Do NOT Accept Human RFID Microchip Implant — New Currency System!
NBC has reported that in 2017, all of America will be tagged with microchips. They will be implanted to help identify individuals immediately. According to the report, the technology is used to answer one question. “Am I who I say I am?” [1]
FEATURED VIDEO: Verizon Wireless Promotes ‘Mark of the Beast’ NEW Money System BEWARE!
FEATURED VIDEO: WOW / Public PROOF / Must watch
What is the Mark of the Beast?
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
(Revelation 13: 16–18 KJV Holy Bible)
All one has to do is a quick YouTube search and you will see that THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS ALREADY HERE!
Visit this link to receive a sheet of printable 3.5″ x 2″ business cards for public awareness to warn your loved ones!
Note: For many people, this information already has been brought to their attention – but there are multitudes of people who have not been made aware! Please be considerate and share this information with those who may be unaware of the one world currency system, mark of the beast! Thank you.
[1] Source: NBC: RFID Implants – Microchip Everything 2017 – Mark Of The Beast 666
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Do NOT Accept Human RFID Microchip Implant — New Currency System!
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I seen someone with a rfid chip in their lower leg and there was a red rectangle of infection or something on top of it with purple blisters on top of it and he said it burns all the time. And the pain won’t go away
Those elephantine VeriChips and MediChips shown have been abandoned by the elite a long time ago. The new science can be seen on the movie called the Circle: biosensors. However, there are still a lot of drawbacks with the system and that’s why they are still working feverishly to find an answer to problems like scalability, biosensors that don’t stay in place, chip readers that are not universal and a host of other problems.
Find out the real big story here:
Biometric ID2020 on the Blockchain with Microsoft
The Race is On: A New Digital Financial Identity for Every Global Citizen
The Microchip