2 Republican Congressmen Got Aids From Bohemian Grove
2 Republican Congressmen got AIDS from Bohemian Grove
Posted by Dr. Eowyn on fellowshipoftheminds.com
Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre campground in Monte Rio in northern California, belonging to the Bohemian Club — a private San Francisco-based men’s club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a more than two-week encampment of some of the most prominent men in the world, including U.S. presidents and politicians.
The mid-summer encampment includes a ritual, first begun in 1881, called “Cremation of Care” in front of a 30-foot owl statue that Alex Jones identified as Moloch.
President Richard Nixon said in his private presidential tapes:
“The Bohemian Grove that I attend from time to time . . . is the most faggy goddamn thing you could ever imagine . . . it’s just terrible.”
Now, a revealed blind item on the Hollywood gossip blog, Crazy Days and Nights, confirms what Nixon said about the Bohemian Grove.
Crazy Days and Nights‘ blogger calls himself “Ent Lawyer” (Ent=Entertainment), who has a track record of accuracy. The Daily Beast describes Ent Lawyer as:
“. . . calling out many of Hollywood’s now-ostracized sexually misbehaving elite, sometimes years in advance of the mainstream media.
‘If you had been reading @entylawyer, you’d have known about Matt Lauer. And Harvey [Weinstein]. And Kevin Spacey. Just saying,’ tweeted New York professional Sara Zucker. Or as investigative journalist Mark Ebner (one of only 20 people who knows the blogger’s real-life identity) observes, ‘Enty Lawyer is like the anti-Perez Hilton. In my opinion, that’s what makes him so impressive, is that no one knows who he is, and he’s being proven right again and again. That’s like legendary shit.’”
Famed gossip website http://www.crazydaysandnights.net has for years been a source for behind the scenes gossip about sordid events going on in Hollywood. The main writer ENT LAWYER claims to be a lawyer in the entertainment business and anonymously releases blind items almost every day. He keeps the identities of those in question secret but usually gives enough details that with some google searching it can be narrowed down to a few people.
(His blind item last month on Nov 9th, was particularily disturbing And you can read about that here : Top Lawyer Confirms ‘Poltergeist’ Child Actor Killed by Hollywood Pedophile Ring.)
But yesterday this was Ent Lawyer’s “Blind Items Revealed #4,” posted on January 1, 2018:
I know there are some of you who want to know more about the Bohemian Grove parties. As promised to someone on Twitter, I asked a guy I know who gave me the Kevin Spacey item and goes every year to give me some scoop. Apparently in the very early 80’s, there were two politicians who were at the event one year. They each had sex multiple times with one of the male workers. He was a college student who was HIV+ but didn’t know it.These were early days. Both of the politicians contracted HIV and then AIDS. One died within a couple of years. The other managed to live for quite some time, but did die of AIDS related complications. The crazy thing was the latter politician had basically been thrown out of politics by that point so I’m not sure why he was still being invited.
John Clifton Hinson/Stewart McKinney
Ent Lawyer identified John [sic] Clifton Hinson and Stewart McKinney as the two politicians who got HIV/AIDS from a male worker at the Bohemian Grove.
From Wikipedia‘s entry on Stewart McKinney (R-CT):
Stewart Brett McKinney (January 30, 1931 – May 7, 1987) was an American [Republican] politician who represented the Fourth congressional district of Connecticut in the House of Representatives from 1971 until his death from AIDS in Washington, D.C.in 1987. […]
His physician speculated that McKinney became infected with HIV in 1979 as the result of blood transfusions during heart surgery. McKinney was known by friends to be bisexual, though his family said this was not the case, which raised the issue of how he had contracted the disease. […] Arnold Denson, the man with whom McKinney had been living in Washington, and to whom McKinney left property in his will, said that he had been McKinney’s lover, and that he believed McKinney was already infected when Denson met him.
From Wikipedia’s entry on Jon Clifton Hinson (R-MI):
Jon Clifton Hinson (March 16, 1942 – July 21, 1995) was a Republican U.S. Representative for Mississippi’s 4th congressional district from 1979 to 1981. […]
In 1980, Hinson admitted that in 1976, while an aide to Cochran, he had been arrested for committing an obscene act after he exposed himself to an undercover policeman at the Iwo Jima Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery. Hinson then denied that he was homosexual and blamed his problems on alcoholism. He also said that he had reformed and refused to yield to demands that he resign. He won re-election with a plurality of 38.97 percent of the vote. […]
Hinson, who was married, was arrested again on February 4, 1981, and charged with attempted sodomy for performing oral sex on a male employee of the Library of Congress in a restroom of the House of Representatives. […]
Hinson resigned on April 13, 1981, just three months into his second term in the House…. Soon afterward, Hinson acknowledged that he was homosexual and became an activist for gay rights. He later helped to organize the lobbying group “Virginians for Justice” and fought against the ban on gays in the military.
Hinson died [on July 21, 1995] of respiratory failure resulting from AIDS in Silver Spring, Maryland, at the age of fifty-three.
they hire male gay prostitutes to entertain their famous guests, then the reenactment of pedophilia child rape/murder, pictures and videos are later used to blackmail politicians participating in orgies and other gay sex acts, grove leaders are atheists and many were raped as children themselves, might even use date rape drugs and not remember the event
I did a thread on Bohemian Grove and used the Aramaic Bible called Lilith.
Odd that I am having trouble posting comments on this self proclaimed People Powered site.
The story is most likely completely accurate. I have worked right outside of this disgusting
Bohemian Grove.