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By Michael Moore
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72 Hour Warning – NASA Confirm Nibiru Huge Explosion on the Sun - What Will Happen

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COULD NIBIRU/ PLANET X or CERN be causes major issues with the sun? A massive solar flare will hit Earth, bringing with it the threat of power and GPS blackouts but also improving the chance of seeing the northern lights. The burst of charged particles which has been released by the Sun and is rushing towards Earth is the biggest since August and comes as the Sun begins the most active stage of its 11-year cycle.

Forget asteroids: Solar storm could ’cause apocalypse on Earth with just 12 hours warning. The government has alarmingly admitted it is “woefully under prepared” for a major solar storm which could cause plane crashes, train derailments, huge fires, mass power blackouts and satellite disruption.

A solar storm follows eruptions of mass and energy from the sun’s surface, including flares, sunspots, and coronal mass ejections which send huge amounts of X-rays and radiation towards Earth.

Solar storm can refer to: Solar flare, a large explosion in the sun’s atmosphere. Coronal mass ejection (CME), a massive burst of solar wind, sometimes associated with solar flares. Geomagnetic storm, the interaction of the Sun’s outburst with Earth’s magnetic field.

A coronal mass ejection (CME) is a massive burst of gas and magnetic field arising from the solar corona and being released into the solar wind.

What happens if we lose power indefinitely — foods that require freezing or refrigeration for long term storage are going to go bad? Emergency food storage in advance will be the only way to feed yourself and your family.

Coronal mass ejections release huge quantities of matter and electromagnetic radiation into space above the sun’s surface, either near the corona (sometimes called a solar prominence), or farther into the planet system, or beyond (interplanetary CME). The ejected material is a plasma consisting primarily of electrons and protons. While solar flares are very fast, CMEs are relatively slow.

Near solar maxima, the Sun produces about three CMEs every day, whereas near solar minima, there is about one CME every five days.

When the ejection is directed towards Earth and reaches it as an interplanetary CME (ICME), the shock wave of the traveling mass of solar energetic particles causes a geomagnetic storm that may disrupt Earth’s magnetosphere, compressing it on the day side and extending the night-side magnetic tail. When the magnetosphere reconnects on the night side, it releases power on the order of terawatt scale, which is directed back toward Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Solar energetic particles can cause particularly strong aurora in large regions around Earth’s magnetic poles. These are also known as the Northern Lights (aurora borealis) in the northern hemisphere, and the Southern Lights (aurora australis) in the southern hemisphere. Coronal mass ejections, along with solar flares of other origin, can disrupt radio transmissions and cause damage to satellites and electrical transmission line facilities, resulting in potentially massive and long-lasting power outages.

Keep reading to find out more!

The Carrington Event of 1859 caused one of the largest geomagnetic storms of history. Just last year NASA was warning us of a repeat performance, which we narrowly escaped. The difference is, if a coronal mass ejection hit the Earth’s magnetosphere today, the EMP would most likely destroy the electrical grid and most electronics.

But even on a smaller scale, the activity of the sun affects us. The CB radio craze of the 1970s was killed by electromagnetic interference, which was caused by sunspots. Radio interference of all kinds is linked to such sunspot activity.

Even the constant change of our world’s climate has been proven to be linked to solar activity, not CO2, like the global warming alarmists would have us believe. So, our sun has the ability to do great good, but also the ability to do great harm and it has no conscience to guide it.

While concerns about a coronal mass ejection and the potential EMP it would cause are with us at all times, there are other things the sun is blamed for, which are one time, or at least very infrequent events.

One such is the recent concern of the current sunstorm causing a massive increase in earthquake activity.

Earthquakes exist all the time, proving that there are massive forces at work inside the Earth. But most of those earthquakes are small enough that they are not noticed by anyone except the sensitive seismic equipment that records them.

However, earthquake activity has been on the upswing here in the United States.

Part of that is due to fracking, which requires splitting underground shale deposits by pumping pressurized water into the ground. But those are extremely localized, mild earthquakes, most of which fall into the category of not being recognizable by people on the ground above them.

There has also been an increase in earthquake activity in the vicinity of Yellowstone National Park and the supervolcano it enshrines.

Between Science and Pseudoscience

In some circles, this is raising concerns about a possible eruption, an even that could have dire consequences for a large part of the United States. While scientists still say that we are safe from such an event, an increase in seismic activity in the area around an earthquake is one of the signs that the Earth gives us of a pending eruption .

But now we’re hearing warnings about this solar storm causing a potential increase in earthquake activity, with the potential of earthquakes having a magnitude of as much as six to seven. But there is no real historic scientific evidence to point to a connection between solar activity and earthquakes.

I suppose if the sun’s activity were to produce enough geomagnetic force, it could have an effect on the Earth, even to the point of causing enough pressure to be responsible for the movement of the plates which make up our planet’s surface.

Were that to happen, we would have earthquakes caused by the sun. But the amount of magnetic force required to cause such an event would probably be much more severe than what we see from current solar activity. I propose that it would be strong enough to also trigger an EMP.

Studies have been undertaken, looking at the possibility of a correlation between solar flares (solar storms) and earthquake activity from January 1991 to January 2007.

While it has been shown that all 682 earthquakes of a magnitude of 4.0 or larger were preceded by a solar flare, not all solar flares were followed by earthquakes. So, while solar flares might still have some relation to earthquakes, there is no conclusive evidence that they do.

This indicates that belief that solar flares cause earthquakes is actually pseudoscience, defined as “a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method”, according to dictionaries.

Our modern world is filled with pseudoscience. Most conservatives regard global warming (by whatever name) as pseudoscience. Christians who accept the biblical account of creation see the theory of evolution, which is universally taught as science, as nothing more than pseudoscience. The favor is returned by those who believe in evolution, calling creationism pseudoscience based upon ancient myths.

Likewise, there are many forms of pseudoscience that you can find cropping up within the prepping community.

The idea of the Earth’s magnetic field shifting, supposedly demonstrated by places in the Atlantic Ocean where the magnetic field is reversed, is a pure case of pseudoscience. In this particular case, it demonstrates an important thing we must realize in regard to any pseudoscience.

That is, it is theories, usually based on incomplete and untrue information, which are presented as if they were the TRUTH.

In the case of the supposedly reversed magnetic fields, the conclusion is based upon a false presentation of data.

Oceanographic studies of the Earth’s magnetic field have shown that there are places in the deep ocean where the level of magnetic force vary. The graph I saw shows a variance in almost a sine wave pattern.

But here’s where the problem comes in. Someone arbitrarily drew a line through the middle of that wave, just as would be done with alternating current. In AC, such a line designates a point of zero voltage. So it’s natural to read the graph of the magnetic variance in the same way, giving an interpretation of a reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field.

Could the Earth’s magnetic field actually shift? Yes, it can.

The earthquake and tsunami of 2011, which destroyed the Fukushima nuclear power plant was severe enough to shift the Japanese coastline eight feet and cause a slight realignment of the Earth’s magnetic poles by four inches.

But that was an earthquake measured 8.9, the fourth largest earthquake in recorded history. If you’re doing the math yourself, you see that to actually cause the Earth’s poles to reverse would require 262,954,560 times that amount of force.

This is the type of thing that makes something pseudoscience. While I have just demonstrated that it is theoretically possible for the Earth’s poles to reverse, I have also shown that it would take an astronomical amount of force to make it happen; a force great enough that there’s just as much a possibility of it tearing the Earth apart.

Pseudoscience with a Goal

So why should we care? The fact is, pseudoscience is most often used to generate fear, causing people who hear about it to react in the way that the person presenting it wants them to.

That’s why global warming is always presented as something that can and will end life as we know it.

If they were to tell us the truth about their own data and their own computer models, most people would simply shrug and say, “So what?”

It’s hard to get scared about a potential rise of two degrees in temperature over the next 100 years, especially when you take into consideration that the Earth has already survived periods which were considerably warmer than that. But then, you can’t make money off of saying “Don’t worry folks, it’s just going to get a touch warmer.”

It is easy to sell pseudoscience to uninformed, uneducated people. That’s why low information voters are willing to go along with the whole global warming scam.

But we, those of us who are concerned about the future and about protecting our families from it, must watch out that we don’t fall into the same trap.

Yes, the world is full of risks and danger. Yes, much of the fear mongering that is spread around the internet has some basis in fact, but that doesn’t make it true. In many cases, the potential effects of such an event happening are so low, as to be negligible.

On the other hand, don’t let the true dangers get lost in the midst of the hue and cry of false risks. North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs are a real risk, as are those of Iran.

A coronal mass ejection is a real risk too. So is the possibility of an economic collapse. For that matter, the lowering of our aquifers and the potential lack of water that may cause is a real problem too, albeit one that will take some time to realize.

So was the Ebola outbreak that happened a couple of years ago.

You are the only one who can decide what you should believe and what you should prepare for. That means you must take the time to educate yourself, sifting through the mass of false information and fake news on the internet, and finding the gems of truth, which will tell you what the real risks out there are.

Take action on those, and you’ll be ready for whatever comes your way! Being ready to survive a blackout is one big step to take!

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    Total 22 comments
    • Anonymous

      This is the worst click-whore, click-bait headline that I have ever read. Nice job, BIN. :smile:

      • LifeIs

        It’s called a straw man. A little something for Central to debunk. In the mistaken belief that we are stupid.

        Meanwhile, Planet X / Dwarf Star does exist, has been close enough to affect the Earth for 9 years now, and will soon give us a push. Which will cause a dramatic tumble.

        How do I know the time is near? The moves of pure desperation, by the guys who didn’t win the last election, who are NOT going to be in the bunkers. Not going to be the rulers of what’s left of the world.

        Example: The Hail Mary pass, the failed coup attempt over the weekend:

        (1) Robert Reich suggested the Supreme Court could rule the Trump presidency “unconstitutional.” He didn’t say what would make them do that.

        (2) At least two news organizations predicted a “bombshell” announcement by the special prosecutor, scheduled for Friday, August 31.

        (3) Friday evening, Q (as close to the President as his shadow, as proven many times, many ways) disclosed cyber warfare in progress.

        We can infer the CIA computers mentioned as disabled, and the spy satellites, and the link to GCHQ in England, were to be used in controlling the coup itself, and the popular uprising that would follow.

        (4) Saturday an ex-President (that would be Obama) was busy conspiring in an ad hoc SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) Q posted taunts about that. “It must be hard to communicate.”

        Patriot President Trump, with the military, the NSA, and the public firmly on his side, won the battle.

        Against the CIA, its news media, the entrenched, corrupt Democrat leaders (and a few Republicans) and their Globalist regime allies overseas.

        Also on Saturday, President Trump proclaimed September to be National Preparedness Month.

        Happy National Preparedness Month everybody!

        • Central Scrutinizer

          ^^^ “and will soon give us a push”.

          What, soon, say like October? Or even sooner, say, September? Cause May was a total BUST (although I did tap into some of the Pink Salt to dress my Pacifico beers for Cinco de Mayo!! – Pacifico is really the only quality Mexican beer – well that and Modelo). Both Boxing Days you previously touted were also complete BUSTS… And “weeks away”, circa 2014 can’t even be seen in the rearview mirror anymore.

          So if it’s close enough to affect da Erf’ for 9 whole years now, what direction should I look in the night sky to catch a glimpse? Oh yea, that’s right, I don’t have the Super Special ‘Tim the Enchanter’ Flash Frozen Infrared Telescoping Decoder Ring……. But I do have the BINNERS 3.0 and MAN, the stuff you can see with these quality optics. :mrgreen:

          • LifeIs

            The government, which has a good idea, about the timing (that is what all the instruments are for, from 1993 to now,) seems to expect after September. Preparedness Month.

            That can be misdirection. But let’s say it’s not. We have mysterious persons among us, putting 10 and 6 and 11 onto clock faces (Katy Perry video, Simpsons episode) And we have Lewis Carroll describing a pole shift (in The Walrus and the Carpenter) and putting 10/6 on the Hatter’s hat.

            11 is destruction in occult-speak.

            That leaves 10 and 6.

            Which can be a date of note. Now, the mystery persons, through their proxy forces (Ephesians chapter 6, written by someone who knew someone who had been taken into the sky- II Corinthians 12) scheduled WW 1 to end on 11/11. and that could be significant. Destruction/Destruction.

            But it looks like Cara was on the right track, with October.

            • LifeIs

              The Miracle of the Sun was October 13, 1917 if that helps.

            • LifeIs

              Oh and look. “Wireless Emergency Alert System” test scheduled for September 20 and (if necessary) October 3rd.


            • Central Scrutinizer

              I like you ‘Tim the Enchanter’.
              Give you some rope, and you will hang yourself. You can’t even get out of your own way to add fodder to the EPIC rant that November portends.
              You jumped from Creepy kids, to now comic characters and Alice in Wonderland. Wonder what it’s like to spend a minute inside your head?!?!?! :mrgreen:

            • Central Scrutinizer

              October 13, 1917 – Hmmmmmmmm… Lets explore some math here.

              1+3+7, yep, there’s an 11
              3+1+1+1, WOW, there’s a 6
              9+1+1, ANOTHER 11
              9-3, this is getting scary, a….. 6
              7+1+1+1, GADS, it’s a 10
              1+9+3-7, OMG, another 6
              7+3, Holy Creepy Kids Batman, a 10

              I can’t do this anymore. I frozen with fear. All the scary numbers are there, for the world to see in their splendid glory, flickering like the Sun did that fateful October day.
              Hold me ‘Tim the Enchanter’, I’m frightened……………… :mrgreen:

            • LifeIs

              Central well let’s put it this way. There’s a difference between reading headlines and reading a newspaper. There’s a difference between reading a classic novel, and reading a comic book version of the story.

              There are people who know stuff. And who amuse themselves by making cryptic references. In literature, in the media.

              Then there is the story of our time, the conduct of leaders. Who know.

              You cannot spend a minute inside my head, for the same reason you cannot see a valid picture of November. They are not shown to you. Headlines are shown (bandwidth limitations) and some headlines exist only to mislead.

              “Son of man, you cannot say, or guess” the best kept secrets. But you can try to guess. You can use your brain, instead of wasting it.

              If only you had a religious faith, a frame of reference that doesn’t depend on what you have seen before. Sometimes things change, and the past does not inform.

              I remember 2015 really well.

            • Central Scrutinizer

              “I remember 2015 really well.

              As do I. Want me off your back? Three little words. “I WAS WRONG”.
              All this nonsense about Planet X, and your visions of the world ending, all of it. Creepy Kids, Secret Society garbage, all of it.

              “I WAS WRONG”, and all that Pink Salt goes down the drain.
              Otherwise, “You got some ‘splainin to do come November”. :mrgreen:

            • LifeIs

              1. I don’t know how to tell you this, but November has not happened yet. Whatever g!impses of the things to be, you’re seeing through the early morning fog.

              In my experience, such glimpses can be totally and persistently wrong. False.

              2. I do not share your normalcy bias, and I do not trust the images people think they see. The illusion of transparency, the illusion of knowledge, the illusion of control, are illusions.

              3. You have no valid reason to expect that you will be here at any time in the future. Some things are not shown. Do notice the passive voice.

              4. You particular illusion of control involves wishing away 9 years of dramatic developments in the solar system, and 25 years of preparation by the US and other governments. Good luck with that.

              5. You’re not troubling me. But I’ll say what you asked. I was wrong in the past. And you won’t be a le to say you were wrong in the future. Being either dead or wishing you were in the post Apocalypse world.

            • LifeIs

              that is “won’t be able”

            • Central Scrutinizer

              And here it is, Oct 19th. Still……… Nada.

              Boy, Tim, you look more and more like a schmuck every day that passes on the way to that fateful November morn!


    • Funk-nonymous

      Total B.S., don’t wast your time here.

    • 2QIK4U


    • Ron H

      I don’t see any mention of this on the website news. You’d think it would be there if real. That’s the problem these days, you don’t know what is real and what is fake. always be prepared anyway!

    • Central Scrutinizer

      ^^^ “comes as the Sun begins the most active stage of its 11-year cycle”.

      What a SHOCKINGLY ignorant statement. Me thinks you either know ZERO about the current Solar Cycle (likely) or this is just click-bait garbage (a close second).

      The Sun is virtually still, in terms of sun spots and solar flares. It is headed into one of the most quiet periods in the past 100 years. Solar Cycle 25 was a total bust and 26 may be even weaker.

      but in the face of all that, yes CME’s still happen during Solar Minimums, and that’s whats happening now. And it happens every Sloar Cycle.

      You are a blathering moron. (And no, the Mystical, Magical Killer Planet X didn’t cause this Solar Flare, Nibutards, so give it a rest, and wait for the EPIC rant scheduled for November. Creepy Kids be D@mned!!!!) :mrgreen:

      • Central Scrutinizer

        How’s that for a ‘List’, there Tim the Enchanter? ^^^
        I hope it meets you approval…… :mrgreen:

    • AJ

      OMG!!! The sky is falling!! I’m running away to safety….Oh!!! Just turn off this site…..

      • LifeIs

        I don’t know how to tell you this AJ, but things don’t stop existing when you close your eyes.

        • Central Scrutinizer

          But things DO stop existing when one slips into a Pink Salt induced coma. Well, at least for one ‘Enchanter’, things will stop. One can only pray the ‘List’ also grind to a halt. Sorta like the grinder on top of the Pink Salt dispenser.

          GRINDER, DISPENSER, nah…. That’s just too easy. :mrgreen:

    • grayeagle40

      Jeremiah 51:53 Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, yet from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the Lord.
      Check out this video, right here on youtube. “Elenin, Planet X, Nibiru, is Wormwood: The logic is Undeniable”

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