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By Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)
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Dentists Don't Want You Tt Know This! How I Cured My Tooth Abscess, and Saved My Tooth From Getting Pulled!

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Dentists Don’t Want You To Know This! How I Cured My Tooth Abscess, And Saved My Tooth From Getting Pulled!!

  1.  Tooth pain is some of the worst pain I have ever experienced. I was in so much pain yesterday, I was debating in my thoughts, whether or not I should get my teeth pulled.  However I was concerned that if I lost any more teeth, that I would need dentures, so I was in quite the predicament, and desperate to keep my remaining teeth!
  2.  I was reading earthclinic for tooth abscess remedies.
  3. So I tried many things throughout the day: including my special tooth drink, but also gargling with black salt and water, powdered clothes and water, oil pulling with olive oil, baking soda and water, oregano tea.
  4. My special miracle tooth drink:  Glass of sparkling water, squeeze of lemon, pinch of powdered garlic, pinch of Himalayan salt, pinch of magnesium citrate, tiny pinch of boron, and 1 tsp. of colloidal silver.  I sipped this throughout the night until I fell asleep. 
  5. I believe there was a key ingredient in the sparkling water, perhaps oxygen, but I can’t be certain, however, sparkling water worked pretty much as good as the garlic, and kept the pain to a minimum.
  6. Boron is a key ingredient because it fuses the calcium and magnesium to the teeth; it hardens the teeth, and even bones.
  7. Lemon contains the enzymes that help with the biological chemical reactions and is antiseptic.
  8. On my cheek:  Olive oil and apple cider vinegar, to normalize and disinfect.
  9. However within a day, I woke up surprised that the pain had almost completely disappeared!
  10. Okay, it wasn’t that simple and I made a grave mistake. I had mistakenly thought there was absolutely nothing to worry about, and because I was famished from hardly eating the two days before.  So I ate first thing in the morning:  toast and peanuts.  Big mistake.  The infected part was still somewhat raw, and the hard foods aggravated the healing tissue.
  11. After I ate, I was back in pain mode… lesson learned.
  12. I repeated the things that worked the previous day (except for the colloidal silver which I ran out of), and by the next day, I was once again pain free.
  13. This time, I did NOT eat on that side of my mouth, for the next five days.
  14. This time, it was total smooth sailing.
  15. Rinsing your teeth is actually better for teeth than regular brushing, because maintaining the biofilm is required for best tooth care.
  16. I believe many people have teeth issues because brushing teeth with detergents, has a detrimental effect on oral health.  Yes, brush, if you have stuck particles, but not as regular maintenance, when rinsing is perfectly adequate and doesn’t damage the biofilm.
  17. I can’t say for sure what exactly worked, because I did so many things as listed, however I can tell you, that it was like experiencing a health miracle.  Where one day the pain was so bad and throbbing, that it felt like the pain was travelling to my eyes and brain, and then the next day, it was like I had experienced a miracle.  I want you to know there is another alternative to getting your teeth pulled, because those teeth can easily be saved.  I’m glad I trusted in all those natural remedies, and if I hadn’t eaten right away using the infected side of my mouth, I’m certain, I would have healed even sooner. I believe garlic, sparkling water, and colloidal silver were key, but that everything helped.  For sure, many are deficient in magnesium and boron, which are both key teeth minerals.  Was there oxygen in the sparkling water?  Whatever was there, sure worked too!

May humanity be healed from all that ails us, with wisdom, good health practices, and faith in our ability to consciously manage our body’s healing processes, Blessings, Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine) (See links to support my mission, below) Indian in the machine (lightwork) / World Teacher & Friends (spiritual) / The Yellow Ray (updates) / Before Its News Contributor Feed / Indian in the machine YouTube / Bitchute / Donorbox / Paypal / Shop MOST POWERFUL WORDS EVER HEARD IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD – THE GREAT PETITIONS / New book coming soon! “Everyday Christ”

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