ALERT 'Climate Smart Commodity Act'..Kerry's USDA Plan to force Ag businesses to Keep Track of their Green House Gases
The Attack on Farmers and Ranchers that No One is Talking About
“Agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world… And we can’t get to net zero, we don’t get this job done. unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution… You just can’t continue to both warm the planet, while also expecting to feed it. It doesn’t work. So we have to reduce emissions from the food system.” - John Kerry, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate
In September of 2022 the United States Department of Agriculture, without congressional approval or oversight, announced they were spending $3.1 Billion dollars to implement Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities Projects. This money has since been handed over to some the country’s largest agriculture corporations, associations, and universities. Some of the notable payments are: $90 million to ADM, $95 million to Iowa Soybean Association, $60 million to the Nature Conservancy, 27 different universities with payments ranging from $4 million to $80 million. These are 123 total listed as, “lead partners” but if you read the description of the programs you will find, “other major partners” which include[s] every major company in the food business, from Cargill to Costco.
And where will the ‘gasbags’ in Congress be while these events are transpiring? They will be grafted [bribed] into the process all ready controlling most of the present government.
I will spell out this ‘end time’ scenario for you in case you are new or just not paying attention: the attack on state agriculture is nothing but an expansion of (1) the globalist depopulation program by reducing the food supply (2) Gaining control of private property by making you a criminal agent releasing uncontrolled amounts of ‘toxic’ methane into the atmosphere. (3) The means to Institute a global tax on farms & ranches so you can help PAY for the ‘supposed’ environmental damage your business generates. (4) you will be forced to choose between DESTROYING your cattle or going to jail for high leves of toxic emission releases.
This will be a far reaching expansion of EPA’s Emissions Trading Program; expect this to become a public ‘health ‘crisis’ in the years to come just as the Covid pandemic hype produced.
Remember Reagan’s joke about “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you ” is now becoming a nasty reality. Once the globalists get control of the food supply that’s it.