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Mueller Press Release, "Never Interfere With an Enemy in Self-Destruction" [Q]: Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret. +Videos

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BERTRAND DAILY REPORT  The War For Your Mind & Soul Continues 

By Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret.

Friends and Associates:

Mueller gave his 8 minute [nervous] announcement this morning 5/29/19 with his statement that he does not intend to go beyond anything in [his] report if forced to testify before Congress. He basically said the report is [final] and there is nothing else that can be said about the investigation into Russian hacking / interference and if the Russians were in collusion with the Trump campaign.

His announcement this morning was nothing more than leaving an [open door] for Nadler to continue the “Re-do” of the Mueller investigation in an attempt to impeach President Trump for “Obstruction.”

The Mueller Report / Investigation suggests the evidence [proves] that Russian agents hacked into Hillary Clinton’s email server and hence…..provided those emails to Wikileaks. Former NSA analyst / Whistleblower William Binney says otherwise, showing his analysis…..the hacking was within the U.S. and downloaded to a ‘thumb drive’ could only be accomplished based-on technical data and bit transfer rates, etc.

The only hacking by a foreign intelligence organization into HRC’s email server was done by Chinese Intelligence via front U.S. companies located in Maryland. It is alleged that Hillary knowingly allowed that to happen and confirms the ’16 Year Plan’ that ultimately destroys the United States and gives world’s economic power to China.

Schumer took to the airwaves and opened the can-of-worms, further by blaming Russia while covering-up (other) evidence that confirms the DNC staffer Seth Rich was the person that transferred HRC / DNC emails to Wikileaks and was promptly murdered. Emails between Julian Assange and Seth Rich are not being presented (yet).

The other part of the Mueller Report / Investigation suggests there was an attempt by Russian agents to influence campaign workers, including Trump’s son of whom met with the Russian Lawyer, saying she “had dirt on Hillary Clinton”….but what WE ALL KNOW, is she was employed by Fusion GPS, the go between company that handled payments from Hillary and the DNC law firm to Christopher Steele, the provider of the fake Russian Dossier that actually originated from the London House of Lords…..using a 2011 similar fake attempt to set-up Putin while he stayed in a hotel in Rome. Prostitutes “peeing” on Putin was the template used again to set-up President Trump.

“We know the FBI falsely told the court in the first application warrant that it knew of no derogatory information about the dossier author, Christopher Steele, a retired British intelligence operative who worked simultaneously as an FBI source and a Clinton campaign opposition researcher. In fact, a senior Justice Department official named Bruce Ohr warned the FBI that Steele was desperate to stop Trump from becoming president, and other evidence showed Steele had been leaking to the media in violation of FBI rules — all derogatory evidence weighing against Steele’s credibility.”

WE ALSO KNOW, the various meetings between “business men” and campaign officials were not Russian agents, as alleged in the Mueller Report and re-stated today by Mueller himself, but were paid CIA / MI-6 informants.

WE ALSO KNOW the FISC Court was complicit in the issuance of the FISA Warrants to electronically spy on the Trump campaign. All FISC judges were hand-picked by Obama and confirmed by Justice Roberts.

WE ALSO KNOW the Obama Administration, along with Brennan, Comey and Clapper established a secret computer system called “The Hammer” to illegally spy on millions of Americans, Trump et al, including one FISC judge and Justice Roberts for the purpose of ‘blackmailing.’ 

WE ALSO KNOW that Brennan was complicit with asking the UK and Australia to launch an electronic surveillance on the Trump campaign and family / associates. As I stated in a previous report, it can be assessed……the reason to drag the UK and Australia into the mix, was to use the plausible deniability tactic later if Brennan (Obama) et al were potentially cited for violating the 4th amendment (including Treason)….we are there now,

“Never interfere with an enemy in self-destruction,” and with Mueller’s press statement this morning, opening the door for impeachment to proceed, eventually puts the stamp of ‘Treason’ on the foreheads of those involved….including the fakestream media.

Undoubtedly…..this is the first phase of what’s coming soon when the REAL FACTS are exposed.

—Dave Bertrand 

Mueller Press Release 05/29/19 – Video

Gingrich reacts to Mueller comments: He’s ‘trying to have it both ways’ – Video

From the Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Your Comments Are Welcomed and Can Be Published Unless You Specify Otherwise.

Retired Int’l Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727), Former (State) Law Enforcement, U.S. Customs (UC) Sector 5, Vietnam era Veteran (Korea), Embry Riddle Aeronautical University & University of Alaska (Undergraduate), Interests include Border Security, 9/11 Conspiracy, Government Corruption, New World Order, Freedom vs Communism, Secret Space Programs & UFO Encounters, Aviation, and Enjoy Living Off-The-Grid.

Read Past Bertrand Daily Reports: /v3/search/?q=dave+bertrand&sa=



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