Footage Emerges of Crisis Director "Directing" Scene During Vegas Shooting
A FB friend sent me a couple videos…raw footage of the Vegas shooting. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She wanted to get the info out there but neither of us had ever made a video before. I downloaded a few video editing apps and gave it a try. So this is my first video! I know it’s nothing fancy but it took me HOURS. I have a new respect for good Youtubers. Oh and subscribe to my new channel….my last one was terminated not long ago after my third strike.
A girl named Ashley Galavez uploaded two different videos onto her YouTube channel of her and her husband during the “Vegas shooting”. She claims the first one is from her phone, and the second video is from her husband’s phone. Their two videos both show the moment they came across the victim “Tina Frost”….only each video shows a different take of what’s supposed to be the same scene. In the first video she’s shot in the face…but in the second video she’s been electrocuted on the fence. Both scenes begin with Ashley saying “Hey what happened to that girl right there?” In the second video you can even see the director directing the scene as it happens. See for yourself. And Ashley doesnt seem like the sharpest tool in the shed because in her Youtube comments under each video she admits that the “victim” in both videos is Tina Frost.
Check this out….
Footage Emerges of Vegas Crisis Director Caught “Directing” Scene At Vegas Shooting from 50 Shades of Pissed Off on Vimeo.
your freaking insane–my gf was there–her gf took bullet fragments to the legs–my gf stayed all night to help stop blood loss on the less wounded–my friends neighbor kid took a bullet that went in at his shoulder and exited out his chest–a high shooters position–he lived–your so full of shit and a disgrace to the human race you maniac–go away
Stop disrespecting the poor families…..Baaah…
I know someone who knows someone who knows someone….baahh
Blaaaaah to you, too.
Pretty silly and juvenile response, you just proved her point.
I didn’t say blaaah….it was an animal noise….specifically that of a sheep
Baloney. Your GF’s friend didn’t get shot. And really bullet fragments? Is that like kind of getting shot? Oh the stories people tell.
When he first told the story it was just random folk nearby to his girlfriend and now it’s her friend
Vegas didn’t really happen.
We really didn’t go to the moon.
Boston didn’t really happen.
Orlando didn’t happen, they were all actors.
WWI didn’t really happen, they were all actors.
WWII didn’t happen, just millions of crisis actors.
I mean, WTF.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. This guy probably thinks Barry’s spouse, Michael Robinson is a female.
Too much like another similar one I once knew as Cy in the long ago and far away on the ‘net.
Too bad you really aren’t as clever as you think you are. That is pretty pathetic, that tripe is the best you can come up with to prove something? Come on, even I can do better than that and I am old.
Mitch51 it’s all about deception.. Lucifer is the god of this world and the Father of Lies…he specializes in…and actually relishes in all shades of deceit. Because when you don’t have all the facts about a situation…and can’t see the truth…you’re easily persuaded and misled to willingly participate in things you otherwise would have no interest in.
Those crisis actors get paid $20.00 an hour from Soros and the left.
Perfectly said.
You got the first 4 correct anyway
not really followin’ your point here Real Deal. Ya drawing a line in the sand about this event? Forgive my confusion.. it’s just that i recall you sayin’ THIS, back in october..
The Real Deal
My son’s gf’s mother, I know it sounds cliche’, but it’s true… She is a nurse at Sunrise Hospital, and has drained us all with conversation about the numerous injured that came through, and the amount of blood she saw. People were coming in dripping blood everywhere from their GSW’s. This in fact did happen; And trust me, I would be the first one to call BS if it were not real. I would be the first one on here, as everyone should know by now, to tell the truth, and I AM telling you the truth. The freaky thing is, I personally know people affected by this. An employee where my wife works was killed. This is absolutely crazy. The shooting was real, but I believe the story the media is putting out, is BS.
OCT 4, 2017, 3:43 AM
So where do we stand..
“Oh the stories people tell.”
Now see here’s the oddity.. I’ve seen both you guys, b4 and Real Deal, post your “confirmed” GSW reports more than once here in BIN.. b4 has done so multiple times.
Why not post evidentiary proof to back this up? Anything we can link to.. docked statements, photos, hospital records, credentials…
CREDENTIALS (damn fine thing to have) would go a long way in adding CREDENCE. What say you guys?
You could settle this for all of us and be super duper STARS and then you can just sit back and watch the love flow.
I found out people were lying. Why do you think I changed my position? I admit I jumped the gun, but that’s because people were telling us all kinds of bullshit that night and the next few days afterwards. I even said, I’d be the first to call bullshit… People I knew that claimed they knew someone or had seen blood and trauma seemed to have trouble with specifics. This is why I started calling bullshit on this whole thing.
Not saying it didn’t happen I wasn’t there but if you were shot by an automatic 762 it would nearly blow your leg off mate. In the first 350 odd metres it keeps getting quicker…
False flags people can die but its the government acting terrorist that’s the FALSE ,,,FLAG (EVENT)
bullets start slowing down the moment they leave the barrel – they are no longer being pushed by expanding propellant gasses, but being resisted by air
otherwise you’re spot on – a 7.62 round would remove a limb
Not necessarily, depends on the range and type of bullet used. FMJ usually go straight thru unless they hit a bone.
b4, Hopefully you can tell that story soon while being deposed in a Tribunal.
Indeed. I would like to see that one swear out an affidavit under penalty of perjury- I have before myself. If that is false, then it is a felony and several years in prison if convicted.
Well, it’s just like Sandy Hook. There is so much BS in BIN though. I guarantee the people in Sandy Hook know it really happened because they happened to be there. But if you aren’t there then being a BINNER, well then you know everything is fake and n othing happened.
So because you didn’t know anyone personally in Sandy Hook you may think nothing happened there when it did. So, when the Sandy Hook people hear folks say it didn’t happen to them, they get pissed just like you do about Vegas. Just the way the world works nowadays.
You are so hot and bothered on this aren’t you?
Sandy Hook has been 100% exposed! Give it up!
Sandy Hook was 100% pure D bullshit. Orlando was 100% pure D bullshit. The Boston bombing was a powder keg and the dude with the blown off leg has been outed as n ARMY crisis actor. There’s no basement’s in Mesquite, so you must be living in the closet.
Thank you. Be here all week.
Bit weird the guy at the end saying what? Someone’s got a gun…. But she just got shot by an automatic? I never saw funerals on the news? Like pulse…
There were lots of funerals in California. Some in Utah. A few in Vegas. They were all over the country.
Cos I don’t live there just the main events are shown then they never mention anything again on Oz media, but I thought I’d at least see one funeral or someone talking about it when I’m browsing YouTube, they’re excellent at hiding truth in Australia
more corrupt than what you might think)
Google back issues of the Las Vegas Review Journal, you will find stories in there about a lot of funerals. Oodles of them.
So what? You forget about the Great Moon Hoax of 1848 perhaps?
Methinks thou dost protest too much.
“Oodles of them.
Sounds like a 14 year old girl.
Giant false flag for more unconstitutional gun control. These traitors do not know what treason is or Unalienable Rights are.
Of course. Think of David Copperfield making that elephant disappear, now you will have a better understanding of how we are used and manipulated via the media.
Please DONT ever try to watch this, (just ignore this link) and dont BELIEVE it if you must see it, ok? Believe the official story, they would never just put on a show like this!