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The Mark of the Beast Is Alive and Well in Biometric Technology

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We are living in interesting times. More specifically we have come to the end of the age and bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes.

The Mark of the Beast is alive and well in bio-metric technology and it has big brothers stamp of approval all over it. We see the emergence of camera surveillance, finger scanners, iris and retinal scanners, facial recognition, palm scanners, and vein readers; all being rolled out for world wide monitoring. 80 countries currently are implementing these technologies, which clearly speaks to the rise of AI.

What constitutes the Mark is when a person’s physical attributes becomes:


However this violates God’s creation and ownership of mankind and becomes the property of the god of this world.

Revelation13:15-18 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.

Let me address one argument pertaining to the subject; is it “IN” or “ON”?

Some bible versions say that the Mark of the Beast will be “in” the hand and the forehead, while others say “on”. The Greek word in question is “epi” which can be translated as “upon, in, unto, on, of, to, with, for, because of, into, before, toward, against, at, beside, over, and among”.

But let’s add an explanation regarding the word “mark” as in “the mark of the beast”. The Greek word translated as “mark” is “charagma”, which can mean an engraved, etched, branded or inscribed “mark” or “sign”. This definition seems to be common in many Greek reference manuals; but it still doesn’t solve the dilemma. However if it’s “on” we still have a problem. If the mark is a tattoo, is it “on” or “in” the skin? If it’s a chip, is it “on” or “under” the skin? So much of the argument is a mute point when technology has new and dastardly ways to track humans. In this respect the “toxin” of the White Horse Rider permeates the whole person and is then able to control what we do with our thoughts (head) and our actions (hand).

Now another reason I bring this subject into view; there are two Greek manuals that hold similar views on the general meaning of “charagma”. However they add a unique etymological emphasis which alludes to it being like a serpent’s mark from a snake bite.

(Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (vol 9, page 416) Soph. Phil., 267) (Liddell & Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon, Oxford at The Clarendon Press 1968, page 1976)

The Mark of the Beast  is an array of digital technologies that require your body to be the “means of authentication”. To fight such measures people are coordinating “meet up times” to shop and then overwhelm Digital money based stores with cash only in hand. Take the cash whether you like it or not! Pass it on.

Be very prayerful how you proceed in the days ahead! This will determine where you end up in eternity!

Look what else the Mark will be used for:


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