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By Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)
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Ben Fulford Mega Update 7/28: United States Corporation Will Be Dismantled Says CIA Source, Western Starvation Blackmail Card Removed, Switzerland The Root Cause Of All World Terrorism, Klaus Schwab Monster, WHO Tedros Group Listed In Gov't Global Terrorism Database, Planetary Liberation Unstoppable!!

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Ben Fulford Mega Update: United States Corporation Will Be Dismantled Says CIA Source, Western Starvation Blackmail Card Removed, Switzerland The Root Cause Of All World Terrorism, Klaus Schwab Monster, WHO Tedros Group Listed In Gov’t Global Terrorism Database, Planetary Liberation Unstoppable!!

July 25, 2022

Secret UK, Russia peace deal means Ukraine war being wound down

Last week a secret deal was reached between the Russian and UK governments to wind down the Ukraine war. This is part of a broader settlement agreement that will lead to a complete overhaul of existing international institutions this autumn, MI6 and Russian FSB sources say. However, in a desperate attempt to impose medical martial law on the planet, the Khazarian Mafia is mounting a fierce counter-offensive by rolling out a massive bio-weapons attack. This means an international manhunt against top Khazarian Mafia agents will continue throughout the summer in order to prevent this from happening, multiple sources agree. OK, let us start with the visible signs that some sort of peace treaty has been agreed to. The most obvious sign was the announcement that the “fully vaccinated and twice boosted,” so-called President Joe Biden “tested positive” for COVID last Thursday and has gone into isolation.  

 Mossad sources say Saudi Arabian leader Mohammed bin Sultan (MBS) “bump fisted pedo Biden right into testing positive for Covid and sent the wimp home empty-handed.” CIA sources, for their part, asked “How can it be that Pedo Joe has tested positive? He must be getting an AI upgrade or worse. The Alliance doesn’t need to interrogate this worn-out puppet…” There is a lot of speculation that “Biden” will not re-emerge and will either be replaced by Vice President Kamala Harris or by Donald Trump, depending on who you talk to. The fact is, it does not matter if the Biden show resumes or if a new “president” is installed because the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION is bankrupt and will be dismantled, CIA sources say. MI6 sources for their part had the following to say “We ceased the American president on election fraud. We have installed a new government in London albeit under full military martial law.” In any case, another sign that something fundamental has changed is that Russia has resumed sending gas to Germany via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline following a ten-day “maintenance break.” According to P3 Freemason sources, what happened was the leadership of Western Europe decided to ignore orders “coming from Rabbis in New York who think they are involved in a holy war against Russia.” The other big sign that something fundamental changed was this news item: Representatives from Ukraine and Russia signed Friday an agreement to resume grain exports in a meeting mediated by the United Nations, as fears mount over a food crisis triggered by soaring commodity prices. The deal, reached in Istanbul during a four-way meeting also including the United Nations and Turkey, will guarantee safe sea routes after passage through the Black Sea was blocked due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. = This means the Western starvation blackmail card has been removed. This was one of the strongest cards held by the people who control the G7 group of countries so, its removal from the table is yet another sign a peace treaty has been reached. It is in these circumstances that MI6 chief Richard Moore made a rare public appearance at a security conference in Aspen, Colorado where he hinted a temporary cease-fire agreement has been made in Ukraine by saying: “Our assessment is that the Russians will increasingly find it difficult to find manpower and materiel over the next few weeks.” He then revealed the real situation by admitting “We are in for a tough time,” and need to help the Ukrainians “at least negotiate from a position of significant strength”, because China’s leader Xi Jinping was “watching like a hawk”. Behind the scenes, MI6 informed the Asian Secret Societies “If Zug, Switzerland, the root cause of all world terrorism, is not vaporized and indeed all of Switzerland and all connected with it either now or in the near future, we will end all East-West contact.” The source further warned, “If the so-called White Dragon Society cannot terminate a global filth column KM, we will take matters into our hands and that will be thermonuclear.”  

  There are a lot of people who are wondering why the area around Lake Geneva, Switzerland has not been hit already with a nuclear weapon. There are over 200 organizations there that hand out passports that give people immunity from prosecution anywhere on earth. Who gave them that right? Their Davos World Economic Forum and their leader Klaus Schwab Rothschild want to vaccinate all humans on earth with gene altering substances that are designed to turn them into domesticated animals. Those who accept this regime will be given food rations. Those who don’t will be eliminated. Take a look at their agenda below:  

  Now listen to this monster speak.  These international criminals of course are not planning to go quietly into the night. The Swiss-based World Harm Organization (WHO) has decided against all scientific evidence to declare an unprecedented “global health emergency,” based on “Monkeypox.” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus overruled the decision of the expert committee who voted against the declaration.” Tedros is not a doctor and is a member of the “Tigray People’s Liberation Front” which was declared a terrorist organization by the US government in the 1990s and is to this day cataloged as part of the Global Terror Database. Here you can watch the Russian Ministry of Defense talk about the Bio Labs and Bioweapons the Russians found in Ukraine. Many of them were under the control of the so-called President’s son Hunter Biden.  The fact their massive Covid vaccine program has now been shown beyond any doubt to have done far more harm than good is blowing up in their faces. Trying again with “monkeypox” is not going to save them. “They are so busted. This charade cannot go on much longer,” a Mossad source comments. The governments of the world have been given irrefutable evidence that the so-called United Nations infrastructure in Switzerland is a cover for high-level criminals who have seized most of the civilian governments in the West. For example, in a sign of just how corrupt the so-called Biden regime in the US is, last week the Democratic Party voted unanimously to allow the US Department of Energy to sell oil from the strategic petroleum reserve at a discount to a Chinese company that Hunter Biden has a stake in. Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock and puppet for the KM puppet masters, says “markets like totalitarian governments and don’t like democracies” like in America. He says it openly.Black Rock, for those of you who still don’t know this, controls, along with Vanguard and State Street and Banking most of the world’s transnational corporations. They are fronts for the real controllers such as the Rothschild and Rockefeller families. The removal of Prime Minister Mario Draghi from power in Italy is a sign the P3 freemasons are finally taking action. Goldman Sachs scion Draghi is the former head of the European Central Bank and one of the last remaining KM leaders in Western Europe. When Emmanuelle Macron, the Rothschild slave president of France is removed, then it really will be game over for the cabal in Europe.  

  These people, realizing they were in danger of losing control of the West, have been trying to hand everything over to China in exchange for protection. Listen to Klaus Schwab Rothschild below. His real meaning is, “let’s bow down to China and give them a major boost on the world stage and weaken and destroy the United States from within.”Of course, the Chinese are not stupid and realize that taking these people into their trust would be like a caterpillar taking in eggs from a parasitic wasp. Already there are signs China has been eaten from the inside out by the Babylonian debt slavery system the KM uses to control societies. The Chinese communist party, which was created by the KM, has been at the forefront of pushing a nationwide system of face recognition cameras. These allow authorities to identify any individual within seconds. They can then pull up their social credit score and other data. Those who are not obedient are prevented from using public transport etc. This system is now blowing up in their faces. In Henan Province demonstrators who began approaching a bank, after their savings had been stolen, had their mobile devices set off to make it seem they had “Covid” and had to be isolated. This obvious misuse of something that was meant to protect people made them so angry, that the government was forced to deploy tanks on the street. The problem is that it is not just one bank. The entire Chinese financial system is now imploding. This is likely to bring down the Chinese government. Here is why: Real estate accounts for close to 80% of all Chinese savings. When the price was rising, people felt rich and contented. However, prices got so high that in some towns average workers would have to spend their entire income for 44 years and go without food or clothing in order to buy a place to live. At the same time, close to 30% of all apartments were uninhabited because their rich owners did not want to rent them and thus see them become devaluated “second hand,” properties. Now, as prices begin to fall all over China, individuals and corporations are refusing to pay their housing loans. At the last account, this was affecting over 600 properties in 50 cities. This November Chinese President Xi Jinping was supposed to be anointed as dictator for life. That is looking increasingly unlikely. An Asian secret society source based in South East Asia says China is “very close to a full-blown rise up of the people. The banks taking the peoples’ money is the final straw after the Covid BS had already left them seething.” The government in Beijing was already forced to cancel mandatory vaccines within 48 hours after a massive backlash. Also, the government was forced to back off after it tried to force residents to wear electronic monitoring wristbands, worn 24 hours a day. The wristband is connected to the internet and monitors body temperature every five minutes. The corresponding app has access to phone location, camera, and microphone, said state-sponsored media China Daily. The international planetary liberation alliance has told the Chinese communist party to back off. “Watch the water and watch the 3 Gorges Dam,” a secret space program source warns. In any case, the entire world is waking up to the fact the Western-dominated unipolar world order is “becoming a brake on the development of our civilization,” says Russian presidential Avatar Vladimir Putin.   The ruling classes of the Western countries, which are supranational and globalist in nature, realised that their policies are increasingly detached from reality, common sense and the truth, and they have started resorting to openly despotic methods. The West, which once declared such principles of democracy as freedom of speech, pluralism and respect for dissenting opinions, has now degenerated into the opposite: totalitarianism. This includes censorship, media bans, and the arbitrary treatment of journalists and public figures.   Now, with the attempt to use the pandemic to turn the planet into a giant animal farm blowing up, we need to keep an eye on their next big move, the long-planned “alien invasion.” On this front, the US Department of Defense has set up an “All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), to detect, identify and attribute…anomalous, unidentified space, airborne, submerged and transmedium objects.” So as is our recent practice we will conclude with the latest unusual sightings from around the world, including one filmed personally by a colleague of mine in Texas:  Just remember, we must not let any space opera fool us into accepting slavery. Planetary liberation is not going to be stopped

IITM:  These updates are so incredible, because they highlight the dark recesses of world leadership and their strategies, and also give hope that indeed earth will and is being liberated.  The clash of darkness and light, is no better witnessed, than with eyes open now.
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