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By Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)
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Bible "Revelations" Written In 16th Century!!

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Bible “Revelations” Written In 16th Century!!

Sananda: Dear Ones, I Greet you with Love,

I am very happy to be speaking with you today. Once again, there are many questions concerning Your current and possible future events.

Deception has indeed played a significant role throughout history on Earth, particularly when it comes to the manipulation of ancient texts that have been made available to the public. One striking example of this manipulation can be found in the book of Revelation within modern Western Bibles. Surprisingly, many are unaware that the book of Revelation was not originally included in the Bible as you know it today. Its author, a man from what is now Turkey, penned this apocalyptic text, which was later incorporated into the biblical canon by the Catholic organization during the 16th century.

Another interesting fact is, The Book of revelation is not included in any Eastern Christian Texts, Such as The Russian Orthodox Bible. This shows that the Main manipulation has been within the Catholic Created religions using the Western bible.

This act shows malevolent motives behind such decisions and the impact they have had on shaping religious beliefs and practices over time. Additionally, the term “Rapture,” often associated with the events described in the book of Revelation, is notably absent from any original texts, further highlighting the discernment needed surrounding the interpretation and dissemination of religious scripture.

By exploring the historical context and the process of canonization, you can witness the way that the church has played a big role in the manipulation. This also helps one to gain a deeper understanding of how the interplay between Those in power, Them keeping their Control, and how they even control knowledge that is given to the public.

Now with that being said,

This manipulation serves a multifaceted purpose that delves deep into the realm of control and power dynamics. The dark forces, with their intricate strategies and long-term vision, have been meticulously leveraging the Law of Attraction over centuries to sow seeds of apocalyptic thoughts in the collective consciousness of humanity. By implanting these ominous ideas, their ultimate goal is to solidify their grip over the planet, steering it towards a future marked by depopulation and total enslavement.

The manipulation orchestrated by these dark forces is not merely a random act but a calculated move aimed at reshaping the very fabric of society. Through the manipulation of Humanities thoughts and emotions, they seek to influence the course of human history, molding it according to their malevolent intentions. This insidious agenda, shrouded in secrecy and deception, operates on a grand scale, permeating every aspect of human existence.

The Archons, or the Dark Forces, throughout history, have cunningly orchestrated a complex web of manipulation that extends deep into the human consciousness. Their insidious influence is evident in the alterations made to ancient texts, twisting truths and distorting knowledge to suit their nefarious agenda.

By exploiting the powerful principle of the law of attraction, they have sown seeds of discord and chaos, steering the collective mindset of humanity towards a path of destruction.

The Dark ones operate in the shadows, orchestrating a grand design that spans centuries, all with the ominous purpose of fulfilling their dark prophecy and Trying to Stop the Ascension of the Earth and Humanity.

These malevolent forces operate with a chilling precision, preying on the vulnerabilities and fears of individuals to further their sinister goals. The Dark ones wield a sophisticated understanding of human psychology, manipulating emotions and beliefs to create a pervasive atmosphere of fear, uncertainty and instability.

Their ultimate aim is to bring about the Apocalypse, a cataclysmic event of unfathomable proportions that they have long anticipated. By sowing seeds of discord and exploiting the vulnerabilities of the human psyche, they seek to tip the scales towards a final apocalyptic confrontation that will Put Humanity in total fear and chaos. This is all being done to Totally disrupt the ascension process, and enslave whats left of the human population. 

There is a growing sense of widespread fear among humanity regarding the anticipated apocalyptic events, such as the 7 years of tribulation, the Antichrist, and various other prophesied occurrences outlined in the Book of Revelation. This belief system is shaping their perception, and creating the scenario. The human mind, when operating unconsciously, is highly susceptible to influence and manipulation.

The truth behind these events is that Humanity is creating it for themselves. The Archons Prophecies are intricately intertwined with the collective consciousness of humanity through thousands of years of Manipulation. It is believed that these prophecies hold the power to manifest only if humanity collectively believes in them and actively contributes to their creation. This is the understanding that the fate of humanity lies in its own hands, as the thoughts, actions, and beliefs of individuals shape the reality they experience.

 By understanding and acknowledging the role that human consciousness plays in the manifestation of prophecies, individuals are empowered to take control of their own destinies and create a future that aligns with their highest good.

Some of these events may actually occur due to their creation by the Masses.


You create your own Reality, based on what you believe. If you believe that you are heading for a Brighter future, then that is what you will experience. The dark does not control what the Forces of Light will do. They can not create Prophecies to force The Light to do anything. This includes my Return, and how it will play out. You No Longer need to worry, The forces of Light are not bound by Prophecy, and Neither are You.

I Love you all, so very much, Soon we will walk together once again.

I Am.

Message from Sananda Christos.

Intuitive Transmission By Chellea Wilder, at Universal Lighthouse

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RPK (IITM): Yeah, revelations is a playbook created by dark forces, to keep steering humanity into an organized collapse of everything. This is another reason, why I do NOT recommend the bible… or ‘el bib’ as I like to call it… that nasty book that the vatican wants people to read.

Oh, everything does crumble however, but not because God is punishing humanity, but because it is the beginning of a new age.

The bible doesn’t match this!

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