Health: Amazing New Smart Meter Cover Reduces EMF Radiation by 98%
The word Smart Meter has become mainstream, yet almost no one has no clue what Smart meters do, or how Smart Meters can affect your health.
The issue with Smart Meters is that Smart Meters emit such an enormous amount of radiation that it is capable of penetrating the walls of your home and impacting your entire families health.
It’s like sitting on a radiation contamination site 24/7 365 days a year, as you will see from the video below.
This New Smart Meter Cover Blocks 98% of EMF Radiation That A Smart meter Emits.
If you call your electric company and inquire about the radiation your Smart Meter is emitting, they will likely hand you a pre-written statement on how this radiation is “non-ionizing” so you shouldn’t worry about it. Let me assure you this is far from the truth.
The fact is, there has been an enormous amount of research showing how non-ionizing EMF radiation harms our bodies. In fact there are many studies that show EMF radiation causes a domino effect of cellular destruction.
Want To Skip Straight To The Best Smart Meter Shield? Click Here
Here is a short excerpt, from one such study I found, to help you understand how this damage happens:
“How Our Cells React To EMF Radiation
Our body makes over 2 million new red blood cells every second. This rapid creation of new cells leaves them vulnerable to stresses on the body. Inside of our red blood cells, there is actually a series of small receptors, located within the cell membrane. Although these receptors typically receive chemical signals from the body, they are also capable of being influenced by outside influence.
These receptors can actually sense man-made EMF radiation, and they react as if a foreign invader is entering the body and the bloodstream.
Sensing danger, the cells react by first inhibiting the active transport channels inside of the cell membranes, dramatically lowering their permeability, as well as their ability to function and interpret micronutrients. This does two harmful things:
Reduces the number of healthy nutrients that enter our cells.
Inhibits our cells ability to interpret and rid themselves of toxins and free radicals.
It should be pretty easy to understand that after just a short amount of time, cells that are unable to get needed nutrients and are unable to expel free radicals and toxins will soon become very damaged. The free radicals quickly saturate and build up within the cell, and this alters the cells ability to repair and replicate.”
With that said, it should be fairly easy to understand why large spikes of radio frequency radiation entering your home should be a significant concern.
Another study from the University of California, Santa Cruz by a researched named Daniel Hirsch, shows that EMF radiation from Smart Meters emit 160 times the amount of radiation that a cell phone emits. 160 times greater, that is stunning.
In the same report, Hirsch stated that:
“the cumulative whole body exposure from a Smart Meter at 3 feet appears to be approximately two orders of magnitude higher than that of a cell phone, rather than two orders of magnitude lower.”
So if you’re experiencing any of the myriads of EMF exposure symptoms such as:
Trouble Sleeping
Heart arrhythmia/palpitations
Decreased immune function
Decreased cognitive function
It could be because of the excessive radiation exposure from your Smart Meter.
EMF Blocking Smart Meter Cover Smart Meter Dangers and a Solution!
Want To Skip Straight To The Best Smart Meter Shield? Click Here
Smart Meters transmit Wireless DATA, from your home or business, back to the utility company. The term Smart Meter was coined by the internet, but actually the Smart Meter is a Advanced Metering Interface.
These Advanced Metering Interface or Smart Meters are capable of passing communications both ways, allowing utility companies to collect DATA, in real time, on how much power you are using and which devices in your home are being used.
This saves the utility company money but exposes homeowners to enormous amounts of EMF radiation in the process.
What is EMF Radiation? EMF stands for “Electromagnetic Frequency Radiation”. Radiation is well known to cause cancer and many other health issues which I will list later in this article. But make no mistake, EMF radiation is deadly and will have an negative affect on your families health.
If you call your electric company and inquire about the radiation your Smart Meter is emitting, they will likely hand you a pre-written statement on how this radiation is “non-ionizing” so you shouldn’t worry about it. Let me assure you this is far from the truth.
The fact is, there has been an enormous amount of research showing how non-ionizing EMF radiation harms our bodies. In fact there are many studies that show EMF radiation causes a domino effect of cellular destruction.
Now that you understand how smart meters affect your family and your families health, Purchse your Smart meter Cover Today and Have the peace of mind that you are doing all you can to keep your family safe from EMF radiation emited by your smart meter. Cancer is a life ending disease, it’s real, protect your family today.
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“smart meter” was a term invented by the govt- not the internet, along with the “world of smart things” to deceive the public.
What is one lives in an apt? Most today are city apt dwellers.
Phony story. It needs to cover the ENTIRE meter if it was so.