Q News: What Actually Happened That Day in Las Vegas? New Theory - Video
Published on Jun 10, 2019
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The Health Ranger (Mike Adams) lost his channel because of his acoustic forensics work that revealed multiple shooters.
Elizabeth Sisney4 hours ago (edited)
These DEMONS LIE! as EASILY as they BREATH!!!
everyone knew the official story was lies…. ty for the info + video
Don’t remember? How could anyone not? There were a BUNCH of witnesses putting out on social media of multiple shooters who died suddenly and mysteriously.
Top floors owned by Saudi prince
Nice! I love your upload schedule.
Mendy Marie4 hours ago (edited)
My friend Jenny was a beautiful person! We raised a lot of money for her husband who was also shot but survived and her kids. Makes me angry and sad! Need justice for everyone! My sister n law has bad PTSD as does everyone else. Thank you for covering this! We need answers!!
There were like five shooters not including the helicopter or drone.
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Top floors are owned by Saudi arabia
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So when are we getting our BUMP-STOCKS Legal again, it’s about principle, NOT the plastic ! NRA, GOA, ETC…. law suits ! There was acoustic analysis (software) done on it , and when i heard it, being prior-service, i could tell it was FULL Auto sear(military) Not No damn Bump-Stock ! And more than one. And at the height>distance of Pandock’s location would be about a 17.5 downward angle on his shoulder …with a bump-stock…REALLY ? Physics and the audio tells a different story !
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It’s not new news to some of us… We knew it was a deep state op right away with multiple shooters and the guy was already dead
The oddest thing is the survivors that died after in freakish accidents!
None of the bullets recovered were ever matched to any of the weapons found. Helicopters flying all over the scene with no records of those flights.
Good that you’ve raised the subject of the Las Vegas shooting again. Like all FF’s it has been swept under the rug and despite so many contradictions has never been investigated properly just like 9/11.
Aussie patriot checking in 🇦🇺🍻
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Ancientreapers5 hours ago (edited)
We never believed the “official” story anyway. We also said there was more than one shooter. We listened to the police radio the whole time and even they were saying more than one shooter.
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There had to be more than one shooter. The old dude they claim that done the shooting was already dead by the time FBI got there
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Mulitpe shooters? Quality control dude
Look at the John Cullen channel he has tons of videos that break down the released police body cam videos that tell a story.
I think 💭 they ran different scenarios at once and decided on the single shooter hoax. paddock
They want to eliminate borderline content because AI cannot understand it. Humans are far more fluid and complex than AI can ever be. This is why they want our data. It’s why all the new terms are being created to label, describe, and criticize us. It is to enhance the AI so it can predict or describe our actions. But it will still fall way short. Other methods meant to dumb us down are needed such as drugs, wetware, and other means of limitation. So their ultimate solution is to reduce the level of thinking we humans can achieve.
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Las Vegas was an assassination attempt on Trump. Deep state said on Oct 1 they were going after Trump. Apparently the Q op was pushed forward in response to this. The Saudis were the ones who tried to take him out. The Saudi purge went down directly after this. The arms deal paddock was involved in was set up to get weapons as close to the top floor as possible. Yes there was multiple shooters, shooting from choppers. The chopper that was found to have hovered or landed briefly on top of the Mandalay bay was apparently the chopper that Trump escaped on. Can you imagine if they actually took him out
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I feel like we denied them their desired optics in LV.
We know there was more than one shooter just by the audio on the video the cab driver took when it first started. There’s not a question in anybody’s mind who has see/ listen to the video.
Note to self : It was a Good Day >>> April 10 th >>> 2000 : The Pan >>> Activated ?…..no more sleeping…. kek…… WWG1WGA……. m (UK)
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Look up John E. Hoover. He has a ton of videos that are VERY eye opening about LV. Also, who else remembers FBI Anon who posted stuff like Q but way before Q?
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God Bless You Too for All that You Do! I Pray you stay Safe in Jesus Christ Holy Name Amen!!!
Aliens from outer space are really inter dimensional demons, the government will use an “extraterrestrial “invasion to bring in NWO and abductions will be a cover up for the rapture. This is the end times deception Jesus was warning us about.
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Yes and youtube taking down all videos conspiracy theorist but yet get rid of truth!!! 😡😡😡😡😡
Legacy Marketing Network2 hours ago
Thank you Craig! God bless you! The Truth will come out thanks to patriots like you! God bless the USA!
Your Notifications are being ALLOWED again…. hummmm for how long… normally I’m not allowed to see your stuff… it gets blocked from my ip
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No Longer a Slave 2 Fear4 hours ago
Here in Australia there was very little media coverage regarding this shooting. Where as other mass shooting get days if not weeks of coverage.
Sundi pinch me from caste system. No equality in India
Randy Maatta4 hours ago (edited)
We all know the FBI lied and forced the Las Vegas PD to lie and cover up what happened. Some outspoken witnesses were murdered. Where the Hell is our justice system and why haven’t these liars been brought to justice? We are sick and tired of the empty promises and games. Give us the damn truth! How many innocent Americans died during AND AFTER this mysterious massacre that we all know is being covered up.
“The top 5 floors of the Mandalay BayHotel (35-39) is a Four Seasons Hotel. Since 2007, Bill Gates, who donated 1 million to ‘gun control’ and Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, a member of the Saudi Royal family, have been majority owners of the Mandalay BayHotel’s Four Seasons.”
This event is pivotal in our history. I was red pilled well before this but i had some doubts and questions. They were answered and squashed.🇺🇸
Sweettina2 #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸5 hours ago (edited)
Thank you, Craig! I’ve not looked into this much, but I don’t doubt one bit that it was a clown mission. Oh, how I wish we had some accountability, until we do, it’ll be business as usual. God bless you, Craig. God bless the good Patriots of this country. 🙏❤🇺🇸 #WWG1WGA
Look at a map of the Vegas strip….. Tropicana is not close to Mandela Bay……. I would believe 2 in the room and he got out or was let out…..
Thank you Craig! I believe you big time!♥️🇺🇸🦅WWG1WGA
Than please agree on an alternate platform, and post your videos there too…
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The Holy Messenger. The Knowledge. The Authority. The Power. Jesus Christ sent by God!
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Amazing content…I’m not surprised at anything anymore…Thanks for the hard work.
Youtube channel John E Hoover has done amazing work on this subject.
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The Saudis owned the top floor at the time I think and it was sold right after.
Survivors who knew and reported multiple bad people died mysteriously ! The FARCE put together by officials is a disgrace ! Justice still has not been served for those who died and those wounded !
Keep up the great work buddy. Alot of us dont have time to sift through the info. So thank you wwg1wga
There was a helicopter firing on the crowd. I seen video proof
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You better stop that !!!! IT is an ongoing investigation an for National Security Reasons the FBI want’s to talk with you!!!! Do you understand now????
Always knew there is more to the story….it was covered up and pushed away to quickly, and any inkling of investigation is Clintonized!
How… how!!!!! How do you possibly do an interview and not laugh
Montana Nomad1 hour ago (edited)
Will we ever get the TRUTH about this Las Vegas tragedy? I doubt it. Remember it was also said by eye witnesses that there was more than 1 shooter in the Parkland shooting in Florida. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
Excellent video JIT!!!! God bless you! Very interesting!
Thanks for stitching the pieces together. I can see the timeline now. You do good work.
Michelle O is a man.
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However many shooters there were, it certainly wasn’t done with a bump-fire stock.
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They confiscated all the phones of people who took video. The phones were totally wiped when they were returned.
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Goosebumps? Since it happen RAISE your IQ ABOVE MSM
John Cullen ( who was taken off of yootoob) had to change to John E Hoover has been doing fantastic work on this. You should interview him. That would be very interesting.
Betty Britton4 hours ago (edited)
All that is hidden will be exposed. Trust the Plan! Thank you Craig for doing God’s work.
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that gargle nutjob should be in jail already.
They only want their content showed , not the Truth !! Only their propaganda , false narratives !! Keep up the Good Works !! #WWG1WGA !!!
Something caught my eye , pickup had fast flashing park lamps like emergency vehicles??????
”…removed…based on quality” NOT BASED ON TRUTH THEN?
Michael Cunningham44 minutes ago
The intro: doesn’t it warm your heart to hear a thick-accent 3rd worlder telling you what you’re going to see?! Who said Ayatoilet Obunghole wasn’t suck-cessful…??
That Google guy is harmful content incarnated.
Borderline constant? That means everything that doesn’t fit the narrative and isn’t PG
Interpretation: Conservative content reveals the dirty deeds of our comrades, soooo they must be deleted from our platform so that we can continue to control the narrative so we can control thought!
Censorship is who comfort level and what?
Temporary Billy2 hours ago (edited)
It’s all about the 2nd amendment period…others reported possibly one under the stage at the ” Harvest Fest ” ….so many numerical similitudes
Awesome thanks for covering this coverup! I am still very interested in this. There’s only a few YTubers still covering this
Gangsters is what they are.
Deep State were involved, what’s in DC? LAWYERS, and what defense lawyers say REDIRECT, RED HERRINGS. CLOWNS are used to distract.
i remember on judge jeanine saying to someone. They where at the airport.
Why does it matter what we know of this tragedy? The FBI closed the case. No justice will come of this. Yes, we may know the truth, but we can not make arrest.
Another theory from Eric Church is that it was the NRA’s fault… That was the day I banned his music in my truck, house, or anywhere they play real Country music…
They had a video of officers boys outside the supposed shoot his door waiting as of the gunfire was happening
I believe it was a bungled assasination attempt on Trump
Laura Loomer covered this very extensively thank you for bringing this back to light
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13th Pro(Metheus)44 minutes ago
If they, military, was trying to prevent, wouldn’t they be on the roofs…..best Vantage Point to snipe shooter
Airforce2 was in Vegas not the President
“CAUSE HARM”??? Does he mean they will remove all churches, homeschooler, pro gun, pro constitution, pro Trump … LIKE THE FBI WANTS TO DO?????
q started on the 28th October, 2017
paddock was dead before the shooting even began
Micheal Thompson50 minutes ago
Bush was connected to Saudi, 911 investigations possibly
Also, the fbi investigator was john podesta’s son in law.
I believe it was the crown prince who was the target along with potus
I’ll never understand what people are thinking, look at the University students in the US protesting lectures etc, people are so easily offended, it’s a shame, how can anyone discuss anything anymore? It’s obviously been brought about on purpose. People just aren’t open to new ideas or thoughts, that’s why they want to ban certain channels on here and elsewhere on the net.
Christopher Matthews57 minutes ago
Illuminated sacrifice for all to see Ask aldean about his tat.
Brian Shields has amazing post on airport and metro action that night. So many on camera talk about multiple shooters ~ 2 planes exited quickly and no ids ~ @BrianShields
First few times I watched video of Jason Aldean I saw him pause and turn as if to run off the stage BEFORE the shooting. Watched it over and over, then all the videos shown later didn’t show that part. Never found the original again. I told my husband first time I watched it “He knew!”
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There will be more things to come out. Investigation been going on along time against the Deep State. The dark will come to the light.
The LV incident really set me searching for answers, clearly a cover up. Led me straight to Q. Seems to have been the first assassination attempt on POTUS.
Does it help you financially if people watch the entire ads instead of skip? If so I will stop skipping them to help you out. I love your channel. Thank you Patriot!
he was a pattys at the end of the day ,i don’t believe he fired one bullet and i don’t believe it was a sting gone wrong
nathan hansen5 hours ago (edited)
Not sure if anyone else has heard this but this is very interesting. Over on the National Notables channel there is a GEORGE magazine from 1997. The front of the magazine said SURVIVAL GUIDE TO THE FUTURE. Bottom right side said INDICTMENT DAY WILL HILLARY GET BUSTED. Inside the magazine is a letter from the editor. It said SO WE HOPE YOU ENJOY GEORGES TAKE ON THE FUTURE. WHY NOT PUT IT AWAY IN A SAFE PLACE SOMEWHERE AND TAKE IT OUT IN 20 YEARS. Also there is a pic of John John with a 2020 platform in the background. And another interesting piece of Information….. The Anonymous channel changed there name to GEORGE!! Here is the link to the video. THIS IS A MUST WATCH EVERYONE!! And give this guy some subs because hes going to analyze each magazine(33 I think). https://youtu.be/l5ZQKAxJMBo
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I’m out of here, you sneak in false accusation about Trump (at least) :
JFK jr on July 4th?
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**This is how I stumbled onto Q posts in 4 Chan on 10/28/2017! I was searching for more info on the Vegas Shooting and saw the posts about HRC, Huma and Podesta! I was intrigued and kept following the posts. I’m a Q follower since day one, even before posts were signed by ‘Q’!! Thanks for the Vegas update.
Other witness statements do not have names redacted.
They’re called mobsters.
Terry Elrod52 minutes ago (edited)
Craig, the Four Seasons hotel in Vegas is majority owned y Bill Gates and Prince Al- Waleed bin Talal. Al Waleed bin Talal helped Obama pay for his Harvard Education.
Remember the man standing behind sherriff joe to his left…..thats podestas son in law. I did alot of searching.
congrats 200k followers craig
Four seasons is owned by a saudi holding company and another owned by bill gates
Even though Trump was in office then and ‘The Military Plan’ was already coordinated, I think the Vegas Shooting is what prompted the Q Movement to go public (quasi-public on the Chan Board).
Jennifer Gudmundson5 minutes ago
Many witnesses who came forward and said there were multiple shooters and we’re vocal about it on line ended up Dead!!!
Esther’s Daughter! Long34 minutes ago (edited)
Just go to John Cullen’s page. He has been working on this since day 3.
Yes…. goosebumps. And more believable than the official story. History books………….
Your theory makes a lot of sense. Maybe someday everything will come out in the open.
Wow. Just wow. 😮
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