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The Timing of the Return of the Lord

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The Timing of the Return of the Lord

NOTE:  The content of this paper has been extracted and condensed from various articles and videos composed by Bob Schlenker (including scripture references) from the site of


The general consensus among church members is that no one can know the time of the return of Jesus.  The pre-tribulation rapture group believes that Jesus could and can return at any time after His ascension into heaven.  His return is always imminent and, of course, will happen prior to the 70th week of Daniel.  Various individuals believe that it is possible to ascertain the general time period but not the actual day or hour.  Pre-wrath and post tribulation believing people can watch the Revelation signs and have a general idea.

The most popular verse for this thought of no one can know the time is Matthew 24:36 which essentially states that no one knows.

“But as for that day and hour no one knows it — not even the angels in heaven — except the Father alone.   (Matthew 24:36 NET)

Does that mean, no one can ever know or does it mean, no one yet knows, implying the time may be known in the future?  This paper will follow the premise that no one knew at the time the statement was uttered but eventually the truth could be made known to the ardent followers of Jesus Christ.

Another classic example of “no one knows” is found in Acts 1:6-7.

So when they had gathered together, they began to ask him, “Lord, is this the time when you are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” He told them, “You are not permitted to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority.   (Acts 1:6-7 NET)

The disciples asked Jesus if He now intended to restore the kingdom to Israel.  He answered the disciples, “You are not permitted to know the times….etc.”  Again, does this mean that no one is ever to know the times?  Perhaps it means that the time to know is in the future and it is not for the disciples to know the times.  After all, if Jesus had actually told them the time of His return, what effect would that information make on the history of the world, the history of the Church, and the lives of every present and future individual?  The knowledge of the return of Jesus may have had enormous effects in prior history, but today only a handful are even concerned and the remainder wouldn’t believe someone if they were told.

Is Knowing the Times Possible?

Could be declaration of certain exegetes that the return of the Lord is only known by God and will never be revealed to any human be a true statement? 

Certainly the sovereign LORD does nothing without first revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.  (Amos 3:7 NET)

Amos seems to clear up the matter, but let’s look at the words of Jesus.

For nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light. So listen carefully, for whoever has will be given more, but whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken from him.”   (Luke 8:17-18 NET)

He specifically stated that nothing is forever hidden but rather that everything will be revealed.  But, who was He referring to?  Apparently there are two groups of people referenced in this scripture:  the “haves” and the “have nots”.  The haves will be given more information and the “have nots” will have information taken away from them.  The context of the statements of these verse can be found in Luke 8:10.  At some point the disciples and followers of Jesus Christ would be given the opportunity to know the secrets of the Kingdom of God.  The others would not understand the knowledge even if it were given to them.

He said, “You have been given the opportunity to know the secrets of the kingdom of God, but for others they are in parables, so that although they see they may not see, and although they hear they may not understand.  (Luke 8:10 NET)

Does this preclude the knowledge of the day and hour or the times and seasons?  Apparently the only variables concerning knowing the day and hour is: when; and to whom.  When Daniel wanted to know the timeframe of prophetic events, he was basically told, “The information is sealed until the time of the end.”  We can then assume that someone will know just prior to the 70th week of Daniel or immediately after its beginning if we are nearing the time of the end which perhaps we are.

He said, “Go, Daniel. For these matters are closed and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made clean, and refined, but the wicked will go on being wicked. None of the wicked will understand, though the wise will understand.  (Daniel 12:9-10 NET)

Note that the wicked will continue being wicked and will never understand, but the wise followers of the Kingdom of God will certainly understand.

Revelation 3:3 presents the truth of the return as a double negative sentence.  If you do not wake up I will come at a time you do not expect and you will never know the time. Presented as a positive, it would read as, “If you stay awake I will come as expected and it will be possible for you to know the hour of my coming.”  Will no one be awake?  Of course there will be a small group of people that remain awake.

Therefore, remember what you received and heard, and obey it, and repent. If you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will never know at what hour I will come against you. (Revelation 3:3 NET)

Jesus gave a warning to stay alert or stay awake because you do not (yet) know the day or the hour.  If that is to mean one can never know at any time, then the warning to stay alert is total nonsense and should never have been stated.  Many today are not watching or staying alert and why should someone watch and pay attention if you will never have the knowledge of the timing?  Just drink another beer and watch another football game and don’t worry about it.

Therefore stay alert, because you do not know the day or the hour.  (Matthew 25:13 NET)

Jesus commented to a crowd that they were very good at weather forecasting but appeared to be totally unaware the Messiah was before them preaching “the Kingdom of God is at hand”.  Currently, could Jesus make the same statement to us?  The Gospels proclaim that a few people did know and were aware of the appearance of the Messiah but the vast majority did not.  Today, a few are aware of the times and seasons and are watching with alertness.

Jesus also said to the crowds, “When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once, ‘A rainstorm is coming,’ and it does. And when you see the south wind blowing, you say, ‘There will be scorching heat,’ and there is. You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky, but how can you not know how to interpret the present time?   (Luke 12:54-56 NET)

A study of 2nd Kings 2:1-5 will demonstrate that Elijah was to be taken up by God.  Rather than being a total secret, this information was known by a small group of people:  Elisha; a group of prophets at Bethel; and a group of prophets at Jericho.  As a side note:  the scripture states Elijah was taken to heaven but some exegetes think he was merely taken to another earthly location that was more safe and peaceful.  Likewise a small group of individuals knew that Jesus, the Messiah, was to be born:  Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, Zachariah, Simeon, the wise men, and the shepherds.  Although the scripture does not give details, it appears that no one else bothered to visit the baby Jesus even when they were informed of His birth.

In Isaiah 46:10, God states that He announces the end from the beginning and will reveal that which has not yet happened to someone before the time of its occurrence.

As a bonus, God states that His plan will be accomplished.  This means, His designed plan will be achieved regardless of Satan, the elite, and the Illuminati.  God’s plans are always made known in advance but not necessarily by a plain simple easy-to- understand statement.  They occasionally appear as plain statements but usually they are revealed by types and shadows hidden within the scriptures.

…….I am God, and there is none like me, who announces the end from the beginning and reveals beforehand what has not yet occurred, who says, ‘My plan will be realized, I will accomplish what I desire,’   (Isaiah 46:9-10 NET)

Knowledge of the Time of the Lord’s Coming

The context of Matthew 24:36-44 is the answer of the disciples question stated in Matthew 24:3 i.e. “what will be the sign of Your coming and the end of the age?”

As he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, his disciples came to him privately and said, “Tell us, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”   (Matthew 24:3 NET)

Verses 37 through 41 is a parenthesis or a parenthetical statement.  The main theme is:  knowing the day or having advance knowledge of the coming of the Lord.  The parenthesis is presented as a pattern:  as it was so it will be. 

The Days of Noah’s Ark and the Flood

There are two groups of people referenced during the days prior to the flood:  the majority who were eating and drinking and the eight individuals entering into the ark.  When the flood came those outside the ark did not understand the gravity of the situation.  Those that entered the ark did understand something the others did not.  A more current situation is then given.  Two people are shown in various situations where one is taken and the other is not taken.  We are not specifically told the difference between the pairs but there is a distinction between them.

In this example, if the timing of the flood was unknown by everyone then the coming of the Lord will be unknown by everyone.  However, the time of the coming of the flood was known by some and they were prepared.  Likewise the coming of the Lord will also be known by some prior to the event and they will also be prepared.

For just like the days of Noah were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be. For in those days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark. And they knew nothing until the flood came and took them all away. It will be the same at the coming of the Son of Man. Then there will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one left. There will be two women grinding grain with a mill; one will be taken and one left.   (Matthew 24:37-41 NET)

For in seven days I will cause it to rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the ground every living thing that I have made.”  (Genesis 7:4 NET)

Noah was informed of the date it would start raining.  Noah began building the ark several years prior to the flood because he was informed of the coming desolation and he believed the words of the Lord God.  It is said that Noah preached of the coming flood for many years but no one believed him.  Then he was told it would start in exactly seven days and he may have preached that as well.  Understand the words of Jesus, “the coming of the Son of Man will be exactly like the days of Noah.”

“Therefore stay alert, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have been alert and would not have let his house be broken into. Therefore you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

(Matthew 24:42-44 NET)

In 1 Thessalonians 5 we again are presented with two groups of people:  those of darkness and those of the light.  The people of darkness will be saying it is a time of peace and safety and they will be overtaken with sudden destruction.  The people of the light will not be surprised and the day will not come as a thief in the night.  Some will know the timing but not a large number.  Knowing that the timing of the return is knowable is not necessarily the same as the exact knowledge of the date but it is a huge step in the right direction.  This information should give the wise people the impetus to study and watch, which is what the Lord Jesus has said all along.

Now on the topic of times and seasons, brothers and sisters, you have no need for anything to be written to you. For you know quite well that the day of the Lord will come in the same way as a thief in the night. Now when they are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction comes on them, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will surely not escape. But you, brothers and sisters, are not in the darkness for the day to overtake you like a thief would. For you all are sons of the light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of the darkness.   (1 Thessalonians 5:1-5 NET)

The Mystery of the Times and Seasons

The earthly dimension and the heavenly dimension are in a state of conflict.  Why it is happening, I do not know.  Any Watcher, demon, angel, or Satan (whatever the entity’s name) should know that the Almighty Lord God, creator of everything, will win the war exactly as it was planned in His mind.  Perhaps angelic beings are as people – they lose sight, lose trust, and lose faith and knowledge of God.  However, God is sovereign, the stakes are high, and events must historically be played out with victors and victims.  Every event is planned for a particular point in time.  Events are laid out in sequence on a time line for the purpose of context.  Cause and effect must be apparent or the historical sequence would be nonsense.  Future prophetic events would also have no meaning if not placed on a timeline.  The knowledge of timing is the key to understanding events.  The timing of events and the events themselves are connected to give them meaning.  Apart from each other, they have no meaning, therefore the timing of events may be hidden for a while but they must eventually become known.  One can have information about timing and information about events but they must be connected to have understanding.

The righteous speak the wisdom of God with understanding.

Instead we speak the wisdom of God, hidden in a mystery, that God determined before the ages for our glory.   (1 Corinthians 2:7 NET)

Not everyone will understand these things – only a few.  The timing of things will be revealed by the Spirit of God to those who love God.

But just as it is written, “Things that no eye has seen, or ear heard, or mind imagined, are the things God has prepared for those who love him.” God has revealed these to us by the Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.   (1 Corinthians 2:9-10 NET)

If the timing of events and seasons such as the return of the Lord can be known then Christians have been deceived by past commentators and preachers.  Our past understandings and decisions made were based on a lie.  Therefore the time we have remaining must be considered and some may just really don’t want to know due to the method of which one’s life has been lived.  Regardless, the Lord loves you and desires that you wake up and be alert.  If one has come to recognize that knowability is possible then the Lord is able to open your eyes and reveal the timing.

Going back to Matthew 24:43 we see that if the owner of the house had known the timing of the coming thief, he would not have let his house be broken into.  It must be asked:  who is the thief; who is the owner; what is the house? 

But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have been alert and would not have let his house be broken into.   (Matthew 24:43 NET)

It appears the Lord will take those who are ready and leave behind those who are not.  A farmer will take the ripe from the field and leave the rest.  The Lord is the one who comes as a thief and removes the valuables from the house which is the house of God or the church of God.

Then there will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one left. There will be two women grinding grain with a mill; one will be taken and one left.  (Matthew 24:40-41 NET)

In the Jewish wedding ceremony, the bridegroom comes at night as a thief and steals or takes his bride from her house.  He then takes his bride to be with him to his father’s house.  The bride is of great value to the bridegroom and she is not surprised when he comes because his arrival has been expected and she is most willingly taken. Of course, the Lord Jesus, is the bridegroom and believers are the bride.  One will be taken and one will be left.

The owner of the house will not know the time of the coming of the thief, however, he will not be keeping watch, and will not want his house broken into.  What if the owner of the house represents church leaders who consider the church as their own house?  Will they be watching for the coming of the Lord and teaching others to watch?  Do the church leaders truly prepare their people to be a prepared bride for the coming of the bridegroom?  They will inadvertently and unknowingly lead as many as possible astray by deceit due to their training and past Biblical understanding.

But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have been alert and would not have let his house be broken into.  (Matthew 24:43 NET)

Quote from Bob Schlenker found at

It may be that this new revelation will take a little time to settle in. This is really a very fundamental doctrine in that much of your thinking and doing rests upon the assurance that the time of the Lord’s coming is unknowable. When you turn your foundation right-side up, everything built on it must be reevaluated. That’s just how it works. Watching for signs will become a very real and passionate endeavor because in some cases you’ll know what to look for and when. And you’ll understand what the signs shown mean.

Declaring the plain truth that the wise will know and the wicked won’t immediately offends religious people. Light exposes the darkness. The wicked want to mask their own wickedness by making it appear as though we are all the same in matters of righteousness. When pressed, of course, they are the righteous and little else can be heard above the din of their passionate defense and the growl of their condemning accusations. There are wolves in sheep’s clothing scattered throughout the flock. Tares have been sown in the field among the wheat. Have you been deceived as I had been? Yet, if you take up your cross and walk where you are led, when the blind lead the blind into the ditch you will not be with them but rather in the company of those who have seen beyond the veil and embraced the light, walking in it according to the Lord’s good pleasure!

A complete kindle version of the Revelation articles, the Eschatology of Jesus, and the Life and Times of the Antichrist is available at the following link

Amazon Kindle – Understanding the Revelation

This article and others may be viewed at the following link.  The Timing of the Return

360 Day Year Asteroid                    The Composite Beast

Ezekiel 38                                         Ezekiel 39

Garden of Eden Nachash              Revelation Commentary

Matthew 24                                       Who Is The Antichrist

The Theology of Satan: Part 1       The Theology of Satan: Part 2

Joel’s Army: Part 1                           Joel’s Army: Part 2

The Great Delusion: The Epic Hoax

Why Do The Heathen Rage: Part 1

Why Do The Heathen Rage: Part 2

Angels and the Divine Council: Part 1

Angels and the Divine Council: Part 2

Angels and the Divine Council: Part 3


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    Total 33 comments
    • am123

      Jesus said we would know when we are in the season of His return (and we are in that season right now) and we would also know when it is right at the door, or truly imminent. Here is how and when we will know the Second Coming is right at the door, or truly imminent:

      There are 3 woes in the Book of Revelation (REV 8:13). In the 1st woe, which lasts 5 months, Abaddon, or the Destroyer (REV 9:11), comes on the scene. During the first woe, no one dies, though many will wish they could (see REV 9:6). But many, many, many will die in the 2nd and 3rd woes (Trumpets 6 and 7). There are 4 angels bound right now at the Euphrates river. When they are loosed, they will kill a third of all mankind (see REV 9:14-15, this is during the time of the second woe). The 2nd woe consists of the 1260 day (REV 11:3) ministry of the two who are one. Their 1260 days coincides with the 1260 days of the Antichrist (Mr. 666). Then at the conclusion of the 1260 days of the two witnesses, at the conclusion of the 2nd woe, the 3rd woe will come quickly thereafter (REV 11:14). The 3rd woe occurs simultaneously with, and in concert with, the Second Coming (rapture). So it is at the conclusion of the 2nd woe that the 3rd woe/Second Coming will be truly imminent, right at the door (Matthew 24:33).

      At the advent of the 3rd woe, at the sounding of the 7th trumpet (REV 11:15), there will be “a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great” (REV 16:18). And Christ will come riding on the clouds (REV 1:7) in a more than awesome burst of power and glory to set up the eternal kingdom of God at the glorious conclusion and climactic and cataclysmic exclamation point at the end of the age known as the Second Coming of Christ!

      Here is why it is so important to be ready for Jesus when He comes:

      “The SECOND COMING – Why it is so important to BE READY for it!”


      • CrissCross

        No More Mysteries…The Saviour Is Not Coming??? :roll:

        • am123

          Jesus is coming upon the clouds and every eye shall see. And every knee shall bow before Him and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.

        • Anonymous

          JOHN: 5: 38 And you have not his word abiding in you; for whom he has sent, him you believe not.

      • Awabnavi

        ” (and we are in that season right now” — We have been in that season for quite some time now, NO? Since more than a 100 years? NATIONS AGAINST NATIONS – the TWO WORLD WARS and the many nations against nations wars after that? — So when exactly is Jesus coming?

        • am123

          “We have been in that season for quite some time now, NO? Since more than a 100 years?”


          Jesus is coming at the third woe. You’ll know it is imminent at the conclusion of the second woe.

    • humblehorse
      • Crazy times

        Ephraim good post fairly balanced… :cool:

        humblehorse… I agree with your comments about aggressive post/tribers, come across a lot of that myself :wink: as to your work, from your mouth to Gods ears my brother , I hope your right :grin:

        As for myself we are absolutely in the last days… Max 3 more years to “Jacobs Trouble” or before End 2018 as Y’shua prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem @ 70 Years AD and also said,OUR generation, that sees it, RE BUILT won’t pass by until, we see the coming of the LORD.. @ 70 years 1948 plus 70 =2018 then the Gt Tribb..,see also psalm 102 ….HalleluYah

        International Standard Version
        When the LORD rebuilds Zion, he will appear in his glory.

        As for the day or hrs when you understand it in context, what Y’shua said to the unfaithful servant and the foolish virgins that THEY WOULD NOT KNOW the dar/hr , BUT to the FAITHFUL servant and the WISE He said different a message…that, that DAY would NOT overtake them (as they had knowledge of that day) as they knew the saying OF that day and that season (as they are light) I have NO need to explain as you know full well…What did they KNOW ?… to the foolish Virgins He said “Most certainly I tell you, I don’t know you.” Watch therefore, for YOU don’t know the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming …SO clearly different messages given.

        Watch therefore, for you don’t know the day nor the hour…. is this a BIG CLUE ? right here.

        “you don’t know the day nor the hour”….means Yom Terua aka the unknown day / Hidden day a two day event held every year. this is why He said I have no need to explain as you know full well the time and season.

        Was He telling us ? that Yom Terua was that day? ,Insert Yom Teruah everywhere it says, Know one knows the day and the hr and a lot of things make more sense, to those who are spiritually awake .

        Rosh HaShanah: Names, Themes, and Idioms

        Teshuvah (repentance)
        Rosh HaShanah (Head of the Year, Birthday of the World)
        Yom Teruah (the Day of the Awakening Blast [Feast of Trumpets)
        Yom HaDin (the Day of Judgment)
        HaMelech (the Coronation of the Messiah)
        Yom HaZikkaron (the Day of Remembrance or memorial)
        The time of Jacob's (Ya'akov) trouble (the birthpangs of the Messiah, Chevlai shel Mashiach)
        The opening of the gates
        Kiddushin/Nesu'in (the wedding ceremony)
        The resurrection of the dead (rapture, natza1)
        The last trump (shofar)
        Yom Hakeseh (the hidden day)

        This was common knowledge back then. A modern understanding would be. like I know when Guy Fawkes night is, or yours would be, see you on Turkey day to that date you know full well, I have no need to tell you .

        The Opening of the Gates

        The gates of Heaven are opened on Rosh HaShanah (YOM TERUAH) so the righteous nation may enter (Isaiah [Yeshayahu] 26:2; Psalm [Tehillim] 118:19-20). Because the gates of Heaven are understood to be open on Rosh HaShanah,…IS THIS ?…. further evidence that the rapture (natzal) of the believers in the Messiah Yeshua will take place on Rosh HaShanah.?

        Again was this day (season) known and understood by his disciples ? or is this 1 big misunderstanding you decide.

        My opinion is that this is too much of a coincidence…VERY Interesting.

        Look up Maranatha

        • Crazy times

          The lord said that the Fig Tree (Israel) was cursed UNTIL the Judge IS AT THE DOOR THAT’S NOW RE- BUILT..Y’shua Jesus said, weep for yourself and children, 70 AD Jerusalem was destroyed, now here we are 67 years later Fig tree returned and producing fruit for the body of Christ, the Bride (Jewish believers, Jews for Jesus) what a monumental time we live in.3 years to 70th Year in 2018 then Jacobs trouble aka Great Tribulation.

          See my profile if NOT saved as Y’shua Jesus is coming soon ….Maranatha

    • Paul Rowlandson

      He comes as Christ consciousness and not in physical body.

    • Martus

      3 More Raptures to Go:

      PreTrib Rapture:

      Rapture of The Christian Bride:

      To the Church in Philadelphia
      Revelation3:10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.

      Mid Trib Rapture

      Rapture of the Male Child(144000 of Israel):

      Revelation 12:5-6 (NIV)
      5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.”And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. 6 The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.
      Revelation 14:1
      [ The Lamb and the 144,000 ] Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.
      *Note this male child is not Jesus, Jesus was crucified as an adult and taken to Heaven, this
      Child(144000 of Israel) is snatched away from danger. This Woman that flees to the desert for 1,260 days(the last half of the Tribulation) is Messianic Israel!

      Post Tribulation

      Revelation 7:14
      I answered, “Sir, you know.” And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
      *Messianic Israel and all the believers In Christ.

      Jacob had 4 brides, Leah and her servant Zilpah, Rachel and her servant Bilhah. They are symbolic of the 4 raptures, the first rapture was of Jesus and His people out of Hades, the 2nd rapture is the rest of the Christian Bride (Leah), the 3rd Rapture is the servant of Rachel(144000) and the 4th rapture is of the rest of the Messianic Israel. Rachel is the one that Jacob loved as it is Israel that God loved, Rachel symbolizes Israel.

      When the priest offered the firstfruits to God they lifted it to the heavens. The firstfruit of the Barley had to be offered to God first before the Harvest of the Barley could be taken, this was followed by the firstfruits of the wheat(Israel) then the rest of the wheat could be taken.

      Luke12:35-47 Jesus gives a parable of being watchful for the raptures, Jesus is coming from His wedding so at this stage the Christian Bride (Mature Church) is in Heaven,

      Luke 12:38 (WYC)
      38 And if he [shall] come in the second waking, and if he come in the third waking, and find so, those servants be blessed.

      Most translations say “or” instead of “and” which confuses this passage as Jesus will come twice more to Rapture His servants out, this time it is His 144000 managers who feed the rest of His servants the Word of God, then later He will come for the Messianic Bride Rachel.

      • Martus

        Jacob worked 7 years each for Leah and then Rachel. Jesus preached for 3 1/2 years then He was crucified so there is another 3 1/2 years to work for Leah (Christian Church). This is the destruction of the Woman who rides the Beast and then the 7 years of the Tribulation of Israel will commence.

      • MikeSavage

        Where did you come up with this multiple false rapture baloney? There IS NO RAPTURE TO BEGIN WITH.

    • Remo

      Highly recommend this:

      It explains everything!

      • Crazy times

        The Shofar is blown as an ALERT or WARNING….Interesting…. YOM TERUAH

        In Australia we have an Advert for running shoes….Take a look and note the following.

        The Shofar is blown after spotting the mature Ram/sheep,the ones who hear it run out from everywhere, they’re from every, Nation, race, & colour is represented, up the mountain to meet the Ram/sheep in the Air See the CLOUDS…cool check it out !


    • David Montaigne

      The parable of the fig tree in Matthew 24:34 teaches that the generation which sees the nation of Israel reborn will not pass until all prophecy is fulfilled. Psalm 90:10 indicates that a generation is 70 years. Israel declared independence in 1948 and fought a war of independence until 1949. Ignoring all other prophetic clues (which do lead us to the right timing if we have ears to hear and eyes to see) the birth of modern Israel (like it or not) points to the end of all biblical prophecies being fulfilled by approximately 2018-2019.

      As Alan Kurschner explains so well in Antichrist: Before the Day of the Lord
      The Messiah can NOT return anytime, there are prophecies which must be fulfilled first, namely the revealing of the Antichrist 3.5 years BEFORE the return of Jesus.

      Read – Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate

    • Jardalkal


      Isa 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives (Yovel, Jubilee; Leviticus 25:9-10; 2016-2017, every 50 years), and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
      Isa 61:2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD (Shemitah/Shemitta; Lev. 25:1-8; 2014-2015; 14-15, 28-29 CE’s; every 7 year release of debt, the land lays fallow for one year but it is also a judgment for the Gentile nations), and the day of vengeance of our God (2015-2017); to comfort all that mourn;

      Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons (Moed, Moedim, God’s Appointed times to meet with man; Leviticus 23), and for days, and years (Lev. 25 Shemitah and Jubilee years):

      Now about the Sabbaths and how they are tied to Yeshua/Jesus. Matthew, Mark, Luke says the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath. That means to me that everything occurring with Yeshua will occur on a Sabbath.
      Yeshua was conceived in 4 BC at Chanukkah (Festival of Lights and Feast of Dedication) on a Sabbath either on Dec. 15th or the 22nd. Born in the Fall on either Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpet) or on the first Annual Sabbath of Feast of Tabernacles in 3 BCE. Messianics teach Feast of Tabernacles. He was circumcised on the 8th day (A new beginning) on the Second Annual Sabbath. He began His ministry in 27 CE and baptized either in January (Michael Rood Chronological Gospels) or Day of Atonement (Biblical Astronomy article). Entered Jerusalem on a donkey in 29 CE (Shemitah year) on Abib 10 (Saturday), Month 1. Died on Passover (not a Sabbath) on Wednesday (4th day and 4th candle called the Christ candle or servant candle of the Menorah (7 candles)) (each candle represents a day and 1000 years). Buried on Thursday (Wednesday night by the time the first three stars came out which starts a new day). Possibly the men came out of the tomb when the stars had appeared and closed the tomb after the stars came out. This Day was the Feast of Unleavened Bread Annual Sabbath. Rose 72 hours later at the beginning of the Feast of First Fruits. Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is the Messianic Kingdom at the Second Coming.

      Pentecost events so are or close to it.
      God married mankind on the first Pentecost in 1441 or 1446 BCE in a Shemitah year.
      The Holy Spirit event in Jerusalem Temple and the beginning of the church.
      1948 Israel became a nation on the Friday before Pentecost Sunday.
      2014 Cross/Staff in the corona of the Sun

      Yom Teruah
      Day of the Lord Fire mixed with hail, global earthquake, 1/3 of the earth burns. Europe? Middle East? Probable global earthquake. Note: This may occur on Day of Atonement.
      Second Coming Jubilee, Gathering of the Believers from the globe and resurrection of the believing dead.

      Yom Kippur Day of Atonement
      Day of the Lord Asteroids, maybe nuclear winter year or Day After. Sept. 24th
      Second Coming Armageddon and the Day the Bride gets married. Guests go to the 7 day feast but are not a part of the wedding party. Only the Bride and Groom at the wedding ceremony.

      1. Last 7 years begins. (Dan 9:27) 9Nania Video’s, Renee M Video’s ( 2009/2010 2009 Obama received the Norweigian Peace Medallion on the 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles in 2009 or in 2010 5 planets lined up in a row on the 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles 7th day (Leviticus 23:36ff?).
      2. Seal 1: Conquering political and or religious force begins to take over the world. (Revelation 6:1,2) 2009
      3. Seal 2: World War III begins. (Rev 6: 3,4) ISIS, Middle East 2014/2015
      Joel 2 31 prophecy Abib 1/Passover Solar eclipse means judgement for the globe and lunar eclipse means judgement for Israel.
      4. Seal 3: World wide economic collapse, famine. (Rev 6:5,6) September 24, 2015
      5. Seal 4: Plagues, death, ¼ of world’s population dies. (Rev 6:7,8) Africa
      6. Antichrist performs abomination of desolation. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4) Obama’s trip to Israel. March 22, 2013 in the temple fortress (Church of Nativity) in Bethlehem. Obama did not bow to the King/Jesus/Yeshua.
      7. Ministry of 2 witnesses/prophets begins. (Rev 11:1-15)
      8. Antichrist takes over the world. (Rev 13:5-9) 2015/2016/2017 Obama most likely.
      9. Seal 5: Worldwide persecution of Jews and Christians. (Rev 6: 9-11) 2015
      10. Seal 6: Signs of the sun, moon, and stars, worldwide earthquake, appearance of Christ in the sky, wrath of God begins. (Rev 6:12-17) September 14, 2015 Day of the Trumpet (Leviticus. 23:24ff)
      11. America (end times Babylon, (Babylon the Great(JA)) destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. (Rev 17:16-18:24) Late 2015, 2016
      12. Sealing of the 144,000 (Rev 7)
      13. Seal 7: 7 Trumpet judgments. (Rev 8:1-6) global earthquake
      14. Trumpet 1: Horrific hail and fire, 1/3 of plants burned up. (Rev 8:7) Day of the Trumpet, September 14, 2015
      15. Trumpet 2: Meteorite/Volcano explodes in the ocean, 1/3 ships and sea life destroyed. (Rev 8:8,9) Day of Atonement September 24, 2015
      16. Trumpet 3: Comet explodes on the earth, 1/3 of fresh water poisoned, many men die. (Rev 8:10,11) Day of Atonement September 24, 2015 Wormwood
      17. Trumpet 4: 1/3 of sunlight removed. (Rev 8:12) 2015
      18. Trumpet 5: First woe—Demon locusts, men tortured. (Rev 8:13-9:12, Ezekiel, Isaiah) CERN Project 2016
      19. Trumpet 6: Second woe—Demon army, 1/3 of men die. (Rev 9:13-21) CERN Project 2016
      20. Ministry of 2 witnesses ended. (Rev 11:1-13)
      21. Trumpet 7: Third woe—7 Vial Judgments. (Rev 11:14-19)
      22. Vial 1: Boils on men. (Rev 16:1,2)
      23. Vial 2: Sea turned to blood. (Rev 16:3) Pacific Ocean?? Fukushimi accident ??
      24. Vial 3: Freshwater turned to blood. (Rev 16:4-7) Began in 2012 and continues to present with different rivers turning to blood.
      25. Vial 4: Great heat. (Rev 16:8,9)
      26. Vial 5: Darkness. (Rev 16:10,11)
      27. Vial 6: Euphrates dries up. (Rev 16:12-16) 2016
      28. Vial 7: The Lord Jesus Christ and His saints return to the earth and defeat the antichrist and his armies at Armageddon with 100-pound hailstones. Great earthquake, every island and mountain destroyed, America the Babylon sinks under the ocean. (Rev 16:17-21, Rev 18:21, Jer 51:42)
      29. Jesus is anointed as King of the World and the Millennium begins! (Rev 19) Chanukkah 2016 or Feast of Tabernacles 2017.

      Matthew 24:36 refers to v. 35 Heaven and earth shall pass away is the noun of v. 36 but of that day and hour …. Using, when know that is in 3015 on the first sliver of the new moon in the 7th month on Yom Teruah.

      But Christians who are not on God’s calendar of Leviticus 23 do not know this stuff because the law was nailed to the cross which is a myth.
      Jardalkal at John Ashcraft

    • Buzzz

      Barrack obummer declared man of peace oct 9th 2009…..1,260 days later he went to the place of birth of Jesus and stopped all worship and sacrifice on that day March 22 2013 on Passover !!!
      49 years @ 360 days …God’s calendar , after the 6 day war and Isreal retook Jerusalem the date will be sept 23 2015.
      I am not sure how it is all gonna play out but we are in the 6th day of the final week.
      Lets not forget it is the DAY of the Lord not the 3 1/2 days of the Lord !! Everything points to sept 2015 !! Jesus is coming in the later part of 2016 and will reigh for 1,000 years !!
      More proof the norway spiral happened the day before obummer recieved his peace prize. When we do timelines of years alot use 365 days when they should use 360 days ! Still busy doing more research…its amazing !

    • SuperMario

      Do you guys have a backup plan after nothing happens in the next 5 years?

      • Mojoala

        Sort of reminds me of the mayan calendar and 20.12.2012,,,,

      • judas iscariot

        Misleading title there… The article was a rehash of the same crap we’ve been hearing for centuries, and revealed nothing of when.

        Face it guys. The book was edited by the powers that be. You think they’re telling us what’s really going to happen? They don’t even know.

    • Klemens

      very quick overview about the “Endtimes”:

      the goal of Satan: to get as much souls as possible
      the main connection between Jesus and the humans: The Holy Eucharist
      Satans main work: destroy the “Holy Mass”

      - in the Revelation you can read about the fight between Satan and the catholic church
      especially the “Holy Mass” (the old one)
      - you can also transform it to your own fight with Satan and you can see where you are
      - then you have got the two prophets St. Peter and St. Paul they get murdered 67 BC, like it is written, in a big town
      - the “Endtimes” started all ready in the year 37 BC, when Paul get a Christian, then we have got the 2 prophets of the End time
      – the first tribulation was from 37 BC – 67 BC = 30 years
      - in the book of Daniel 9 you can now read how long will be the “Endtimes” fighting will be
      69 Weeks x 7 day = 483 days = 483 years
      - the punishment will be 4 times Rev. 18,6

      483 years x 4 = 1932 years
      begin: 37 + 1932 = 1969 BC
      - so the End of the Endtimes starts 1969! exactly the Passover /pasha 04-03-1969

      Pope Paul VI promulgated the revised rite of Mass with his Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum of 3 April 1969
      Please Read: Mat. 24,15
      and Dan 9,27 + Dan 12,11
      - the second tribulation started in 1969 for minimum 30 years +

      so why we are now at the very end? only very, very few Christians on the whole world get the correct holy Eucharist (Connection with Jesus). In the year 1965 the holy Eucharist was in every country of the world (maybe in one more in one less), so we have got the big loss of the faith of the very End!
      - and we have the seven heads / Popes

      1. John XXIII. begin of the revolution Vatican II. meeting
      2. Paul VI. revised rite of Mass
      3. Johannes Paul I.
      4. Johannes Paul II.
      5. Benedict XI.
      6. Francis

      Forget about all the other things for example 3,5 years or 7 years Endtimes/Tribulations, Enoch and Elias, etc., etc., pp., will not give any sense.
      So that`s very short overview. There missing many explanations and other things, otherwise it is getting too long!
      so now we are at the End of the story and I will put the most important thing again here:

      the main connection between Jesus and the humans: The Holy Eucharist

      The Anti-Christ protestant reformer destroyed the Holy Mass for the Protestant Christians.
      The Anti-Christ popes destroyed the Holy Mass for the Catholic Christians.

      What to do?
      Make your own research! You don`t have to belief me.
      Read for example this book, cost not much and it is easy to understand:
      Confession: A Little Book for the Reluctant
      or use this web site:

      ok. see you :wink:

    • MikeSavage

      No one knows refers to the final battle, not Jesus’ return. If you do the math in the scriptures, it says Jesus takes his throne 2520 years after the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C. The year at the end of the 2520 years is 1914. Jesus did take to his throne in 1914 and the evidence bears this out. He will take over rulership of Earth as the final battle begins. All Earthly governments will be wiped away, as will all religions of man, and the participants of those religions. All armies will be destroyed as will all those who oppose Jesus and God and who misrepresent the holy spirit. Believing in a trinity is a good way to be destroyed. Being pagan or athiest or homosexual, or violent, or evil are also good ways to be destroyed. Read up on it. It’s all in Revelation to John.

      • Pix

        If something is not good for everyone, it’s no good at all. You prove you are an ignorant psychopathic monster with such claims as “Being pagan or athiest or homosexual, or violent, or evil are also good ways to be destroyed.” Your religion is plagiarised paganism, stupid person.

        You have completely lost any respect, not that I have much for bigoted people like you in the first place.

        • Remo

          Being homosexual is good for absolutely no-one, as any sane person will wholeheartedly agree with.

          The abominable crime of Sodomy, is a capital-offense under God’s Law:

          Deuteronomy 23:17 There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite (homosexual) of the sons of Israel (Leviticus 20:13:- If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [the blame][shall be] upon them).

        • Pix


          Your dark age book of barbarianisms also says it’s an abomination and death crime for getting a divorce and most Christian marriages end in divorce, but we don’t hear any of you complaining about divorcees. So you are typically cherry picking to suit your hate, spite and bigotry and thus are morally bankrupt.

          Leviticus 20:13 can be interpreted as ‘men shouldn’t lie to men the same way men lie to women. To and with are interchangeable.

        • Remo

          Pix is here confusing divorce with adultery.

          Adultery is a capital-offence under God’s Law, NOT divorce.

          24:1 When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give [it] in her hand, and send her out of HIS house.
          24:2 And when she is departed out of HIS house, she may go and be another man’s [wife].
          24:3 And [if] the latter husband hate her, and write her a bill of divorcement, and giveth [it] in her hand, and sendeth her out of HIS house; or if the latter husband die, which took her [to be] his wife;
          24:4 Her former husband, which sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after that she is defiled; for that [is] abomination before the “I AM”: and thou shalt not cause the land to sin, which the “I AM” thy God giveth thee [for] an inheritance.

          Although The Law allows for divorce, remember what Jesus said to the politicians of his day:

          Matthew 19:3 The politicians also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
          19:4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that He which made [them] at the beginning made them male and female,
          19:5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
          19:6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
          19:7 They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?
          19:8 He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from The Beginning it was not so.
          19:9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except [it be] for fornication (NOT adultery), and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

          Also, “to” and “with” are NOT interchangeable. It means exactly what it says.

        • MikeSavage

          If something is not good for everyone, it’s no good at all. You prove you are an ignorant psychopathic monster with such claims as “Being pagan or athiest or homosexual, or violent, or evil are also good ways to be destroyed.” Your religion is plagiarised paganism, stupid person.WHAT RELIGION IS THAT? I AM NOT A MEMBER OF ANY SUCH RELIGION. YOU PROVE YOUR MEMORY DOESN’T WORK WELL, AND YOU PROVE YOU HAVE NO UNDERSTANDING OF THE SCRIPTURES. IT IS CHRISTENDOM, THE RELIGIONS CLAIIMING TO BE CHRISTIAN, THAT ARE PAGANISM. THEY WERE STARTED BY A PAGAN NAMED CONSTANTINE, AND YOU ALL FOLLOW HIS PAGAN WORKS AS THOUGH IT IS APPROVED BY GOD, EVEN AFTER HE CLEARLY SAID THEY’RE FALSE.

          You have completely lost any respect, not that I have much for bigoted people like you in the first place.

        • Damien

          May choruses of cherubs whisk you off to your fantasy land of the people of the Crescent and the Cross

    • Pix

      ” Various individuals believe that it is possible to ascertain the general time period but not the actual day or hour. ”

      Jesus claims of his return to ‘watch for the man bearing a pitcher of water (Aquarius), outside the house of bread (Bethlehem)’, which is not only the sign but the location where to look for it, which is about 300 years away. The astrological age the Jesus story heralds in, is the age of Pisces, the next age is Aquarius.

    • Remo

      JAH is The Second Coming and the Reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

      “As The Lightening Shineth from the East even unto the West…”

      • MikeSavage

        Jah is a shortened form of Jehovah, not the second coming of Jesus. And there is no reincarnation of anyone, including Jesus. You make things up way too much. Your fiction writings aren’t even entertaining.

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