Trumps Cryptic Tweet This Morning- Also Court-ordered Multi Agency Activity In DC Area- Is The Storm Here?
Fellowship of the Minds
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
Is the Storm here? Court-ordered multi-agency activity in DC area
Posted by Dr. Eowyn
For some time now, a Trump administration insider who calls himself Q Anonymous, has been posting on Internet message boards (4chan, then moved to 8chanwhen 4chan became corrupted by shills and trolls) about an impending massive draining of the swamp — “the Storm”.
See Book of Q, vol. 1, a compilation of Q Anon’s posts.
Q Anon would leave cryptic “bread crumbs” — hints and clues in the form of questions. He says the first signs of the coming Storm are sealed indictments, to be followed by actual arrests. Indeed, there has been an inordinate number of sealed indictments in the last month, numbering more than 4,000, when, it is said, the number in “normal” times is about a thousand for the entire year.
Note: An indictment is a formal accusation that a person has committed a crime. A sealed indictment is an indictment that stays non-public until it is unsealed once the named person is arrested or has been notified by police or is released, pending trial. Until then, the indictment remains sealed: no person may disclose the indictment’s existence or the name of the indicted except as necessary to issue or execute a warrant or summons. (Sources: USLegal; Wikipedia)
According to Liz Crokin, an award-winning author and a free-lance investigative journalist who was a reporter for the Chicago Tribune, U.S. Weekly, and other publications, Tony Podesta is one of the defendants in the sealed indictments. See “Rumor that Tony Podesta was indicted” and “Podesta Group CEO unexpectedly quits just days after Tony’s departure“.
Q Anon maintains President Trump knows about and may even be coordinating the impending Storm, and that he will give a signal when the Storm is upon us — when the sealed indictments are unsealed and mass arrests are made.
At 6:53AM this morning, WUSA9 sent out this tweet:
Seven minutes later, at 7:00 AM, President Trump posted this cryptic 4-word tweet:
2½ hours later, at 9:37AM, EST, Fox5 DC reports that:
“multi-agency law enforcement activity is taking place in the D.C. region Wednesday morning.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are working with other federal law enforcement agencies, along with state and local authorities, in the Washington D.C. area.
We have learned that some of the police presence is in Prince William County, Virginia. At this time, exact locations of activity have not been released nor have the nature of the operations.”
ABC7 WJLA reports:
The FBI has confirmed to ABC7 News that they are executing “court authorized law enforcement activities” in the DC area Wednesday morning.
Sources tell ABC7 News that the actions are connected to gang activity.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives also announced they are engaging in “ongoing law enforcement activity” from Woodbridge to Alexandria.
The FBI’s Washington Field office says the activities are taking place in the greater DC area and that federal, state and local agencies are involved.
The “court ordered multi agency activity” was a drug, firearms and gang bust. WUSA9 reports:
Hundreds of federal agents and local police rounded up nearly 30 alleged gang-members Wednesday in Woodbridge, Alexandria, Maryland and D.C.
The raids capped months of investigation led by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Expolosives into drug-dealing, gun-trading and murder by the “Bloods,” a notorious gang that started in California.
The US Attorney’s Office in Alexandria says agents seized thousands of grams of cocaine, crystal meth, and heroin — along with more than 70 firearms.
The first thing that came to mind reading this was False Flag. Like the government did this huge drug bust to cover up the fact that something else was going on elsewhere, and they wanted to keep the news media unaware of it. As in, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. It is much easier to arrest a major player when the media is chasing its tail. Time will tell, perhaps.
not very cryptic. that was his campaign slogan after all.
Good to see you expand. From the beginning these were encoded DTJR. Now what do you think of his autistic son now libtards? A tween has the the experts wondering… It’s Trump’s style certain things said but it’s not trump.. Someone that’s always unnoticed in the background… Not bad for a trolololol. Happy Xmas
Another well talked about clue on the thread is the usage of +++
Answer the questions asked and I’ve seen nobody completed it yet.
If anyone believes this president is any different from the last one and the 45 or so before, you are as gullible as the day is long. Many are. They just keep buying the B.S. these folks play out in front of the cameras. Here is a lil truth for anyone who is tired of being treated like an idiot by your corrupt and predatory leaders… Presidents ARE NOT elected. Ever. Sorry but elections are only there for the naive public to think the are in control. That is absurd. Presidents are SELECTED years before hand and bit by bit the public is programmed to accept them when their time comes. Trump,Obama, Bushes,Clintons, and all the rest have something in common we do not…blood. They are from the same bloodlines and they have the same objectives. Use and control the human population as slaves and keep them thinking they are free. What a joke…but many naive folks are still believing this absurd B.S. Trump doesn’t care about anyone. Trump is an actor. Barry is an actor. All the rest are actors in the big show. Lastly, if you have never heard of elite gender inversion you need to get informed and catch up BC the U.S. and world are run by these types, including the Trump family. Turn off your TV…its all lies anyways. There to distract you. Start looking for truth, not silly hope in people who are never gonna look out for us. Never
you sound like a butt hurt trump supporter
you sound like a special kind of stupid, which suits you perfectly
The truth will set you free!
Man….(bit of a stretch calling yourself a man but okay)I think you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills. At least bring them up to 1st grade level BC my comment clearly illustrates I am a supporter of the common man…not any politician or governments, past not present. These concepts are a bit over your intellectual abilities. Just keep trolling along and perhaps eventually someone will pay attention to you lil buddy.
BaahHahahahah….lil buddy….i love how bin allows us to “butt hurt” each other
innuendo, conjecture ideas Satan rules all with! seek ye the truth and it will set you free!
I saw something in the news about a bunch of gang member arrests, a group called Disciples of Satan.