Q News - Kill Switch: What Happened To The Internet? - Great Video
Published on Jun 4, 2019
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Thank you for this …….. it seems to be a likely scenario …….. GO Q!
Michael Whittle8 hours ago (edited)
Note to self : It’s Time.?…. kek….. WWG1WGA……..m (UK)
Looks like Google is spiraling down the YouTUBE !!!
I believe pure evil has infiltrated many people. Those people are called the left. They want all of our rights .WAKE UP…TRUMP 2020
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The Teacher. The Preacher. The Healer. The Life. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
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WWG1WGAWorldWide…..Netherlands is waking up!
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Seriously. We need to pray for Trump right now, the exact same kinds of things happened during the Civil War and then Lincoln was gone. Trump needs to lay low and get these bozo’s to GITMO before they find someone crazy enough to do it Desperation is a scary thing.
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#HAPPENING….Hi Worldwide Patriots.
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They called the internet the WILD WEST …. in the beginning….. HAHA 🤣🤣🤣funny you would say that. Im old and your young, nothing new under the sun.
Buddy…your numbers are seriously suppressed…
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AJ taking responsibility for the Patriot movement 😆 God bless POTUS on his trip. Prayers of protection
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I totally agree with paying homage to Jesus Christ because we are in a good and evil war!! Praise God that He is reclaiming His Nation!!!
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Good morning patriots!
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Internet just came back about 10 mins ago. 1:21 am west coast. Went down about 1:00 am
Well said! Patriots of Greece are proud that we won in the EU&domestic elections& taking our county to the Light! We send u blessings, peace,love &light!👲💪✌💕
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Lord of the ring SPECIAL EDITION! Alex Jones in the role of Gollum in front of the ring lol Or E Man who claimed : By the POWER of my magic sword ! AFTER DRAIN THE SWAMP. Clean the dirt who will expect to be the next SWAMP ... 🇺🇸TRUMP 2020🇺🇸
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Bless #WWG1WGA #MAGACOUNTRY #PresidentTrump #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #Worldwide
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Alex Jones is a shill.... He woke us all up.. But he's a NUTJOB..ON PURPOSE
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Go Q Go!! Pray for President Trump and Family. And our Military.
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The Government Is Corrupt United With Snakes
Social media platforms forget, word of mouth works fast enough also.
How will future generations judge the past and our current one? We must consider something very serious. The power that these evil people wield is accepted by the masses due to the fact that people are giving them their power by allowing it. Many convince themselves that they are powerless. Many support the people that are evil. Many argue defending the evil ones due to their own involvement. People disregard facts and ignore horrors in the benefit of evil ones. Folks, this is another case of a very small, few number of people achieving a large amount of horrors. Much like any of the other horrific regimes have done through history. In every event of this taking place in history the evil people just get more evil unless they are stopped. Many of the people that know and support these evil ones must stand up and expose them. Try and view the events that are happening from a hindsight view. The difference between this gen and every other past gen is now data is all encompassing. How will future generations judge the past and our current one? Do not turn a blind eye any longer. People that know are horrified and the numbers are increasing. The tipping point, the point of no return, has been passed. The acts that have been done will be judged harshly. It is now only a matter of time. Will you be known as an enabler of evil or bringer of justice? Time will tell. We are coming. Our numbers are growing. Time is running out. Expect us. WWG1,WGA
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There is a huge difference in being a bully and having enough couth to tell someone off in a compliment. We have a Maestro leading us who knows the art of the deal! I am thankful for some of the issues that Alex brought out... But he is so mad and arrogant NOW that he causes lots of problems for himself. Truth...Truth is what he sold us in the beginning. Truth in all things is what we all need. Thanks my patriot friends.
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weird stuff happened.. I thought it was MY service provider (as usual) I went to down detector and it was a huge red blob for google all on the north east of U.S.!
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I pray you are correct and there is a plan to stop the censorship.
I lost my email and YT the other day. I had no idea that it was something more than a temporary loss. Thanks for the info.
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MisBehavingIrishman3 hours ago
Bill Cooper told us about AJ years ago!! We should have listened!
Damn good video, as always.
Did you c Geraldo R. and Anthony W. together? no wonder he doesn't want the laptop info revealed
well we are told in the book about their delusion
Alex Jones is a puppet of the Deep state cabal! His end goal is the money! I never could watch him because of his demeanor and his loud mouth reminded me of the leftist radicals.. thank you Craig and God Bless You Patriot 🙏🏻✝️
Love him or hate him A.J did wake or attract a lot of people to the deception that was played on us,I have moved on from him since then, and now have a clear vision of the global agenda they have pushed on us. Keep up the honest and truthful work Craig.
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I through I broke my computer lol,so I reset everything ,cleaned up all files and cleaned up house ,had fun without the computer all day ,loved it
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Lamp in Deep Waters7 hours ago (edited)
Nice scripture, u literally posted this right after I wrote earlier and again that word.... FORTIFY, FORTIFIED. That word he calls out.
Alex Jone has always played the crazy right-winger for the clowns Bits of truth mixed with feigned lunacy For the masses
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I can’t stand Alex jones anymore. Stopped watching after Qs drop. It makes sense that the hatred we get on T_D from other anons reference Q is coming from people who watch AJ. It all makes sense.
I appreciate AJ for opening my eyes but his habit of interrupting his guests and getting so ridiculous in his rants! Going against Q is inexcusable on his part!!!
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AJ has been jealous of Q since Q first came along.
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Trump 2020 baby!!!
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I followed Dustin for a while... he's cited in the past he's agnostic so I believe that clouds his perspective some. turn off for me as a Christian. He's gotten rather full of himself.
Bonlives 687 hours ago (edited)
@2.27 Nader obviously guilty as it showed he was investigated & charged in 1991? As well
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Please try to always PRAY for the Q Team🙏🙇, there is also a WITCH-HUNT😈😈😈 against them. Thanks👍
Alex seems to love using God's and Christ's names in vain... I have no use for that man... period!!! wwg1wga
Alex Jones admits his CIA family background, he's a Knight of Malta, and is funded by MOSSAD. He makes his living as a controlled opposition Gatekeeper. CIA and MOSSAD work very closely together.
Remember the EXECUTIVE ORDER Issued Dec, 21 2017! (Corruption)...CONFISCATION OF ASSETS ETC, PAIN PAIN PAIN...😎😎😎.
TAPS Act is going to give cops crazy power as if they aren't already on a power trip 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😵
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Kill Swirch, Trump is dining with the Queen. LOVE IT 💥💥💥💥 🤑
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Lamp in Deep Waters8 hours ago (edited)
Do ur family trees if u were born in America. Know why ur ancestors came here. I've traced some of mine thousands of years. But what godly ppl were sent to America during its founding and liberation is God blessed. My husband who is black has a hard time understanding how I cud say that while slavery was present but I tell him the black man is a key part to gods plan in America, all the ppl under this nation brought for a reason. Including my French, Irish and Scottish ancestors brought as slaves or prisoners, an Irish prisoner who is enemy to the king for religious practice wasn't the same as black slavery, freedom wasn't found as easily for the black community. Question is will those God brought here, lead here, or birthed to this nation rise as 1? Not ur dna... . Ur family tree
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We just want the truth..we don't care were it comes from that's all.. it's not a competition..
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Same hands control all sides. The elites want us dead. Trust no one...
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Here from New Zealand.. WWG1WGA
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Alex Jones is paid opposition. Jeffrey Epstein is the Keystone he funds A lot of people a lot of organizations Jeffrey Epstein research him
Stop making excuses for the enemy, it makes you look inept and weak, AJ's character isn't that of a man that is sleeping well judging by what's coming...
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Do not put your trust in man! Put your trust in the Lord! The Lord will let you know who is in control! God Bless America, the world and the President! Just watch and see how evil is dealt with! Praise be to God!
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To Alex jones, You Can Fool some of the People some of the time, You May even be able to Fool some of the People all the time, But you can not fool all of the People All The Time.....
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It wouldn't be a bad thing. Shut it all down👍
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Yes the kill switch was tested because some people are afraid Assange security key will be released soon.
I think you’re right about Alex. I like him but he’s just all over the place. To me a true patriot and God fearing man needs no credit for the good deeds he’s done. It’s about patriotism as a whole for our country not stroking anyone’s ego. #WWG1WGA God bless you sir.
Google = Government Funded DARPA Project that got infiltrated by Communists and taken over by the ChiComs.
I watched Alex Jones for years until one day I realized there is seriously something unethically wrong about this man
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Aj got all his info from William B. Cooper
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Jesus, are they gonna try to rig another election?, it didn't work the last time...
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Yes!! Twitter has banned me for my TRUTH and my CONSERVATIVE views. They have completely silenced me for speaking my conservative views which are in deep opposition to the rediculous lying leftist fringe.
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I have never been a huge Alex Jones fan, because I felt like it was sensationalist, but I applaud what he's accomplished. My 2 favorites are Justinformed Talk and BCP (Black Conservative Patriot). ❤ God bless.
Yvonne Wagner4 hours ago (edited)
The left side has gone mad..Satan has taking over their minds...the Satan cabals has infiltrated government all over the world..people in other countries needs to start getting people they know in their families..in their neighborhoods and pray pray pray..for we wrestle not against flesh and blood..but against principalities rulers of darkness..spiritual wickedness in high places..its not a human war .but a war on humans..pray that your country is liberated from these evils..and God watch over you and yours.🙏 🙏 🙏
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Research this: “LifeLog / DARPA / CIA and Facebook” I know, most of you guys probably already know this stuff. The point is, we’ve got to put and end to it. God bless our POTUS and our Patriots 🙏🇺🇸
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This is the BEST work you've done by far!!!!! Kudos😘
I think the outtage is on purpose to force everyone to get 5g phones, so the deadly frequency can be directly aimed at us close range
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Half or more of us wouldnt even be looking into you or Q if it wasnt for aj. Divide and conquer. Dont be "these people". Dude is under the gun. His audience makes up alot of your audience.
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Alex Jones did not say he was the only one who qualified to do this work you're twisting his words
I know I 100% appreciate your research. You are right this evil is centuries old
You are on fiyah❣🕊💥Thank you sooooo much for what you do! God Bless You and all Patriots! #WWG1WGA It's happening. #TrustThePlan
Didn't bathhouse Barry hand over the net to the UN?
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Marlene Paul8 hours ago (edited)
I'm sorry to change the subject but I hope someone can stop whoever is creating all this weather warfare. The Midwest is being completely destroyed, California has been practically destroyed. What is going on? There are only a few reporting on it yet people are losing their homes, farms, animals and lives. I wish I knew what I could do to help. It's so sad! My thoughts on Alex Jones is that he had his day, he wanted people to start speaking out and now that they are, he's been put on the back burner.
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Bill Cooper called out that pos Alex Jones back in the 90’s
Great content today! Thank you and God bless you! WWG1WGA
Mainstream media needs investigated. They are foreign owned. Unreliable. Liars secret agents Antifa members
in 2009 they STatRTED doing something - I was doing well before copyright nazi's got in. have only 25k subs - no improve since 2009
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I don't like AJ, my self, but that's me, if they shut down the internet , Our President, can still get word to us !!
[AJ] = “controlled opposition”
Madeleine Gilvey5 hours ago (edited)
Morning Craig, Great to hear from you… ❤
HandyMan Extrodinaire7 hours ago
Alex Jones is like one of the Founding Fathers of Public Voice against what he views as an Anti-American movement and Secret Infiltration System conducting overt attacks against the foundations of the USA. Alex started on the internet early on. He is PRO- America and Ant- Globalist, Anti- Socialist, Anti- Communist, Anti- Deep State, Ant-Cabal! Alex Jones has researched and found hard facts that has impassioned him due to the fear, reality and closeness of facts he has uncovered. However speculation and or bias clouds the eyes and mind, making the not knowing of the absolute truth of everything a force that hightens the stress and concerns of practically anyoneone who cares about potential developments. Rather that hearing Alex and meeting him at the table of discussion, he was wacked by people who were probably tired of him actually revealing what they did not want to be revealed because light exposes what exists in the dark! Passion has wronglfully been label as bad! Emotion unless weillded by Polititians, Antifa, Hillary or Some Left-wing Activist has been used to label unstable opposition! Just like Trump’s passions are labeled as not appropriate by patriots and real Americans. Conservatives have lost ground to the left for fear of being seen as unstable while true stability does not move aside while the enemy is attacking!
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