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Retired Judge Spills the Beans, and Step-by-Step Directions for Seeing Who Owns You and Your Children, Also Cusip Number, Etc.

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Friday, May 3, 2013


By Judge Dale
I didn’t plan on writing PART 5 but given the global movement in play
to collapse the fiat financial dominance historically created and
controlled by the Vatican; European Royal and Elite plus the
retaliatory efforts by the United States Corporation to recoup their
control of America; I felt a need to point out the flaws in their
CORPORATE PROCESS. You probably identify with this CORPORATE PROCESS
as LEGAL PROCESS but it really isn’t about what is legal or lawful
because all process is about the enforcement of CONTRACTS or the
imposition and enforcement of CORPORATE REGULATIONS called STATUTES.
The best advice you will ever receive is to: AVOID THEIR COURTS
WHENEVER POSSIBLE. There is NO justice to be found in those courts
unless you are a member of the Vatican; the royal or Elite, or have
purchased Diplomatic Immunity.


The only Constitutional Court in America is the International Court of
Trades, which was created because no Foreign Nation Government would
trade with the Corporate United States, until they provided a way for
these foreign Nations to enforce their Trade Agreements with America.

NOTE: Historically, the World Court was created to provide Nations
with a venue to enforce their Trade Agreements but the Corporate
United States refused the Courts invitation to participate because
they were denied control over the Court.

All of the other American Courts are pseudo courts or fictions and
simply are Corporate Administrative Offices designed to resemble
Courts and all of their Judges are simply Executive Administrations
designed to resemble Judges.

The purpose of these pseudo Corporate Courts are only to settle
contract disputes and since George Washington’s government was
military in structure; if either party refuses to participate, these
Courts cannot become involved and the dispute is dead in the water! My
use of the term “dead in the water” is not a canard because these
pseudo Courts are unconstitutional Courts of Admiralty, the
International Law of the Sea!

The Washington Monument was completed in 1884, as a tribute to George
Washington and his military government, which is actually a sea-level
obelisk that infers that all of America is ‘under water’ and thus
subject to the Laws of Admiralty as opposed or contrary to the
intended Constitutional Civilian Government under Common Law.

The pseudo Judges of these pseudo Courts have NO powers without the
Consent of both the Plaintiff and the Defendant. [AND] In every case
the Judge must determine that he has Consent; Personam and Subject
Matter Jurisdiction before he can act or access the Cesta Que Trust.

NOTE: All tradable Securities must be assigned a CUSIP NUMBER before
it can be offered to investors. Birth Certificates and Social Security
Applications are converted into Government Securities; assigned a
CUSIP NUMBER; grouped into lots and then are marked as a Mutual Fund
Investment. Upon maturity, the profits are moved into a GOVERNMENT
CESTA QUE TRUST and if you are still alive, the certified documents a
reinvested. It is the funds contained in this CESTA QUE TRUST that the
Judge, Clerk and County Prosecutor are really after or interested in!
This Trust actually pays all of your debts but nobody tells you that
because the Elite consider those assets to be their property and the
Federal Reserve System is responsible for the management of those

Social Security; SSI; SSD; Medicare and Medicaid are all financed by
the Trust. The government makes you pay TAXES and a portion of your
wages supposedly to pay for these services, which they can borrow at
any time for any reason since they cannot access the Cesta Que TRUST
TO FINANCE THEIR Wars or to bail out Wall Street and their patron

The public is encouraged to purchase all kinds of insurance protection
when the TRUST actually pays for all physical damages; medical costs;
new technology and death benefits. The hype to purchase insurance is a
ploy to keep us in poverty and profit off our stupidity because the
Vatican owns the controlling interest in all Insurance Companies.

You may receive a monthly statement form a Mortgage Company; Loan
Company or Utility Company, which usually has already been paid by the
TRUST. Almost all of these corporate businesses double dip and hope
that you have been conditioned well enough by their Credit Scams, to
pay them a second time. Instead of paying that Statement next time,
sign it approved and mail it back to them. If they then contact you
about payment, ask them to send you a TRUE BILL instead of a Statement
and you will be glad to pay it? A Statement documents what was due and
paid, whereas a TRUE BILL represents only what is due. Banks and
Utility Companies have direct access into these Cesta Que Trusts and
all they needed was your name; social security number and signature.


There are NO Criminal Laws in America because Criminal Laws would
imply that the Corporate United States Government are Sovereign that
have absolute power over all living, flesh and blood Americans, which
of course is not true because a corporation is a fiction and therefore
cannot be sovereign. Man is Sovereign and is in control of his own
destiny and one day he will finally wake up and realize this to be true!

There is however Criminal Contracts being enforced against us and with
our Consent, which are surreptitiously called: Criminal Statutes. Our
Consent has been obtained by them visa vie our silence and failure to
act or protest, which under law is defined as: Tacit Procuration.

(e.g.) Tacit Procuration: If someone accuses you of theft in writing
and you fail to respond or deny those allegations in writing, your
failure to deny or act is considered an admission of guilt (or) You
receive a Bill for goods or services that you never ordered or
received, and you fail to deny those allegations, your omission
represents the truth of the matter, which imposes an obligation to
pay! Collection companies frequently use Tacit Procuration to
establish indebtedness to them on a discharged debt they had purchased
from some corporate business.

Now you’re probably thinking: No Criminal Laws? Well, that can’t be
true? A whole lot of people have been tried; convicted and are doing
time in American Jails for breaking Criminal Laws!

And my response to that is: True, they are in Jail because they
unknowingly accepted the Criminal Contract on behalf of their Birth
Certificate and consented to be imprisoned as a condition of their
conviction and punishment. Their lawyer didn’t help any because he
reinforced that situation by and through his Notice of Appearance to
represent you. It is the Birth Certificate that is under arrest, which
I will explain shortly!

NOTE: Criminal Contracts are graded according to the severity of the
crime alleged and that grading is identified as either: Summary;
Misdemeanor; Felony or Capital offenses. The Criminal Process usually
begins with a Police Officer issuing a Citation (or) making an arrest
with or without a Warrant [or] the Police Officer [or] County Attorney
prepares a complaint based upon a sworn affidavit or information,
which is presented to a Judge and a Warrant is then issued. The
defendant is subsequently arrested and is brought before a Judge for

The Complaint and Warrant will reflect your [BIRTH NAME] or identify
you as a [JOHN DOE], if your name is unknown, which is typed out in
all capital letters! This is not a mistake on their part because it is
your Birth Certificate that is under arrest and not your living, flesh
and blood person. The hope of these pseudo Courts is that the flesh
and blood person will be intimidated enough to accept responsibility
for the Birth Certificate! Sounds crazy but nothing is what it seems:
It’s all Smoke and Mirrors.

Most Police Officers do not know or have these details and believe in
what they are doing and believe the lawyers who counsel them in law
like they are Gods! Big mistake on their part because just like
everyone else, they too have been vigorously lied to! You can’t trust
lawyers to be inherently honest!

Police Officers are instructed to always print or type the Defendants
Name in Capital letters but they are never told the reason why! As a
precaution, you should always carry a copy of your Birth Certificate
with you as part of your identification papers, which I will explain
in the next paragraph.

At your Arraignment or Trial, the Judge will ask you if you are the
named individual [ALL CAPS BIRTH NAME] on the complaint and your
natural response will be to answer in the affirmative but that is
exactly what you don’t want to do!

Remove your Birth Certificate and respond to him by stating: I am
making a Special Limited Appearance on behalf of the defendant who is
right here and [hold up your Birth Certificate!]

Then state the following: As I understand this process Judge; the
County Attorney [or] Police Officer has leveled a criminal charge with
the Clerk and against the Trust, using the ALL CAPS NAME that appears
on this BIRTH CERTIFICATE! The use of capital letters is dictated by
the US Printing Style Manuel, which explains how to identify a
TRUST, then, appointed you Judge as the TRUSTEE for the TRUST and
since neither of you can be the BENEFICIARY, that leaves me and
therefore you are MY TRUSTEE!

So as MY TRUSTEE, I instruct you to discharge this entire matter, with
prejudice and award the penalties for these crimes to be paid to me in
compensation and damages for my false arrest!

The TRUSTEE Judge has no alternative but to honor your demands but you
have to get this right and act with confidence! You really need to
know this information well, so that you can’t be hoodwinked or
confused by either of them! They will or may attempt to play some mind
games with you if you display any doubt; stammer of display a lack of
confidence! Appearances [the pomp and majesty] of these pseudo Courts,
is totally for your benefit and is intended to invoke fear and
intimidation! If you show fear or intimidation, you get a pony ride!

NOTE: I’ve seen and heard of Judges and Prosecutors interfering with a
defendant’s response, which made the defendant, become confused and he
was subsequently committed into a mental hospital for psychiatric
evaluation. The Judge and Prosecutor successfully twisted what the
defendant was trying to say and then the Judge Ordered a mental

Understand that the County Attorney will be forced to pay the Cost of
Court out of his own pocket, if the case is discharged, so he isn’t
going to give up that easily and the Judge; Clerk and County Attorney,
stand to make a pretty penny of your conviction and incarceration! So
don’t screw it up.

If the County Attorney begins to act too cocky with you, you can take
the wind out of his sails by asking him to produce the 1020 for this
case? If he denies the need to do such a thing, inform him that you
will be taking care of that for him ASAP [as soon as possible]! He may
move for a discharge at that point because you are a little too
dangerous or smart! The last thing that Prosecutor wants is the IRS
examining his files for the last seven years because he makes money on
every conviction but he doesn’t pay TAXES on them as a Rule! He
usually only declares the salary he receives.

Also: Should you accidentally find yourself in a mental hospital: the
Psychiatrist who is assigned or appointed to evaluate you is just as
corrupt as the Judge; Clerk and County Attorney and he will falsify
all of your responses to him, just so that you are recommitted back
into the mental facility with a review in six months! So lie to him
and deny that you ever made such remarks! Of course, if you accept the
criminal charges against your Birth Certificate, then you will
instantly be deemed SANE!

Sorry that I had to be the one to tell you this but this is how
corrupt many of my fellow Judges truly are and it should explain why
my conscience caused me to retire early! Before I learned what was
really going on; I believed that my duties and performance were
entirely Constitutional. I was lied to also!


The CITATION process can be handled much easier; through the mail.
When a Police Officer issues you a CITATION, he is actually requesting
you to CONTRACT with him! He is alleging that you violated a corporate
regulation in writing, which you have accepted by signing and thus
requires you to respond.

The Police Officer is instructed to explain that your signature is
merely an acknowledgment that you received a copy of the CITATION but
in actuality, your signature is notification to the Court and Judge
that you have accepted or CONSENTED to this offer to CONTRACT, which
also grants the Judge CONSENT; PERSONAM and SUBJECT MATTER
jurisdiction over you and the case!

You can cancel that CONTRACT however my rescinding your CONSENT,
within three business days of entering into such a CONTRACT. So across
the face of the CITATION you should print or type in large print, the
following words:



Use blue ink [for admiralty] or purple ink [for royalty]. Admiralty is
the Court and Royalty represents your Sovereignty. Either way is
appropriate. Sign your signature underneath in blue or purple ink and
in front of a Notary and under your signature type: Without prejudice,
UCC 1-308. This is another way to declare that you may not be held
responsible for this contract pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code.

Serve Cancelled Citation back it on the Clerk / Court, along with a
Certificate of Service, by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested.
This kills the CITATION; removes your CONCENT and removes the
JURISDICTION of the Court, all at the same time. It really is that

NOTE: A Certificate of Service is a letter that first identifies the
Citation and then defines how and when you returned the document to
the Court and is signed. If not denied, it becomes a truth in commerce
by Tacit Procuration.

Remember to keep a copy of everything, in case the Clerk attempts to
trash your response, which certainly will not happen with a
Certificate of Service or if it is mailed back by the Notary. The
Notary is actually a Deputy Secretary of State and is more powerful
than the Court Clerk!

Public Notaries originate from the time of the Egyptian and Roman
Scribes who were the purveyors of certified documents, which are sworn
affidavits. Certified documents and sworn affidavits are truth in
commerce. [e.g.] Birth Certificates are certified documents on bonded
paper. The word bonded is derived from bondage as in slavery, which
makes all of us Bond Slaves to whoever retains custody of our original
Birth Certificates. I bet you believed that the Emancipation
Proclamation freed the slaves and it did for a short time and then the
Birth Certificate and the 14th Amendment enslaved us all!


The SUMMONS process, whether it is defined a Civil or Criminal Action,
is once again an offer to CONTRACT, despite what words are to command
your appearance or response. It too can be cancelled just by following
the same procedure as the CITATION process above. A million dollar
lawsuit is no different than a CITATION and both can be cancelled!
Hard to believe, isn’t it?

Does your lawyer know about this? You bet he does but he is not
permitted to embarrass the Court and besides, Court is where he makes
his money!

NOTE: How many of you have ever attempted to avoid Jury Duty? All you
had to do was cancel the SUMMONS [OFFER to CONTRACT]; Notarize it and
mail it back to the Jury Commissioner. Don’t worry, they won’t bother
you because you are obviously too smart and may influence their Jury!
The Jury [controls] the Court and not the Prosecutor and Judge and if
you know that, they lose and the defendant wins, which is why they
prefer only the dumbed down candidates to serve on Jury.

There are a few matters or issues that are next to impossible to
circumvent or quash because of the depth of corruption within these
pseudo Courts, such as child custody and the division of property
resulting form a divorce. The Birth State claims the custody of your
children pursuant to the Birth Certificate and records them under the
Department of Transportation as a State owned Vessel!

A marriage is a CONTRACT and all that is required is a PRE-NUPIAL
AGREEMENT to complete the marriage but if you are sufficiently
indoctrinated to believe that a Judge or Mayor or a Minister or
Priest, must join you in holy matrimony and you subsequently applied
for a LICENSE; now you both have married the STATE as well! Now the
State is entitled to its fair share of the division of your marital
property should the marriage not work out or should you die [called
probate]! Some people might say that a divorce should be included on
this list of impossible issues but then they don’t know what I know!


An Action in Divorce is a request to break the LICENSED MARRIAGE
CONTRACT. If you desire a divorce and your spouse refuses to consent
to a divorce, no State Judge will grant you a Divorce Decree because
the Judge has not been granted the CONSENT of both parties! There is a
way around this however, which your lawyer will never admit to because
he cannot make any money from giving you truthful or sound advice!

NOTE: Puerto Rico is a United States Territory acquired from Spain and
it still operates under Spanish Law. This was never changed by the
Corporate United States when Puerto Rico became a US Territory, so
first you need to fly to Puerto Rico.

Once in Puerto Rico, you can establish residency by simply opening a
Post Office Box for a period of three days. Just after opening the
Post Office Box, hire a local Paralegal to prepare an Action in
Divorce for you. The Paralegal will file the divorce petition
immediately, which is generally a certified form document and it will
be heard by a Puerto Rican Judge within three days.

Under Spanish law, your spouse is not required to be served the
divorce petition: only the divorce decree. Five days after the Decree,
your former spouse will receive the divorce decree in the mail,
written entirely in Spanish, which cannot be contested and must be
honored by all US Federal and State Courts!

NOTE: Immediately after the Puerto Rican Judge declares you divorced,
if you choose, you can marry again by Contract or by License. Both are
legitimate, but no one will ever tell you that!

The division of marital property and custody of children is a much
more complicated issue but at least the divorce cannot be utilized as
leverage against you to divide up your property, less than
proportionately, which is exactly why American Judges will not
bifurcate the issues involved in a divorce. [e.g.] Divorce; division
of property; custody; support and alimony. The hope is that your
desire to obtain a divorce is worth more to you than anything else you
own, now or in the future!


If you are involved in a FORECLOSURE or are thinking about filing for
BANKRUPTCY protection to buy you more time, instead of trying to
defeat the corrupt Bank and your Creditors in a State or Federal
Court, where the cards are certainly stacked against you, plan to file
for BANKRUPTCY and do it this way, to ensure that you come out on top!
All BANKRUPTCY FORMS are printable; can be obtained on line and they
can be completed in longhand with an ink pen. The Forms to use are:
B-1 through and including B-8, You only need to prepare and file the
first five or six pages to obtain a Case Number and then you must sit
through a Credit Counseling session, which can be done all in a day.
When you are completely finished with preparing your petition, you
should have filed about 58 pages in total and the filing fee is around

Here’s the reason for using the Bankruptcy Courts:

List all your debts on one schedule and when it comes to listing your
assets include your BIRTH CERTIFICATE and its CUSIP NO. The value of
the Mutual Fund Investment for your Birth Certificate can also be
found on line using the CUSIP Number under Fidelity Investments. You
will discover that it is worth multi-millions but you must have the
CUSIP NO. on your asset schedule or the Birth Certificate will be
discharged as frivolous by the JUDGE or the TRUSTEE.

The Bankruptcy Judge will then appoint a LAWYER TRUSTEE to dissolve
the Mutual Fund Investment: pay off your debts and the balance must be
paid to you! This procedure usually attracts the attention of the
[DOJ] Department of Justice because they don’t want the LAWYER TRUSTEE
to screw up and short change the Vatican; the Federal Reserve and the
Corporate United States and so they tend to warn or threaten the
LAWYER TRUSTEE to be very careful!

Most of these Mutual Fund Investments usually involve a group of
between 10 to 25 Birth Certificates and so only a fraction of that
Mutual Fund belongs to you! The Bankruptcy Judge will not certify the
final disposition until the LAWYER TRUSTEE can prove his math and
every aspect of his work because the Judge inherits responsibility for
the Trustee’s errors, if he made any!

After the LAWYER TRUSTEE resigns, you can probably cut a deal with the
DOJ or you can proceed on with the same Bankruptcy proceeding and the
newly appointed LAWYER TRUSTEE! Now isn’t that easier and better than
attacking or defending yourself against the Bank and a bunch of greedy
Creditors; knowing full well that the cards are stacked against you
because of the Vatican and the Federal Reserve System.

While you are in Bankruptcy, you are protected. No one can proceed
against you for any debts or foreclosure, as long as you have a bond
or sufficient assets: the Birth Certificate guarantees that aspect and
while in Bankruptcy, you won’t have to pay on any of those past debts!

NOTE: There is a process to follow to determine your CUSIP NO [OR] you
can ask a Stock Broker friend to help you [or] hire a Broker on the
side to assist you. There are people in the Patriot movement who also
know how to apply the formula, which converts your Birth Registration
Number and or Social Security Number into a CUSIP Number. I paid to
have mine done and discovered that I am worth about 167 million. It’s
all FIAT money but as long as it can be spent, who cares?

I hope that this entire expose has enlightened and elevated your
personal knowledge and will benefit you now and in the future. Pax
vobiscum (Peace be with you.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:13 AM


Hi John,
This is how to find your Birth certificate Value as was stated By Judge Dale in his last post … Remember that they committing FRAUD against us. They are making Billions on us without our consent on DEBT they CREATE …. Ya had enough of this BS….???
This story highlights a particular individual. However, you can put your own birth certificate numbers in and find out how you and your family and friends are being collateralized too on the Stock Exchange.. If you’re born in Canada or other countries, they have their own systems in place.
·       FRONT PAGE
·       ABOUT US
Birth Certificates and Bank Notes

How yourBirth Certificate
is traded on
the Stock Exchange.

Directions for seeing
who owns you and

your children.

In an earlier post I related the strange story of how the Republic of America was hijacked by a corporation called the THE UNITED STATES. In that post I focused on the Corporation and its relationship to the Justice System. Bill Brockbrader declared himself a sovereign being and based upon solid Law demanded his case be dismissed.

I promised you I would explain why you should be very concerned about the fact this nation has been hijacked by a corporation being run by International Bankers. I suspect this post is only the first. Today we are going to look at how YOU are being bought and sold on the Stock Market.

This information is used to issue the birth certificate which is actually a Bank Note. This Bank Note/Birth Certificate is sent to the State where the “Live Birth is registered. The State makes a Certified Copy and sends that on to the Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. From there another Certified Copy is made and sent to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Brussels, Belgium. The IMF is center of the world of International Banking.

That Bank Note/Birth Certificate is now listed as a collateral asset for THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION. Now the corporation can take out a loan using your Birth Certificate as collateral. While being done, this practice is totally illegal. Why? Well because this is probably the first time you have heard about this scam!

See, what the Birth Certificate collateral is really saying is that YOU are responsible for the loan THEUNITED STATES CORPORATION is taking out. You are being found responsible for the loan. As you had no knowledge of this transaction, it is an unconscionable contract and illegal. 
If you have a copy of your birth certificate, take a look at it. You will see a series of numbers at the bottom. If your birth certificate is in color, the numbers will be in red. Those numbers comprise a security stock exchange number registered on the World Stock Exchange.  To see how you are doing and who owns you, go to this link and then follow the photos below.

Click on “Research” (drop down list comes up)
“Quotes” brings up another page

See the black arrow on “Find Symbol”
Click and bring up another page

Follow the arrow and click on  “Mutual Fund”

Follow the arrow and click on “Fund Number”

 Now put your Birth Certificate number in the “Search Value” and hit ”Search” or use the number off the Birth Certificate photo above as I did.


 When you get to the next page, click on “See Results”. 


Now, go to this link and you will see a screen shot for the information corresponding to the birth certificate number for Bill Brockbrader. 409 different companies are listed.

And what did YOU find? Let us know. Comment below. And let us know what you think we should do about this.
The photo of the Birth Certificate and more information can be found at
- NHL April 9, 2013


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Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:15 PM

NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News


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    Your Comments
    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 30 comments
    • Ideas Time

      A must read for everyone! Thanks!

      • Problem, Reaction, Solution

        Excellent information for an informed “Republic”

    • D-ohm

      Easy, It’s illegal to use or think you are a legal name…
      CROWN CORPORATION think they own everything…Using your birth certificate for any sort/type of id is fraudulent.

      Legality is not reality.

    • scuby63

      Do you have any useful information regarding canada ?

    • AnaKosa

      This is great info Thank you.
      And just so you all know the pope owns your soul at list is what he thinks.

    • desertspeaks

      will you please stop posting this debunked bs already!!!

    • Antique White

      ya, i follow your instructions and that fidelity site wanted me to log in when i got to search? sucks?

    • 131313


      ! Warning: The security you entered is not recognized. Please verify the symbol and re-enter.

    • RoaringLamb58

      I got a blank page that said error on it in capital letters.

    • Snowball

      dog turd

    • Ideas Time

      All govs are listed in Dunn and Bradstreet. Think about it? Read the Clearfield Doctrine. Look it up. This guy is spot on.

    • Sun Rabbit

      A fun article to read, but nothing I haven’t heard before.
      See, the thing with gaming the system is that you have one of 2 options:

      (a) you don’t play their game; or,
      (b) you play it to win

      I’ll use the analogy of housing. With that, you can either own no real property and just rent, in which case you get to parasite off the system like nobody’s business by getting unemployment, welfare, state subsidies for childcare, education, etc. (at least in the EU). In which case you build a nest egg (bank accounts, real estate, etc.) in a non-EU country like Russia. Either that or you play to win by owning as much (rental) real estate as you can without losing your mind. By that I mean you can handle the workload involved in keeping tabs on all the units, checking payments, hiring plumbers, etc.

      It’s exactly the same with that whole legal tax avoidance or PT lifestyle or permanently temporary residency schemes. With that, you can either game the system by having ZERO citizenships, or you game the system like I do where I have more citizenships and permanent residencies than you can shake a fist at. Having multiple IDs also helps. So if tax jurisdiction X sends you a bill stating that you owe them money, you discharge that obligation by furnishing them with notarised documents stating that you’re a resident of tax jurisdiction Y. If tax jurisdiction Y sends you a bill, you’re a legal resident and citizen of tax jurisdiction Z. It’s pathetically simple.

      Author mentions purchasing Diplomatic Immunity. Now THAT’S something I want. It would definitely be a trip to drive around with CD plates [chuckle, chuckle].

      Here’s something anyone can do for about 150 Euros, and that’s becoming an e-resident of Estonia. Check this out:

    • snoop4truth


      Rodney DALE Class (“Rod Class”) is an “amateur legal theorist” who barely got through high school and who has LOST EVERY SINGLE ADMINISTRATIVE AND JUDICIAL CASE IN WHICH HE HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED (WELL OVER 65 COMPLETE, CONSECUTIVE LOSSES AND STILL COUNTING). Despite a year long investigation, we have not yet found a single case involving Rod Class that he (or his side) ever won. The reason that Rod Class has a 100% failure rate in the courts is that he uses “amateur legal theories” (FAKE laws) in court as if they were REAL laws. Class’ “amateur legal theories” are an IMAGINARY ALTERNATIVE to the REAL laws that are actually used by the courts and the legal system. If Class’ “amateur legal theories” (FAKE laws) were actually valid, then he would not have LOST EVERY SINGLE CASE IN WHICH HE HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED (WELL OVER 65 COMPLETE, CONSECUTIVE LOSSES AND STILL COUNTING). No person with a verifiable 100% FAILURE RATE IN COURT should be fraudulently impersonating or posing as a legal “teacher”, “legal scholar”, “retired federal judge”, “Private Attorney General”, “Bounty Hunter” of some other type of person who would actually have REAL knowledge of the REAL law.

      But more importantly, Class is also a PROFESSIONAL HOAXER. Class is behind the “Judge DALE Hoax” in which he writes FAKE legal articles which reveal FAKE legal information while fraudulently impersonating a FAKE “retired federal judge” named “Judge DALE” (which uses his own middle name, “DALE”, as an inside joke). (Impersonating a retired federal judge, is a federal felony). Class is also behind the “FOURTH Administrative Ruling Hoax”, the “Property In Other People’s Names Hoax”, the “Private Attorney General Hoax”, “Embezzling Federal Funds Hoax”, the “CRIS Hoax” and many, many other legal hoaxes (all of which he uses to “sell” his “amateur belief system” about the law and the legal system to a gullible public). But, most importantly, for purposes of this comment, Class is also behind the “Debra Jones Hoax”.

      THE HOAX
      Class has own internet radio show on AIB radio in which he makes intentionally false and fraudulent claims about the law and the legal system––the same legal system in which he has LOST EVERY SINGLE ADMINISTRATIVE AND JUDICIAL CASE IN WHICH HE HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED (OVER 65 COMPLETE, CONSECUTIVE LOSSES AND STILL COUNTING). On July 8, 2014, in Episode 869, Class purported to bring in a “legal insider” as a guest on his radio show in order to bolster his own intentionally false and fraudulent claims about the law and the legal system. Class FRAUDULENTLY introduced this FAKE “legal insider” as “former attorney” and “former law enforcement officer”, “Debra Jones’’. As if those FRAUDULENT claims about Debra Jones were not bad enough, Debra Jones herself also FRAUDULENTLY claimed that she was being “groomed” by the “Police Benevolent Association” to be “President of the United States” (an office that Rod Class himself once purported to run for as a “write-in candidate”). Not surprisingly, during this 2 hour 43 minute show, this FAKE “legal insider” mindlessly “parroted” the same “amateur legal theories” (FAKE laws) and utterly delusional claims about the law and the legal system that Class himself makes. Rod Class’ radio audience was understandably shocked and horrified by the FAKE, FALSE and FRAUDULENT claims of Debra Jones who they genuinely believed was a real “legal insider” who was telling them the truth. This FRAUDULENT radio show became an internet sensation and was re-posted all over the web, much to the delight of Rod Class and Debra Jones.

      But, before putting her on his internet radio show, Class already knew that Debra Jones was NEVER a “former real estate attorney”, NEVER a “former law enforcement officer” and that she was NEVER being “groomed” by the “Police Benevolent Association” to be “President of the United States”. Before putting Debra Jones on the air on his AIB radio show, Class also knew the following:
      1. Debra Jones’ REAL name is “Debra Jenks Jones”;
      2. Debra Jenks Jones was born on May, 29, 1967;
      3. As of today, Debra Jenks Jones is currently 49 years old;
      4. Debra Jenks Jones’ social security number is 531-80-XXXX;
      5. Debra Jenks Jones lives at XXXX XXXth Street Court, Puyallup, Pierce County, Washington State, 98375-6130 and has lived there since April of 1995. This is the REAL reason that many of her “seminars” are conveniently held in the Yelp, Washington State area;
      6. Debra Jenks Jones HAS NEVER HAD a “professional license” of ANY TYPE from ANY STATE which means that she was NEVER an “ attorney”, a person who would have had a “professional license” from at least one state (at least at some point in time in the past). This is the REAL reason why Debra Jenks Jones will not disclose the name of the law school from which she allegedly received her law degree or the name of the state(s) that allegedly issued her a license to practice law. Neither such a law school nor such a state ever existed;
      7. Debra Jenks Jones was NEVER a “law enforcement officer” in any jurisdiction. This is the REAL reason why Debra Jenks Jones will not reveal the name and location of the alleged law enforcement agency (or agencies) in which she was an allegedly employed as a “law enforcement officer”. Such an alleged law enforcement agency does not exist;
      8. Debra Jenks Jones was NEVER “being groomed by the Police Benevolent Association to be the President Of The United States”. This is the REAL reason that she will not reveal the names of the many people within that organization who were “grooming” her, the place where she was being “groomed” or exactly how they were “grooming” her.
      9. Debra Jenks Jones’ false claims to the effect that she grew up in Washington, D.C. and that she was a “former Congressional Aid” to a conveniently DEAD Congressman (to make verification impossible) in the “nation’s capital” was a self-glorifying fraud intended to throw investigators off of her trail as well as serving as an inside joke (because she really lives in Washington State, not in Washington, D.C.);
      10. Debra Jones’ published address on one of her two websites of “55 Santa Clara Avenue, #220B, Oakland, California, 94610” is a fraud intended to throw investigators off her trail. This FAKE address causes persons looking for her to futilely look for her in the state of California, rather than in the state of Washington State, where she actually lives and does “business” while pretending to be a “former real estate attorney” and a “former law enforcement officer” when peddling her “seminars” on “voodoo law”, “FAKE law” and “amateur legal theories”;
      11. Debra Jenks Jones’ published phone number on one of her two websites is “(360) 458-6678”. The fact that Debra Jenks Jones lives in Puyallup, Washington is the real reason that the area code for that phone number is “360”. Area code “360” is not the area code for Oakland, California (her published business address) or Washington, D.C. where she falsely claims to have grown up. Instead, area code “360” is the area code for that portion of Washington State south of Tacoma, Washington, where Puyallup, Washington is located (and where she has lived since 1995).
      12. Debra Jenks Jones operates THREE FRAUDULENT WEBSITES in order to solicit money from her victims;; and
      13. As an complete OUTSIDER to the REAL law and the REAL legal system, Debra Jones has no “inside information” about the inner workings of the REAL law and the REAL system to share with you or with anyone else. She is a complete and total fraud. When you think about it, Debra Jones is merely the FAKE “former real estate attorney” and the FAKE “former law enforcement officer” version of “Judge DALE”, a FAKE “former federal judge” who Rod Class fraudulently impersonates when writing FAKE legal articles which reveal FAKE legal information which articles are posted online.

      Jean Haines of did much to re-publish and perpetrate the “Debra Jones Hoax” among her own online readers/victims. Dozens of Ms. Haines’ readers/victims wrote to her and specifically asked her for the very information that we have provided herein (details on Debra Jenks Jones’ REAL background and her REAL contact information). In late 2015, we attempted to answer all those questions by posting a draft of this very document among the comments below Ms. Haines’ article in which she lavished heavy praise on this FAKE “legal insider” named Debra Jones on But, Ms. Haines saw fit to block this comment from being posted on her website (or otherwise caused this comment to not be posted there). In so doing, Ms. Haines thereby prevented her own readers/victims from receiving the TRUE facts about Debra Jones contained herein.

      What this means is that everything that you have ever been told by Rod Class is as true as his claims to the effect that Debra Jones is a “former real estate attorney” and “former law enforcement officer”. The reality is that Rod Class will not hesitate to lie to you and to defraud you if doing so helps him “sell” his “amateur belief system” about the law and the legal system to you. Needless to say, if you paid Debra Jones hundreds or thousands of dollars to attend one or more of her seminars in the belief that she is a “former real estate attorney” and a “former police woman”, then you were defrauded and ripped-off. You should demand your money back and/or contact law enforcement authorities. Lying to the American people about their law and their legal system is an act of treason against the American people and should be treated accordingly. Rod Class and Debra Jones should be ashamed of themselves for committing this VICIOUS ATTACK on the America people.

      If you still wish to reach Debra Jenks Jones, the FAKE former “attorney” and the FAKE former “ law enforcement officer” who intentionally lied to you and defrauded you on Rod Class’ AIB radio talk show, you may do so by using the following contact information:
      1. Call her at her published phone number appearing on one of her three websites of (360) 458-6678 (this number is also reportedly used by “Sleepsonic, LLC, 303 1st Street South #2 Yelm, Washington State 98597”);
      2. Look her up in Puyallup, Pierce County, Washington State and write her (we will not publish her full
      address online);
      3. Email her at her published email address of
      4. Write her at her FAKE published business address at TrustUP (sic) Providers, 55 Santa Clara Avenue, #220B, Oakland, California 94610 (and hope that your letter gets forwarded to her REAL address in Puyallup, Pierce County, Washington State);
      5. Try reaching her through her three websites,, and
      6. Contact Rod Class and ask him for her REAL contact information.
      7. Contact Jean Haines at her website at and ask for her REAL contact information.
      8. “LightInDarkness”, a senior writer with claims that Debra Jones once announced that she could be contacted at and at 323-642-8277. So, you might also try those avenues when trying to reach this FAKE “legal insider”.

      Snoop4truth is a legal expert who opposes the New World Order, globalization, corporatism, The Federal Reserve, fractional reserve banking (which is pure fraud and theft), false flag operations, endless wars and the contamination of our air, water, food and natural resources.

      Snoop4truth opposes the main-stream-media and legal disinformation for precisely the same reason, the people behind both disseminate intentionally false and fraudulent information in order to advance their own agenda at the expense of the American people who they fraudulently claim to serve.

      Snoop4truth did not expose the “Judge DALE Hoax”, the “Debra Jones Hoax” or the falsity of Rod Class’ claims in order to harm Rod Class or Debra Jenks Jones. Instead, Snoop4truth exposed the “Judge DALE Hoax”, the “Debra Jones Hoax” and the falsity of Rod Class’ claim solely to reduce the catastrophic damage that such PURPOSEFUL AND INTENTIONAL FRAUD inflicts upon the American people every single day.

      Had it not been for the Rod Class’ role in creating and perpetuating the “Judge DALE Hoax”, Snoop4truth would not have exposed the “Judge DALE Hoax”, the “Debra Jones Hoax” or the falsity of Rod Class’ claims about the law and the legal system. There is a world of difference between a person making an innocent mistake about the law on one hand and purposely and intentionally manufacturing an elaborate hoax intended to defraud the American people on the other. It is the charlatans, frauds and hoaxers with whom I take issue, not the innocent “amateur legal theorists”.

    • snoop4truth


      Rodney DALE Class (“Rod Class”) is an amateur legal theorist with barely a high school education. Class has LOST EVERY SINGLE ADMINISTRATIVE AND JUDICIAL CASE IN WHICH HE HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED (WELL OVER 65 COMPLETE, CONSECUTIVE LOSSES AND STILL COUNTING). Despite a year long investigation, we have not yet found a single case involving Class that he (or his side) ever won. The reason that Class has a 100% failure rate in the courts is that he uses amateur legal theories (FAKE laws) in court as if they were REAL laws. Class’ amateur legal theories are an IMAGINARY ALTERNATIVE to the REAL laws that are actually used by the courts and the legal system. If Class’ amateur legal theories (FAKE laws) were actually valid, then he would not have LOST EVERY SINGLE CASE IN WHICH HE HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED (WELL OVER 65 COMPLETE, CONSECUTIVE LOSSES AND STILL COUNTING). No person with a verifiable 100% FAILURE RATE IN COURT should be masquerading as a “teacher”, “legal scholar”, “retired federal judge”, “Private Attorney General”, “Bounty Hunter” or some similar nonsense title.

      But more importantly, Class is also a PROFESSIONAL HOAXER. Class is behind the “Judge DALE Hoax” in which he writes FAKE legal articles which reveal FAKE legal information while fraudulently impersonating a FAKE “retired federal judge” named “Judge DALE” (which uses his own middle name, “DALE”, as an inside joke). (Impersonating a retired federal judge, is a federal felony). Class is also behind the “FOURTH Administrative Ruling Hoax”, the “Property In Other People’s Names Hoax”, the “Private Attorney General Hoax”, the “Embezzling Federal Funds Hoax”, the “CRIS Hoax” and many, many other legal hoaxes. Class uses these legal hoaxes to help him sell his amateur belief system about the law and the legal system to other amateur legal theorists. But, most importantly, for purposes of this comment, Class is also behind the “Debra Jones Hoax”.

      THE HOAX
      Class has own internet radio show on AIB radio which he uses to sell his amateur belief system about the law and the legal system––the same legal system in which he has LOST EVERY SINGLE ADMINISTRATIVE AND JUDICIAL CASE IN WHICH HE HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED (OVER 65 COMPLETE, CONSECUTIVE LOSSES AND STILL COUNTING).

      On July 8, 2014, in Episode 869, Class purported to bring in a “legal insider” as a guest on his radio show in order to validate, bolster and to provide support for his own amateur legal theorists about the law and the legal system. Class FRAUDULENTLY introduced this FAKE “legal insider” as “former attorney” and “former law enforcement officer”, “Debra Jones’’. As if those FRAUDULENT claims about Debra Jones were not bad enough, Debra Jones herself also FRAUDULENTLY claimed that she was once being “groomed” by the “Police Benevolent Association” to be “President of the United States” (an office that Rod Class himself once purported to run for as a “write-in candidate”). (In an apparent effort to cover all of the bases, Debra Jones has since added the titles “Dr.”, “ordained minister”, “martial artist” and “hypnotic therapist” to her resume’).

      Not surprisingly, during this 2 hour 43 minute show, this FAKE “legal insider” mindlessly “parroted” the same “amateur legal theories” (FAKE laws) and utterly delusional claims about the law and the legal system that Class himself makes. Rod Class’ radio audience was understandably shocked and horrified by the FAKE, FALSE and FRAUDULENT claims of Debra Jones who they genuinely believed was a real “legal insider” who was telling them the truth. This FRAUDULENT radio show became an internet sensation and was re-posted all over the web, much to the delight of Rod Class and Debra Jones.

      But, before putting her on his internet radio show, Class already knew that Debra Jones was NEVER a “former real estate attorney”, NEVER a “former law enforcement officer” and that she was NEVER being “groomed by the Police Benevolent Association to be “President of the United States”. The truth about Debra Jones is as follows::
      1. Debra Jones’ REAL name is “Debra Jenks Jones”;
      2. Debra Jenks Jones was born on May, 29, 1967;
      3. As of today, Debra Jenks Jones is currently 49 years old;
      4. Debra Jenks Jones’ social security number is (redacted) 531-80-XXXX;
      5. Debra Jenks Jones lives at (redacted) XXXX XXXth Street Court, Puyallup, Pierce County, Washington State, 98375-6130 and has lived there since April of 1995. This is the reason that many of her “seminars” on “voodoo law” are CONVENIENTLY held in the nearby Yelp, Washington State area;
      6. Debra Jenks Jones HAS NEVER HAD a “professional license” of ANY TYPE from ANY STATE which means that she was NEVER an “ attorney”, a person who would have had a “professional license” from at least one state (at least at some point in time in the past). This is the reason why Debra Jenks Jones will not reveal the name of the law school from which she allegedly received her law degree. This is also the reason that Debra Jenks Jones will not reveal the name of the state or states that allegedly issued her a license to practice law. Such a law school does not exist and such a state does not exist;
      7. Debra Jenks Jones was NEVER a “law enforcement officer” in any jurisdiction. This is the REAL reason why Debra Jenks Jones will not reveal the name and location of the alleged law enforcement agency (or agencies) in which she was an allegedly employed as a “law enforcement officer”. Such a law enforcement agency does not exist;
      8. Debra Jenks Jones was NEVER “being groomed by the Police Benevolent Association to be the President Of The United States”. This is the REAL reason that she will not reveal the names of the many people within that organization who were allegedly “grooming” her, the place where she was allegedly being “groomed” or the exact manner in which she was allegedly being “groomed”; 9. Debra Jenks Jones’ false claims to the effect that she grew up in Washington, D.C. and that she was a “former Congressional Aid” to a conveniently DEAD Congressman (to make verification impossible) in the “nation’s capital” was a self-glorifying fraud intended to throw investigators off of her trail as well as serving as an inside joke (because she really lives in Washington State, not in Washington, D.C.);
      10. Debra Jones’ published address on one of her three websites of “55 Santa Clara Avenue, #220B, Oakland, California, 94610” is a fraud intended to throw investigators off her trail. This FAKE address causes persons looking for her to futilely look for her in the state of California, rather than in the state of Washington State, where she actually lives and does “business” while pretending to be a “former real estate attorney” and a “former law enforcement officer” when peddling her “seminars” on “voodoo law”, “FAKE law” and “amateur legal theories”;
      11. Debra Jenks Jones’ published phone number on one of her three websites is “(360) 458-6678”. The fact that Debra Jenks Jones lives in Puyallup, Washington is the real reason that the area code for that phone number is “360”. Area code “360” is not the area code for Oakland, California (her published business address) or Washington, D.C. where she falsely claims to have grown up. Instead, area code “360” is the area code for that portion of Washington State south of Tacoma, Washington, where Puyallup, Washington is located (and where she has lived since 1995).
      12. Debra Jenks Jones operates THREE FRAUDULENT WEBSITES in order to illegally and fraudulently solicit money from her victims;; and
      13. As an complete OUTSIDER to the REAL law and the REAL legal system, Debra Jones has no “inside information” about the inner workings of the REAL law and the REAL system to share with you or with anyone else. She is a complete and total fraud. When you think about it, the “Debra Jones Hoax” and the “Judge DALE Hoax” have much in common. In the “Debra Jones Hoax”, Debra Jones manufactured FAKE titles and FAKE credentials for herself to help her “sell” her amateur belief system in the same way that in the “Judge DALE Hoax”, Rod Class manufactured a FAKE title and FAKE credentials for himself to help him “sell” his amateur belief system. Thus, Debra Jones fraudulently impersonates a FAKE “former attorney” and a FAKE “former police officer” when “selling” her amateur belief system while Rod Class fraudulently impersonates a FAKE “former federal judge” when “selling” his amateur belief system.

      NOTE: It is a federal felony to use a “means of interstate commerce” (like the internet) to commit fraud (like soliciting and collecting money from victims for seminars by fraudulently claiming to be a “former attorney” and/or a “former police officer”). It is a state crime to impersonate an ”attorney”. It is also a state crime to impersonate a “law enforcement officer). In many states, it is a state crime to impersonate a “Dr” or a clergyman, like an “ordained minister”.

      Jean Haines of did much to re-publish and perpetrate the “Debra Jones Hoax” among her own online readers/victims. Ms. Haines wrote a glowing article in which she lavished heavy praise on “Debra Jones”. In response, dozens of Ms. Haines’ readers/victims wrote to her and specifically asked her for the very information that we have provided herein (details on Debra Jenks Jones’ REAL background and her REAL contact information). In late 2015, we attempted to answer all those questions by posting an early draft of this very document among the comments below Ms. Haines’ article. But, during the “moderation” process, Ms. Haines saw fit to block this comment from being posted on her website (or otherwise caused this comment to not be posted there). In so doing, Ms. Haines thereby prevented her own readers/victims from receiving the TRUE facts about Debra Jones contained in this post, facts that they had specifically asked her for.

      Everything that Rod Class has ever told you is as true as his claims to the effect that Debra Jones is a “former real estate attorney” and “former law enforcement officer”. The reality is that Rod Class will not hesitate to lie to you and to defraud you if doing so helps him “sell” his “amateur belief system” about the law and the legal system to you. Needless to say, if you paid Debra Jones hundreds or thousands of dollars to attend one or more of her seminars in the belief that she is a “former real estate attorney” and a “former police woman”, then you were defrauded and ripped-off. You should demand your money back and/or contact law enforcement authorities. Lying to the American people about their law and their legal system is an act of treason against the American people and should be treated accordingly. Rod Class and Debra Jones should be ashamed of themselves for committing this VICIOUS ATTACK on the America people. They should both immediately apologize to the American people for what they have done and they should both immediately discontinue their pattern of fraud upon the American people.

      If you are among the dozens of people on who still wish to reach Debra Jenks Jones, the FAKE former “attorney” and the FAKE former “ law enforcement officer” who intentionally lied to you and defrauded you on Rod Class’ AIB radio talk show, you may do so by using the following contact information:
      1. Call her at her published phone number appearing on one of her three websites of (360) 458-6678 (this number is also reportedly used by “Sleepsonic, LLC, 303 1st Street South #2 Yelm, Washington State 98597”);
      2. Look her up in Puyallup, Pierce County, Washington State and write her (we will not publish her full
      address online);
      3. Email her at her published email address of
      4. Write her at her FAKE published business address at TrustUP (sic) Providers, 55 Santa Clara Avenue, #220B, Oakland, California 94610 (and hope that your letter gets forwarded to her REAL address in Puyallup, Pierce County, Washington State);
      5. Try reaching her through her three known websites,, and
      6. Contact Rod Class and ask him for her REAL contact information.
      7. Contact Jean Haines at her website at and ask for her REAL contact information.
      8. “LightInDarkness”, a senior writer with claims that Debra Jones once announced that she could be contacted at and at 323-642-8277. So, you might also try those avenues when trying to reach this FAKE “legal insider”.

      Snoop4truth is a legal expert who opposes the New World Order, globalization, corporatism, The Federal Reserve, fractional reserve banking (which is pure fraud and theft), false flag operations, endless wars and the contamination of our air, water, food and natural resources.

      Snoop4truth opposes the main-stream-media and legal disinformation for precisely the same reason, the people behind both disseminate intentionally false and fraudulent information in order to advance their own agenda at the expense of the American people who they fraudulently claim to serve.

      Snoop4truth did not expose the “Judge DALE Hoax”, the “Debra Jones Hoax” or the falsity of Rod Class’ claims in order to harm Rod Class or Debra Jenks Jones. Instead, Snoop4truth exposed the “Judge DALE Hoax”, the “Debra Jones Hoax” and the falsity of Rod Class’ claim solely to reduce the catastrophic damage that such PURPOSEFUL AND INTENTIONAL FRAUD inflicts upon the American people every single day.

      Had it not been for the Rod Class’ role in creating and perpetuating the “Judge DALE Hoax”, then Snoop4truth would not have exposed the “Judge DALE Hoax”, the “Debra Jones Hoax” or the falsity of Rod Class’ claims about the law and the legal system.

      There is a world of difference between an amateur legal theorist making an innocent mistake about the law on one hand and a charlatan manufacturing an elaborate hoax about the law to defraud the American people on the other hand. Snoop4truth will only expose those charlatans who engage in elaborate hoaxes about the law to defraud the American people. This is why, to date, Snoop4truth has only exposed the “Judge DALE Hoax” and the “Debra Jones Hoax”. Snoop4truth has no quarrel with the amateur legal theorist who makes a simple innocent mistake about the law. Such people are mistaken, but they are not charlatans. There is a difference.

      • Pink Slime

        But that is EXACTLY the same thing those in power do to you. Why can’t he practice what they don’t preach? The joke is on EVERYBODY, but mostly you.

        It’s all a scam and he is pointing it out in a ribald way. But I think there is a lot of truth to what he says.

        One set of laws for me, one set of laws for thee. :twisted:

      • Ideas Time

        The corporate state uses statutes. My guess is that you are providing a lot of dis-information. Judge Dale and Anna von Ritz get it.

        How anyone can think the corporate system will not always suppress the truth is beyond me. Sovereigns aka the king and are not legal fictions.

        For your information.

        Read and learn when you have time.

      • Ideas Time

        The corporate state uses statutes. My guess is that you are providing a lot of dis-information. Judge Dale and Anna von Ritz get it.

        How anyone can think the corporate system will not always suppress the truth is beyond me. Sovereigns aka the king and are not legal fictions.

        For your information.

        Read and learn when you have time.

        You will all love this information.

        “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” –George Orwell
        Constructive Fraud Law and Legal Definition
        Fraud is generally defined in the law as an intentional misrepresentation of material existing fact made by one person to another with knowledge of its falsity and for the purpose of inducing the other person to act, and upon which the other person relies with resulting injury or damage. Fraud may also by made by an omission or purposeful failure to state material facts, which nondisclosure makes other statements misleading.
        Constructive fraud is considered fraud under the law although deceptive intent is missing because it has the same consequences as an actual fraud would have. It is a finding imposed in the interest of fairness and justice, such as to prevent violation of a public or private trust or confidence, the breach of a fiduciary duty, or the use of undue influence.
        Black’s law dictionary defines constructive fraud as “all acts, omissions, and concealments involving breach of equitable or legal duty, trust or confidence, and resulting in damage to another, 38 Cal Rptr. 148, 157; i.e. no scienter is required. Thus the party who makes the misrepresentation need not know that it is false.’”
        All collections of income tax paid to the private Federal Reserve are retired from circulation the same way they are created by banks in the so-called loan process—by computer-keypad keystroke, in exchange for the borrower’s promise-to-pay; to wit:
        The purpose of income tax is to remove from circulation a substantial portion of the digits of credit “loaned” into circulation by banks by bookkeeping entry in the so-called loan process.
        Unless a significant amount of the digits “loaned” into circulation by the banks are collected by the IRS in the form of FRNs from (1) payments of income tax, (2) seizure and sale of real and personal property, and (3) seizure of bank accounts and paychecks and thereafter gifted or bequeathed (31 U.S.C. 321(d)(1) and (2)) to a non-U.S. Government employee and proxy / agent of the private Federal Reserve, i.e., the Secretary of the Treasury,[19] for transmittal to the private Federal Reserve as payments of interest on the national debt and thereupon retired from circulation, inflation skyrockets, prices go through the roof, and the fraudulent nature of the fractional-reserve banking system of the private Federal Reserve can be concealed no longer.[20]
        Congress transmute Americans into corporately colored franchisees
        The only Americans who allegedly are liable to income tax are called individuals (26 C.F.R. 1.1-1 Income tax on individuals), a.k.a. taxpayers.
        The statutory term “individual” is defined at 5 U.S.C. 552a Records maintained on individuals as follows:
        “(a) Definitions.—For purposes of this section—
        “. . . (2) the term ‘individual’ means a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence;”
        The phrase “citizen of the United States” means resident of the District of Columbia (see Memorandum of Law, August 10, 2015, p. 15, paragraphs 44–45).
        The phrase “alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence” means American non-resident of the District of Columbia who appears to have made an election (choice) to be treated as a resident of the District of Columbia (id. at 15–17, paragraphs 46–51).
        The statutory so-called individual is an artificial person, a creature of the law in the nature of a corporation and, like a corporation, designated by a name written in ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS (style of writing a proper noun for which the rules of English grammar make no provision).[21]
        A corporation is a franchise; to wit:
        Look up: Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace
        Cite Constitutional authority. the Constitution confers upon Congress no power of territorial legislation over person or property anywhere in the Union.
        Upon receipt of a demand letter from a United States (District of Columbia) attorney, by presenting him with a Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace requiring proof of jurisdiction and presenting evidence that he has no jurisdiction anywhere in the Union, if he proceeds with a lawsuit without first presenting constitutional authority to take jurisdiction and do so (impossibility), he acts on his own.
        The Department of the Treasury is a private organization, independent of government, 41 Stat. 654; to wit: Neither the senior executive of the Department of the Treasury or Internal Revenue Service (the Secretary of the Treasury and Commissioner of Internal Revenue, respectively) is required by law to take an oath of office (meaning they are non-governmental, private-sector workers) and the sole beneficiary of all their collections of income tax[1] is a private bank, the Federal Reserve.[2]
        The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)

        2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816)

        3. The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)

        4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No.4 pg.113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288)

        5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganizations. After over 200 years of operating under bankruptcy it’s finally over. (Executive Order 12803) Do not personate one of the creditors or share holders or you will go to Prison.18 U.S.C. 914

        “100 percent of what is collected [in income tax] is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt . . . . In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their Government.” J. Peter Grace, “President’s Private Sector Survey on Cost Control: A Report to the President,” dated and approved January 12 and 15, 1984, p. 3.
        For a crime to exist there must be and injured party (Corpus Delicti), there can be no sanction or penalty imposed on one because of this Constitutional right. Sherer v. Cullen 481 F. 945:
        CRUDEN v. NEALE 2N.C. (1796) 2 SE 70
        “Every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen without his consent”
        Attorneys Non –Positive Law must have contract.
        “(a) The controlling rule is that “ absent a knowing and intelligent waiver, no person may be imprisoned for any offense … unless he was represented by counsel at his trial. “ Argersinger, 407 U. S. , at 37. Pp. 5-6.” Alabama v Shelton 535 U. S. 654 .”… when the trial of a misdemeanor starts that no imprisonment may be imposed , even though local law permits it, unless the accused is represented by counsel” Argersinger v Hamlin 407 U. S. 25-40

      • Ideas Time

        The corporate state uses statutes. My guess is that you are providing a lot of dis-information. Judge Dale and Anna von Ritz get it.

        How anyone can think the corporate system will not always suppress the truth is beyond me. Sovereigns aka the king and are not legal fictions.

        For your information.

        Read and learn when you have time.

        You will all love this information.

        “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” –George Orwell
        Constructive Fraud Law and Legal Definition
        Fraud is generally defined in the law as an intentional misrepresentation of material existing fact made by one person to another with knowledge of its falsity and for the purpose of inducing the other person to act, and upon which the other person relies with resulting injury or damage. Fraud may also by made by an omission or purposeful failure to state material facts, which nondisclosure makes other statements misleading.
        Constructive fraud is considered fraud under the law although deceptive intent is missing because it has the same consequences as an actual fraud would have. It is a finding imposed in the interest of fairness and justice, such as to prevent violation of a public or private trust or confidence, the breach of a fiduciary duty, or the use of undue influence.
        Black’s law dictionary defines constructive fraud as “all acts, omissions, and concealments involving breach of equitable or legal duty, trust or confidence, and resulting in damage to another, 38 Cal Rptr. 148, 157; i.e. no scienter is required. Thus the party who makes the misrepresentation need not know that it is false.’”
        All collections of income tax paid to the private Federal Reserve are retired from circulation the same way they are created by banks in the so-called loan process—by computer-keypad keystroke, in exchange for the borrower’s promise-to-pay; to wit:
        The purpose of income tax is to remove from circulation a substantial portion of the digits of credit “loaned” into circulation by banks by bookkeeping entry in the so-called loan process.
        Unless a significant amount of the digits “loaned” into circulation by the banks are collected by the IRS in the form of FRNs from (1) payments of income tax, (2) seizure and sale of real and personal property, and (3) seizure of bank accounts and paychecks and thereafter gifted or bequeathed (31 U.S.C. 321(d)(1) and (2)) to a non-U.S. Government employee and proxy / agent of the private Federal Reserve, i.e., the Secretary of the Treasury,[19] for transmittal to the private Federal Reserve as payments of interest on the national debt and thereupon retired from circulation, inflation skyrockets, prices go through the roof, and the fraudulent nature of the fractional-reserve banking system of the private Federal Reserve can be concealed no longer.[20]
        Congress transmute Americans into corporately colored franchisees
        The only Americans who allegedly are liable to income tax are called individuals (26 C.F.R. 1.1-1 Income tax on individuals), a.k.a. taxpayers.
        The statutory term “individual” is defined at 5 U.S.C. 552a Records maintained on individuals as follows:
        “(a) Definitions.—For purposes of this section—
        “. . . (2) the term ‘individual’ means a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence;”
        The phrase “citizen of the United States” means resident of the District of Columbia (see Memorandum of Law, August 10, 2015, p. 15, paragraphs 44–45).
        The phrase “alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence” means American non-resident of the District of Columbia who appears to have made an election (choice) to be treated as a resident of the District of Columbia (id. at 15–17, paragraphs 46–51).
        The statutory so-called individual is an artificial person, a creature of the law in the nature of a corporation and, like a corporation, designated by a name written in ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS (style of writing a proper noun for which the rules of English grammar make no provision).[21]
        A corporation is a franchise; to wit:
        Look up: Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace
        Cite Constitutional authority. the Constitution confers upon Congress no power of territorial legislation over person or property anywhere in the Union.
        Upon receipt of a demand letter from a United States (District of Columbia) attorney, by presenting him with a Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace requiring proof of jurisdiction and presenting evidence that he has no jurisdiction anywhere in the Union, if he proceeds with a lawsuit without first presenting constitutional authority to take jurisdiction and do so (impossibility), he acts on his own.
        The Department of the Treasury is a private organization, independent of government, 41 Stat. 654; to wit: Neither the senior executive of the Department of the Treasury or Internal Revenue Service (the Secretary of the Treasury and Commissioner of Internal Revenue, respectively) is required by law to take an oath of office (meaning they are non-governmental, private-sector workers) and the sole beneficiary of all their collections of income tax[1] is a private bank, the Federal Reserve.[2]
        The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)

        2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816)

        3. The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)

        4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No.4 pg.113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288)

        5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganizations. After over 200 years of operating under bankruptcy it’s finally over. (Executive Order 12803) Do not personate one of the creditors or share holders or you will go to Prison.18 U.S.C. 914

        “100 percent of what is collected [in income tax] is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt . . . . In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their Government.” J. Peter Grace, “President’s Private Sector Survey on Cost Control: A Report to the President,” dated and approved January 12 and 15, 1984, p. 3.
        For a crime to exist there must be and injured party (Corpus Delicti), there can be no sanction or penalty imposed on one because of this Constitutional right. Sherer v. Cullen 481 F. 945:
        CRUDEN v. NEALE 2N.C. (1796) 2 SE 70
        “Every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen without his consent”
        Attorneys Non –Positive Law must have contract.
        “(a) The controlling rule is that “ absent a knowing and intelligent waiver, no person may be imprisoned for any offense … unless he was represented by counsel at his trial. “ Argersinger, 407 U. S. , at 37. Pp. 5-6.” Alabama v Shelton 535 U. S. 654 .”… when the trial of a misdemeanor starts that no imprisonment may be imposed , even though local law permits it, unless the accused is represented by counsel” Argersinger v Hamlin 407 U. S. 25-40

        More information:

        Not granted, “Implied or tacit consent”.
        • I Do not consent to these proceedings or grant jurisdiction in this matter.
        • I Do not understand the charges against me.
        • The offer to contract is not accepted.
        . I do not volunteer to be a taxpayer.
        • I do not consent to accept the trustee’s offer of liability.
        • I do not consent to being surety for this case and these proceedings.
        • I demand a bond be immediately brought forward so I can see who will indemnify me if I am damaged.
        • Not Actionable all rights unalienable claimed, know and reserved without prejudice.
        • I am, as a living breathing Man, a Sovereign political power holder.
        • The IRS lacks Subject Matter Jurisdiction as there is no flesh and blood victim. Subject matter jurisdiction requires: A competent witness or notarized affidavit demonstrating and injury and a statutory or common law basis for a remedy of the injury.
        • Proof of jurisdiction must appear on the record of the court.
        • Any IRS prosecution lacks standing. The Supreme Court has made it clear that the burden of establishing standing rests on the plaintiff. Standing has to exist at the time the case is filed. For “Standing to exist” there has to be an “injury in fact”.
        • I stay at peace and retain all of my Natural and Unalienable Rights and guarantees and operate under Common Law.

    • wbb

      Why is this in boldface? It’s hard to read, so I’ll skip it and I’m probably not the only one.

    • wunmansho

      I never did see an answer. Where is the judges girlfriend from?

    • truck driver

      you become somebody’s slave if you become a Canadian , that’s what I was told when I delivered in Brampton Ontario

      • No time

        That’s true, but they don’t whip you anymore. Now they just don’t pay you.

    • Man

      freeman law never ever worked.

      but who is doing all the necromancy on these old articles

    • Pink Slime

      Did you know when they commit fraud or break their oaths to serve you and your Constitution you don’t have to obey anything they say?

      But you do, and you even vote them in over and over so they screw you over and over and both of you like it. I don’t know why?

      99% of what they do is illegal up there, don’t ya know?

      Also, someone said when the judge tell you do you UNDERSTAND the law, never say YES, because that means you are STANDING UNDER their law and you are agreeing to that. :twisted:

    • truck driver

      Brampton, Ontario Canada someone said you will become somebody’s slave if you become a Canadian person , when I delivered Random House Book’s Westminster Maryland twice a week back in 2016

    • 2QIK4U

      So how do we cash these birth certificates in in Australia?

    • Williams

      Water-tight, Bullet-proof and Iron-clad court defence.

      THEY cannot Lawfully argue against and win.

      Download the Challenge document that YOU can use to defend yourself in court:

    • HfjNUlYZ

      I would like to know how one purchases diplomatic immunity??????

    • snoop4truth

      Rod Class falsely claims that “he won” “his” case at the Supreme Court. But, this is not so. Class is merely taking credit for the work of REAL lawyers who (unlike Class) REALLY ARE EXPERTS IN THE LAW. Class played NO ROLE whatsoever in the that appeal. He was not involved in any way, shape or form. Class did not file a single piece of paper in that appeal and did not speak a single word at oral argument. Instead, Class’ law firm (alone) merely used his case as a “vehicle” to change the law on constitutional appeals following guilty pleas in plea agreements (a subject that Class never knew about and never raised anywhere at any time in any case). Any other case involving a constitutional appeal following a guilty plea in a plea agreement WOULD HAVE SERVED THE SAME, EXACT PURPOSE as Class’ case served here (as a “vehicle”). Do not get fooled. For more, click here.

    • snoop4truth


      For the hoaxes of ROD CLASS, Google “Rod Class And His Many Hoaxes”, or click here.

      For the hoaxes of ANTHONY WILLIAMS, Google “The Anthony Williams Hoax”, or click here.

      For the hoaxes of EDDIE CRAIG, Google “Eddie Craig And The Former Deputy Sheriff Hoax”, or click here.

      For the hoaxes of CARL MILLER, Google “The Carl Miller Hoax”, or click here.

      For the hoaxes of DEBRA JONES, Google the “Debra Jones Hoax”, or click here.;

      For the hoaxes of DEBORAH TAVARES, Google “The Hoaxes OF Deborah Tavares”, or click here.

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