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Whoa! DOD Conducts Blackout Simulation Nov 4-6th - Why on Earth the Same Days as Antifa 'Rally'? Plus US/North Korea Update (Videos)

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Boy, has my BS radar been pinged! 

Elements of the US Department of Defense will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part. Hmm…


USS Nimitz has joined USS Theodore Roosevelt – dubbed the “Big Stick” – and USS Ronald Reagan in the western Pacific. The 100,000-ton warship and its strike group joins the two carriers amid fears of war with North Korea.

U.S. Sends Unprecedented 3rd Aircraft Carrier Near North Korea in Surprise War Move

Russia fires MASSIVE missile as North Korea puts world on brink of WW3 RUSSIA has test-fired a nuclear capable ICBM in a massive show of force amid global tensions swirling between Vladimir Putin, China, North Korea and the US.

Department of Defense to Conduct “Very Bad Day” Blackout Simulation November 4th-6th

Sources Jim Yaxckel

Russia fires MASSIVE missile as North Korea puts world on brink of World War 3 – - DAILY NEWS

Source Daily News


Source InfoWars

More from Due Diligence re Nov 4-6 2017:

High Time to Talk About Antifa and Their Planned Day of Bloody Violence on Nov 4th (Impact Videos) click here

What Aren’t They Telling Us! SHTF Coming? North Korea Conducts Blackout Exercises and Mass Evacuation Drills! Mattis: Threat Accelerating (Videos) click here

Communications Interoperability Training with Amateur Radio Community Set


Elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part.

“This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,” Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, explained in an announcement.

During the exercise, a designated DOD Headquarters entity will request county-by-county status reports for the 3,143 US counties and county equivalents, in order to gain situational awareness and to determine the extent of impact of the scenario. Army and Air Force MARS organizations will work in conjunction with the Amateur Radio community, primarily on the 60-meter interoperability channels as well as on HF NVIS frequencies and local VHF and UHF, non-Internet linked Amateur Radio repeaters.

Again this year, a military station on the east coast and the Fort Huachuca, Arizona, HF station will conduct a high-power broadcast on 60-meter channel 1 (5330.5 kHz) on Saturday from 0300 to 0315 UTC. New this year will be an informational broadcast on Sunday, on 13,483.5 kHz USB from 1600 to 1615 UTC. Amateur Radio operators should monitor these broadcasts for more information about the exercise and how they can participate in this communications exercise, English said.

“We want to continue building on the outstanding cooperative working relationship with the ARRL and the Amateur Radio community,” English said. “We want to expand the use of the 60-meter interop channels between the military and amateur community for emergency communications, and we hope the Amateur Radio community will give us some good feedback on the use of both the 5-MHz interop and the new 13-MHz broadcast channels as a means of information dissemination during a very bad day scenario.

#EMP #northKoprea #blackout #martialLaw #shtf #antifa #chaos #veryBadDay


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    Total 34 comments
    • Anonymous

      Blackout Simulation = hit by an EMP weapon.

      The International Criminal Banking Cabal want to live FOREVER. . They create endless wars, collapse economies, falsify science, scheme plot and carry out murder all over the world, they preform ritual human sacrifices with children and others, they have stolen intellectual scientific property from inventors then often kill them. The criminal cabal has stolen our U.S. Constitution and has woven invasive lawless government legislation into every city in America and worldwide calling it Global Warming which requires all of us to reduce our carbon footprint. They have a depopulation agenda . . . They are ruthless without morals or
      ethics and “they” want to live forever. .They plan on destroying everything that is good and decent .

      NASA’s Future of War 2025

      This how I connect the dots:

      Theodor Herzl not the father of Zionism.
      The Cecil family were controlled by the powerful Jesuit family known as the Pallavicini.

      History… Connected: Cecil Rhodes and the Anglo American Establishment redux (44:11)

      It goes all the way back to the era of Oliver Cromwell 1599 – 1658 (Anglo/British-Israelism)

      * As usual, on all his campaigns, Cromwell consulted closely with his Jesuit advisers

      Defeat of the Spanish Armada:
      Maria Camilla Pallavicini is far more powerful than Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen and Prince Philip are totally subordinate to the Papal Bloodline the Breakspear Family and their Jesuit UKHQ at 114 Mount Street. A study of who funded Elizabeth I with an astronomical amount of money to fight the Spanish shows that the funding entity was indeed the Pallavicini family bloodline.

      Jesuits are poisoning humanity (– WASP; reporter)
      It’s interesting that Monsanto was founded and was owned by a Catholic, a Jesuit. The Jews are their servants, motivated by money and skillful as managers, according to wasp. The facts here are interesting as they tend to bear out the Jesuit theory of power, and the Jewish one of servitude to the Jesuits.


      rolling the DICE.. some background:

      ..”Since 1988, the Defense Department’s Interoperability Communications Exercise has been the only DoD exercise whose primary purpose is to certify systems for joint interoperability…”

      ..and a pdf from Homeland Security:

      National Interoperability Field Operations Guide / U.S. Department of Homeland Security Office of Emergency Communications Version 1.6


      Nov 4-6th Why

      Because they’re sending a message: “Screw you, we’re putting your lights out. ha ha. Really..”

      Nathan Poe

    • unidentified

      are you suggesting its the extremely wealthy families in the world today that are deciding who will live and who will die?

      • Anonymous

        They kill all. Yes. Not those families you been told. They are as beggars to thousand year of wealth.

      • Anonymous

        (And now I am going to do a little PR stunt.)

        Alex Jones is scared shitless, it took him 20 minutes to clean up the mess.
        Now he got himself a Bodyguard. He says he is not afraid, he will fight to the end. Ha ha ha or Not!

        Steve Pieczenik on Infowars

    • Funk-nonymous

      Repetitive nonsense. This isn’t going to happen.

      If it is proudly posted on B4IN, you can rest assured that it WON’T HAPPEN. Ever.

      • Anonymous

        You live in an underground base or something? It is happening right now.

        • 2QIK4U


    • Anonymous

      You need the knowledge of Good and Evil to understand, otherwise you can and will be treated as an animal.

      The knowledge of Good and Evil. Albert Pike said it, NASA said it their depopulation plan, NASA’s Future of War 2025.
      “Those who will not use their own brain,. they are nothing more than meat on the table. and beasts of burden by choice and consent.” – Albert Pike

      NASA –

    • Anonymous

      But it is interesting that NASA’s Future of War 2025 is about the end of the family also. Illuminati, Communism also gotten that at heart (of stone). Technocrats instead of Family and artificial wombs instead of Mother (The NWO the father/ no States anymore.), they can go and fuck themselves these Psychopaths. I was born with the Knowledge of Good and Evil you fucks, you Evil fucks.

      • unidentified

        you left out the gay agenda :???:

        • Anonymous

          end of the family

        • 2QIK4U

          It all started when Rothschild came out with the burn the bra movement in the sixties.. Women voting. Women working. They’re all wonder women hear them bore…. End of the family. Divorce. Women gets the kids while single fathers are preyed upon until the kids are stolen… Woman finds rich partner… Father commits suicide.

      • Anonymous

        Live backwards means of death. (They say it is Jupiter but not in my mind, they are crazy)

        This is also knowledge of Good and Evil in the Macrocosm. (By Santos Bonacci)

    • dakota

      I do not believe anything involving mass coronal ejection. If power is gone then they shut off our power deliberately. Stop blaming it on the sun and venus and Jupiter. You shut off our power, it’s WAR.

      If they shut off your power, deduct all the days from your power bill. You can.

      You must think we all just fell off the turnip truck!

    • dakota

      Might our warships be going over to N.Korea to be parked, to get them away from America, so that someone else can be free to attack us. They wouldn’t be here to defend our shores. Just ask’n

    • Anonymous

      I suggest we all stand up.

      • b4

        i have a question for you Canderson..where do you live or least what area,or city,town?…very curious

        • Anonymous


          • AXLE FOLEY

            Henceforth, you shall be known as…

            …THE SWEDISH MEATBALL!!!

    • Anonymous


      • Anonymous

        Could be he is just shit, it fit. He done more than I ever done. (Even if I stay true and he not, as a sum today. But tomorrow 2018 it is another thing)

        • Anonymous

          I am NOT going to Die for FREE!

    • unidentified

      they want to rape and plunder first, then the dragon destroyer machine devours whats left over

      • Anonymous

        The thing is we must stand up. Prevent them.

    • raburgeson

      I will not need electric will out hunting ANTIFA if necessary. Time to double check my gen 2 scope.

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