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By 50 Shades of Pissed Off
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Why Was Secret Service at School in FL Months Before Shooting, "Training Teachers"

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WOW this is some bombshell stuff…Alex Jones interviews a high school kid who was there, during the false flag…Jalen Martin, a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, calls into the show to give Alex Jones exclusive details to the tragic events that unfolded yesterday.

This is a GREAT interview. I’m sometimes doubtful about the way Alex Jones covers these hoaxes but this kid sounds authentic and legit. And he has some VERY interesting tidbits to share. 


Below I’m reposting my old article titled

False flags: Why the elite always use the hoax model now instead of really killing people

because I think many people still have yet to “get it”:

If you’re anything like me…as soon as you hear the news about a big shooting or a terrorist attack in Europe or America, you roll your eyes and yawn. Then you go pop some popcorn and kick back in your recliner to watch the amusing theatrics that ALWAYS follow. Then you’ll go post something on social media along the lines of “Here we go again”. And within minutes people are jumping in and leaving comments like “Not everything is fake! Sometimes these are real events.”

And in response to that I say “Nope….today in 2018…anything that makes simultaneous nationwide headlines and is covered non stop for a week or even a couple days….is almost ALWAYS a faked hoaxed event.

I can almost say this with 100% certainty. Ok maybe 98% certainty….but I’m pretty confident.

You have to understand how jaded we are after all the completely fraudulent and absolute HOAXES they’ve pulled on us….some of the biggest events have had zero victims…events that were covered for weeks on end…. events that had very intense emotional effects ..

They traumatized the nation with these hoaxes. 

Telling us twenty little 1st graders were shot to death in their classroom??? Turns out not a single one even existed. They’d used the younger pictures of children who were much older at the time of the event.

One eye symbolism 

Boston bombing….we even have it on video….not a single person was actually hurt or injured in this alleged bombing. These fakers can be seen in the video footage setting up the scene with fake blood after the bomb goes off.  The one death they did claim in that bombing was a boy who was completely photoshopped into the scene later. You look at the video footage of the same scene he was photographed in and he appears in absolutely NONE of the footage. And researchers have scoured it. Not only that but his neck is freakishly long…like a giraffe…he has the INAP Syndrome….the “I’m New At Photoshopping Syndrome.” The kid never died because he never existed.

Boston Strong was the phrase they coined after the bombing as a little pep rally. “We ain’t afraid of no terrorists are we Boston? Cuz we’re “wicked strong”. You better be afraid Boston. Because the terrorist is your govt and boy are they wicked. They even got their little pyramid sign into the Boston Strong logo. How stupid can you be?

The last church shooting in South Carolina last year or whenever it was….actors….at the pastors funeral they had an open casket and ACTUALLY used a wax figure of him at his funeral...all of the victims families were OPENLY PAID by our own govt. Since when does our govt pay families just because they were involved in a tragedy? No tears…forgiving the shooter the day after it happened??

When people get upset that I’m questioning an event I tell them “Please…you MUST understand why ppl have major doubts after all theyve put us through. We are being asked to accept core narratives presented by mainstream media as truth until and only until you, the independent thinker, can mount up enough “proof” to debunk it. It’s a fallacy….an assumption that what the news says is true….UNTIL it can be debunked….when really it should be the other way around.”

We are being bombarded with one psyop Gladio B staged event at a time.  Operation Gladio, occurred throughout Europe mostly from 1960-1990.

But the current so called Operation Gladio B (which is also Northwoods II) is much more sophisticated. Gladio B, unlike Gladio (A) is being conducted in an era of mass psychological terror and deception made possible by technology, legalized propaganda, fake terror groups like ISIS and ANTIFA and a clear end-game scenario where the ruling elite know that faking an “attack” has the same effect as conducting an actual Gladio-style attack.

In other words, few are considering Gladio B which we should be in a highly technological AI era and we must realize that it is a much more sophisticated operation this time around.

Our rogue government is now wildly slapping together one staged psyop event after another to keep the attention of the masses away from important things.

​I know it’s hard to swallow…that they would prefer to use a “hoax model over just really killing ppl. But they’ve been using the “hoax false flag” now since about 2008. And here is why they fake all of these events instead of just sending a patsy in and really killing victims.

The model that they like to use involves no real  victims. And no it’s not because they value human life…They view us as cattle. Killing people is what they do before breakfast every day…

The reason they like to use the hoax model is simply because its not nearly as messy as the alternative (and no I’m not speaking in terms of blood and guts messy).

When people don’t truly own their grief they can be controlled MUCH more easily.

The deep state learned their lesson after really killing ppl in the false flag of 9-11. The victims families could not be controlled or managed to say the things they wanted them to say or push the agenda they wanted pushed. The agenda 9-11 was meant to push was often overshadowed by the victim’s families demanding answers. Some of the very first “truthers” were the friends & family members of 9-11 victims.

Real people and real events “go off the tracks.” Real victims don’t follow scripts, can’t be controlled and get to be problems for the crime syndicate.

It gets WAY too messy and complicated when they really kill people and there is real grief and anger from loved ones….and they like these false flags to be real tidy. They are control freaks.

When your grief is not real and you are “in on it” you follow all orders…and you stick to the agenda and the talking points. You say whatever you’re told. You don’t become a pesky nag in their side demanding answers, or become an amateur sleuth who angrily starts revealing the holes you find in the story…on a quest to find out what really happened to your loved one.

No one will be sued (just like at Sandy Hook where not one of the parents sued the school or sued anyone for preventing the first responders from entering the building, etc.). Having ZERO lawsuits filed after that kind of “tragedy” is unheard of.

Real victims would mean that real lawsuits would be filed by their loved ones which means that real evidence would be poured over and scrutinized  in court with a magnifying glass and of course we can’t have that.


Fake victims/no real deaths = crisis actors playing loved ones. Crisis actors instead of real heartbroken angry loved ones = no lawsuits and NO QUESTIONS.

And THIS is why they almost always use the hoax model for all their false flags. And they’ve conditioned the public to shame anyone who questions the official narrative. As though asking questions is disrespectful to the “deceased”.

I say save your self righteous anger for someone else. Anytime there is a mass shooting being covered by our sold out govt controlled media for days on end you better believe I’m gonna take a good long look at it. They are proven liars who stage psyop after psyop on us. The default position must now be disbelief until proven otherwise.

We know that the New World Order is almost here and that no huge news story is randomly being told by coincidence. There is an argument to be made that if the government and media did that now that might be considered wasted resources. All big news stories now have a specific purpose.

Do NOT underestimate the PRICS (psychopaths really in charge). When you have unlimited money, resources, technology and power, and you are HELL BENT on conditioning the population you can and will do just about anything. They can and they do… Don’t be deceived.

Also telling, is that as soon as you post false flag/hoax info on social media and go public with your suspicions, you immediately get trolled HARD by the govbots on social media….and it’s so funny because its ALWAYS the same story…..that about half of them allegedly KNEW the victims.

For example these are the govbots from my latest post on FB about the house of horrors hoax they did in CA to demonize Christian Homeschoolers and make new Orwellian laws. The following is my article on it.

“Kids Chained To Bed” Story Is a Hoax To Demonize Christian Homeschoolers & Draft New Orwellian Legislation in CA.

This guy’s dog’s step dad’s dead aunt’s second cousin knew the Turpin family .

I didn’t know people had “step aunts”. 

Here’s another:

So it’s important to understand that the govt knows their biggest information war occurs on social media. And so they have contracted out a company that deploys thousands and thousands of fake profiles across Twitter, Facebook, Redditt, 4chan, etc. These are AI accts. These AI accts are the reason you get hundreds of fake profile requests each week. You can debate one all day and never have any idea you’re arguing with an AI. Their technology is THAT good. They’ve also gotten good at making their profiles look real so it takes so much more time than it used to to try and vet them. I finally quit even trying…because who has time for all that when you’re inundated with them? So I now have a couple thousand friend requests just sitting there…I’m sure there are some really nice people who’ve sent me requests who I will never accept because I dont have time to weed out the half or more that are fake. It pisses me off that they’ve ruined social media in that way. The govbot’s goal is to become your friend so they can plant unimportant propaganda pieces in your news feed. Along with the help of the algorithms over at FB of course. But they can’t put what they want in your news feed if they’re not your friend first.

Also..every single time a false flag hoax hits the news these govbots pop out of the woodwork and their story is always the same “How dare you! I knew them…I went to school with them…I know them personally.”

They always have an inside connection that gives them the authority needed to discredit you…so people reading it will go “Phew….ok… there’s my out..…this isn’t a hoax”.

The govt has studied psychology in every aspect and they know exactly what needs to be said to cause doubt in the public’s mind. They are aware that there will always be the few shouting…screaming… trying to wake the public up. “You guys…snap out of it…it was all just theatre…it wasnt real…it didn’t really happen! The story was all planned out…for a purpose…to accomplish an end!”

They know there will always be the few trying to point ppl towards the obvious… And so this is their way to combat that.

Shaming people into shutting up. There is no greater disrespect for victims than having zero interest in what actually happened.



An excerpt from Bernie Suarez’s article:

Engineered Chaos and Fear the New Norm In America As Many Assume the “Reality” Of Staged Events:

Like being privileged to a movie screening that no one has seen yet, you will watch as the globalists Cultists show you in plain sight what they are going to do and yet most won’t see the message for what it is as your free mind does. This frustration of seeing people easily fooled will eventually turn into an awe of the process. That’s right, instead of being angry and frustrated that people won’t wake up, you will instead begin to be amazed by the phenomenon (of mass hypnosis) itself. This is the level of true mental freedom I speak of. This level of mental freedom will allow you to speak to hypnotized zombies with authority, indignation, confidence, assurance, conviction, and wisdom. This true freedom and mental health will then be seen in you by others. This is the light and the hope that many are searching for. Let your light shine.

What a rush it is to see what others can’t isn’t it? These circumstances that modern day truth seekers find themselves in are historic moments in the making. Harness the energy, the moment, the opportunity and the unique circumstances. Somehow I get the feeling humanity has played out this script many times. Let us be mindful and skillful in the game of life so that we play all the right cards when it counts. Let us know when to be courageous and when to fight back and let this amazing journey play itself out in a way that we can be proud of.





This next video clip is the FUNNIEST thing Ive seen in years. This is pure gold right here. Get ready to laugh like you havent in a long time. Humor is one of the few weapons we have by the way….we can fight back with stuff like you’re about to see. The one thing the elite can’t stand is being mocked and laughed at. Which is why this is absolutely brilliant.

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    Total 11 comments
    • Anonymous

      Now they are saying the Patsy confessed. Remember the video that showed Cruz climb into the police car and after a few minutes, he came out staggering acting weird like the Aurora Joker. The clue is right there.

    • Anonymous

      I know for a fact that nobody died in WWI. Also, no one died in WWII, because that wasn’t in the news for a week it was more like years. And anyone who thinks that the Vietnam war was real? I mean WTF up.

      And no, we didn’t go to the moon. The Boston marathon bombing didn’t really happen. And no one died in Vegas, that was a total fake. Thank God none of this stuff happens. That’d be bad. :shock:

      • Anonymous

        Well, you got part of it right. That’s a big improvement for you.

    • Pink Slime

      Jest IGNORE the kooks up there. Let them do all the FF operations they want. The hole point blank is to DEMONIZE weapons and gain pubic sentiment to disarm Americans!!

      BUT, this is going AGAINST your Constitution to keep a WELL-ARMED and WELL-REGULATED MILITIA.

      Just NEVER EVER fall for it and keep your weapons and do this! -> BUY MORE!!! And NEVER let this right be INFRINGED in ANY WAY.

      We already have enough unconstitutional laws and regulations and it has NOT WORKED in preventing more gun crimes. In fact, it seems to ENCOURAGE them because you have DISARMED the lawful ones and ARMED the UNLAWFOOL ones in your cRazEd liberal agendas!!

    • unidentified

      why do hired guns always have family ties to the fbi , they’ve been using these morons since jfk was killed

    • Anonymous

      Secret Service works for The Federal Reserve.

    • Ideas Time

      I am sure most of us are tired of trying to explain it to people who don’t get about Hoaxes and false flags.

      The trolls are easy to spot as they use ridicule and sarcasm to try and discredit the obvious truths about these staged events.

      I get trolled all the time and that is all they have because they never provide any evidence other that what was reported on cnn. What a joke and we all know cnn is always first on the seen with their crisis actors ready to go.

    • mrll33

      How nice of you to use one of my family members facebook profile as one of your government trolls just saying…… :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    • Everette

      I get so sick and tired of the media when something like this happens , they begin yelling to whoever is speaking , when are you going to do something about the guns ! Ok ! Let’s take everyone’s guns . There is not enough police to protect you from gangs , thugs , Isis radicals MS13 gangs , bullies and crazy people . So now we have a problem Huston ! They did not take the guns from the criminals . Now they are killing the police . No one now wants to be a policeman , kind of like Europe where Muslim radicals are chasing tgem down tge streets and flipping their cars , burn them with gas cocktails or breaking out the windows and headlights . Now Huston we do have a problem !!! Gangs are going house to house just like in Europe right now and rsping children and women and sometime killing the men and boys . So what they sow up the woman’s puss and leave only a pencil hole to piss out of . Oh and don’t forget cut of her clit too ! Ok ! Let’s say we have gotten all guns from everyone . Now the gangs are using baseball bats , screw drivers , knives bow and arrows , spears , crow bars and whatever suits their fancy to knock your brains out ! The reason Russia , China , Iran , North Korea or whoever does not invade America is because Americans have guns . 305 million against a few hundred thousand is called stupidity ! Now had the school had guards like Trump suggested when he first took office the problem would have ended before it got started ! Yes maybe 2 or 3 may have died , but what is that compaired to what they claim has taken place at this school ! Seems Ameruca has lost their common sense ! We have gotten so logical that we have become stupid ! Everything has to be solved a certain way . How damn stupid . Example you flip the switch and the light does not come on , what do you do ? Check the bulb . Ok that solved the problem . The next time the light doesn’t work it’s the bulb again , right ? Wrong , it could be the breaker , the power company has power failure , a wire in the switch could be loose , a wire in the light fixture could be loose , if it has a blast it could be that , the fluorescent bulb could have jarred and it is not in the socket properly , the bulb you replaced it with could have been bad . Not everything is solved in the same way . Taking everyone’s guns allows Hitler to rise up and kill masses of people at will if he so chooses . This gun control crap is coming from the NWO , vatican natzi luciferian Edomites of Esau who hate America because many of them are of Jacob’s linage . And the UN also who are Muslim Ishmaelite who also hate Jacob’s linage . Why ? Because GOD rejected them because of their evil hearts from being HIS heirs receiving HIS blessings . Israel the lost 10 tribes are mainly in America , Europe and Australia . Judea our brethren is living in Israel right now . Ezekiel 37:16-28 tells us we will soon join them to fight the Edomites and Ishmaelites . Wake up people and use your heads ! Look up Muslims destroying Europe . They are about to loose their country to these wildass radicals . Even GOD called them wild men ! Guns do not kill anyone , it’s the nut behind it pulling the trigger . I just heard that some jackasses went into a laundry mat and started hacking up people just because they could . Just one person with a gun could have ended that and them before they even cut anyone ! But no the NWO media wants you helpless . Where we’re the police to protect these innocent people washing their clothes . By the time anyone called them the hackers have cut up all they wanted to cut and long gone ! Tax paying law abiding citizen should not be subject to such stupidity ! If Americans would become pro guns and carry them with themselves , many of the gang members would think twice before breaking into homes with home invasions , or stores and banks holding them up . What a damn shame criminals have more rights than tax paying citizens ! Hell yeah we need new laws ! ones that put criminals were they belong ! You want to be stupid then you will receive the payment for your stupid actions ! Most of the people fighting for gun control are criminals themselves , media , law makers and lawyers and even judges . Let the tax paying citizens take care of the criminals and courts would close down . The world would be a better place without the evil ones and their lawless actions ! but no ! Those we sent to represent us are making money from building prisons , charging the tax payers the cost of housing prisoners and feeding them , making sure they are well served with books , gyms , basket ball courts , baseball diamonds , comfort , heating and AC , paying others to watch after them and providing intertainment . What a crazy world we live in . There are some tax paying citizens that are eating cat and dog food just to service . And this is right ? What happened to busting rocks , working gardens and other kinds of work to help pay for the expenses of their home away from home . We have let criminals have so many rights that now they think they can openly kill tax paying citizens because they feel so empowered . It’s time to draw the lines ! This crap has to stop ! Put and armed guard in the school , arm a few teachers or principals . And those crying out they are afraid for their lives because a gun is strapped on the guards hip , are part of your criminals . Behave yourselves and you have noting to worry about ! But let the devil whisper in your ears and you start acting stupid then you better worry ! This is where America is headed ! Evil needs to be put in its place ! Why ? Because they can’t tend to their own business , they got to be up in your business ! When good people do nothing , evil rules with a cruel hand ! Here is a good example of that ! Everybody said , yes this guy would have been on the top list of someone shooting up the school ! Hello ! Here is your sign ! And look at his posting on the Internet ! If the American people find out that this is not real then we need to stomp some asses ! Because they are committing crimes against humanity to shove the America tax paying citizen into a criminal set up system in which our representatives will be controlling us instead of us controlling them like our Constitution tells us it should be . They are pushing for dictatorship ! Trump has his hands full ! I pray for him daily that the evil ones do not win with their agenda and take him down ! The states that are wanting immagrants and having crimes of rape and murders ought to have to deal with it until they get their bellies full of it ! Then they will be begging Trump , please help us ! Let them deal with it some more ! Until they get back their common sense and start doing something about it themselves ! Some people have to go down the road of hard knocks before they understand right from wrong ! We need to deal with these jackasses that are kissing the NWO ‘s butts pushing this gun control agenda . This is Treason in and of its self !

    • holeshot

      I KNOW !! I KNOW !! Charles Bronson isn’t really dead. He’s Nikolas Cruz and this is the real movie “TELEFON” and the phone rang (It was Alex Jones), and Cruz was set off on his mission on destruction. They’re ALL part of the “TELEFON” plot, Sandy Hook, Vegas, Columbine, Boston, etc. When the phone rings DON’T ANSWER or you could be the next programmed assassin !!

    • Anonymous

      If Sheriff Israel was at that meeting as well, we have a huge investigation to open.

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