Health: A Superior Multi Vitamin Your Body Can Absorb
In the world of health, vitamins are one of the keys to sustaining good health.
The problem with Multi Vitamins is that your body has to break them down from pill form to absorb the critical vitamins your body needs. This is where most vitamins fail.
But now there is a new multi vitamin that is easily absorb by your body, providing superior health benefits over all other multi Vitamins. Prodovite is made from all natural ingredients.
In the video below, you will get to see just how fast Prodovite works once you get it into your body. Prodovite® Supplement Live Blood Cell Imaging
Watch stunning before and after results of what an individual’s blood analysis looks like. The individual’s blood is first sampled, then this individual is given 1 ounce of the Prodovite® Multi-Vitamin. The Microscopist waits 5 minutes, and then takes another blood sample. This study demonstrates that Prodovite’s ingredients is Nutrition That Gets In®. Wait until you see the difference this product makes.
Support BeforeItsNews By Trying Prodovite (Far Superior To All Other Multi Vitamins) Or Any Of Our Other All Natural Great Health Products At
All natural ingredients your can count on for your health.
Astragalus is an ‘adaptogen’, meaning that it has a normalizing effect and improves the ability of an organism to adapt to environmental factors. Adaptogens interact with ‘stress response mediators’ involved in the regulation of homeostasis (maintain metabolic balance [or equilibrium]) for energy metabolism, the neuroendocrine system, and the immune system. As such, Astragalus is thought to help protect the body against various
stresses, including physical, mental, and/or emotional stress, and promote better immune competence.∗
Fo-Ti is believed to possess anti-aging/longevity promoting benefits. Research suggests that Fo-Ti contains an alkaloid with rejuvenating effects on the nerves, brain cells and endocrine glands. It supports and promotes competent adrenal function and helps to detoxify the body. It is also reported to boost the immune function and increase sexual vigor. It is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a liver and kidney tonic; a blood and vital essence toner; and to fortify muscles, tendons, and bones.*
Green tea has powerful antioxidant properties owing to its potent content of polyphenols, especially EGCG. These polyphenols are beneficial bioflavonoids that help increase the strength of the body’s connective tissues. This helps to reduce tissue fragility, providing increased protection against the initiation of inflammatory events.∗ GTE is reported to possess about 20 times more antioxidant power than vitamin C. The decaf form that we use removes the stimulating effects of caffeine.
It is used to improve muscle tone and reduce the potential for spasms. As it contains bioflavonoids, it also improves connective tissue strength, reducing the need to initiate inflammatory events, especially those related to the digestive system; supports a calming and stress relieving effect; and supports restful restorative sleep.∗
Rose hips are a potent natural source of CBFs. Aside from their roles as color pigments in plants, CBFs are best known as tissue builders and antioxidants. CBFs were originally called Vitamin P, supposedly because they improved membrane health and ‘permeability’. CBFs help reduce the need to initiate inflammatory events following tissue insult because they strengthen connective tissues. They also appear to reduce the fragility and susceptibility of connective tissue to injury from insulting airborne (inhaled), topical contact, and orally ingested allergens.∗
Being safer than caffeine, Eleuthero root extract helps reduce fatigue and enhance endurance, while also supporting calming effects. In addition, it supports energy and stamina, and strengthens the immune system. It is also reported to enhance focus and support liver function.∗
While not being renowned for this feature, Hawthorn berry is a beneficial source of flavonoids, especially OPCs. Its active ingredients include tannins, flavonoids (such as vitexin, rutin, quercetin, and hyperoside), oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs, such as epicatechin, procyanidin, and particularly procyanidin B-2), flavone-C, triterpene acids (such as ursolic acid, oleanolic acid, and crataegolic acid), and phenolic acids (such as caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, and related phenolcarboxylic acids). Hawthorne berry supports digestion and cardiovascular function. It helps to improve fatigue; normal heartbeat rhythms; exercise performance, tolerance, and breathing; and the strength with which the heart ejects blood into the arteries.∗
Not to be confused with the stimulant Kola nut, in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traditional Indian Medicine (Ayurvedic Medicine), Gotu kola is one of the chief herbs for revitalizing the nerves and brain cells. The plant has been referred to as “food for the brain”. This oriental herb has been shown to promote tranquility, stress relief, as well as improve mental functions such as focus, concentration, and memory. It is believed to fortify the immune system, both cleansing and feeding it, and to strengthen the adrenals. The herb’s calming properties help support restful sleep and calming one for yoga and meditative practices. It is commonly used to rebuild energy reserves, improve memory, and reduce fatigue, both mental and physical.∗ Gotu kola contains valuable glycosides and is a source of Vitamin K, magnesium, calcium and sodium.
Ginger helps to reduce the need to initiate inflammatory events by strengthening connective tissues, reducing fragility and susceptibility. It is ideal for boosting circulation, supporting blood pressure already within the normal range, and maintaining the proper thickness (viscosity) and fluidity of the blood. Ginger also helps support immune function. Ginger root is a medicinal herb used primarily to promote digestive comfort and reduce various types of discomfort after eating. It also supports controlled and voluntary muscle strength and stability.∗
Elderberries are a rich source of natural phytochemicals called flavonoids, which, when introduced into the body in foods, are called ‘bioflavonoids’. Flavonoids are also known as Vitamin P for ‘permeability factor’. That means they promote the strength, integrity, and permeability of all connective tissues, particularly the cell membranes. By strengthening tissues, flavonoids reduce tissue fragility and susceptibility to damage from various types of insults, including antigens/allergens and trauma. As such, they reduce the need to initiate inflammatory events, maintaining cellular health. Elderberry extract helps boost immune function, reducing the need for water retention and congestion. The flavonoids in Elderberry extract also provide antioxidant benefits and help support the body’s fight against viruses. Elderberry also helps support respiratory health. Laboratory studies have shown that elderberry helps maintain the healthy structure and function of the sinus membranes and reduces excessive sinus mucus secretion.∗
Many months of exhaustive research resulted in the formulation of Lignaloe™, a very special Proprietary GN14 Phytonutrient blend consisting of:
BiAloe®: Aloe vera has been renowned for centuries as a healing plant.∗ The leaf of the Aloe vera is purported to be filled with a gel containing at least 75 nutrients, 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, an array of nutritional sugars, and 200 active enzymes. The super-beneficial active ingredient in Aloe vera is acemannan. However, the natural chemical constituents of Aloe vera can be categorized in the following main areas: Amino acids, anthraquinones (mostly in the leaf itself), enzymes, lignins, minerals, mono- and polysaccharides, salicylic acid, saponins, sterols, and vitamins; it is pretty great stuff! This feature, by the way, is why the unique water extraction process is so very important to preserve and protect the maximum synergistic benefits all the natural components in the leaf gel.
BiAloe is a very special DSR0114 Water-Extracted Freeze Dried Certified Organic Aloe Vera Gel Powder. To achieve the best extract, BiAloe starts with unique (Organic) planting, harvesting, and proprietary processing methods. This results in an Aloe vera powder that is up to 10 times more potent than any commercially available Aloe vera. BiAloe® has the highest total Acemannan, the highest immunomodulatory Acemannan, and the highest bio-available Acemannan. While it is one of the most expensive Aloes made, it is the most cost-effective to use since it is up to 10 times more potent (and more complete) than other Aloe vera products. 87% of the Acemannan in BiAloe is from 5 Kda to 400 Kda (kilodaltons), which is the Immunomodulatory range. Scientific evidence indicates this range is ideal for Acemannan to be more bioavailable and bioactive. Other aloe products contain mostly high molecular weight Acemannan, and/or do not have the complete range of Acemannans, which are very important to the efficacy of the Aloe.
In keeping with our Quality Control standards, Victory Nutrition International (VNI) chose Lorand Labs as the Aloe supplier because it is the only company that routinely tests for Acemannan (Poly-Acetyl-Mannose) and reports the results. Some of the other Aloe suppliers feature carbohydrate levels, and others total polysaccharide content. But, precious few define the details of their product’s content; most don’t know. Our investigation determined that all of this rhetoric is designed to confuse investigators. If everyone talks about their products in different terms it is virtually impossible to compare apples to apples. Acemannan is the most important active ingredient whose beneficial effects are synergistically amplified in the presence of all the other naturally occurring wholly preserved components in BiAloe. Acemannan is a sub-group of Poly-Mannosides, which is a sub-group of Polysaccharides; which is a sub-group of Carbohydrates.
We also reviewed head-to-head comparisons of the different popular aloe products and confirmed our decision that BiAloe is the best product.
Proligna is a Water-Extracted Freeze Dried LPC108 Pinus sylvestris strobilus (Scotch Pine Cone [SPC]) extract supported by 14 patents. Proligna® is the result of at least 30 peer-reviewed studies demonstrating its effectiveness. Proligna extract was shown to increase the number of immune (Dendritic) cells up to 9 fold in less than 2 weeks. Dendritic cells determine the presence of pathogenic antigens (molecular ‘bad guys’) and then educate the rest of the Immune system to their presence so they can be destroyed. More precisely, dendritic cells present antigens to macrophages (immune cells known as ‘Big Eaters’) for destruction. Hence, dendritic cells are called ‘Antigen Presenting Cells’ [APC]. Antigens are harmful molecules foreign to the body that generally cause a health problem (a type of ‘pathogen’). Dendritic Cells have the broadest range of antigen presentation and are probably the most important APCs. Restoration of dendritic cells helps to bolster immune competence.∗
Without dendritic Immune cells, the Immune system cannot tell the difference between friend or foe and often ends up attacking the host body and not the ‘pathogens’. With higher levels of dendritic Immune cells, the Immune system is much more efficient in identifying true pathogens. Dendritic cells enable more effective immune attacks on harmful anaerobes (i.e. yeast, parasites, microbes, viruses, etc.). Proligna is also a rich source of lignans and saccharides. Research indicates that conjoining lignans with polysaccharides increases immune potentiating activities.∗
Victory Nutrition International (VNI) has invested in extensive scientific and technical due diligence to qualify ingredient selection. Then, rigorous quality control and analytical testing procedures are performed on every batch to ensure consistent and continued compliance with compositional quality standards.
Many of these ingredients individually have a significant amount of research demonstrating impressive health benefits. Collectively, these ingredients are the subject of Victory Nutrition International (VNI)’s proprietary research.
Click Here To Get Your Prodovite Today!
FAQ Questions and Answers
Q Can children take Prodovite?
A Yes, but first check with your Pediatrician to adjust the amount based on body weight.
Q There are many potent multiple vitamin and mineral supplements on the market. What makes Prodovite® better than some really great-looking multis?
A Prodovite® eliminates the need for ‘megadose supplements’. Prodovite® provides more complete absorption of its ingredient payload at a much faster rate AND for a longer period of time than conventional supplements. Moreover, Prodovite® contains some very special ingredients unavailable in any other multi technology. (Also see the answer on the Difference between Prodovite® and Whole Food Supplements and the answer on vitamins and minerals being chemical isolates.)
Q What is the difference between the Prodovite® and whole food supplements?
AThis is a well-intentioned question, but is not really feasible to assess. There are too many multiple nutrient products on the market to undertake a comparative analysis. Any comparison would be an ‘apples to oranges’ comparison since the Prodovite® technology represents a breakthrough in nutritional supplementation…no other technology compares. The comparison is not just about the nutrient content. It is about how the ingredients are prepared, processed, encapsulated in phospholipids, and delivered to the body that is strikingly different.
Moreover, we engage in scientific research to validate the beneficial effects of our supplements. Most other companies don’t. The best of them rely on the information supplied by the ingredient suppliers IF they use any evidence-based ingredients to begin with. Most of the others use ‘borrowed’ science’, which in most cases is actually ‘stolen’. That is, they use the scientific evidence from research on another company’s premium quality version to support sales of their cheaper copy-cat version. Or, they don’t say anything and hope the consumer stays ignorant and just buys the cheapest product because of the misleading claim that ‘it doesn’t really matter since they’re all the same anyway.’
While we use scientifically validated, evidence-based and branded ingredients, Victory commissions research on OUR finished products to validate their beneficial effects. There is no need for speculation or theoretical conjecture. Other companies need to do the same type of scientific validation if they want to have this information.
Q Vitamins and minerals in most supplements are chemical isolates created in a lab, and are fundamentally and bio-chemically not nearly as beneficial to the human body as total whole food supplements. Please comment.
A Based solely on the quality and diversity of ingredients, whole food supplements can be very beneficial as they are definitely superior to most conventional non-whole food supplements, that is, just USP vitamin and mineral products. Importantly, Prodovite® is a multivitamin, mineral, and botanical formulation, containing very beneficial botanical extracts (i.e. herbs and phytonutrients). If the nutritional ingredients in Prodovite® were in the same form as those nutrients in all of the other standard non-whole food-based multis, then it would NEVER be able to dramatically change the properties of the blood in only a few minutes, which it does. Moreover, and most importantly, you would NOT want to deliver whole food ingredients so rapidly into the blood. That could have disastrous results, ‘freaking out the immune system’ from the presence of undigested whole food components in the blood.
Keep in mind that after accidents, the number one cause of emergency room visits in this country is digestive problems. So, relying on food and whole supplements that require digestive processing (disintegration & dissolution) is not the best way to guarantee that the supplement ingredients get into the tissues where they are desperately needed…no matter how great the ingredients are or what the source is. The Prodosome® encapsulated ingredients in Prodovite® promote rapid absorption and utilization.
In addition, minerals are not made in a laboratory. They are sourced from the earth or sea. They are then put into a simulated digestive environment with proteins, amino acids, or other organic acids and allowed to react with and bind to the organic acids, forming a ‘chelated mineral’, bonding in a similar fashion as exists in food.
Prodovite® essentially achieves the end result of absorption and bioavailability intended by the digestive process in only a few minutes. With the epidemic of digestive maladies, delivering the nutritional payload directly to the blood in a ‘body friendly’ form in such a short time is an extraordinary achievement.
Q Why is cyanocobalamin used as the source of vitamin B12 in Prodovite® instead of the active methylcobalamin form?
A We appreciate and agree with the desire to have only the best ingredients in the product. The ‘best’ ingredients also must be the ‘most appropriate’ ingredients. Cyanocobalamin is an especially common form in the vitamin B12 family. It is the most famous vitamer of the family, because it is, in chemical terms, the most air and water stable. So, the primary reason for using Cyanocobalamin is that Prodovite® is a liquid and methylcobalamin is a much less stable form of B12 than the ‘cyano’ form. In addition, vitamin B12 is very fragile, requiring cofactors for digestion and absorption (i.e. ‘Intrinsic Factor’) significantly reducing its absorption potential. The Low Shear TBJet Compression of ALL the ingredients, followed by the EFIquence™ Technology Prodosome® process of the now-reduced and uniformly sized ingredient particles, eliminates the need of an extended digestive process. As such, B12 absorption is much higher when it is encapsulated within the Prodosome® sphere.
Q Why is alcohol listed as an ingredient in Prodovite?
A A small amount of USP alcohol is used in the Prodosome® production process. The amount of alcohol remaining in the product is extremely small. Most botanical extracts use alcohol both in the extraction process AND as a carrier to optimize absorption of the botanical, since alcohol absorbs rapidly. The amount of alcohol in Prodovite® is nowhere near enough to pose a problem for anyone with an issue with alcohol, especially if it is diluted in water. In addition, this very small amount of alcohol serves as a mild preservative.
Q Why is ascorbic acid used for the vitamin C and not a whole food C complex?
A Once vitamin C is IN the blood, it is no longer a complex food source but has been reduced to its simple chemical form via digestion. Using ascorbic acid is an appropriate form to deliver vitamin C quickly into the blood stream with the SK713 SLP Prodosome® delivery technology. (See also the answer on the Difference between Prodovite® and Whole Food Supplements.)
Q I take a bisphosphonate drug to build my bone density. Can I take Prodovite® as well?
A In the body, cells are created, have a functional life, and then they die; they actually turn themselves off in a sort of cell-suicide process (called “apoptosis” which leads to necrosis [cell death]). Normally, the body disposes of those dead cells. In the case of bone, bisphosphonate drugs prevent the disposal of those dead bone cells, making the bones denser (with dead bone cells) because they build up. While the bone does get ‘thicker’ and denser, numerous consequences have been reported with this forced retention of dead bone cells. A number of the other functions of the bones (like making red and white blood cells) can also be impaired, leading to unhealthy outcomes. Importantly, instructions for taking these bisphosphonate drugs include recommendations to supplement with Calcium and vitamin D. These instructions validate the need to continue to invest in building healthy bones and tissues whether you are taking these drugs or not! So, YES, continue to take Prodovite® for your health.
Q Lots of competitors quote the Physicians Desk Reference saying that liquid vitamins are absorbed at a 98% rate verses only about 10-20% of vitamins that are capsules or tablet form. And yet there are articles alleging that that statement is misleading. What is the correct answer?
A A liquid delivery alone is not adequate to produce such a high rate of absorption. If you can’t disintegrate a tablet within 30 minutes, chances are very high that you won’t be able to properly digest the ingredients in a liquid either. In addition, the contents of the liquid are crucial determinants of how well they will be ‘digested.’ Prodovite® is NOT ‘just’ a liquid supplement. It is unique and superior owing to its premium quality ingredients, proprietary production process, and the SK713 SLP Prodosome® encapsulation technology.
You need to make sure you have all the resources you need to stay ahead of today’s fast paced life. You are made of Air, Water, Food, and Sunshine. The importance of each of those things can be measured by how long you live without them.
So, air and water are the two most important to staying alive. Moreover, the quality of your health is directly proportional to and dependent on the quality and usability of those factors.
Food (nutrition) is what enables your body to use air, water, and sunshine; and Prodovite enables your body to make better use of your food as well. Prodovite® is a liquid multivitamin, mineral, and phytonutrient complex that uses an exclusive Prodosome® Encapsulation Technology to promote rapid and sustainable absorption of its nutritional ingredients.
Prodovite® provides nutrients that enable your body to achieve the best use of air (oxygen), water, and sunshine; and supports optimal health, energy and vitality by simultaneously delivering quality bioavailable and bioactive ingredients into the body quickly and effectively.
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