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My Last Mile: A fictional short-short story

A Man of Contradictions: A fictional short-short story

Limb from Limb: Horror flash-fiction

In the Recycled Coffin: Horror flash fiction

I Hear You: horror flash fiction

Summary of My After-Dinner Speech Tonight at U.C. Berkeley

Loyalty is Irrational

My First Experience at the 70+ Social Club: A fictional short story

The Ph.D's Dilemma: A fictional short-short story

The Shamer: A fictional short-short story

The 8-Year-Old Detective: A short story for kids…but not really.

In Search of Eyeballs

My book, Baby Steps, FREE for a few days

"Cleaning Up: "A fictional short-short story

A Second Chance: A fictional short-short story

SuperBaby: A short-short story

Superman Updated: A short-short story

What a Hotel Bar Pianist is Thinking: A fictional short-short story

Timeless Love: A fictional short-short story

On Guard: a fictional two-minute story

My book, Work Stories, is free for a few days

If We All Had a Lie Detector: A thought experiment

Quit? A fictional short-short story

Small World: A fictional short-short story

What If There Were No Government: A thought experiment

An Ordinary Day: A fictional short-short story

Getting Less Sad

Why We're Sadder (concise version)

Why We've Become Sadder

My book SENIOR STORIES--2-minute stories is FREE for a few days

Stories With Most Comments

