Trump’s Latest on Climate: Right Again! (re UK’s Piers Corbin, Prince Charles)
“I believe there’s a change in weather, and I think it changes both ways. Don’t forget, it used to be called ‘global warming,’ that wasn’t working, then it was called ‘climate change.’ Now it’s actually called ‘extreme weather,’ because with extreme weather you can’t miss.” (Donald Trump to Piers Morgan, “ITV Good Morning Britain Show,” June 5, 2019)
President Donald Trump deserves a prize from classical liberals for his position on climate change. In fact, I challenge any conservative, libertarian, or classical liberal to offer a better example of courage in the face of government activism and political correctness in recent times.
In terms of energy policy, despite negative international trade issues (see
(here, here, and here for my tariff misgivings), President Trump is arguably the most free-market energy President in U.S. history. He has reset the tome and politics of fossil-fuel sustainability, and he is leading the world by example.
The Paris climate agreement (“a fraud … a fake … just bullshit,” stated James Hansen, the father of the climate alarm) was doomed to fail, but its failure is being accelerated by Trump’s declaration of the US pulling out of the Paris accord.
MasterResource has posted regularly on President Trump’s bold climate/energy agenda.
- “Statement by President Trump on the Paris Climate Accord (two-year anniversary Saturday)” (May 30, 2019)
- “Trump vs. the Green New Deal” (May 16, 2019)
- “Trump Administration Stays on Track on Big Energy Picture” (November 1, 2017)
- “Trump Deflates Paris: Nod to James Hansen, Rebuke to John Holdren” (June 2, 2017)
- “President-Elect Trump’s Climate/Energy Policy: 100-Day Action Plan a Good Start” (January 19, 2017)
And maybe my favorite, “Climategate: Never Forget (President-elect Trump hasn’t),” published in November 2016, where Trump told the editorial board of the New York Times:
[Climate change is] a very complex subject. I’m not sure anybody is ever going to really know…. they say they have science on one side but then they also have those horrible emails that were sent between the [Climategate] scientists…. Terrible. Where they got caught, you know, so you see that and you say, what’s this all about. I absolutely have an open mind.
Three-day UK State Visit
Now comes the latest: Trump’s interview with Piers Morgan on “Good Morning Britain” where he made these comments (as reported in The Hill under the title “Trump Dismisses Prince Charles’s Climate Concerns, Says Weather Changes ‘Both Ways‘”).
I believe there’s a change in weather, and I think it changes both ways. Don’t forget, it used to be called ‘global warming,’ that wasn’t working, then it was called ‘climate change.’ Now it’s actually called ‘extreme weather,’ because with extreme weather you can’t miss.
On the meeting with Prince Charles, which went from a scheduled 15 minutes to 90 because of the Charles’s zealotry regarding climate change. Notice the politeness of Trump in the face of a doomsayer who obviously went on way too long:
He is really into climate change, and I think that’s great. What he really wants and what he really feels warmly about is the future. He wants to make sure future generations have climate that is good climate, as opposed to a disaster, and I agree.
I did say [to Prince Charles], ‘Well, the United States right now has among the cleanest climates there are based on all statistics.’ And it’s even getting better because I agree with that we want the best water, the cleanest water. It’s crystal clean, has to be crystal clean clear.
On environmental policy versus the narrower issue of climate change:
China, India, Russia, many other nations, they have not very good air, not very good water, and the sense of pollution and cleanliness,” the president continued. “If you go to certain cities — I’m not going name but I can — you can’t even breathe, and now that air is going up.
Trump rocks when it comes to climate. Consumers, taxpayers, and forgotten citizens applaud.
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