interested in the area :?:

      * *


      Subtitle: LLUMINISTS believe that BLOOD SHED on or NEAR 33rd parallel is RITUALLY very POWERFUL.
      This war joins the list of major historic events occurring at or near 33rd degree parallel.


      Servicemen GENOCIDED on/near the 33rd PARALLEL will confer…..POWER……on those who “facilitated” the SACRIFICE….

      aka…….the WAR MONGERER$…..and…….we all know who THEY are. :idea: :evil:

      * *

      The 33rd Parallel – MASONIC LINE of DEATH for P$YCHIC ENERGY

      Geo-Spatial Alignment of Southern Death Rows & Abu Ghraib as EVIDENCE of HUMAN SACRIFICE RITUAL to……..

      Super HUman EnTITie$ for TEMPORAL POWER. :idea:

      * *

      Along The 33rd Parallel: A Global Mystery Circle

      * * *

      MORE ….demonic/satanic……SUBTERFUGE from the FAKE “joo” khazars….HELL BENT…on GLO-BALL dominance. :mad:

      What you need to know about ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN and the ILLUMINATI

      March 9th 2017


      The name……ASTANA :evil: :idea:

      Hail satan !………transaltes into the Latin…….Ave SATANA…..and……S A T A N A …is an ANAGRAM of…….Astana :!:

      * * *

      Final Warning! The Apocalyptic Winter Is Here – Bizarre Events! The Beasts From the East Are Coming

      Saturday, December 29, 2018


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