Lawyer Investigating Sandy Hook Found Dead
Source: Neon Nettle
A lawyer who was investigating the Sandy Hook shooting was found dead in his overturned car.
Police ruled Gugsa Abraham (Abe) Dabela’s death as a suicide despite a gunshot wound to the back of his head and “footprints” on his back.
His car was discovered on an isolated country road close to his home in small, upscale Redding, CT. The local police, including Chief Douglas Fuchs, determined right away that the car had purposely been crashed by Mr. Dabela because “he had been drinking”.
The local police, including Chief Douglas Fuchs, determined right away that the car had purposely been crashed by Mr. Dabela because “he had been drinking”.
Shortly before his death, Attorney Dabela, a bachelor, had frequented some of the local establishments to speak to Redding police and firemen about the events surrounding the Sandy Hook “massacre”.
According to CBS News, the family of the attorney found shot in the head in a wrecked car is suing police, saying they rushed to judgment in declaring the death a suicide and didn’t properly investigate because he was black.
The family of Gugsa Abraham “Abe” Dabela sued Redding police in federal court and has also hired its own forensic experts, with Connecticut NAACP officials are looking into Dabela’s death.
The suit alleges police in Redding, a mostly-white town, conspired to cover up a murder.
It also alleges police violated Dabela’s civil rights when they delayed processing his concealed pistol permit a year before his death.
Police Chief Douglas Fuchs said Thursday that he can’t comment on pending litigation. He has defended the police department’s handling of the investigation, and he noted the medical examiner’s office ruled Dabela’s death a suicide.
The lawsuit is against the town of Redding, Fuchs, seven police officers and “killer John Doe,” an unknown person. It seeks undisclosed monetary awards.
“The loss of my son remains unfathomable, but the continuing revelation of lies about his death and efforts to destroy his legacy have worsened the grief and swept us into an unimaginable, never-ending nightmare,” Dabela’s father, Abraham Dabela, said in a statement.
The family’s lawyers also say Dabela got a text message on the night of his death that read, “turn he just didn’t.”
The lawsuit alleges information about the sender of the text was deleted sometime after Dabela’s death.
James Fetzer reports: Redding Police Chief Douglas Fuchs bragged during the Sandy Hook event that he was on speed dial with then Newtown Police Chief Michael Kehoe.
He also bragged about how he and his men were the first on the SH scene, even before Newtown police showed up and he had to take command of the situation.
Another actor covering up Mr. Dabela’s death is Danbury State Attorney Stephen J. Sedensky who had star billing in the Sandy Hook saga.
He became a master in cover-ups. Sedensky acknowledged in his “official report” on Sandy Hook that they had been unable to connect the AR-15 is he alleged to have used with any of the slugs recovered and that the rifle he was supposed to have used to shot his mother did not have his fingerprints, which means that his investigation was unable to connect the weapons to the victims or the purported shooter, as a complete forensic failure.
A third person, a sort of decent guy who was tangled up in the SH web, is now retired Connecticut State Police Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford.
Attorney Dabela wrote to Bradford for help when Redding Police Chief Fuchs sat and sat on a gun permission Dabela had submitted.
Bradford intervened on Dabela’s behalf and that must have ticked off the ‘heroic’ police chief.Newtown is surrounded by small, affluent towns with their own police and fire departments.
Perhaps Mr. Dabela did run his car off the lonely road, shot himself in the back of the head and trampled himself on his own back.
It’s as likely a story as the Sandy Hook saga with some of the same actors involved.
The death of Gugsa Dabela would not be the first associated with Sandy Hook.
Tony Mead, who has done exceptional work on the charade, has noted a growing list of “disappearing witnesses” related to the case, which was published by James Tracy on his on 10 July 2014. The complete article can be accessed here and in Nobody Died at Sandy Hook (2nd ed., 2016). His article was written in 2014 and since then the list of dead ppl surrounding Sandy Hook has more than tripled. More ppl have died after the event than in it.
Does anyone seriously believe that an attorney with a background in neurobiology and physiology from the University of Maryland-College Park, a Master’s in public health and a law degree from Cardozo School of Law would contemplate suicide because he had had an accident?
Or, that he was drunk enough to have the accident and then formed the intention to take his own life in despair, and stomped on his own back? Just how dumb are we supposed to be?
The website announced a reward for information leading to the arrest of anyone involved in Dabela’s death.
Sandy Hook shooting is one of the ugliest frauds in the 240 year history of the US.
It is near the top of a very long list ! There is evil in this world masquerading as family and friends. Seek the truth always. Educate yourself and choose your master carefully.
Sandy Hook is more fake than CNN
Suicide eh? Must have been another intense FBI investigation. Yep – those over sexed, over paid, and under IQ’d bunch of dummys are really looking out for their future.
The “dead kids” from SH were all singing in the 2015 SuperBowl Half-Time Show. They are so blatant anymore.
The good news is now most people who read know that all major events covered by the MSM are Hoaxes and false flags pushing an agenda and dead men tell no tails.
Yes, so fortunate there’s BIN, where truth reigns supreme. We’re all here to fight that fake news everywhere else, and fight Bigfeets, of course.
Need to run now and check for Illuminati under beds and in closets, or any other holdovers from 18th century Bavarian fraternities lurking about, then Google for freeze dried Gummy Worms for my bugout bag. Last night was rough, getting a late start today, the daily economic collapse now hours old and FEMA hot on my trail!
there was no “official” investigation
we will not be happy till everything America believes is a lie
Everything they believe in is a lie.
Why did fema bring in porter potties , if they did not intend for a drill to take place. This came to light at the Wolfgang halbig hearings where the city clerk admitted that they are the ones who put them there and this was before the shooting.
they also seem to happen in areas/neighborhoods with recent emergency drill training exercises
While I did some digging on this fellow, I’m hesitant to say this is Sandy Hook related. I found no definitive mention of SH anywhere on his family’s site – but they do mention him investigating individual, local homicides and other cases. He could very well be the victim of any number of assailants. Stringing this directly to SH is a bit of a stretch.
Many residents in Sandy Hook have ties to black occult practicws, which is why this town was used in the false flag orchestrated by Obama to steal our guns. Residents all rceived sizable payments to pay off their mortgages as hush money.
Police ruled Gugsa Abraham (Abe) Dabela’s death as a suicide despite a gunshot wound to the back of his head and “footprints” on his back.
What bull crap! How long with this go on before someone is held responsible? How many deaths of Doctors, Lawyers, Witness’ and others who poke their heads up will finally safeguard the Neocons and the politicions and the deep state murderers from their crimes against the American people before they are stopped dead themselves? What a country.