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Mueller Investigation ($40 Million) is for Legal Defense for All, [SC] Audit Will Destroy Mueller & Nadler's Plan: Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret. +Video

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BERTRAND DAILY REPORT The War For Your Mind & Soul Continues

By Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret. 

Friends and Associates:

To understand “Q” and how and why [that] team was assembled for [us] to better understand the past and the future, we must first understand how the universe works.

“Q” has told us many times, [Future Proves Past] and also [Nothing is a Coincidence]….those words have extreme meaning in the gematria sense of numerology and synchronicity and are the basis of how God (or the Supreme Consciousness), we are all connected to is how the [matrix] we live in today is our reality.

How this is connected to the Mueller investigation (witch hunt) and what Nadler is attempting to do, is all related….but first.

Nothing is a coincidence and most everything WE see, touch and smell has meaning, often unrecognized, to the people we meet and the words we speak. It is a blue-print of our soul, our destiny defined, and [together] we move as a single force of power, be it negative or positive.

What can change the negative to a positive requires a massive unification, or mindset of an awakened population.

The negative (or evil) consciousness is injected into our subliminal minds by perfected technology, or secrets of the universe used by the ‘Secret Societies’ that worship Lucifer. We are bombarded every day with subliminal / predictive programming for obvious reasons…..

“The concept of gematria numerology stems from the idea that mathematics is the universal language of nature and within it may be the keys to explaining our universe or evidence of a supernatural power. Marty Leeds has taken this concept of the Kabbalistic gematria and applied it to the English language, believing that he has found a cypher in our alphabet to prove this theory. Kabbalist Jewish scholars call this study gematria and believe that there is a hidden code in the Torah that contains clues to current and future events.”

If you want to test how your thoughts and phrases have double meanings, take a look here……

Just as body language has been perfected in the detection of lying, nervousness and truth, our words have meaning that do not appear on the surface, but can be examined by gematria numerology discovered thousands of years ago and perfected by today’s computer algorithms. The CIA / NSA use gematria to predict future events and who or what will be involved. They can also predict what you or I [could] be involved with, and if anything….read our words and get a subliminal look into future events based-on supernatural abilities hidden within everyone’s mind…..all connected to the same universal consciousness a.k.a. God.

Example: To know everything there is to know about a particular family, corporation, or organization, only involves asking the right questions of (maybe) one or two individuals connected to the main source.

However…..what does the Illuminati and their Secret Societies do in-order to maintain an extreme level of secrecy among their families, government puppets and the overall Deep State minions to keep them in-line while knowing the secret coded numerology of the gematria system?

The method by which the Globalists assure their puppets will remain loyal is by promising wealth, positions of power, and in-turn require that person to participate in Satanic Rituals to prove their loyalty, while at the same time…..putting every one of their minions into documented compromising situations as the “insurance policy” if needed later to destroy them and their family.

What has happened in the last decade or longer, a counter-force of “Good” a.k.a. “The White Hats” saw what has happened for decades and devised a well crafted plan to expose the Deep State for what they are, what they have done and what they plan[ned] to do.

The “White Hats” comprise of an ‘Alliance’ of global proportion with the best minds of the world, including intelligence, military, corporate, and [possibly] extraterrestrial origins as well. Freak-out with that statement, but consider the simple fact, we are in a spiritual war between good and evil. WE know the illuminati worship Satan, or whatever race of extraterrestrial(s) you want to equate with, but one side does NOT have the ONLY connection to an off-world race that [either] wants to destroy humanity or save us from ourselves.

The “awakening” begins with understanding and accepting…..what you cannot see is the power behind the scenes, wanting to destroy humanity and the counter-force that wants to help us.

The crap going-on in this world is not created by a handful of madmen with crazy ideas for controlling humanity, but are driven consciously and/or subconsciously by a supernatural force. ‘Channeling’ with the dark side is as easy as making a phone call, but for others…’s avoided and we shun those that do.

Note: You want almost instant connections to the dark side, go buy a Ouija Board or sit in a circle around a candle with other like minded idiots and “just ask.” THEY WILL ANSWER YOU…..

But for those that believe only in what they see on CNN or MSNBC and have zero interest or faith, are easily manipulated into anything fake and will do exactly what the Secret Society newscasters and politicians tell them to do. Like zombies, they will march right to the polls and vote our country out of existence.

We can’t even rely totally on FoxNews or Infowars anymore to tell us what is happening behind the scenes, such as….did you know there will be an audit of the Mueller investigation and the $40 million dollars (we paid as tax payers) is ACTUALLY for defense lawyers in the near future of all those that will be tried for treason?

Nadler has been selected as the key player for continuing the hoax in hopes of uncovering ANYTHING that can cause an ‘impeachment’ for ‘obstruction of justice,’ a last ditch effort that will bite Nadler in the ass.

The ‘White Hats’ have everything….the files, texts, emails, videos, and when it all comes-out, the same ones shouting the loudest will be arrested.

The ‘counter-coup’ is underway and gematria is being used in reverse but what is not known….is it synchronicity and the supernatural in-play, or is “Q” and Trump (Q+) being guided by those that have a unique plan for taking-down the Deep State?

‘Predictive Programming’ can be used for good or bad, and conditioning the world, in particular….dedicated Democrat voters of pending legal actions against their favorite politicians and former agency heads, is necessary because WE can conclude, gematria algorithms predicts massive chaos in the vent thereof, if the people are not prepared for it.

You decide as you (carefully) watch the SerialBrain 2 video….

—Dave Bertrand

SerialBrain2: Nadler activated by the CABAL to continue the witch hunt. (part 3) – Video

Predictive Programming and Subliminal Messaging: How They Work and Why Some People Are Immune

By Daisy Luther of

Today, just for fun, we’re going to go down the rabbit hole of how entertainment and the media manipulate people. Some of this is sheer speculation, some if it is provable fact, and all of it requires that you don your full array of tinfoil. If you want to go even deeper, this book will blow your mind.

This has been going on for decades. These techniques are used to reduce resistance to upcoming tyranny, to change opinions of large groups of people and let them think it was their own idea, and to subtly program the brains of the masses while they think they’re just enjoying some entertainment.

The only good news in this article is that some of us are less susceptible to this type of manipulation. How do we become less susceptible? By understanding how it all works we build up sort of an immunity. We see when we are being subjected to these shenanigans a lot more readily and are able to say, “Hey – that’s not how I feel about this topic at all.”

What is predictive programming?

There have been tons of articles and almost as many theories about predictive programming. Predictive programming is when events are depicted in a movie or TV show that later come to pass.

You can search and come up with hundreds of hits for movies and shows ranging from the ‘Sandy Hook’ Map in Dark Knight Rises to The Simpsons Predicting the Ebola Outbreak and the Death of Prince. Oh – and the author of the Hunger Games Trilogy Suzanne Collins lives in Sandy Hook and her books deal with child sacrifices…I’m just sayin’.

Weird, right?

At least sometimes, coincidences do happen. For example, in 1898 Morgan Robertson wrote a novel called Futility about a ship called the Titan that hit an iceberg on its maiden voyage. 14 years later the Titanic sank, after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage! You can read more about the similarities between the book and the real event here. Now, in this case, I really doubt that the author arranged for the White Star Line to commission a ship, called the Titanic and then had it sink in mid-April after hitting an iceberg the first time it left port.

Other forms of predictive programming aren’t so clairvoyant or specific but are predictive in that they reflect a way of life.

So why would they do this?

It is proposed that by mimicking a change that is desired by those in power, resistance to that change can be minimized because people have seen it happen already. It’s easier for them to accept the change because it has been normalized through the media.

The article goes on to link significant terror events like 9/11 and 7/7, as well as events like the moon landing. It’s a really great piece until you get to the conclusion and he says it’s all baloney, even after he provided a ton of interesting evidence to support the case of predictive programming as a tool of familiarization.

When I lived in Canada, I noticed that they expressed the message that guns were terrifying on a regular basis on Canadian TV. The popular show Flashpoint was a police procedural about an SRU team in Toronto. (SRU is the Canadian version of SWAT.) Whenever a civilian saw a person with a gun, a gun in a car, or a gun in a desk drawer, they completely freaked out. They immediately phoned the police, and sometimes they hid in closets, whispering in terror to the 911 operator. They needed to be saved because, by golly, guns kill you. Guns are strictly controlled in Canada, and this was just a reinforcement of the message that the government was protecting citizens by keeping firearms away from them, as well as the message that you must immediately phone the officials should one be seen.

What is subliminal messaging?

Subliminal messaging is way more subtle than predictive programming.

Messages are “played” to individuals or the public without them being aware of it. The message may be a visual ‘flash’ in a series of other pictures that you don’t consciously pick up on but your subconscious registers the image.

One example would be a movie where frame 25 in a sequence of 40 images moving at 30 frames per second flashes the name of a product, a person, or whatever other information the producers wanted you to “take in.” Even if you don’t believe in your conscious mind that subliminal messaging can have any effect on you…your unconscious mind has no such view, it accepts what’s sent to it without question.

When companies advertise, politicians stand on the stage, or gangs roam down the street, we see their colors – the sign, symbol, or slogan that defines them. It’s all marketing and branding, and subliminal messaging can get that message into your brain without you knowingly visualizing it.

And it works. A multi-million dollar industry has been created from self-help tapes and CD’s that are played while a person sleeps to improve some aspect of the person’s life. Experiments with inserting a subliminal message about snacks right before a break in a movie increased snack sales during the break. This technique is heavily used by companies with products to sell.

The uncomfortable thing is, unless you instructed someone to put the messages in there or you put them there yourself, there is no way you can know if you are being subjected to such suggestions.

So what happens if the messages we are ‘receiving’ aren’t just about buying a soda and some popcorn? What if they are rather more insidious in nature? What if we are being manipulated every time we turn on a TV, watch a movie or even turn on our computers?
Some of us are aware of the “dumbing down” of our young people, their total addiction to their smartphones, tablets and laptops, the hours and hours they watch TV. Kids are completely addicted to their screens. If “someone” wanted to use screens as mind-control methods, then it makes perfect sense to get kids dependent upon those screens while they’re young. They can be programmed from the very beginning to be good little consumers and to pay for it by being wage slaves. Nearly everyone has a smartphone these days, which means we all carry a mind-control device around in our purses or pockets.

Why doesn’t it work on some of us?

Taking it a step further, what if some people are genetically more susceptible than others? What if some of us are immune to this constant bombardment of images, words, and ideas that most people seem to buy into without question?

Could this be the difference between the vast majority of the people and those of us are that are awake and aware? Are we just mutants? Is this why I can explain this stuff until I lose my voice and just get a blank stare from people who think I am the crazy one?

The vast majority of people in the United States are completely accepting of the official message:

  • They believe that the government will be there to save them in all circumstances.

  • They don’t question or inquire. They simply accept what they are told.

  • They don’t share our fears that something big is on the horizon.

  • They exist in a bubble and don’t look at the bigger picture.

  • They refuse to prepare for bad things because they honestly don’t believe it’s possible that those things will happen.

Most people like us (those who are aware, the self-sufficient minority) watch less TV than the masses. Some of us watch no TV at all. I watch a few shows on Netflix or Amazon Prime, but we don’t have cable TV with its commercials and *cough* news. We have other things to do, things that will help us when there are soldiers on the streets “for our own protection.” Things that will help our kids survive when the store shelves are empty and the majority relies on government rations to live (if they behave well enough to get one that is, and behave they will because hunger is a massive motivator to do as you’re told.)

Even if you have a tendency to be mind-controlled, it’s possible to snap out of it. I wasn’t always the tinfoil-clad blogger you see before you today. When I was in my early 20s, I truly did believe that the government agencies like the EPA and the FDA were looking out for our best interests, that food or medicine wouldn’t be sold if it was harmful, and that schools truly were in the business of educating children. Most of us have to shake off our early training at the hands of the education system and the television.

And sort of like in the movie, The Matrix, if you can get someone to swallow the red pill, they become a lot less willing to believe whatever they’re fed.

Subliminal messaging can change people’s views, can change the way they think, can change what they want to eat, what car they want to buy, maybe even how they vote. All you need is the cash to get your message out there and buy a few split seconds of screen time.

It can sow the seeds that make acceptance of abnormal and dangerous situations easier. It can teach people not to question and to be good little sheep.

Sitting for hours in front of the television mindlessly watching the drivel produced by companies who call it “entertainment” is brainwashing people and turning them into idiots, making the best current day example of predictive programming the movie Idiocracy.

All you have to do is look around and you’ll see that it’s here.

READ MORE……………….

From the Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Your Comments Are Welcomed and Can Be Published Unless You Specify Otherwise.

Retired Int’l Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727), Former (State) Law Enforcement, U.S. Customs (UC) Sector 5, Vietnam era Veteran (Korea), Embry Riddle Aeronautical University & University of Alaska (Undergraduate), Interests include Border Security, 9/11 Conspiracy, Government Corruption, New World Order, Freedom vs Communism, Secret Space Programs & UFO Encounters, Aviation, and Enjoy Living Off-The-Grid.

Read Past Bertrand Daily Reports: /v3/search/?q=dave+bertrand&sa=




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