Geoengineering, Weather Modification, Stratospheric Aerosols (Chemtrails) - A Wake-up Video!
Published on Apr 23, 2016
Contrail, also called condensation trail or vapour trail, streamer of cloud sometimes observed behind an airplane flying in clear cold humid air. It forms upon condensation of water vapour produced by the combustion of fuel in airplane engines. When the ambient relative humidity is high, the resulting ice-crystal plume may last several hours. The trail may be distorted by the winds, and sometimes it spreads outward to form a layer of cirrus cloud. On rare occasions, when the air is nearly saturated with water vapour, air circulation at the wing tips of an airplane may cause sufficient pressure and temperature reductions to cause cloud streamers to form. – Encyclopedia Britannica
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“All I wanna say is that they don’t really care about us!”–Michael Jackson
Not one person I know believe this. “Oh that’s just contrails.” You tripping…”No that’s chemtrails that causes problem on different scales.” smh…people need to wake up and fight…
They have invented global warming for an excuse to kill people…
It’s plain to see the difference between chemtrails and contrails. I’m 56 years old, and I remember what the skies used to look like before they started spraying this trash to kill us. Also, why would Monsanto have patents on plants that can survive in high aluminum soils? Where would such high aluminum concentrations come from, if not from spray programs?
I personally think it’s treason to the people which should be punished… which I think the punishment is death
this is very true very fucking true its war time guys wake up
they are already getting away with fracking? how much damage will they cause before we start shooting planes down? think for yourself question authority.
I want our blue skies back. STOP SPRAYING OUR SKIES! source: Lord Monckton on youtube. I believe Lord Monckton is a genius.
And population control which nasa said, we have to do something. It’s just to make fake chemical clouds and create the weather to be the first to control it, the weather being the most powerful weapon in the world.. and Vice President Johnson speech he said, he who controls the weather will control the world.
Watched them do it way high In the startospher above Houston the Day before the Memorial Day Flood. Also saw lots of activity day after Harvey, wind was blowing hard to the East Louisiana got hit hard the next day.
Looks another profitable manufacturing waste disposal PLEASE RESEARCH AND SHARE!
chemtrails are known as RAIN MAKING TECHNOLOGIES in Australia. They are done from land based , sea based and aerial spraying. They even advertise for pilots to do this in the Kiama area. Environmental groups in the government NEVER mention this. So obviously tthey are all in favour of this and all corrupt. Very frustrating.
They are killing our crops. No crops no people. The Chemtrailing is assault on Humanity. This has to stop. March on your governments and demand for the Spraying of toxic Chemicals to stop immediately.🌎
But but we need the green new deal. That’ll change all of the worlds governments from using geoengineering… people are so dumb. This proves that the narrative of “climate change” is so controlled. No socialism will help that.
What a repugnant worm this David Keith is..this maggot needs hunged.
Excellent Video…very informative…
George Soros is funding this ? Or some power behind the Organization supposedly dealing with weather? Criminal!
Liezl-Mari van Rensburg1 year ago
#SeeANEW #NO2 #ClimateEngineering 4 #LifeOnEarth please share far & wide #TIMEisNOW (or sadly never) FACTS at thank you
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This is reason you never get the sun in summer, if u don’t get enough SunLight, guess what, we will all die sooner.. Time to share this video to everyone u know, so when we rise up, we all will rise against evil
Geoengineering is man playing god.
Problem reaction solution
How is your vegetables and fruits is going to grow with all that damn nasty Cantrell spraying it’s going to get to the food and the crops
It’s Nazi Germany NASA.
So how bout we just kidnap and torture one of these pilots until we get the truth!!
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All I can say to this tripe is WOW… you people vote? So sad.
wake up people this is WAR
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Lord Sky Dragon1 year ago (edited)
No one and not even the US Government has the right to release stratospheric aerosols or chemtrails for SRM (Solar Radiation Management), without any international agreements as SRM adversely affect not US nationals but potentially it adversely affects people of the whole word 😀🙌🐲🐉
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April 16 2017 Heavy spraying today..LOOK UP STOP SPRAYING bumper stickers available on Ebay.
Your Ignorance is their Power .1 year ago
Wake up AMERICA !! Thier poisoning us.
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Glenwood Jenkins2 months ago (edited)
People are just now catching on to this, its been going on for years. This stuff also turns into a Gelatin type of substance and will rain down on us.
Alluminum Oxide = AL2_O3 Which is: 2x Aluminum + 1x OZONE Spreading Alluminum in the stratosphere diminishes the Ozone Layer. When the Ozone Layer disappears, so do we… get it?? They blame Humans for “Global Warming” so if they take away the Ozone Layer while they sit safely underground, the “cause of Global Warming” is taken away.. That`s us.. You and Me… Dont be Gullible, realize that every living being owns a part of the Earth. Which means that 1 part of the atmosphere is YOURS. Do YOU want those Toxins sprayed into YOUR part of the Atmosphere??? Let`s put it differently: Blocking out Sunlight lowers CROP Yields… … Do YOU want to Eat??? Then clearly You dont want YOUR sky sprayed with this sh*t. Lets put it differently: Blocking out Sunlight prevent YOUR body from absorbing Vitamin D from the Sun… A) Do You want to buy it in the store just because a bunch of A_holes blocked out Your Sunlight?? B) Do You want high healthcare bills due to a lack Vitamin D and consequently a weakened immuun system? … Who would… Cut the crap, let Nature have its Natural Course. Say No to poisoning the atmosphere.
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This is definitely happening over Florida. I harvest rain water and the runoff out of my down spouts is often frothy. I’ve taken lots of pictures of these weird contrails. Once I caught one on camera that was coming down at a nearly a 90 degree angle. I searched the news because I thought a plane had crashed. None had. So, something was dropped from a plane. No other explanation. Plus, we have the planes leaving a clear tracing through clouds, and family members getting asthma late in life with no prior history or risk factors.
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The complacent are afraid – no place left to run to? Rising property values are meaningless.
Great isn’t it.
3 Years Later and Still they Rain Down On Us………………………..
Don’t have messager how can send to facebook
I feel relieved I never see them in the sky above but so so angry and upset to find that this is happening petty much all over the world…
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Looks like it s a weapon for supremacy ..all with the idea that there is an enemy out there. See Carol Rosin s disclosure about Von Braun and the Elite/ military s intention to stage an attack using project blue beam, holographic technology…play a last card. They want to sabotage your evolution, the awakening, and turn you into robots as well as reduce the population, and they can’t create a WW3 any more so they are doing this.
serius Infumie2 months ago (edited)
david keith needs to be arrested an prosecuted for the the polluting of the environment.If I was unintentional polluting the air I would be given a citation to told not to drive that vehicle until it is fixed so how can they intentionally poisoned/pollute environment without any consequences.The EPA,FAA, meteorologist asso. and the CDC knows what’s going on.
The elites are doing the will of their father Satan
Make you own dust fall jars people and send them in for analysis
Agenda 21 …..
What do you mean “reduce the amount of sun…” I live in Arkansas where now it is ABNORMALLY hot every single day the sun feels like a “heat lamp” Air Conditioning bills Sky High because you simply cannot SURVIVE here without AC….Wicked
Great video but it’s irrelevant based on the fact there are multiple patents for altitude atmospheric aerosol spraying
I have tried to download the skyderalert app and of course they have removed it.
How do they explain 12 new clouds? Too name
our sky is not the same anymore
I built myself a cloud buster and my whole neighbourhood has benefited from the nice blue patch I maintain. Until we can get these nihilists out of world control we have to fight back and protect ourselves.
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i was thinking if its the dome above that these mad scientist are using to enable their evil plan,they know we are under a dome,they know where we are
In Australia a lot!!! im trying to tell people and they think im on drugs very sad and scary .
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Has there been test done on the rain/ soil from chemtrails
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I dont belive they want to control the weather situation.Spraying chemicals in the sky has a very high cost.Using scalar waves its very cheap.I can withness that with a device the size of a shoebox,its possible to control the weather of an area of hundred of thousands of miles with very little energy input.So what they have in mind?
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Barbara C2 months ago (edited)
I see it all the time right now in California fake rain and thunder it doesn’t even smell the same I grew up with God clouds real lighting and thunder Don’t try to play God and think there will be no Repucussions. Many scientist have died last few years in dramatic ways I might add
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As long as they call it research while they do it, if anyone dies or gets sick, by law it isn’t a crime..
Trying to sell me a $2 app? Seriously? Way to instantly discredit your entire argument.
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The SPRAY PLANE BASE at Wilminton Ohio, is not a cute little airplane park, it is a disguised FORMER” US Air Command SACK BASE” from many Cold War Years… 1950s forward. Every afternoon they are at work, violating all airspace rules for the BROWNS Down at United Nations NEW YORK CITY. Multi Nations (pilots poisoning us…), … “out there” will Kill you by other means, though. Take Care and Take Camera. They told Me,”…Don’t come back. Hell I live in their flyway, and 30 miles downrange, in the cross-hairs, of Wright Patterson Air Force Base’s “NEX-RAD BLUE BEAM……. Exterminator Phazor” !
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App is not available in Google Play Store……
Karen Lewis2 years ago (edited)
Dana said, “This was the biggest elephant in the room.” I think he is wrong about that. There is one even bigger, but I won’t say. Yes, I have seen them change the weather from a clear beautiful day, to winding and cold. Sometimes rain comes, sometimes it snows. Sometimes it stays windy for days. Of course, when you mention it on the internet people think you have lost your mind.
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YOU’RE DESTROYING THE PLANET. that’s the consequence. Today 03/14/2017, in NYC, they predicted a blizzard but it snowed 20%. The rest of the precipitation was rain. looks like there was a malfunction. when are we going to get through our thick skulls that we can’t play God with nature. That she will always have her way?
It glares blindingly bright Seattle used to have blue skies..there’s even a song about the bluest skies you’ve ever seen are in Seattle.
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They are causing climate issues not the public and they are trying to create a bill for money on the public’s usage because of it. They are making too much money now and cursing the planet. If they were broke they couldn’t keep it up. Maybe that incentive enough to say no.
Inventor Lee Wheelbarger1 year ago
No it’s not. It’s Cosmic rays creating additional Cloud Nucleation.
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When did the citizens get to vote on the government implementing geoengineering?? We do NOT have informed consent!!!!! How can you refuse something you didn’t know was going to start??? Sick.
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WAKE UP PEOPLE = the plan is to dim the sun and these poisons being sprayed will eventually kill of humanity except the global elite who have other plans ? The UN Agenda is to reduce the worlds population by 90% and micro chip the other 10% making them slaves of the Elite . W W G 1 W G A
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Dachs & Rottweiler8 months ago
I too want people to look up into the sky and question things. I would like more to know what can we do about it? anyone?
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Does anyone know the models of aircraft used for these aerosol programs?
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to cause as much hell and disorder as possible is the goal of who?,,,,now what are u doing about it.????????????
I made a complaint to the F.A.A. Then things went horribly wrong.The weeks after this complaint was made heavy spraying over our house.I became very sick dizzy, headaches, hard time concentrating memories lost.Spent 3 days in hospital tasted metal in my mouth for 5 months.The Allentown F.A.A.was behind this operation they are evil Author Brownell was behind this attack on me and my family.
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they banned aerosol products to protect the ozone layerso why would they be pumping out mass amounts doesn’t make sense.that being said it sure looks like they are up to something
All I hear is fools (whether Christians, non-Christians, Sunkist Oranges) talking about how they support this weasel in a suit elected on false pretenses that is their idol or hero while their kids are sick and getting sicker, they are already sick from this being sprayed EVERY SINGLE DAY. It caused record drought in the Southeast in 2016. I guess you could say these operations against the American people are working because regardless of what the political or religious affiliation of people, I see who they have become. A bunch of emotionally disconnected morons who have no idea what in the hell is going on above their skies and don’t believe anything but what the TV tells them to believe. The Shadow Government’s sub-contracted out killing agents like the US Air Force are slow-murdering the citizenry. And most of the people I mentioned in the first sentence have severely autistic and other developmental disabled children not to mention the breathing problems they’re experiencing and we’re all suffering from this. Dane Wiginton put it right on Coast-To-Coast AM. ”We’re worried about the next shooter or the next terrible boogie-man over in the Middle East that we should be shaking in our boots about but our own government is complicit in the destruction of our health and our entire ecosystem. Look at our food supply – there is no such thing as organic anymore. Everything is being sprayed. Nothing you eat is without toxicity. And this stuff is much, much worse than the pesticides they’ve been spraying even longer than they’ve been spraying these metals.” We are run by one political party, THE FASCIST PSYCHOPATH. PEDOPHILE, PERPETUAL WAR PARTY. You think they’re going to do anything about this. They not only love this, they created this. Think about Western healthcare (death care, allopathic symptom treatment). The first organized society in it, the AMA began sterilizing black families because they deemed them, “the brown, lesser people whose DNA is not worthy of being spread.” This was in the early 1920′s. If they were eugenics-loving Satanists back then what do you think they are capable now. Informed consent by A$$. These people need to be taken to the town square and get their head and balls chopped off like in the 1790′s in France. They didn’t do the balls back then but these people deserve to have that done to them now. I’d love to see a worldwide revolution that would make The French Revolution and The American Revolution look like The Hatfields and The McKoys.
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I have one question we know now Chemtrails are fact government has released information confirming this… However, everyone/ everybody are affected by these chemicals in our atmosphere that reach our ground…. So, what is the benefit to poison everyone on the Earth and the Earth itself.. What truly is the agenda ? Don’t give me that crap about our grandchildren suffering for it later… There is an imminent danger for everyone now or they wouldn’t be doing this now….. Why would the elite poison their own selves ?
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id just like to point out for all the democrats that this started with bill clinton and from research ive done it cannot be stopped now computer models show the weather would go completely crazy for years if they stopped so this is somthing we have to live with stopping it would kill thousands with flooding hurricanes tornadoes this never should have started but now it cannot be stopped
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They wouldn’t do that.
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Info Wars Logo caused me to EASILY Dismiss this video. Alex Jone is a Nutball, that leads other nutballs around by the nose.
Just watching the vid and in the first few seconds it’s already made some totally unjustified leap that the trails MUST be “aerosol spraying geoengineering”… Or, you know, it could be the normal jet trails caused by jet engines? Then there’s all the undeniable fallout that we’re ingesting… err – hangggg on! What ‘fallout’? What proof? Is this just a video taken down the street from someone washing their car?? Now ‘Global dimming’ – or, presumably, the fact it gets darker when the sun is hidden by clouds of any type? …”Side effects that may be catastrophic..” – :/ News readers on TV wearing red shirts causes unicorns. There’s my ‘fact’. It makes at least as much sense and has the same irrefutable evidence as chem trails! You can’t just say stuff! So that was 1:05 mins in and I can’t bear any more! This is not the video to convince me lol!
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HAVE A LAUGH3 months ago (edited)
If the reality is that if they don’t spray the world will actually be scortched to death would you still want them to stop spraying? It’s possible they believe they are saving us from a worse fate and they may in fact have determined this correctly.
Paid Gov’t Debunker2 years ago
I struggle to understand how you people can take someone like Dane Wigington seriously. He’s a Charlatan and a liar.
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