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X22Reports: POTUS Demands Sanctions Against Dems! What! | [CB] Trapped Nowhere to Hide, the Plan Is Now in Plain Sight | Limbaugh Pegs the 1 Name Leading Coup Against Trump | Q News (Videos)

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A lawsuit filed by the Democratic National Committee against Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign should be dismissed and those who filed it sanctioned and ordered to pay the costs, according to a new court filing. The arguments were outlined in a Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Defendant Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.’s Motion for Rule 11 Sanctions.

PLUS ADP employment growth slows, the [CB] system continues to implode on itself. Certain Republicans are now fighting Trump’s tariffs.Trump for months has mentioned that the Fed should cut rates are start stimulus because the market would take off, its happening. The [CB] is struggling to control the narrative, new story, Italy is to blame, Italy now has other plans. —




‘The DNC has refused to accept reality’

A lawsuit filed by the Democratic National Committee against Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign should be dismissed and those who filed it sanctioned and ordered to pay the costs, according to a new court filing.

The arguments were outlined in a Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Defendant Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.’s Motion for Rule 11 Sanctions.

It was filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

It came in the case titled Democratic National Committee v. The Russian Federation et al.

It goes directly to the heart of the matter, “The DNC brings six claims against the campaign, all based on the theory that the campaign agreed with Russia to steal and disseminate DNC materials.”

But, the filing points out, the report from FBI special counsel Robert Mueller “refutes the notion.”

In fact, the DNC doubled down, the document informs.

“After being served with the campaign’s Rule 11 motion the DNC still refuses to withdraw its claims against the campaign,” the court filing explains.

That’s even though the “report makes clear that the DNC will never be able to prove the key allegations underlying all of its claims against the campaign.”

The problem the filing identified is that, “The DNC … has refused to accept this reality. In fact, just hours after the report’s public release, the DNC filed its Omnibus Opposition to Defendants’ Motions to Dismiss, in which it emphatically doubled down on its now demonstrably false insistence that the campaign joined in Russia’s election-interference activities.”

The result, the filing said, is that the DNC is insisting on its plans to “proceed with a politically motivated sham case … all in a doomed effort to prove a falsehood.”

The filing argues that the Democrats’ have been following “frivolous legal theories” that now have been exposed “as resting on frivolous factual fantasies,” and they are violating their obligations under court rules and “should be sanctioned by having all of their claims dismissed with prejudice and being ordered to reimburse the campiagn for all fees and costs it incurs as a result of the DNC’s disregard for the truth.”

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[DS] Moves To Hide The Evidence From Public, Countermove Already In Place

X22Report   Trump calls out Biden for plagiarizing. Manafort is now being sent to Rikers. Nadler still wants Mueller to testify. Judge Sullivan will not release the tapes of Flynn and Kislyak. Trump admin says since their is no Russian collusion the DNC lawsuit should be dropped. Ukraines president says he wants peace with Russia. The [DS] begins the process of trying to block as many outlets it can to try to control the narrative when the evidence is produced. The patriots already have a plan in place to deal with this.

[CB] Trapped No Where To Hide, The Plan Is Now In Plain Sight, Its’ Happening


World #Patriot News- Narrative shift U.K./AUS

Space Shot 76  Here it is, the man himself, who allegedly wrote the Steele dossier will testify to United States investigators, what he will say and what he’s already said regarding the dossier while under oath in another case, I find it unlikely he will change his story, which is that the dossier, for brevity, was a load of unverified crap. Can’t wait to see how this plays out, also did POTUS45 order McStains ship to be out of sight? Kinda a dud as the story I show you from 2018 tells you all you need to know about how POTUS45 feels about John McStain.

#GlobalDominance Is Being RECLAIMED…Power Of Peace!

Just Informed Talk


McAllister TV


Rule 11 actually provides “that, when filing any ‘pleading, written motion, or other paper,’ or ‘later advocating’ positions contained in such submissions, a party’s counsel ‘certifies,’ among other things, that ‘to the best of the person’s knowledge, information, and belief, formed after an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances,’ the ‘factual contentions have evidentiary support or, if specifically so identified, will likely have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity for further investigation or discovery.’”

Courts therefore generally have ruled that when a party learns its allegations are “utterly lacking” in support, they are obligated to dismiss.

The filing explains, “the special counsel’s report completely discredits the DNC’s efforts to infer an agreement between the campaign and Russia based on the March 2016 Papadopoulos-Mifsud interactions and the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting. As a result, the DNC cannot even allege when the supposed conspiracy came into existence.”

“First, the court should dismiss all of the DNC’s claims against the campaign with prejudiced, as this is the only way to end the DNC’s violation of its Rule 11 obligations. Second, the court should require the DNC to reimburse the attorneys’ fees and costs the campiagn has incurred…”

BizPacReview reported the Democrats refused to drop their case.

In a letter sent to the Trump campaign just days ago, DNC lawyer Joseph Sellers claimed, “[T]he Special Counsel’s Report does not ‘refute’ the DNC’s claim that the Trump Campaign conspired with Russia. Rather, the Report methodically compiles evidence that the Trump Campaign participated in Russia’s plan to interfere in the 2016 election.”


#economy #finance #Qanon #politics


‘This was a Clinton-inspired, motivated, bought-and-paid for operation’

The “coup attempt,” as President Trump has described it, centering on the now-debunked claim that his campaign colluded with Russia, originated with one person, contends radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh.

And that sole figure is none other than Hillary Clinton.

He explained on Tuesday that H.A. Goodman, in a column in the Federalist, put the pieces together.

Limbaugh said that “every bit of everything we know or think we know – every news item, every little bit of information that fed this narrative the past two years or three now, that Trump colluded with Russia – came not from American intelligence, not from British intelligence. It didn’t come from FBI intelligence.”

“It came from the Hillary Clinton campaign,” he said.

First, there was the Steele dossier, the political opposition research document she “commissioned and paid for.”

He said that among the foot soldiers of the campaign against Trump were fired FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan.

”I actually believe – and I’m kind of slapping myself upside the head for not putting this together sooner, and maybe some of you out there did. I actually think that the architect of all of this is Hillary Clinton, that Hillary Clinton is responsible for this coup – and then people like Comey and others in the Obama administration. … It’s hard to separate Obama and Hillary. But this was a Hillary bought-and-paid-for, led-by operation. And it incorporated the Obama DOJ,” he said.

“But they were all doing what they were doing for her! The first thing they had to do was exonerate her from doing something illegal with her email server and trafficking in classified data and then the Uranium One thing,” he explained.

So Comey did “exactly” that.

“After that, the project became, ‘Make sure Trump doesn’t win, make sure Hillary does. And when that didn’t happen, it was focus efforts on somehow getting rid of Trump. But the point is that all of this. … Some of you might say, ‘No, Rush! It’s Obama.’ Yeah, I think Obama’s. … You can’t take him out of this because all of this happened while he was president,” Limbaugh said.

After all, Obama appointed the heads of the FBI, the CIA and other agencies.

“But this was a Hillary Clinton-inspired, motivated, bought-and-paid for operation, everywhere you look in this thing. McCabe’s wife got money from the Clintons and her campaign in Virginia. Steele paid for by the Clintons. Weissmann (Mueller’s guy) was on stage with Hillary during her concession speech and was a big donor. Alexander Downer, the Australian ambassador that supposedly nails Papadopoulos? These people are all part of the Clinton Foundation or the Clinton campaign.”

He said many people may have thought Clinton was “minding her own business” during her campaign.

“And that’s not who Hillary Clinton is. We know who she is. We know who she’s always been, and this is exactly the kind of operation Hillary Clinton always mounted when her husband was in the White House. She was always a humongous left-wing activist. In fact, when Bill Clinton was in the White House they played the roles.

“Bill Clinton played the moderate, middle of the road guy ’cause he had to get the votes. He had to get the votes from both sides. But she was the ideologue. She was the radical activist. She always has been. You add that her nose was way out of joint because she lost and she’s got sour grapes,” he said.

Limbaugh believes Clinton had the Democratic primaries rigged against Bernie Sanders and likely thought the general election was hers to take.

“All that had to happen was the election had to take place. It was a guaranteed, automatic Hillary win because they didn’t take Trump, seriously. They thought there’s no way this guy can win,” he said.

“She didn’t even go to Wisconsin or Ohio or any of the states because it was just Trump, he had no hope, and she believed all their polls that showed her winning in a landslide.

“You talk about sour grapes and sore loser, this nation is paying the price for the most cheated-on woman in America being in a perpetual state of PMS or however you want to describe it.”

Limbaugh said, “I mean, everybody involved in this has a tight relationship with her or her foundation or her husband, donors, board members, you name it.”

The author of the anti-Trump dossier, former British spy Christopher Steele, “went to the FBI to get an investigation started and then leaked the existence of the investigation, with the hope of sinking Trump’s presidential aspirations.”

“On its face, it is arguably the most devious political dirty trick in American history and one of the most overt intrusions of a foreigner into a U.S. election,” he said. “Screw Russia. How about Steele? You want to talk about foreign intervention in an election. … Christopher Steele, a British spy who went out and was fed phony items of intelligence by Russian spies that were friends of his, and that’s what made up the Steele dossier.

“Trump didn’t do any of the collusion. Hillary did, with Steele. The foreign collusion was Hillary and Steele using Russians,” he said.



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