Dave Chappelle's Cousin Says He Was Killed and Cloned - Speaks Out for First Time
The YouTube channel that conducted the interview with Dave Chappelle’s cousin said they contacted her after seeing her comments on several YouTube videos. She was willing to tell her story but she uses a voice changer because she is afraid for her safety. This is the first time she has spoken out.
She was very close with her cousin Dave Chapelle. She tells the story about why he went to Africa…what happened before that, and what happened after. She says they killed and cloned him not long after he appeared on the Oprah show. They lured him into a meeting with the TV executives and that was the last she ever heard from him.
The next time she saw him on TV she knew immediately that was not her cousin….whom she’d known since they were born. It looked, acted and sounded nothing like him.
And in order to avoid the questions his family would have when they sent a clone home instead of him…she says they killed and cloned his entire immediate family. His wife, his kids and his mother who were all living on the farm with him.
This is a fascinating interview. And it makes sense. Chapelle was trying to get away from them. He was speaking out. Then suddenly like someone snapped their fingers he’s back in the game.
And don’t forget….they kill these ppl first. If you think the idea that they clone ppl and replace them is ridiculous then you are WAY behind the curve and you need to do some research.
The original video interview with Chapelles cousin was posted a few weeks ago by the JT Anwom youtube channel on April 26th, 2017. And it was quickly taken down by YouTube. This was their description on the original video before it was taken down.
“Had to re-upload this because YouTube took the sound off the first video for some odd reason, so we’re re-uploading it. We saw numerous comments from a woman named #1 Original Negan Girl on YouTube, who made several comments under multiple videos regarding Dave Chappelle. Comments stating how Dave was her cousin…on videos that were done by those such as The Vigilant Christian and others. So upon us seeing her comments everywhere on YouTube, we decided to contact her to ask her to share her facts about what she knows regarding Dave, and she said she would if we made her voice anonymous, for fear of her safety, which we did. So this is her story.”
(It was removed by YouTube but I finally found the video online and re-uploaded it. It may get taken down again so download it if you can.) Here’s the interview:
And before you dismiss the cloning thing as some “crazy tin foil hat” conspiracy theory plse listen to this short explanation about how organic robotoid clones are made (this is the type of clone Dave Chapelle’s cousin says he is), how they work, and how they take a holographic picture of the persons brain and are then able to upload a person’s memories into the brains of these organic robotoid clones who are programmed just lIke a computer. The technology the elite possess now has been given to them from the fallen angels and it is hundreds of years more advanced than they show the public.
The following video is a short clip I took out of a longer video. It is a clip from the documentary “Boys From Brazil”, a documentary that was made in 1978 about the cloning programs Josef Mengele was conducting on victims in the Nazi era. If they had this technology back in the late 70′s just imagine how much more advanced it is now.
There are different types of clones and different processes used to make each one. Dave Chapelle’s cousin says he is an organic robotoid clone. This is a 6 minute clip explaining organic robotoids and is a must hear if you want to understand what they are capable of today. In their inner circles they refer to them as “the others”.
Clone Dave throwing Illuminati symbols
Real Dave
Real Dave
Clone Dave
Old Dave vs New Dave
Clone Dave
Clone Dave (left) vs real Dave (right)
The real family of Dave Chapelle before they were killed and cloned.
The following is a post on Above Top secret from 2015.
Cloning Conspiracy – Has Dave Chappelle been cloned?
posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 01:12 AM
Dave Chappelle, for those who are unaware, has recently been appearing in the media. He was even on the cover of GQ, Letterman, being photographed by the paparazzi & clearly back in Hollywood again after his famous disappearance to Africa and subsequent statements regarding the ‘sickness’ of Hollywood …..all but screaming Illuminati from the rooftops.
He looks and acts COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! The old Dave Chappelle was VERY slender, with very narrow shoulders. The impostor is much larger with much broader shoulders….a very different chin/jaw. He looks muscular and not just like he has been working out and gained some weight. He is of a darker complexion…his eyes are different and very creepy/lifeless. He has a totally different body and also appears taller. His jaw is different…he appears swollen like clones tend to….he dresses differently (since when does Dave Chappelle wear a flashy suit with an expensive ass looking watch & ring like some mega-douche?
This is the interview
This Dave Chappelle beats around the bush too. He answers none of the questions directly in the interview. His personality which used to be very direct, carefree, honest and refreshing is now flat and lifeless. He is certainly not charismatic, quick witted and charming like Dave was. He has retracted the (unapologetic, truthful, uncensored) statements he originally made in previous videos. The conversation focuses alot on his trip to Africa.
The video below is of him talking about Hollywood. This is awhile after he got back from Africa and went to live in Ohio on a farm. This was 2010/11ish? Why would this man come back to Hollywood?! There is no way that the real Dave Chappelle who is not a soulless clone would ever willingly join the Illuminati.
The new Dave Chappelle is also not funny. His voice is noticeably different and he exudes a very different energy/aura, like it’s not the same person.
If you’re a Dave Chappelle fan I swear, watching this Letterman interview, you’ll probably tear up a little like I did… I’m not one for idolizing celebs but Dave seemed like a good bloke. He had an awesome sense of humour and was a very talented man.
Last year at his Radio City Music Hall performance (where he hung out with Kanye, Jay Z, Beyonce, Kim Kartrashian, all the usual characters… there’s photo proof of this too btw of them all hanging out) he actually got booed off the stage and it was a very awkward scene.He’s definitely not funny in the interview with Letterman or his other late night videos (he’s been doing media rounds). He’s apparently getting back into the industry and becoming another Hollywood clone….an Illuminati puppet.
I’m devastated that they finally got him. Nobody knows what went down but it must’ve been serious. He ran as far away as he could. He probably should’ve stayed there
Dave has definitely been replaced. Anybody who watches the two videos and compares will see it.
Watch him walk out… they clearly know he is a bad clone and are trying to hide it by making him wear sunglasses and sit facing away. The interview feels fully contrived… like it was pre-scripted.I am so pissed off that Dave of all people is now just another soulless brainwashed clone who will never ever measure up to the original in any way.
For anybody who doubts this, do you really think cloning could’ve been around for this long (since the 60′s when they first successfully cloned a pig) and the evil rich elites wouldn’t try and use it to their advantage?
This sh** goes on all the time in Hollywood. Some even say that all US presidents are also cloned. GWB looked noticeably different over the years as well.
The clones are never exactly perfect. They’re good enough to fool most people but the people closest to them always notice the difference and so apparently they just off and clone them as well to cover it up.
Its said they can do it by using a host body and transferring the DNA & memories via a brainchip that has the original’s memories downloaded onto it to be transferred into the host. The technology for this stuff is widely known to exist. They’ve ‘hacked’ our brains and these microchips send a pattern of our brainwaves which are able to be decoded; messages sent AND received.RIP DAVE CHAPPELLE (and presumably his close family as well considering how obvious it is).
What a damn shame.
This is a very interesting video showing a clone malfunction on TV.
Here is a link to an extensive list of articles about cloning I found on the Bibliotecapleyades website. There is a wealth of info here and some really fascinating articles. It is called “Robotoids, Parasites and Artifical Humans”. This stuff will blow you away and make you realize just how close we are to the end. God cannot allow this evil to continue much longer. This one in particular called Doubles, Robotoids and Replicas is about organic robotoids and how every person in power has been replaced multiple times. It’s quite interesting.
And the following is just an interesting article about clones that was written by Fritz Springmeier.
Scientists working in secret got serious about cloning in the early 1960’s. Abortions began to be performed wholesale at this time to provide fetal tissue for their cloning work. The young generation of Americans are asking, ’When will cloning of people take place?” The answer is that it already has long ago. An article recently written by Andrew Kimbrell that was placed in many leading daily papers across the U.S. is quite revealing. He comes right up to almost telling people what has been going on. The article was entitle,
U.S. government and private researchers have expended billions of taxpayer dollars in the creation of tens of thousands of genetically engineered animals never before seen…. One prominent scientist predicts that we may soon see,
In this author’s September, 1993 newsletter there were two article by this author on cloning, one entitled “Clones, Synthetics, Organic Robotoids, and Doubles” and the other article “Dulce Genetic Research/Cloning Facility.” In the month following my September ’93 newsletter’s release, the establishment came out with stories about humans being cloned. [I felt that this was confirmation that God’s had directed me to publish the information I had on cloning 1/2 months before the secular media came out with their stories about the "first" laboratory duplication of a human embryo.] This ’93 cloning was the first publicly revealed & publicly accepted human cloning, but the truth is that it had already been done for about 30 years secretly. In December, 1993’s newsletter I had a followup article on cloning where I reviewed what the media was telling people about cloning after the ’first” human cloning had been announced. My article also discussed the novel Multiple Man which is about how exact copies of the President are made. The book has some surprising similarities with what they actually did with President Carter! Finally in September of ’96, this author’s newsletter came out with its fourth article on cloning. This appendix is not the final word on the topic. The whole topic about clones, synthetics, robotoids and doubles could have a great deal more said. This appendix is merely a review of what those four articles contained. Cloning also relates in a big way to the cranial/body manipulation that was introduced in this book. It also relates to the group mind/proxying that is being done. Perhaps at some point this author can go into the deeper intricacies of cloning, but for now this appendix will provide its information in the following format:
Section A. The “Future Shock” that this topic subjects the common person to What happens when a technologically backward people are suddenly confronted with a technologically advanced people? What happens is that people are called on to change, in many cases the stress is what Alvin Tofflerdescribed and called “Future Shock“. The over-stimulation of new ideas, new decisions, new ways of looking at things can cause great distress to the mind and body. Radical changes to adapt to the new situation are demanded. In the case of the Navajo, one can see pickups parked beside hogans. In Nepal where I lived, the Nepalese had never gone through a horse and buggy era, so they had no word for drive in their language. When cars suddenly appeared – the first was carried into Katmandu on the backs of porters -, they had no word for “drive”, so they used the words they had “sit and go.” So where we say “Let’s drive to town.” They would say literally, “Let’s sit and go to town.” The American people have in general been kept in the dark about the limits of scientific developments. The known reasons people have not learned are varied. The Cold War was one reason. Capitalist corporate advantage is another reason. They call it trade secrets. Scientific pride and the ability to outstrip other researchers is another, and for the public just their technical jargon is enough to prevent people from closely watching the level of research going on. But underlying most of the coverup is this: that the overall satanic plan is to keep people ignorant of these scientific advances BECAUSE they are being used quite often to control and manipulate the world. What has developed is a situation where the American people are no longer in touch with where the elite’s secret technology is. It is clear that the elite know this and are aware that some of the “Future Shock” needs to reduced if they don’t want to self-destruct society. You need to be aware (mentally prepared) that most of the readers of this will experience future shock when they read that cloning of humans is possible & has gone on for decades. The elite had a dilemma. If society isn’t moved forward to match their secret scientific advances, it will soon be like cave-men meeting modern-day men. Society won’t be capable of adjusting–only self-destructing. On the other hand they certainly can’t tell us what they are already doing, because they are using this technology against us to control us. For this reason they are giving us movies that show us things that they have already invented – but these are put forth as fiction in these Hollywood films. They hope to lesson the Future Shock, which their own secrecy has greatly contributed toward creating, while maintaining control over the general population.
In addition to some of today’s secret technology being shown, the attitudes and beliefs shown on the two series, especially Star Trek the Next Generation are the attitudes the Satanic elite want people to have. READERS PREPARE FOR FUTURE SHOCK The Scriptures give strong indications that genetic monsters, the half-breed Nephilem will exist in the end times. God’s Word also forecasts that the mark of beast will be needed for buying & selling. One item conveyed by the Bible’s book of Revelation is that totally unexpected sudden change will characterize the end times. Christians need to be prepared for unusual big changes. So great will these changes be that the nations will be distressed, and men’s hearts will fail them for fear (LK 21:25-27). The Bible predicted that knowledge shall increase in the last days before Christ returns. (DN 12:4) But that knowledge will be used for evil, because the Bible also says that the world will be totally corrupt as in Noah’s time (MT 24:37)–which was a time of the genetic monsters, the half-bred Nephilem. It also says men and horses will be out of work. (ZEC 8:10) And it is believed that Nahum 2:3-4 must be describing automobiles, and that Isaiah 31:5, and 60:8 are describing and prophesying airships in the last day. The description of the “mark of the beast” is startlingly accurate in describing the microchip which is being inserted into people’s hands and foreheads. The information that is allowed out for the public to access has been heavily censored. Still in spite of all the intense secrecy, if a person takes the time to dig and to find key items written by scientists, enough of a shadow picture develops to allow a person to realize that they already can produce several things the public is unaware of. Many times the articles will discuss only a tiny aspect of a larger process, or will say we have the knowledge to do such and such but the actual doing is years away. And somehow people swallow that we could have the capability to do it, but aren’t. For instance, in a book that was published in 1979,Robert Gilmore McKinnel, Professor of Genetics and Cell Biology, College of Biological Sciences, University of Minnesota, wrote,
Some of the men who know what is actually being done, are afraid to tell what they know. However, I do not have neither a professional reputation nor a job to guard. I have never taken any oath of secrecy to any of these organizations of the establishment. I can simply tell you the truth without fear.
Section B. Instructions on how to clone a person For those who want the medical description of just one way that cloning of people can be done (and this capability has been around for at least a decade–and much longer secretly.) The idea that we don’t have the knowledge to do it is simply a myth for public consumption. Any microbiologist worth anything knows that we have the knowledge and the means–they can only claim that cloning of humans hasn’t happened because supposedly no one wants to do it.
A TECHNIQUE–INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO CLONE A HUMAN: The ovulation and ovaries of the woman can be monitored. Just before natural ovulation, there is an increase of luteinizing hormone which is called the luteinizing hormone surge. This can be detected by either blood or urine samples. The growth of the follicle can be monitored by visualization with ovarian ultrasonography. Ultrasound diagnosis will reveal on which side of the woman’s ovaries the ripening follicle is found. This procedure will allow people to know when the follicle is ripe for the retrieval of the oocyte. When the time is appropriate a hollow aspiration needle is inserted into one or several ripe follicles under visual guidance of the laparoscope. The oocyte is removed with some follicular fluid. Experienced laparoscopists have a success rate over 90% in recovering the oocyte. Prior to this, it is likely that the woman will have been given Clomiphene citrate, or this drug used in combination with another drug so that there will be several eggs that can be retrieved at one time. The oocytes obtained from the ripe ovarian follicles are not fertilized when retrieved, although another process would be to fertilize first, before extracting. If they don’t fertilize first, then they can take the harvested oocytes and incubate them in a culture medium for several hours to get maturation. They need maturation because they have been taken from the ovary before ovulation, and are not as mature as spontaneously ovulated ova. Thawed or fresh semen is washed and centrifuged so that it will be diluted to the proper concentration to fertilize in vitro. The in vitro fertilization is carried out. After some amount of hours, (about 12) both pronuclei are identifiable for enucleation. The enucleation is accomplished with either one of two well-established methods. One method is to surgically enucleate it with a micropipette, another is with a bleb of cytoplasm containing both the male and female pronuclei. Either method has worked fine. These nuclei by the way have been obtained from the inner-cell mass of an early human embryo. This again is a well established practice. Let us digress slightly and explain the method to obtain the nuclei. The zona pellucida must be removed from a cultured embryo, the trophectoderm separated from the inner cell mass, and then, the cells dissociated with an appropriate enzyme in a calcium-and magnesium-free salt solution. Going back to the cloning process, there are several methods for joing a donor nucleus (obtained from its source using the just mentioned method) with enucleated cytoplasm (obtained from the woman’s in vitro fertilized ovum). One might be to surgically implant it with a micropipette, another is fusion with an inactivated Sendai virus. Whichever way is considered most viable by those performing this will be used. And then the human nuclear transplant will be cultured until it can be placed into a human foster mother. When the clone has reached the 8 – to 16 cell stage it will be transferred into the foster mother. If needed, the transfer can be done later, and the clone is simply frozen. When the transfer takes place, the clone is drawn into a fine plastic tube (a catheter) which, then in turn, would be introduced through the cervical canal into the interior of the uterus. — This is just one process for successfully cloning humans. Other more refined techniques may well be in use.
Section C. The four types of ’clones’ that are used by the Illuminati:
Cl. Actual Clones
C2. Synthetic People
C3. Organic Robotoids
C3a. How the memory of a person is transferred for the organic robotoids
C5. Doubles (look alikes)
Section D. Secret cloning sites (See also Appendix B, where D.U.M. bases are listed.) Ada, Oklahoma’s underground facility is being used to clone humans. The other cloning facilities are turning out weird creatures. Due to the processes involved they give off lots of gamma radiation (Gamma is at the far end of the electromagnetic wave spectrum–it is even a longer wave than ultraviolet). Because they give off Gamma radiation, these facilities must be deep underground. The cloning is done at level 7. The average depth (according to one of the men who built these Deep Underground Facilities – D.U.M.) is 5,600’. The secret government has been building them no stop since W.W. II. I personally have only been in an underground city in Oahu, HA, but I have spoken to others who are wanting to save humanity and stop the NWO, and these witnesses know a lot about the underground facilities. One of the men who betrayed the human race and helped with the cloning was Austrian born Simon Wiesenthal. Simon Wiesenthal, was a US intelligence agent with a photographic memory (perhaps a scarred brain stem). Wiesenthal seriously hunted Nazis that were not on the CIA’s payroll or CIA associated groups. Simon Wiesenthal, under the disguise of being a great Nazi hunter, actually assisted protecting the FBI’s and the CIA’s agents who were Nazi criminals. Wiesenthal tried to stop CBS from doing a show exposing the FBI-Nazi connection. Jewish Intelligence (the Mossad) knew all about the hundreds if not thousands of Nazi War criminals that worked for American Intelligence and the FBI, but never went public about it. Instead they occasionally used the information as leverage against American intelligence. One of the code no.s for Simon Wiesenthal given by a Monarch slave was something like 063 097. If someone else knows the full and correct code for him, go ahead and share it. Unholy Trinity is a book written about how the Vatican, the US State Department, and MI-6 smuggled Nazis out of Germany at the end of WW II. An entire book could be written about the thousands of die hard Nazis who have been working for American intelligence, however Simon Wiesenthal’s name is mentioned here because he helped start the cloning for the worst elements of the NWO.
OREGON’S UNDERGROUND SECRET CLONING FACILITY In at least one of my newsletters, the secret cloning facility at Bull Run near Mt. Hood, OR was discussed. Bull Run is a large tract of forested land with some water reservoirs/lakes that is set up to help provide water for the Portland Metro area. My house on Lincoln St. was also near 8 reservoirs that were built at nearby Mt. Tabor. These reservoirs at Mt. Tabor were for Portland drinking water too. The Mt. Tabor reservoirs have simple single fences on their perimeter, and people are able to throw garbage into these reservoirs if they want to be nasty. However, the Bull Run water supply which is very isolated is extremely well protected. It is rare that people would stray up into the area anyway. People are told that this large tract of land is simply for Portland’s water supply, and yet several years ago a Patriot military unit reckoned the area after getting info from me. They were able to identify 3 strongly guarded rings of defense at the Bull Run reservoir. The area has lots of electronic surveillance, etc. It is either the most valuable water on God’s green earth, or there is something else in the vicinity of Larch Mountain (south of the famous Multnomah Falls which sit on I-84) — something besides a water reservoir. Of course, those in the know, know that it’s an underground facility which the CIA use. It’s not an accident Tektronics here in the Portland area does work/research with holograms.
FURTHER INVESTIGATIONS AT DULCE’S UNDERGROUND CLONING FACILITY My article about Dulce [which I investigated in person on foot] also sparked a small group of dedicated Christians to try to retrace my steps and find the Dulce facility. They reported back to me that they found nothing and that the reservation police and the local people claimed they’d never even heard of any underground facility. All I can say is that, doesn’t that strike you as fishy that all kinds of people have been up in that area looking for the site, interviewing the Jicarilla Apaches that live in the area for years, talking about Dulce over Art Bell’s Radio show, etc. and locals have never heard anything about it?? At the very least they should know that other people looked for the site. The reservation and town of Dulce, NM have a small population. There is little that everyone doesn’t know about what goes on in the area, and yet they are surprised by the topic of an underground facility? The whole thing smells like the key people in the area have been convinced to keep their mouths shut & pretend they know nothing. My comments: sometimes when you’re looking for a rat, you’ll smell it before you see it. According to someone who has worked in the Dulce Underground Facility the openings on the north and SW face (Aztec Cliffs) are still in use. Actually the cliff that has a face that looks like an Aztec on Mt. Archeleta has been cemented shut because hikers kept straying into the area. A deep needle detector which could detect metal or magnetism deep down could reveal the Dulce Underground Facility — but people who get this close often disappear.
SUMMARY OF THE FOUR METHODS This Appendix covers 4 different methods that have been used to make copies of people, these were cloning, creating synthetic duplicates, creating organic robotoids, and finding look alike doubles. [Programs for all four of these methods have had almost unlimited funding by the intelligence/Illuminati elite.] Next, the basic principles for creating a synthetic human were covered. Synthetic humans were in some ways found to be superior to the robotoids that were created. The first few years of robotoids were fraught with problems. [Since my inside information is somewhat dated, I cannot give readers the status of current robotoid abilities, however, I believe from what I’ve seen that the program continues.] The synthetics were people who had their genes altered to look more like the person they were to copy. The robotoids were the formation of new beings that look human but are actually bionic robots. Their memories were created by using living “brain tissue” which is some type of programmable living biological matter, and programming this material as a sophisticated computer. In order to get the memory of the person being copied, a holographic image of the person’s brain is made and transferred to the robotoid. Because the robotoid “brain” is not functioning like a human (although the end result is nearly identical so that viewers have to know what differences to look for), there are of course someadjustments that have to be made after the holographic image of the host is transferred to the living biological matter that will function as the brain of the robotoid. Lord Willing, this author may write some more on this topic later. The ability of the Illuminati to copy people using the 4 methods listed above, are not going to be the deciding factor in their moves to control the world, but it does give them a great deal of flexibility in their operations. This author frequently reflects on the words of the Illuminati Grand Master who told Cisco (Cisco Wheeler) who was then a child, while touring a cloning facility,
wow, that is special
That interview was way too long to listen to all of it, but I watched some of his newer stand-up clips. Yes, it is odd. Dave’s gained about 40 pounds and his voice is deeper. Plus no more goatee. Still, I doubt he’s been cloned. Clone a comedian? Really?
You ever go to a high school reunion and see everyone about 20 years later? People look different, especially if they gained weight. Same thing here, me thinks.
He was clowned not cloned.
I don’t know. It is rather amazing to think they did him, and all his family. I know I am a targeted individual. That is very strange. Interesting?
50 Shades of Pissed Off tie a rope around your neck and die jerking off.
weird…that is NOT Chappelle with Letterman…
weird…that is NOT Chappelle with Letterman…the whole thing with Mengele is Jew lies….who do you think owns Hollywood? They aren’t elite….they are Jews.
Very interesting. I believe this as remember the elite always show what they are doing in movies and TV first. There was a done in 2000 called 6th Day was all about cloning and replacing people. Also you all should be aware one of the big thinks they are pushing in the media now is cannibalism.
So most think the new dave flashing 6′s is the old dave. his skin color changed he beefed up his whole demeanor and dress changed. if it is him, and i don’t think it is he sold out and since he didn’t have to I can only come up with one conclusion. Iwould like to know what his friends think and his best friend eddie murphy’s son dies. Very curious. The old dave would say no way.
People will believe anything. Sheeeeeesh!
Let’s’ think this through.
Genetic tinkerers fiddle around with a whole families genetics in a petree dish, and VIOLA!!! out pops a fully grown middle age black man, a woman, and a couple of kids.
People need to learn to discern between fiction sci-fi and reality.
If the devils minions wanted to fiddle around with something, I am thinking they would choose someone far more prominent and important than a moderately popular comedian.
@Rockledge: I’m thinking the same thing, that being there is no Dave clone….. even though the new Dave and the old Dave don’t look too much alike anymore and hot damn if the new Dave’s voice isn’t lower.
Maybe we are wrong, but I kinda doubt it.
You should really do some research and get up to speed with the technology they now possess. It is far more advanced than your wildest dreams and yes they can create a fully grown adult clone to look like the age of the person at the time the DNA was taken. The process to make a fully grown organic robotoid clone takes mere HOURS. And they’ve been doing this since the 70′s.
Now THIS is why the elite can get away with so much. Because ppl simply won’t do their research. Are you waiting for THEM to inform the public they can do this? Now why would they do that when it benefits them so much to keep this technology secret. (And btw it’s not really secret. But ppl like you won’t believe it until you see it reported on CNN).
Tinh bột nghệ từ lâu đã trở thành sản phẩm trở nên quen thuộc trong việc làm đẹp và chăm sóc sức khỏe cho nhiều người. Vậy làm thế nào để bạn có được sản phẩm chăm sóc da đang rất được ưa chuộng này có chất lượng tốt nhất. Hãy cùng đến với Tinh Bột Nghệ Thanh Thủy địa chỉ mua tinh bột nghệ tại Hà Nội – gía tốt – uy tín – chất lượng.
Looks like he got a bit older, gained a bit of weight, and started working out. Whoever posted this story is insanely gullible. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
That fucking video, the first thing Snoop Dogg says is “You see how he moved both his eyes at the same time? That nigga fake, he a clone.”
Maybe he should stop smoking meth. Because people’s eyes tends to move at the same time. Unless your close to a seizure from smoking that long glass.