You Are Not Supposed To Hear This! "Stanley," Escaped from Cabal Underground, Speaks! Tortured As "Chosen Child" To "Serve God" As "Frequency Designer" To "Hurt People"
“Stanley,” Escaped from Cabal Underground, Speaks! Tortured As “Chosen Child” To “Serve God” As “Frequency Designer” To “Hurt People”
“Stanley” escaped his lifetime enslavement in the secret underground of the cabal just days ago. He was part of a program to develop the high-pitched sonic “psychic” frequencies that cause mental confusion, physical pain and activation of the toxic bio-engineered parasites and nano chips (dropped in chemtrails) that are designed to sicken the population and drive Lightworkers to exhaustion.
He will reveal names, places, techniques, and tell his life story in person. He is under protective surveillance by Higher Powers, and is working to help free others before we transition to a new Earth paradigm that will eliminate all torture, violence and abuse.
Kathryn E. May will interview him and other escapees on a special Friday night program on 8 PM EST. All come! You won’t believe your ears!
IITM: This is a fascinating listen via the talented and loving Kathryn… and rings very true, as fitting into existing research, as to how the dark underground works. It is interesting how people can be THAT brainwashed, that they falsely believe, good is bad, light is dark and so on… like many celebrities, Stanley has gone through TORTURE, to make him into a good slave who does not disagree with the lies, Stanley was told he was a ‘chosen child’… when in reality, we are all chosen, because we are here. Stanley was told, he was doing God’s work… when in fact, God doesn’t torture… weird stuff people believe. Watch for the darkside to fall apart, now that we are in a new timeline since end of September. Prime Creator: What Has Happened Since September; New Ascension Timeline Extensions, Significant Paradigm Shift
What can you do to help Stanley and others like him? Affirmation: ”Dear God, I now join with you and your mission, to send light to all darkness on earth…. together we are undefeatable… and we are eternal…. I will not live with judgment in my heart for those who need love most… instead love itself will simply do… I am now creating with you, a planet now birthing into a star of love… and so it is!”
Research MK ULTRA:
Creepy Celebrity MK Ultra Mind Control Glitches | Soren …
Feb 2, 2015 - If you haven’t yet figured out that musicians, actors/actresses, politicians and news anchors are under heavy mind control and being used to manipulate you, here is a place to start. … Was this monarch mind control programming triggered by a word Diane said? … This one looks like it … – Celebrities Under Mind Control
… for celebrities under Mind Control and other victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse. …practically every aspect of MK ULTRA programming can be witnessed in her …
The Illuminati is real, and it’s everywhere., Mk-Ultra victims
Mk-Ultra victims Celebrities with butterfly/trigger tattoos: • Alicia Keys • Brandy • Britney Spears • Cheryl Cole • Dawn Richard • Dolly Parton • Drew Barrymore …
Celebrities Under Mind Control | Why O’ Why?
Posts about Celebrities Under Mind Control written by yoy50. … are proving DAILY thatMK Ultra still remains in affect (especially amongst ANY top “celeb”), I’m …
Justin Bieber: the next Illuminati MK ULTRA mind control …
Feb 22, 2015 - It’s a big culture of mind control, MK Ultra rules in Hollywood. We can watch ….. I am one of the victims of the “Monarch” program. I am looking …
MK Ultra Used On Hollywood Celebrities – YouTube
Celebrity Illuminati Members: … MK Ultra Used On Hollywood Celebrities … Hollywood MK Ultra Victims - Joaquin Phoenix and More!
MK Ultra Celebrity Victims – Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie, and …
Celebrity Illuminati Members: More Info About The …
Roseanne Barr: “MK ULTRA Mind Control Rules in …
Apr 1, 2013 - Roseanne also uses her blog to discuss MK ULTRA in Hollywood. …who had sometimes become unwitting victims, in a research program the …
Exposing the Matrix / Tattoos
Apr 21, 2012 - The tattoo is chosen based on which branch of MK Ultra the slave was… Otherwise, some celebrities just like to flat out show their allegiance to Satan or …that MK Ultra victims go through during the traumatic programming.
MK-ULTRA: Then and Now – A Thorough Analysis of Mind …
Mar 3, 2013 - A research exposé analyzing the CIA’s MK-ULTRA program and the … we will discuss several known cases of healed MK-ULTRA/Illuminati victims in …. pop starts and celebrities, or simply the unwary masses as we will see a …
With Europe being invaded by Islam I would have thought you’d have some channelled hope porn for me, or the next ascension date so all the chosen can get beamed off the planet to leave it to the murderous plague that is spreading across this earth.
You’ve gotta be pleased even your country’s leader is bringing in 25,000 so Canada too can be culturally enriched via Islam, Sharia and the sword….
Gimme some hope porn now dammit!!!!
Why not heal the little native girl inside you, you don’t sound well… go make some friends.
Please, PLEASE bugger off with your insane nonsense you demon possessed moron . .
Maybe you and the other trolls could cheer each other up, or at the very least, write articles haha.