Israel Trying to Rebuild the Temple: with Prophetic Implications
This article may be accessed online at the following link: Rebuilding the Temple
JERUSALEM (Christian Examiner) – Israel is preparing to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque – the third holiest site in Islam – in order to rebuild the Temple, the head of the Palestinian News Agency has alleged in a Nazi-style commentary on the Maan Network.
During the commentary on how the Jews will only enjoy security under Arab rule, Editor-in-Chief Nasser Al-Laham said the Jews prophetic expectations of salvation are to blame for recent tensions over the site. The allegation is not new on the Palestinian street, but it is less commonly voiced publicly among social and political leaders.
Al-Laham, however, said, “Now, they want to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to build a false temple, so they prepared nine red cows, four calves, a rabbi, a Maimonides, stolen gold and a scabies stricken goat, and said that they were looking for the Messiah’s donkey. The have turned the stables of our horses into a (wailing) wall for their tears”.
Editor’s Note: It will definitely be a false temple. Even if they were actual blood Jews rather than Khazarian Ashkenazi imposters calling themselves Jews, it would be a false temple. Scripture appears to indicate there will be an end-times temple. Of course, the Spirit of God will not be present – It was not present at Herod’s temple. The temple of the Holy Spirit is within the presence (heart) of every believer and follower of Jesus Christ. The actual existence of a third stone temple has been heavily debated among Bible teachers and others. Time will tell and answer the question.
According to Muslim lore, Muhammad flew to Jerusalem in the middle of the night on a winged horse – called Buraq – described as smaller than a mule but bigger than a donkey. Muslims believe he tied up his horse at the Western Wall (Wailing Wall), making the site where Jews pray also sacred to Muslims. The area was allegedly used as a stable by Muslims after they conquered Jerusalem.
The mosque, on the supposed temple site, wasn’t constructed until after Muhammad’s death in A.D. 632 by Umar, the first caliph to succeed him.
Al-Laham said the Jews, however, see the Temple Mount as holy in their faith. They are still looking for a permanent home, he said.
“[They are – the Khazarians] another wandering generation of Jews seeking an identity, seeking a savior and searching in our homes and under our feet for the remains of the shattered Menorah,” Al-Laham said. “They have always had and always will have this security only under the protection of an Arab state. They tried and will try to establish a state for the Jews, and to hide behind the Wall, but in the words of the poet, ‘life of eternity is unfeasible.’”
Editor’s Note: In my opinion, the “identity” being seeked by the Khazarian Jews is a one world government with them as the elite entities and all remaining humans as a servant or slave pandering to the needs and desires of the Khazars. Are they really seeking a savior? Perhaps the few religious individuals are looking for the appearance of a Messiah figure that matches their preconceived concepts of a warrior-leader with the appearance of their concept of a King David figure.
The news chief also went through a litany of claims from Jewish history about the Jews being expelled from each location where they have lived. He said they had wandered in the Sinai for 40 years and “it seems they are wandering even today north of Sinai; that is, in Palestine.”
“They came like locusts and we fed them oranges and gave them fresh water, until they bit the hand that was extended to help them, and perpetuated massacres against their hosts. They came as guests, hungry and naked. They were sick with scabies, typhoid, measles and malaria,” Al-Laham said.
Editor’s Note: The book of Joel has had various explanations and interpretations throughout the years which will not be reviewed. However, chapter one appears to be describing an actual locust infestation. Chapter 2 appears to be an army of entities described with the characteristics of a locust infestation. Could this army of invaders be the Khazarian and Edomite terrorists called the Irgun, Stern, Lehi, Haganah, Palmach gangs of 1930’s Zionism?
“We treated them, and we gave them refuge near our children. … In the words of the poet, ‘the mud forgot that it is nothing but lowly mud, and got arrogantly out of control.’”
Claims that the Jews want to rebuild the Temple began in the 1920s when Haj Amin Al-Husseini was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Al-Husseini allied with Adolf Hitler during World War II.
Even today, however, the rebuilding of the Temple is feared by Palestinians. In September, for instance, flyers were distributed after evening prayers at a mosque in Hebron that showed the al-Aqsa mosque in flames and warning of its impending destruction by the Jews so the Temple could be rebuilt.
Editor’s Note: The Palestinians fear the temple rebuilding will mean their annihilation. The Palestinians are not Edomites regardless of the confused mind of David Bay and they do not live in Turkey. The Edomites were integrated into the Jewish (Judahite) culture during the Maccabean Hasmonean wars prior to the birth of Christ and the invasion of the Romans. The Edomites were erased as a culture and became Jews.
On October 15, Al-Jazeera, the Arab television network, launched a report on the futility of “messianic zealots” attempting to rebuild the Temple.
“The Temple Institute, largely funded by contributions from Jews abroad, has been preparing to replace the Dome of the Rock with a Third Temple to include barefoot priests, burnt offerings and even Internet connectivity. Designers at the organization’s Old City office have hatched architectural plans — along with trumpets, lyres and a golden menorah — as part of what the organization’s Chaim Richman describes as the fulfillment of the long-held Zionist dream and the coming of the messiah. The group aims to bypass religious rules against being in proximity to the Holy of Holies through an arcane purification ritual in which Cohanim (high priests) are doused in the ashes of a sacrificed heifer on which almost every hair was red,” Al-Jazeera reported.
Another group, Har HaKodesh, has also posted a 3-D online rendering of how the Third Temple could appear in Jerusalem. If the rendering is accurate, it would cover both the site of the Al-Aqsa mosque as well as the Dome of the Rock, where the Temple was most likely located. It would also be significantly larger than the Second Temple.
Many Palestinians also saw a recent interview with Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s deputy foreign minister, as a sign that the Jews were preparing to reclaim the Temple Mount. Hotovely told the Knesset Channel her dream “is to see the Israeli flag flying over the Temple Mount. This is the holiest place for the Jewish people.”
Yoel Hasson, a member of the Zionist Union in the Kenneset said Hotovely, a “messianic deputy minister” with the “stubbornness of a donkey,” was trying to incite the entire Middle East. Hotovely later said she was expressing her personal opinion and not official policy.
Israel has every rite to rebuild there temple. The sooner the Al-Aqsa Mosque is destroyed the better our world will be.
On the staggering errors in this article …
It says NINETEEN (19) times in the New Testament … that Israel and the redemption of Israel is CHRISTIANITY.
Please allow me to ask … what are you people reading ? ? ?
More like the below listed at > >
- – - – - – - – - -
Catholic writing of Saint John 1:49 >
“Nathanael answered him, and said: Rabbi, thou art the Son of God, thou art the King of * Israel *”.
Catholic writing of Saint Luke 2:32 >
“A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people * Israel *.”
Catholic writing in Acts of the Apostles 13:23 >
“Of this man’s seed God according to His promise, hath raised up to * Israel * a Saviour, Jesus.”
Catholic writing of Saint Luke 1:68
“Blessed be the Lord God of * Israel *; because He hath visited and wrought the redemption of His people.”
Catholic writing in Acts of the Apostles 9:15 >
“This man is to … carry My name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of * Israel *.”
Etc, etc, etc – See it now ? Good.
- – - – - – - – - -
C A U T I O N: The Catholic Church has had *zero* … physical properties, priests, and bishops since 8 December 1965 … because of the Sources of Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy.
Mountains of proof >
Photographic proof >
Abjuration of heresy to become Christian >
(Abjuration takes 45 minutes)
Not really, Mike, what exactly is your point? Oh and there’s issues with the Roman Rite that go back further than 65′.
I’m not certain what point you are trying to make, but it could be the following quote.
[QUOTE] It says NINETEEN (19) times in the New Testament … that Israel and the redemption of Israel is CHRISTIANITY. [UNQUOTE]
I don’t actually understand what you are upset about. The Bible does not say the redemption of Israel is Christianity. Israel will be redeemed but Israel is the northern ten tribes which went by the name “Israel” with the southern kingdom going by the name of Judah. Only Judahites or those of Judah were in Judea or Idumea (It was never called Israel in the New Testament. If you think it was called Israel then you are mistaken.) The good figs of Jeremiah 24 followed Jesus as the Messiah and King of Judah (the Kingdom of God). The bad figs of Jeremiah 24 did not follow Him and were disinherited as rotten figs as prophesied in Jeremiah 24 and by Jesus. The church is the true Israel and the true Judah-ites of today. They are servants of the King of Judah, the Messiah, the Son of God, Jesus Christ. The first christians were of the tribe of Judah and Benjamin. Jesus is the roots and the trunk of the fig tree. The early Judah-ites are a branch of the fig tree and various (gentiles) or nationalities are also branches grafted onto the fig tree but the trunk of the fig tree is Jesus Christ of the tribe of Judah.
Luke 19:27 KJV But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
Strong’s, Thayer’s, and the Word Study Greek dictionaries may it clear that the word “Israel” as used in the New Testament is the name given to Jacob by God.
Thayer Definition:
Israel = “he shall be a prince of God”
1) the name given to the patriarch Jacob (and borne by him in addition to his former name)
2) the family or descendants of Israel, the nation of Israel
3) Christians, the Israel of God (Gal_6:16), for not all those who draw their bodily descent from Israel are true Israelites, i.e. are those whom God pronounces to be Israelites and has chosen to salvation
The current group of people calling themselves Jews are Khazarian (south of Russia) or an Edomite mixture because all Edomites were integrated into the Jewish population during the Maccabean Hasmonean wars. It was been said the Sephardim jews who first settled in Spain are the only real Jews alive today.
As an afterthought I would like to say that using Catholicism, SDA, JW, or any denominational bias has absolutely no effect on me. I am a student of the Bible – no more and no less. I have also noticed that Catholic commenters seem to always appear angry and hot headed, completely unlike Jesus Christ or the teachings of Jesus concerning the actions and thoughts of Christians. I will pray for you.
“Michael” says . . Israel has every rite to rebuild there temple. The sooner the Al-Aqsa Mosque is destroyed the better our world will be.
This comment is typical of a dumbed down American adolescent that is total clueless – and he/it is not alone .
this is funny
go go go
there must be an end times temple. the antichrist, who the muslims says is their iman mahdi caliph, will stand in the temple. There must be a temple for him to stand in. This means there will be a third temple.
Also Jesus when he returns will go to the temple. This means there must be a temple.
See the scriptures below.
Hard question for muslim readers: if prophecy says there must be a third temple, why will you people not submit to the will of God and let it be built? You have not submitted to the will of God at all. There is room on the north end of the mount for a temple. Nothing has to be torn down.
Yeah, um, you might want to read Steve Fletcher 222′s blog again because according to him there is no physical third temple…
… Mr Fletcher correctly argues that “we” are the third temple.
[QUOTE] Mr Fletcher correctly argues that “we” are the third temple [UNQUOTE]
I believe I covered that.
[MY QUOTE] Of course, the Spirit of God will not be present – It was not present at Herod’s temple. The temple of the Holy Spirit is within the presence (heart) of every believer and follower of Jesus Christ. [MY UNQUOTE]
I also have my doubts there will be a third temple, but if there is……… No one but God has control whether the jews build a stone structure and call it a temple.
Yes you did, Ephraim, and when i read the linked article your comment came to mind so i thought to double up in suggesting CrowPie revisit the false trinity concept.
There may well be a so called third temple it will be counterfeit and i will have no part in it.
I appreciate the understanding. I was not attempting to argue with you. I actually got the order of comments misplaced and thought you were commenting to me rather than jknbt
Texan Jake, jknbt, jake-and-bait, is arguing for a prophetic 3rd Temple yet his 2nd link shreds any chance of it ever being ordained and i thought that little faux-pas too funny by halves.
“suggesting CrowPie revisit the false trinity concept.”
Um i’ve mixed up my thoughts and that should read…
“suggesting jknbt revisit the false 3rd Temple concept.”
Is that another one of your mistakes, Mayhem?
Sure was.
I had just finished writing a comment to you, in another thread, and got my wires crossed.
Silly me
just trying to give a little perspective.
sorry to so upset you…entirely my fault for putting myself out there…
there are protestant evangelicals that don’t like the whole idea of the temple…this may be the touchstone that leads to armageddon…we’ll see…
prophecy can’t fail or fall…it may take ww3 and an nuke going off over the temple mount for it to be scraped clean…a rough way to make room for fulfilled prophecy…
the jew’s objection at this point is that the messiah will rebuild the temple…they also said that the messiah would regather the diaspora into the land. God seems be be able to accomplish this before the second coming well enough. He will find a way to put a temple up on the mount, so that scripture will be fulfilled.
so pardon the faux-pas…
Can you provide Book, Chapter and Verse that proves a third temple will be built?
There is no need for a third temple. Actually there was no need for a second temple because the presence of God did not reside in it. The Gospels do not mention that any disciple ever offered a sacrifice and Jesus did not need to although it is not mentioned that He ever did.
Every believer is the token temple of God, although it has been said the individual temple is not totally filled with the spirit of God and will not be until the resurrection of saints and the transformation of the physical to the spiritual but I will not argue the point. That is why the word “token” is used – it is a partial filling and not a complete filling. The doctrinal truth of that statement is not provable by me.
However, just because a third temple is illegitimate and the believer is the temple of God does not mean the Jews cannot and will not build a temple. You or I could build a structure and call it the temple but that doesn’t actually make it the temple of God. Just because Fletcher (or anyone else) says there will not and can not be a Jew-structure referred to them as the temple does not make it so. If they build a physical structure and call it the temple, it will be a temple in their minds (and those of the Hebrew Roots movement) but it will not be THE temple and cannot be THE temple which is totally understood by me.
hey mayhem….to reply to your request….
the metaphor for meaning on top of meaning when reading the scripture is that of a great cathedral bell…it always has one major tone. There are many major and minor overtones also. Scriptures like those concerning the temple have resonant meaning like that. That’s why I did not quibble about the individual saint being a temple. Do a word search for temple using, and there are 363 uses in the NKJV. The meaning of the temple being the individual saint is expressed in 1 Cor 6:19-20, for example. A search for tabernacle gives 311 instances. The bible says a lot about the temple and taberanacle.
See the link for a discussion of the third temple:
this has several references that indicate a temple will be rebuilt, for ex:
“In the last days, the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established
as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and
peoples will stream to it. Many nations will come and say, “Come, let us
go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He
will teach us His ways, so that we may walk in His paths.” (Micah 4:1–2,
see also Isaiah 2:2)
there is no question that we are living in the last days. I am not advocating that it be built. I am only acknowledging that the bible says it will be rebuilt. I hope the temple institute people put it on mt. zion instead of mt. moriah. Every muslim from morocco to the philippenes will declare war on israel if they destroy the shrine or the mosque that is already there to make room for it.
see also:
the answer to the question is the third temple a spiritual temple or a physical temple can be answered with a “yes” since it will be both.
“In the last days, the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established
as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and
peoples will stream to it. Many nations will come and say, “Come, let us
go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He
will teach us His ways, so that we may walk in His paths.” (Micah 4:1–2,
see also Isaiah 2:2)
Mic 4:1 But it shall be in the end of the days (Greene’s Literal Translation)
Not trying to barge into this dialogue but the scripture you listed is referring to the Millennium reign of Jesus Christ – not the tribulation period leading up to the 2nd coming.
Did you catch what Ephraim is saying, Jake? You need to get your chronology sorted, friend.