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Jesus will return in a spaceship..(a vision, June 4th 2019)

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In 2011, a white – cloud-like UFO passed the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. It passed in a split second, lighting up like a nuclear flash whiteout as it passed the bridge tower. The original video is no longer available and I only have two image captures of the event, one before maximum brightness and one immediately after maximum brightness.

They go with this video that Kerry-Ann Gidden presents.

The Pleiadian space commander, Hatonn says in Phoenix Journal #8, pg. 69. “Just as Immanuel Jesus Sananda will appear in a uniform of space command instead of flowing robes of sack cloth, you ones must stop your foolish hogwash…”

The Archangel Michael explains and warns us: Not to leave in the ships because not only might you leave with the wrong crowd, but if you leave you will not translate from 3d to 5d – The Ascension is a frequency shift not an evacuation or euphemistically a Rapture. (in three quotes below).

The Pleiadians from Thiaoouba in the Pleiades – a race of hermaphrodites (neither male nor female but having both characteristics within their own bodies), say this of Jesus, “The only messenger we could send to Earth had to be one of us. The ‘Christ’ who died on the cross in Jerusalem, was called Aarioc. He was brought, by us, to the desert of Judea, having volunteered to change his physical body. Thus, he abandoned his hermaphrodite body, which had lived some considerable time on Thiaoouba, and took on the body of Christ, created for him by our Thaori. By so doing, he maintained totally, the knowledge he possessed on Thiaoouba.”

Thiaoouba is pronounced “Hyehouva”, which in our religious language is Jehovah, the Creator – the Third Person of the Holy Trinity… Creator, Preserver, Destroyer (of the Illusion or illustration) The Pleiades and Thiaoouba in the Pleiades has an harmonic of tone with Saturn, ‘the Tester’. It guides sparks or atoms of the One life into and out of incarnation. The Tribulation will be for us like an end of School EXAM… During the exam we have to keep on going, keep working at it to get through it. We either pass the test or we fail the test set by our Creator God, Jehovah or Thiaoouba; we either gain our awareness of the whole – healing, wholeness or holiness, or we do not. No one is exempt from the test. NOT YOU, NOT ME, NOT ANYBODY. We are tried in the fires of the illusion.. the out-picturing of Life.

Jesus has said he will come immediately after the Three Days of Darkness.. so let us read on.

Hi Guys, this is your sister Kerry-Ann Gidden in Jesus Christ with a vision to come. This is very short vision that the Lord gave me, well– this morning, really, about 10 to 6:00. I knew it was 10 to 6:00 because I got up and went to the bathroom, and when I came back to my bedroom I looked on my phone and it said 10 to 6:00. So I thought Ooooo.. 10 to 6:00, wonderful, I got ten minutes which feels like an hour, and as soon as I lay back down, within seconds– As soon as my head hit the pillow, brothers and sisters, the Lord just took me straight into the vision.

And in this vision, I found myself on a stage, and on this stage was – there was a lot of people. BUT we were watched by thousands of people, brothers and sisters. And it’s like we were in a theatre. And I looked in the crowd and every single one of them in the crowd, seated nicely, were wearing what appeared to be a cinema glasses like a 3D cinema glass/glasses , that’s what they had on. And they were WATCHING US, brothers and sisters; they were watching ‘us’ on the stage.

And every time we did something, they began to mimic us– not really mimic, but they began to laugh. As if, you know, it’s a big joke..

So while I was on the stage, there was an old– very old gentleman in a wheel chair, and he said to me.. He said, “I’m waiting on the return of Jesus Christ, for He is coming back in His spaceship.” So I began to correct this gentleman, giving him Biblical scriptures of how our Lord or Messiah would return to Earth, and this old man would not have it. And every time, the old man said, “No, No, No.. You are WRONG. You are WRONG. The Lord is coming back to Earth and He will be coming in a spaceship.” The audience giggle and laughed.

And as I was trying to explain to the old man, just trying to share the WORD in the Bible, he would not have it, brothers and sisters, he would not have it. And he actually said, “I want to go behind the curtain, and I will WAIT on Jesus Christ coming in the spaceship.”

Archangel Michael-
June 21st 2009
msg #49
“Today, the ascension is a process of conscience, an energy process which can, in no case, be compared with what some of you call an evacuation in vessels. I solemnly warn you against any technological means set up by the structures not belonging to the Light and proposing an ascension which would be done without the Light but by technological means or by what you commonly call the extraterrestrial ships. Your ascension (or your dimensional translation) is only able to be done within your multidimensional vehicle which does not rule out, in a second time, once having succeeded in establishing your conscience within your multidimensional vehicle, to realize a fusion with other vessels much larger called Light Ships. But, nevertheless, these do not participate, near or far, in your technology nor any technology such as you understand it today within this dimension, or still within other dissociated dimensions. The prerequisite for access to the galactic world is indeed the passage of your conscience within your own multidimensional vehicle and certainly not with this 3rd dimensional body within a technological structure, otherwise it cannot, in any case, be what you call a dimensional translation or an access of the Light but more a perpetuation of the 3rd dissociated dimension. Therefore, solemnly, we draw your attention to this capital fact that there cannot be evacuation other than with your multidimensional vehicle. This relates to one period still a little distant, in your terrestrial time, of the final process. Nevertheless, it was important (and the Archangelic Conclave decided as well) to warn you of what is the dimensional translation and of what is not.”

And at that point, my brothers and sisters, My Heart was so heavy. It was heavy for two things: number 1, because the audience was laughing.. at us really, and number 2, the old man was so stubborn; he just totally, totally believed that the return of God in the form of Jesus Christ, is in a spaceship, and nothing I could do could change his mind. And as he said ‘he wants to go behind the curtain’, two gentlemen came and wheeled him behind the curtain, because he wanted to stay behind the curtain until the Lord comes back for him in spaceship.

Then a young man who was on the stage with me, began to sing.. beautiful voice.. excellent voice, and he basically said that ‘the old man is not worthy of his crown, because he doesn’t believe– This is what the guy was singing.. So he was singing, saying the old man is not worthy of a crown, because he does not believe… But his voice was absolutely amazing! And after he finished singing, another lady stepped forward, and she began to prophesy: And she began to say that the world that we’re living in – Everything is based on Satan and that we must come out of this world and transform in our mind.. and we should have the Mind of Christ. If.. if we continue in the path and do what the world is doing – grieving the Holy Spirit – then we will become like the devil; we will have the devil’s attitude, his attributes and Satan’s wicked intelligence.

And while this woman was on stage and she was prophesying, And as she began to prophesy, brothers and sisters, the crowd was just laughing at her. They were laughing her silly. And they did have on, you know as I said, these glasses, and that’s when my heart began to just grieve. I was–

In this vision, I’m not even going to lie, brothers and sisters, I was upset. I was upset because these people– these people in the crowd.. well, this crowd of people that was watching us on stage was MOCKING.. They were literally mocking!.. And then the vision just ended. And as soon as the vision ended, I opened my eyes and it was not even 6 o’clock. It was something like two or three minutes to 6:00. So that was all quick.. The vision was really really quick..

The Lord showed me this, and I said, “I’m going to share it”, because obviously yesterday I shared a vision concerning the FAKE RAPTURE, and a lot of people– Oh, I’m not saying a lot of people, but a few people have been coming and have been contacting me and saying to me, “Sister Kerry-Ann, WHERE IN THE BIBLE does it talk about ‘spaceship’.. You’re lying.” Well, I’m not lying, because at the end of the day if you read and understand THE WORD that ‘there is nothing new under the sun’, and if you read Ezekiel Chapter 10, verse 9, probably go all the way down to 16, I believe that what the prophet Isaiah– ah, sorry, what the prophet Ezekiel saw was a spaceship. He was describing a spaceship – a UFO spaceship to Earth. You need to read that for yourself, brothers and sisters. And it’s Ezekiel Chapter 10, verses 9– starting verse 9 and go all the way down, probably to verse 16, and you will understand what the prophet Ezekiel is saying, because he saw THIS.

So there is nothing new underneath the sun. And furthermore the Lord said that He will send a strong delusion for those who have rejected the Truth– those who have rejected Jesus Christ, a strong delusion is coming. What is the delusion? YOU NEED TO GO AND SEEK THE HOLY SPIRIT, and ask Him, “Lord, what is the strong delusion, and He will reveal it to you, brothers and sisters. He really will.

And, you know, the strong delusion, really.. and the woman prophesying on stage, basically saying, ‘Get out of the world, don’t be comfortable.. Have the mind of Christ. She was basically saying that, you know, ‘If you reject God, whatever Judgement is coming, you will be partakers of it.’ But it was very interesting that the Lord has given me this vision, and as I said, when I came out of this vision, I was stunned. I would feel in my spirit that – the rule is, of this world, spiritually wicked: these government– these wicked evil people, I believe they are laughing at us. I don’t know.. That is what I’ve got from the vision – that somehow these people are laughing at us who are following the Lord Jesus Christ.

And it’s quite sad in the vision that this old man was so fixating that Jesus Christ was coming back in a spaceship. And, you know, maybe there are people out there who actually believe this. There may be people there, brothers and sisters, who actually believe that Jesus will return in a spaceship! Because for so many years – and maybe that’s the reason why the Lord showed me this old man, as a representative of the world, because he’s old and maybe he’s been brain-washed from when he was a child growing up, about these spaceships, spaceships.. And just taking over his heart, because he wouldn’t listen when I was trying to explain that.. “NO, Christ is not coming back in a spaceship.” He just wouldn’t have it. He was like, “YES, He’s coming back; put me behind the curtain; I will wait behind the curtain until Jesus Christ comes in His spaceship.” And that’s what the vision was about.

So, you know, uh, they’re– Hollywood have done an excellent job in deceiving the world, and they’re so many movies out there. And one particular movie which I watched, and may watch it again, I don’t know– I may, just to get some stuff off of it, I might.. I don’t know, but ‘Independence Day’ with Will Smith. I think a lot of people seen that movie– so many stuff in it.. And if you feel like to watch it again. If you watch it and see if a lot means anything to you. But Independence Day, that movie is really sticking in my head because there are so many things in that movie, brothers and sisters.

So, you know, we– the Lord is wrapping things up. He really is, and it’s time for the Church to wake up. It really, really is– you’ve got to do your own research; you’ve got to do your own study. Most importantly, you’ve got to allow the Holy Spirit to show you the truth. It sounds like ‘science fiction’, but these things are true.. A strong delusion is coming! It is coming, and people are going to fall for It. And if you don’t understand the Word of God, and know that WE’RE IN THE END OF DAYS, then you don’t want to be overtaken, brothers and sisters. I just wanted to come to you, really, and give this vision because I wasn’t expecting a vision like this–11m24s–.. I wasn’t expecting, but you know obviously, I think it’s a followup from what I posted  yesterday, which for those of you who have not seen my vision about a ‘FAKE RAPTURE‘, I will link it in the description box.

Please remember, guys, to like and share my videos, because if you do that, it goes in the ‘recommendation section’ on youtube. And other people can see it and hopefully by the Grace of God in the Holy Spirit will be convicted and convinced, and give their hearts and their souls to Lord Jesus Christ. May God Eternally Bless You.. I love you all and I’ll see you soon – someday in Glory, In Jesus’ precious holy name. Amen.. Amen.. Amen..”



Archangel Michael-
July 12th 2009
msg # 46
“Question: the extra-Terrestrials will manifest in vessels of Light or in metallic vessels?
Will appear, on the level of your skies, the whole of the existing forces within the universes. By principle of resonance and attraction, certain beings will be attracted by vessels of the Shade. Others will be attracted by the vessels of Light. It belongs to you to register, in your heart and your vehicle of eternalness, your choices. This is truth. There will appear many things in your skies: of this dimension, of the superior dimension and of the inferior dimension.”

Archangel Michael-
October 17th 2009
msg #36
“Question: could you speak to us about the Vessels of Light which could appear to us as well as the more material Vessels?
In the actual vibratory condition of this planet and this Solar system, we hope to be able to await you where we are, that is to say, close to the Sun, within the dimensions, combined 5th and the 11th dimensions. Our most important work is done at this level. Obviously, and as you know, many forms of conscious life not dissociated, Unified within dimensions higher than yours, are there, and will assist you, and assist you according to the progress of the final scenario. There exist also forms of life belonging to the 3rd Unified dimension and also to the 3rd dissociated dimension who utilize, not Vessels of Light, but metal Vessels. These metal Vessels are, most often, what appears at the level of your Skies.

The luminous phenomena, nevertheless, such as they were announced at the end of the last year, occur continuously, in all areas of the world. It is very difficult for me to speak to you about the Vessels of Light because you are, yourselves, the Vessels of Light, I am myself, within the original dimension, a Vessel. That seems difficult to you. What is the characteristic of a Vessel of Light? It is to travel. The Vessel of Light overlaps temporal peaks in order to move from dimension to dimension. A Vessel is able to receive other Vessels, in the Light. A metal vessel is limited in its temporal and dimensional travel.

The ranges of vibratory variation in the voyages and the dimensional jumps are multiple. Nevertheless, most important to understand is that the Vessels of Light are Vibrations of Light, these also, having particular forms within your space. This form corresponds, most often, to what you would call a bird yet, nevertheless, it is a Vessel of Light. The day when you will cross, in one way or another, a Vessel of Light, you will know it instantaneously because the Vibration, beyond what will be seen, is much more incredible than my simple Presence within the triple Radiation.

There is no doubt to have on the Truth of the Light in regards to its vibratory aspect. Now, the human beings, not being opened yet to the vibratory perception of the Light, will have to adhere, in the event of appearance, with a certain number of signs to be produced, with a certain number of words to be pronounced, making sure that what is met, in one way or another, belongs to the Intergalactic Confederation of the Light. I will not spread over that because that has been communicated to you.”


December 3rd 2013
“I came, the first time, in the flesh, but when I come again I will come in exactly the same way in which I left the Earth – in the clouds.”



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    • Cara


      Revelation 1:7
      Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him–even those who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. So shall it be! Amen.

      Luke 21:27
      At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

      Mark 14:62
      “I am,” said Jesus, “and you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power and coming with the clouds of heaven.”

      A “white” spaceship is like a cloud..

      Daniel 7:13
      In my vision in the night I continued to watch, and I saw One like a Son of Man coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into His presence.

      The OLD MAN in the vision

      Daniel 7:9-14
      I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire…

      WE MOCK THROUGH 3D CINEMA GLASSES what we do not understand.

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