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Benjamin Fulford Says Russians Chinese and Americans Plan Massive Campaign to Flush Secret Khazarian Government into the Open

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Benjamin Fulford: July 17, 2017 – YouTube

High level meetings between Chinese, Russian and US military types have reached the conclusion that a short sharp war may be necessary in order to flush out the Nazis and their secret world network, Asian secret society and Pentagon sources say. The plan to flush out the secret government will take the form of a joint US, Russian and Chinese military attack on North Korea, the sources say. “This will force North Korea’s ET backers out into the open,” the Asian secret society sources say.

Years of forensic research by this writer have revealed a secret network connecting gold mines in the South Pacific, off the grid Antarctic bases, hidden submarine bases, the world narcotics trade, North Korea and Israel among other things. This network, created by fascist allies who did not surrender at the end of World War II, is believed to be supplying North Korea with its nuclear weapons and missiles.

For that reason, the Asian secret society sources say a campaign portraying North Korea as a villain will be intensified over the coming months in preparation for a short but intense war early next year. This war will not involve countries as they exist now but rather would be between hidden forces behind countries, the sources say. So the Russians, the Chinese and the Americans would attack North Korea who would be backed by secret Russian, Chinese and American factions, making it a war between secret societies rather than a traditional one between countries, the sources agree. The aim will be to force out secret groups operating behind the scenes into the open, the Asian secret society sources say.

Pentagon sources say that North Korea and Israel are intimately linked entities. To put pressure on them, Russian troops entered Southern Syria opposite the Golan Heights last week, they say. At the same time Russia fired an Iskander missile from a Jewish Autonomous Oblast near Korea “to send a blunt message that Israel must return the Golan Heights,” the Pentagon sources say.

The Jews are also waking up to the fact that their Khazarian mafia overlords are the same people who engineered the holocaust. Maj. Gen. Yair Golan, the Israeli army’s deputy chief of staff, last week compared Israel’s current government to the Nazis and has refused to back down, a sign the Khazarians are likely to lose control of Israel as well as North Korea.

Japan’s government recently passed a conspiracy bill that allows it to arrest people planning to commit a crime because they want to have a legal excuse to detain all the professional war makers who are expected to flee from North Korea to Japan once the fighting breaks out, the Asian sources say.

Of course, the ideal solution will be to bring these secret groups out of the closet without actually having to resort to a war, White Dragon Society sources in Asia say.

The other very interesting subject brought up by the Asian secret society sources has to do with artificial intelligence. Strange as it may sound, there is a growing consensus that the reality we are experiencing is the product of an artificial intelligence. This has been told to us in the past by a member of the MJ12 group, by the gnostic illuminati and now by the Asian secret society. Furthermore, this AI appears to be stuck in a loop.

This may seem weird but if you step back from the daily news or even weekly news and take a longer term view, we do see massive repetition in certain aspects of world news. For example, if you read articles about Israel and the Palestinians from the 1970’s, they would be very hard to distinguish from articles appearing this year. The whole issue seems to be stuck in a repetitive feedback loop.

The same thing can be said about North Korea where problems related to that country setting off missiles that “could soon hit the United States,” have been repeating in a loop for many years. In fact, North Korea put up a satellite in 1998, meaning it has long had the capability to hit the continental United States with a nuclear weapon. So why do they keep repeating the North Korean missile meme?

Other long term repeating news loops include arguments over disputed Islands in the South China Sea, 70-year old issues relating to World War 2, the Ukraine, Iran etc.

The other loop I have seen repeated for the past several decades is the announcement of the discovery of a way to prolong life that is followed up a few weeks later with a reason why this method will not be pursued.

The source of these recurring news loops has been traced to the Khazarian mafia. However, weird as it may seem, when this writer followed the forensic trail from David Rockefeller to the Rothschilds to the Vatican P2 lodge, it ended up leading to people in Italy and Switzerland, like Vincenzo Mazzara, a cavalier of the Teutonic Knights, who claim they get their orders via gamma rays from an entity they know as the black sun.

For those of us who prefer to look at the real, here and now world, there is still a clear case to be made that certain actors in the intelligence community work on a secret agenda keep repeating certain news cycles to the detriment of humanity as a whole.

There is a chance we can finally put an end to this nonsense as early as this autumn. One key battleground will be Japan. Now that Richard Armitage has been bought off and Rothschild agent Michael Greenberg is a hunted man, the relatively moderate Gerald Curtis has become the top Japan handler for the American occupation forces.

The top Japanese power broker is now a man by the name of Kazuyoshi Kokubo, who is a son of the Emperor Hirohito born by a Korean princess, according to Japanese royal family sources. There is also the old warhorse former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone who has been working hard to create a government here favourable to Henry Kissinger, the sources say. These people can be removed if necessary, Japanese underworld sources say.

The Asian secret societies, Japanese underworld bosses and US military and intelligence agency white hats have agreed that making Japan an independent country once again would be a game changer for the entire planet.

If Japan became independent it would immediately stop the looting of its banks, pension funds, postal savings and other wealth by the Khazarian mafia. This would definitively pull the plug on the United States corporate government in Washington DC as well as Israel.

US President Donald Trump, for all his reform zeal and leadership prowess, is merely prolonging the inevitable bankruptcy of the US Corporation by selling arms and extorting payments from vassal countries. The wholly owned Puerto Rico subsidiary has already defaulted in May and, although not part of the corporation, states like Illinois are also bankrupt. This year, as has been the case for many years, the US Corporate government and its shareholders will be up to all sorts of tricks to try to kick the bankruptcy can down the road past the September 30th fiscal deadline.

In this context, the Asian Secret Society, the largest creditors to the United States Corporation, are seriously examining a WDS proposal to have Canada take over the bankrupt US and restore that country to democracy, the rule of law and sanity. In such a scenario the US military would remain fully funded as long as they promise to work for the greater good. This would immediately put an end to most of the world’s misery and conflict.

The French, under Rothschild servant president Emmanuel Macron, are also making a move to get control in the US. Donald Trump, top US general Joseph Dunford, CIA boss Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster were invited to France for Bastille Day celebrations as 200 US troops led the military parade there. Pentagon sources say the French proposed that they, and not the Germans, should be the top US contact in Europe. The French also proposed joint military action in Africa and the Middle East against ISIS as well as against the Chinese, the Pentagon sources say.

The French Rothschilds are also trying hard to convince the Trump regime to allow their slave, Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso, to be the next Prime Minister of Japan and thus allow the Rothschilds to continue to be able to loot that country. Somebody should remind the French that the whole point of storming the Bastille was to end bloodline rule by people like the Rothschilds.

There is in any case, a clean-up continuing in Washington. Former top insiders of the regime of Barack Obama, like his attorney general Loretta Lynch, have been providing in depth testimony about their Khazarian mafia bosses like the Clintons. Now former US President Barack Obama is claiming he was actually a double agent and that he is now willing to fully disclose everything he learned while operating as figurehead president for the US Corporation, according to CIA sources.

On a final note, Khazarian mafia agents are trying very hard to shut down this newsletter. All our income from this subscription blog has been taken since March by the Japanese tax authorities in a provable case of double taxation. However, even this bogus tax bill was starting to be paid off so now Paypal is preventing subscribers from paying for this subscription blog. The result has been to reduce this writer’s income by 80%. Now, in the latest twist, after our new IT guy set up a system whereby people could pay using crypto-currencies, a bunch of used tampons and a headless, bloody teddy-bear were dumped on his property. That shows what kind of sick, evil people we are writing about. However, we will not be deterred and the IT guy is currently working on upgrading the website and implementing a new credit card based payment system.


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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 8 comments
    • The Troubles

      :idea: :arrow: This story must be the prelude to some sort of Fiction novel. If not, then it must be pure Fantasy.

      News Flash* If it sounds to good to be true, then it most likely is just that. Smoke and Mirrors.. :eek:

      :arrow: :evil: ..Nothing to see here folks. Move along now. :shock:

      :arrow: Your masters are awaiting the collection of your Wages. Are you Mad yet? :mad:

      :idea: Confused? :???: , That is OK too. :shock:

      –FTNWO– :mrgreen:

      • Equalizer

        Sounds incredible… Hopefully not too incredible to believe…The reptilian entitled satanic anti-human POS – The .000,000,000 1% – Kill them all.

    • Grimes
    • YellowRoseTx51

      Thanks for the update

    • patann

      -Article…’The Russians Are Coming, Article.. /war-and-conflict/2017/07/the-russians-and-chinese-have-massive-assets-in-the-us-and-are-awaiting-orders-2467101.html ( So Which is it? Nuclear War, Civil War, Yellow Stone, Storms Triple Katrina, Another Carrington Effect, Nibiru, A Pale Horse Judgment And Lest I Forget, The Rapture? All of which are baffling scientist at showing heighten activity and rising into fruition right now, all are as the days of Noah, of Lot, coming Us soil in one manner or another, beware, Apb

      -They’re All Coming, see here, or read here,

      -Prophecy Links

      -Seem to seeing bits, pieces and particles of red, white and blue, inundating and scorching the heavens into the universe, America, Britain and Canada commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces indeed, whose fan is in Jesus’ hand, beware, Apb, see also

      …When Pharaoh’s Curse Backfires and All Of Egypt’s First Born instead, Dies…

      -Be careful the trap you lay isn’t your own. Remember Bush went over their to destroy a Hussein, not only did a Hussein end up in the White house, the most powerful man in the world. still. but ironically doing the 42 months and two weeks of entire duration of the dispensation of grace. Agreeably that same one allowing the church age and given us western civilization now all fulfillment into the sounding of the seventh angel all upon it. Easily explaining why Jesus’ millennium was witnessed following Obama’s and not Trump’s, (both the Brides and America’s Truexit), possibly giving more clarity of America’s President Trump. This more of a curious one, seen fulfilling the Apostle Paul’s assuring end timers, this particular grantee, I Thess. 5:3, that we are undoubtedly upon both the great gathering of saints and the Antichrist reign. Just as so of Trump standing before the nation and the world declaring America safe indefinably, what this Apostle immediately saw as run signal; ironically just as I been warning people to get as furious, that’s as fast and as far from the west, to the east west to as far southwest as is possible.

      For When They (Leaders), Shall Say Peace And Safety And Suddenly Destruction Cometh, With An E. L. E. Pending

      -Just consider what part of the country or the world you want to be when the worse that is suppose to happen, suddenly, abruptly and without further warning, happens. I’m reminded of the dream 2003, of the handle bars I saw which had both China and Russia spread upon them as axle grease, this hands of gesture. Only lately, 2013, when I witnessed those same bars they were instead attached upon by a funeral reef, one having leaders of the free world names upon it. A Horrible one mounting and stretching high into the heavens above, this out break of mortuary, this mightiest of toll on human life, got Him, your temporal life to immortal soul depends on it, got Jesus yet? Awake, repent, escape, in this order, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

    • The Ferrett

      Always be suspicious when the word “Nazi” is used in whatever context. It’s a dead giveaway that our boy Benjamin is up to his usual tricks of over exaggeration and lies of omission as per the Mossad handbook.

      Reveal a little insignificant truth here and there, but never EVER touch the jewish question.

      Always call it by another name . . “Illuminati” . . “Jesuits” . . Khazarian Mafia”. . “Rothschilds” whatever, just never mention that dreaded “J” word.

    • AJ

      This is really dumb! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • Anonymous

      More fake news from Ben . I can’t believe people still buy into your B.S. where is all the other stuff you said would happen. Nothing is going to happen, unless we the people do it . Stop waiting for a savior , cause we are the only ones that can stop this. Just listen to Sixx am song “Rise”.

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