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By Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)
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The Next Plandemic Is Coming... These Are My Heartfelt Words!

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The Next Plandemic Is Coming… These Are My Heartfelt Words!

In this lifetime, you get to experiment with many roles…


Boy… girl

Native… french, english, asian, russian, or how ever you identify, or whatever your blood or country connections are…

Sometimes you identify as a doctor, nurse… mechanic… labourer, business person, entrepreneur, teacher… student… sales person… and on and on….

You have an identity, sometimes you change it, sometimes you refuse to change it…

You have been a victim, or a colonialist…

You have gone natural, and you have lived a very artificial life…

As much as you are repelled by earth life you are also attracted to it…

You like the excitement of being in 3D and 4D.

You might try out the theory: the devil has more fun

You might try out this theory: God doesn’t exist

You might try out this theory: God isn’t that important

You might try out this theory: This is my life and I’m stuck with it

You have believed many things over the years that are not truth and ever were.

You have a lifetime of being indoctrinated and the indoctrination started before you could talk.

You identify as ‘vaccinated’ or unvaccinated.

You identify as a smoker, a drinker, a partier, boring, a bingo player, a sports fan.

But there’s one thing you haven’t given your all yet…

You have yet to fully become a 100% loving human being.

This is what actually scares you.

Yes you have fears… even if you deny it.

You have been scared of getting hurt.

You have been scared of what people think of you.

You are scared of losing your social standing.

You are scared of the real you.

Where’s your humanity.

You may have literally bent over and took it up the ass over the last scamdemic.

You said you did this because you cared too much.

You literally took a bioweapon and then said it was because you cared too much.


You watched a billion people die, and didn’t barely shed a tear.

The children had to be rescued by extraterrestrials while you pondered whether or not it is safe to pull your head out of your ass.

The darkside have been quite successful in turning you into an android.

Some of you think these words are gibberish and think you don’t have nanotechnology in you, but you never cared about the chemtrails that were spraying unknown technology on you for 40 years.

You’re too busy being a good indian… a good friend… a good worker, a good mother or father… you completely forget to be a good human.

A human that remains human.

Yeah you f*cked up big time.

This next plandemic will determine whether or not you are so far gone, that you keep your head stuck up your ass.

You didn’t fight last time.

Cowardly, of course, but you don’t want anyone pointing that out.

You might even think your cowardice is a virtue.

You’d rather stay silent, if the vans pulled up in the middle of the night and took your neighbours, you’d probably be glad it wasn’t you.

However, you’re shit out of luck.

You already eat bugs.

You already eat computer chips.

You already breathe in the nanotechnology.

Is that what a good indian does? A good friend? A good friend of the world?

This next plandemic is set to be WORSE than the last one…. remember, the other one you didn’t even come close to stopping.

Whatcha going to do this time, friend?

It’s all been planned…. they plan on you being cowardly, ignorant, and a blind sheep… AGAIN!.

This time they have A.I. to plot your demise.

This time, you already have the nanotechnology inside you.

Do you think social distancing, or even guns, are going to protect you?

Perhaps you didn’t notice the lasers burning up your forests? Oh you did, but you looked away, perhaps like you have always done.

No body count is too high for you, you always looked away, no matter how many millions died, no matter how many abortions, no matter how many acres the lasers burned.

You numb yourself in so many ways.

You can’t stand what you have become, and at the same time, you know you are inherently lovable and so is everybody else.

You want to fight, but maybe this time, you want to love, even more?

Who knows, until you make that choice.

You waited until all the cards are now stacked against you, to decide if you are ready to truly love yourself and one another.

Oh, some of you reading these words will die, rather than love.

You don’t hear the heart behind these words… only judgment.

You don’t hear God’s words either, only when the devil whispers sweet nothings in your ears.

The devil told you to embrace all technology without question and you listened.

The devil told you to let other people fix the problems of the world, while you create more of them.

The devil tells your ego how superior it is, and you believe it.

You honestly going to take the next death jab, and promote it to others… and you are honestly going to call it leadership?

The last plandemic revealed many mass murderers living among you.

The last plandemic revealed just how broken everything and everyone truly is.

Isn’t it time to become a 100% loving human being, and to give the god within each other a chance?

What do you have to lose? You already lost your humanity or almost lost most of it.

Sitting there in your delusions looking for social likes, in the middle of a genocide and mass extermination.

Open that f*ckin heart… or die. It is your main choice from here on, friend.

Are you going to be a cat who thinks it is a dog?
A women who thinks it is a man?
A zombie who thinks it is truly alive?

The elections are fake.

The news is fake.

The economy is about to crash, and the electricity may soon go out.

Are you the nearly dead, the hardly living, or a real human being, who is designed to love, evolve, grow, and to serve a Higher power?

Go head… search the newsfeed for monkeypox, transhumanism… civilization is crashing down right now… will you remain lost, or will you find the real human you… the one who is designed to love, evolve, grow and who serves a Higher power?

You WILL have to pull your head out of your ass completely to survive this time… no exceptions.

It is my intention to help save another with these words.

Remember, they are coming after you, your children, your community and the world… AGAIN, because you didn’t even come close to stopping them last time.

These words come from your brother, it hasn’t been easy living with you, and the less human you are, the more difficult life will continue to be for you, I can see much more than the average human, and don’t see many of you making it through the days ahead unless you… yup you are getting it, you need to pull your head totally out of your ass, not partially, not just a little bit… no, all the way, my friend. Now, I want you to imagine what life will be like, if only you do this but no one around you does it, and you will have a good idea what it has been like living with you, so let’s be compassionate and forgiving too.

Ricardo Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)


Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)

Indian in the machine (lightwork) / World Teacher & Friends (spiritual) / Before Its News Contributor Feed / Indian in the machine YouTube / Bitchute

Mission Support: Special thanks to all past, present and future supporters of this great mission including most recent: Colleen, Merrilee, Phil, Leesa, Sally, Robert, Kathy and others. This is a mission where we self-ignite our hearts, with the flames of pink (love), blue (power) and yellow (wisdom), and come up with inspired ways to share the great teachings of our extended universal family. Ideally these teachings are widely shared and available in all languages! *For donors, I have a glitch to work out, with Donorbox… in the meantime, the Fundrazr link is super fast and requires no sign up.

  1. Fundrazr (Quick, no sign-in)

2. Paypal

3. Donorbox

4. Indian’s Spirit Shop





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Description: The Next Plandemic Is Coming… These Are My Heartfelt Words! In this lifetime, you get to experiment with many roles… Male…female Boy… girl Native… french, english, asian, russian, or how ever you identify, or whatever your blood or country connections are… Sometimes you identify as a doctor, nurse… mechanic…… Automatically generate Description from Story Content if the text-box is empty. Meta Keywords: Automatically analysis keywords from Story Title and Description if the text-box is empty. Featured Image: Featured Image×570.jpg We support JPG, PNG and GIF. Automatically get the first image in story content if the text-box is empty. Enter the text in the image (*): Click on the image to refresh! Click on me to change image Copyright Notice: Do not post copyrighted material. This includes images, video, music, or text. Unless you are quoting under “fair use”. (Notice that the quote should involve only a small portion of the work, and it should not replicate the ?heart? of the material.) Click here to read our full Copyright Infringement Notification or report abuse. Posting Rules: 1. Do not upload any news stories without permission unless they consist of content you created yourself. Many smaller sites are happy to grant their permission to post all or a portion of original stories appearing on their site — please, ask first. We will take down infringing materials per DMCA. 2. We only accept news stories. If you want to sell something, we suggest Craig’s List or eBay. If you have news about a company or product and it’s really news, post it in the Promotional section only. Informational stories that are not promotional should be posted under Resources — these should not promote a particular product or web site. You may post press releases, provided they meet our news guidelines. 3. You may post links but they will not show up on the front page or be indexed by any search engines. Links may be included in your Personal News Network, a coming feature of Before It’s News. 4. You are welcome to cross post from your site and include a prominent link back, provided you include at least 500 words and the story is current. If your site is interesting to our viewers, we can take your full RSS feed automatically. We do not take headline or partial RSS feeds because they waste our viewer’s time and are not covered by the search engines. 5. We do not allow profanity, pornography or stories that are libelous or defamatory. This site is viewed in homes with children and in offices and we do not allow materials that go beyond PG-13. Your story will usually be crawled and indexed within 30 minutes and you will receive email notifications. You don’t need to respond or take any action, these are only notifications. These emails can be turned off in your Settings page. You can track the search engine progress by clicking on the small search logo in the upper right hand corner of your story. The number of times your story has been viewed is listed at the top of your story. Good luck with your story! The Before It’s News Team By clicking “SUBMIT STORY”, you are representing that this story does not violate Before It’s News’ Terms of Use and that this is your copyrighted material or you have authorization to upload it. Disable comment on this story Include this story in search engines You can set this automatically for all stories on your profile page

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